Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Thanks. But don't be afraid to tell me if you feel I'm taking his amnesia too far.)

Forge nodded in understanding as Freya told him what the various words meant; he knew that he would be able to figure out how and when to use them.

He then followed her into the bathroom and watched as she explained how to use the shower; he thought it was interesting how this thing worked. A water dispenser that let people clean themselves? Not to mention the strange bottles of liquid; though he didn't quite understand why people would need water if they could clean themselves. Again, he assumed that it was something everyone did and if it didn't hurt them, he shouldn't worry about it. When Freya left the bathroom, Forge disrobed and stepped into the shower. He took a minute to try and familiarize himself with the shower controls. When he pushed the button to make the water go, he pushed it a bit too much and got blasted with ice-cold water. He gave a small yelp of surprise; he pushed the button and the water stopped. His heart felt jumpy; he wasn't expecting that.

This time, he turned the knob above the water button and pressed the button again, a bit softer this time. The water came out a bit softer, and much warmer. This felt good. really good. He then pushed the button in a bit more, causing the water to come out faster. Grabbing the washcloth, he took one of the bottles Freya told him about and squeezed it; however, he probably squeezed too hard because the top burst with an audible POP! and made the liquid coat the entire washcloth and a good part of the shower floor. He looked at the bottle; whereas before it was partially empty, all the liquid was now gone. "Uh......." he said, not really sure what just happened. He then bent down and picked up the top to the bottle. He placed it back on and put the empty bottle back where he got it from; he'd tell Freya he was sorry and that he didn't know that would happen. He hoped Freya wouldn't be too mad with him.

He then proceeded to wash himself, scrubbing every part of his body; the water turned dark as it ran down the drain, indicative of just how much grime had built up on him. He then washed his rather unkempt brown hair, using another bottle of liquid, but this time squeezing it quite a bit gentler. After that was done, he pushed the button to turn off the water. He then stepped out of the shower and used the large cloth to dry himself as Freya instructed. He had to say, he felt a lot better after doing this.

Grabbing his clothes and walking out of the bathroom, he remembered that Freya said she'd be in the kitchen. She said that she had some clothes for him to change into to sleep in; did people wear something different when they slept? He eventually found her washing the plates they had used earlier. He first though wanted to say he was sorry for spilling her bottle of body-cleaning liquid. "Miss Chtuhilin....I accidentally squeezed a bottle of the body-cleaner too hard and it all spilled out. I just wanted to apologize in advance."

What he didn't do that he should have done was put his jeans back on; luckily, the way he was carrying his clothes, they covered his privates. Well, on his front, anyway.

(Lol, sorry about the last part. I wanted to see how Freya would react to seeing Forge naked XD)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( I shall, though I don't think I'll ever need to. )

  • Considering she didn't hear any weird or loud noises of potential disaster from the bathroom, Freya felt that Forge must have been having an easy enough time getting used to it. She was indefinitely confident in his understanding of the shower though, and she figured he would get the hang of it even if he was met with any trouble initially. She saved what little food was leftover and washed her hands, leaving the kitchen momentarily to lay out Forge's pajama bottoms on the bed beside some lotion before returning to the kitchen.

    As she started on the dishes, Freya wondered if Forge ould be aware of lotion and how to use it, but it was likely not to be the case. She stored away the thought, wanting to remind herself when he was out of the shower to use some. Humming quietly, she scrubbed the dishes, loading some into the dishwasher and simply rinsing others and setting them in the rack to dry. Tomorrow would be busy for them, but she felt that she could plan the day adequately enough to allow them to accomplish everything.

    Meeting Boss would be easy, and since they'd be at the club, she could introuduce him to Death Scythe perhaps and get him to the DWMA. If all went well, he could enroll there and be a step closer to recovering his memories and understanding himself and his abilities. Well, she hoped that would be the case. Finishing with some of the plates, she started the dishwasher and dried her hands before perking up, hearing her name and and Forge's voice.

    "Eh-EH!?" As soon as she turned around, she flinched backwards, hands bracing themselves on the counter before flying to cover her eyes, though she still had to peek through her fingers. "F-Forge!? U-uhh. That's okay! Don't worry about it! But what are you-? Oh, nevermind. Um, I'll take care of that, you just go in my room, but on some of that lotion and change into the pants in there on the bed." She walked towards him, prepared to follow and help him if he needed her assistance, but unsure how to follow him without getting too much of an eyeful.

    Trying not to look at too much of his body and actually keep her eyes on his face, she let one hand fall from her face and started heading for the bathroom. "U-umm... I'm going to get ready for my shower too. Um, if you need me though, just call for me." She wanted to be flustered, but she was somewhat amused by how awkward their situations could get. Well, awkward for her.

  • ( No, I love it, lol. x'D That's such a perfect situation. )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge was initially startled by Freya's jump backwards; did his being unclothed make her do that? He made a mental note to not present himself in an undressed state to her in the future.

He then nodded and said "OK" as he watched Freya leave, and then went into the bedroom. He found a pair of black pants and a yellow bottle of this 'lotion' sitting on the bed. He put his old clothes in a pile on the floor; he'd ask Freya what to do with them when she came back.

When he put on the pants, he initially found them to be a bit tight; they seemed, however, to be made of a stretchy material that made them a bit more comfortable. The bottoms of the pants creeped up to rest around his calves, indicative that they were a bit small.

He then grabbed the bottle, and using a gentle pressure, squeezed some out onto his hand. He reasoned out that he was supposed to use this on his entire upper body, and so he did. After that was done, he sat down on the edge of the bed. He then looked up and saw that the gun he had taken was still on the dresser. He walked over and picked it up, turning it over in his hands to look at it. He wondered why people needed these things; Freya had said the man who used it was a...criminal. "Criminal..." he said to himself, noting the obvious negative connotation.

Then, without warning, he began seeing weird things; numbers began falling down in front of him, and a yellow outline traced itself around the gun before expanding to show what Forge presumed the gun would look like if it was bigger. "What.....?" he said before the biggest surprise of all would come; his hand literally split open to reveal long, silvery tendrils that wrapped themselves around the gun. The pain was excruciating, causing Forge to howl loudly as the tendrils disassembled the gun and absorbed it into his body, piece by piece.

His breathing quickened as he collapsed, clutching his wrist in agony. The red marks returned as well; however, Forge had not seen them. "W...ha..AAAGH!" he shouted as the final piece was absorbed into his body. He then laid on the floor, his body covered in cold sweat, his massive chest rising and falling dramatically as his breathing slowed. The red marks on his bodyrhythmically as his heart raced at a mile a minute, adrenaline from the pain coursing through his body.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Once more offering him a nervous smile, she nodded as well before entering the bathroom. She was pleased to see that it was mostly in order, though a check over things did show that Forge had indeed caused a spill with the bodywash, but that was no problem. She chuckled softly under breath, throwing away the old bottle and grabbing a new one from under the sink. She started her water and grabbed her towel and washcloth from the cabinet before stripping and getting in the shower, a very contented sigh escaping her lips.

    A nice, hot shower after a long day really did the trick. Her muscles loosened and she felt the stress leave her body. It was nice to get all the dirt, grime and dust from the day off too. Washing didn't take much, but she made special attention to wash her hair with extra care, wanting to be sure it was properly cleaned and fresh. Having finished rinsing out the conditioner, she held herself under the shower head for a second, massaging her scalp delicately before pausing. "...Forge?" Maybe she was hearing things, but as the realization dawned on her, she quickly straightened up, worried about the amnesiac young man.

    "Forge!" Not bothering to shut off the shower, she whipped the shower curtain open, grabbing her towel and throwing it around herself while running to her bedroom. There in the room, Forge was sprawled across the floor. That was enough to bring her great worry, but the fact that he had broken out into a cold sweat was even more cause for concern. And worse yet, those marks were back. Resting a hand on his arm delicately, Freya kneeled by his side, eyes wide with worry. "Forge? What's wrong?"

    Leaning over him, she frowned at the marks and noticed he was holding his wrist, but nothing seemed abnormal about his arm or hand. "Can I do anything to help? What's going on!?" To say she was frightened for his sake was an understatement. She couldn't even begin to piece together what may have happened. If the red marks were back, maybe it had to do with his ability and that other half? Or maybe something else was going on? Either way, it ate away at Freya for not being able to help him.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge's heart and mind were still racing; though it was considerably less than it was a few moments ago. The pain from having his hand split open like that was beginning to subside. He was still in shock as to what just happened; why did his hand do that? For that matter, why did he see all those weird numbers and lines?

He then heard someone talk to him and lay a hand on his arm; he looked up and saw it was Freya. "M...miss..Chtuhilin? I don't know.....the gun I took...from the robber...my body...my hand, to be exact...I think it.....absorbed it." he said in between heavy breaths. He then sat up, staring at his hand before looking over the rest of his body. "Were these the red marks you were talking about?" he asked in a bit of a scared tone. He didn't know what these were, having never seen them before.

He stood up and practically ran over to one of the walls to look in a mirror; the marks were all over his face. He then looked at his legs; sure enough, they were there as well. Staring at his reflection, he could only think one thing, and he blurted it out, "Just what on earth am I?"
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Relieved that he had the strength and will to talk, Freya leaned in to hear his words. Needless to say, concern was still etched on her features. What was going on with his body? It was full of surprises and unexpected factors. There were so many questions and yet still, a devastating lack of answers. As he sat up, she rested her other hand on his back, still concerned but more worry worn on her fatures, thankful he could move well and had the energy to sit up.

    Nodding slowly, her eyes looked over the red marks once more, a concerned frown on her lips. The scared tone in his voice was quite justified, and she wished she had come comfort or consolation to offer him, but there was nothing she could say to ease his burdens or worry. She didn't even understand it herself or know where to begin. It seemed Forge didn't even understand himself much, even less than she initially believed. More than ever, she wished there was someone who could provide them the answers to what was going on with him, but there was no way to even figure out who out there knew him, if anyone at all.

    Dropping her head, Freya's lips turned further into their frown before she stood up and approached him. She couldn't bring herself to look into his face for some time, but she eventually was able to lift her head, looking into his eyes. "I don't know Forge, and I don't think either of us knows anyone who can tell you that entirely." Unbearably quiet and soft, her voice would have been hard to pick up for anyone else, but it held a calm and resolved tone. She brought up a hand and rested on his back, her features not yet smiling, but in a way, reassuring.

    "But we're going to find a way to get answers." She desperately wished she knew of anything to provide some form of an answer, hint or clue, but they would simply have to make do and take it one step at a time. If they had no answers now, they'd go to people who could at least help him learn to control and make better use of his abilities. Freya certainly wasn't certified to teach any of that after all and wasn't even sure what to make of Forge's display of skill - except that it was impressive and quite fearsome. Dropping her hand from his back, she left his side and looked helpless for a minute before she picked up the short, wispy nightgown she earlier laid out and took it into the lotion to change in the bathroom.

    Sighing quietly, she returned to the room and trodded over to the edge, plopping down on the edge with her hands in her lap, somberly looking at them. If things went well, they'd be able to get him enrolled at DWMA soon and hopefully, he could regain more of his memories and gain answer slowly but sure. That was the ideal path, anyway. Who knew how things would go tomorrow. But she was determined to do her best to help him. Managing to bring a driven expression to her face, Freya rose from the bed, taking a couple of her many pillows and tossing them on the floor and leaving the room, only to return momentarily with a comforter and sheet.

    Arranging the comforter on the floor, she put the pillows and blanket it on it as well before going to the wall of the opposite side of the room, flicking on the dim light. "Tomorrow won't come any sooner, and you've been through a lot. Lets get our rest so we'll be refreshed tomorrow, alright?" Tilting her head, she gave him a small smile, trying to be optimistic. "When you're ready to sleep, you can turn off the light by turning the switch." She pointed to the switch and lied down on the comforter, putting the blanket over her and wrapping half of the comforter she wasn't lying on over herself. Even her bed was quite big, so the comforters and blankets she had as well were quite large and accomodating. Not only would they actually be able to ensure Forge's comfort, but she could make her own improved sleeping bag of sorts out of them.

    Fluffing a pillow and lying her head on it, she focused her gaze on a distant point, mind racing yet slowing down. "You know, maybe getting out again and doing more tomorrow will help bring back some of your memories. And if not, we'll just keep having more new experiences for you until they return."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge felt Freya put her hand on his back and listened to her words. He then turned his head and saw her looking up at him; he somehow found her gaze to be extremely comforting. He then saw her walk over to the bed and sit down, telling that they would find out the answers to these questions. He turned his head back to his reflection, bringing a hand to his face as he saw the red marks fade before disappearing completely. Forge then smiled and let a small chuckle; she seemed to know exactly what to say to make his troubles appear more manageable, a quality he quickly came to admire about her. But she was right, the answers would be found. One way or another.

He then turned to thank her for her kindness, only to find that Freya was gone. "Hmm?" he said as Freya walked back into the room carrying two large covers. He was about to thank her for bringing him something to sleep in when he noticed that she was laying down on the floor. "Uh....Miss Chtuhilin? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't that where you normally sleep?" he asked as pointed to her bed, not really sure as to why she was sleeping on the floor.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • At the least, the sound of a chuckle had reached her eyes, and Freya was thankful for the fact that Forge's mood had lightened considerably. She hated to see him so distressed, even rightfully so. But she felt he didn't deserve to feel caught up in such somber emotions, especially with how the turn of events were occuring. It brought her mood to a lighter place and made her happier knowing he felt better. She felt another small smile on her lips; small, but strong.

    "Hm?" Looking up at him, she propped herself up on her elbows while lying on her stomach. "Wha? Oh!" Immediately, she waved her hands frantically and shook her head. "Well yes, but I could never ask you to sleep anywhere else but on the bed yourself! And I don't want to make you uncomfortable or be a bother." She blushed slightly, smiling shyly and looking away. Forge probably didn't realize the implications of sharing a bed, but of course, sometimes there simply were no implications attached. And yet... She would be comfortable on the floor. ...Or on the bed. With-.

    Turning onto her side, she tried to herself from dwelling on it, feeling her blush intensify. "U-uh... You can take the bed. It's comfortable down here."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge was confused;he thought that he would be sleeping on the floor and Freya would take her bed. It was hers, after all, so it only seemed natural that that's how things would play out. Well, she did say she was comfortable sleeping on the floor, but still, it didn't feel right to Forge to take something that was hers.

"Well, if you're sure, then alright" he said in an uneasy tone, which reflected his thoughts. He climbed into bed, which creaked and squeaked under the pressure of Forge's relatively large weight. He then pulled the coverings that the bed had to offer over his form; he instantly felt relaxed. He then spoke, in a satisfied tone, "Miss Chtuhilin? Thank you again, for everything you've done for me. See you in the morning." "I'll find some way to repay you kindness, Miss Chtuhilin." he then continued in his thoughts. Forge then began drifting off to sleep, the relief from today's stressful events carrying him into dreamland.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Nodding rapidly, Freya resisted burying herself in the blanket and comforter while giving a small smile. When he climbed on to the bed, she sighed internally and fixed herself on her side, getting more comfortable and pressing her head further into the pillow. Picking up his voice, Freya perked up somewhat, eyes looking up to the bed. His satisfied tone widened her smile, and his words brought a shower of warmth over her. "You're welcome, Forge. Good night, see you in the morning." It was nice to hear him so content anc comfortable. He had been through a lot and deserved to settle down and have a good rest after his day.

    As her own eyes shut slowly, Freya could feel her body loosening more as she succumbed to the inevitable sleep, body finally relaxing completely as her mind slipped into the unconscious. The two had had a long and much too action-packed day, but it wouldn't be the first.

    Waking up the next morning, refreshed and with a fit sleep still hanging in her body, Freya turned on her back, eyes blinking slowly and a goofy, tired smile on her lips. She sighed contentedly before yawning and slowly sitting up, stretching her arms haphazardly. Without a second thought, she went on her morning routine, committing it almost as though she was a robot programmed to. She headed to the kitchen, her thin, short nightgown trailing about her thighs. Once in the kitchen however, she began lulling again before shuffling about and preparing breakfast. Only part way through did her mind cue in to itself that she would be cooking for two, and one of the two seemed to eat quite a bit. She fixed the proportions pretty quickly.

    Stumbling about the kitchen, she got out dishes and set them on the table with a pair of glasses before putting the food onto plates and setting them in the middle of the table. Stumbling back out of the kitchen to her room, Freya dropped onto the edge of the bed, sitting with her legs folded under her. Rubbing an eye, she leaned forward and smiled drowsily. "Breakfast is ready. Oh... Yeah." She promptly left her post on the bed to go to the bathroom, searching under her sink before putting a toothbrush in the same holder as her's. It was lucky she tended to have spares of almost everything. Leaving the bathroom, she sauntered back into the kitchen and dropped herself into one of the seats before slowly starting breakfast.

    The morning routine with her was a bit odd, considering she woke up, cooked and ate and then headed back to bed again before really waking up, but no doubt that she would leave the dreamy sheepland soon and return to be alongside those awake and going.

    "By the way Forge, was there anything you wated to do today?" Her words came out slow and sleepy, but relaxed and as warm as ever. Then again, that was generally natural for her.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Sorry for replying so late. My computer was acting up)

While Forge was asleep, he felt...strange. Like someone was watching him; he could feel their gaze, yet when he opened his eyes, no one was there. He didn't make a sound as he moved his head to scan the room; it was empty. He let it go, being too tired to worry about. And as long as Freya wasn't in any danger, he was fine. He then drifted back to sleep and would sleep through the whole night uninterrupted.

Forge was still deep in sleep when Freya had gotten up and went about her morning routine. It was interesting to note that even for someone of Forge's size, he didn't snore; most people would associate body size with loudness of snoring. It was only when he heard Freya talk to him that he stirred awake; something about 'breakfast' being ready? He assumed in his groggy state that 'breakfast' was the meal people ate in the early hours of the day. This was further confirmed by the smell of food being prepared; whatever it was that was being made, it smelled great.

When Freya left the room, he sat up in his bed and yawned rather loudly. Stretching his massive arms and chest, he rose from bed to see that the red marks from the night before had disappeared. "Good riddance" he muttered, out of earshot for Freya to overhear. Still, he wondered, what did they mean? Were they linked to the weapons that Freya said he could form from his body? And his body absorbing the gun? He simply gave a small grunt of annoyance and decided that he would find out as much as possible today. He then rose from the bed; it creaked a bit as it was relieved of Forge's weight.

Meandering into the kitchen, he saw Freya sitting down and eating her breakfast. "Wow, this looks great" he said, a goofy grin spreading across his face. He joined her, thinking it was alright. After a few moments of silence, he then heard Freya ask him if there was anything he wanted to do today. Freya had mentioned that maybe going back to the spot where she had found him would jog his memory, so he wanted to try that first. He then responded after swallowing a mouthful of food, "If it's OK with you, Miss Chtuhilin, I'd like to take you up on your suggestion and go back to where you found me. Like you said, it may jog my memory. Then, perhaps we could go to meet this....oh, what was his name again...Boss, right?"

(So, do you want anything specific to happen during their trips to where Freya found Forge and to Chupacabra?)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( It's no problem~! It wasn't that late at all. Sorry I took so long in posting. ^u^' )

  • Perking up considerably when Forge entered and even complimented her breakfast, Freya practically shined for a second, basking in the kindness - and company. The peace between them was nice, but she had broken it herself and let her eyes drift to watch him as he thought over her question. "Ahh, right. We'll do that first then." That was certainly on the agenda before, but she had somewhat forgot about it. Perhaps she was getting too eager about the DWMA thing. There were other ways to help Forge get his memory back. Or at least provide some sort of perspective.

    Nodding her head, Freya took a small bite of food, chewing slowly before swalling and leaning forward, resting an elbow on the table with her cheek and chin pressed against her palm. "Maybe we can search the area a little too, just in case. Maybe someone will recognize you or you may remember how you got there. Either way, meeting the Boss and others will be nice." Having a bit of change of pace in-between their activites would hopefully help in balancing out their day.

    Cleaning off her plate and cleaning her dishes from the table, she went ahead and washed them by hand, lingering longer in the kitchen. "After we get all cleaned up, we can head out. Even if you don't remember anything today or get any answers, it'll be nice to get out and enjoy yourself." Giving him a warm smile, Freya turned to Forge, walking back to the table to sit down across from him once more. "I wonder how the girls are going to react though... I can't see them containing themselves." Her smile had quickly become a lop-sided one on the subject, a hint of amusement and exasperation already tinting her features.

    "Well, I suppose it still might be good that you're so oblivious. ...Or maybe not." As her brows knit, the amusement on her face grew. Sometimes, it was hard to say if Forge's naivette was incredibly helpful or awkward. It did make some matters very easy, though she still had no clue how she was going to explain anything... 'adult' to him. Releasing a withering sigh, she slumped in her chair, looking exhausted already. "Better yet, maybe I can leave that job to the girls." Supposing they didn't botch it.

  • ( I don't have anything in mind. Is there anything you thought of or wanted to happen~? )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge nodded in agreement; perhaps someone did see how he got there. He wondered, though, did someone put him there? He still wasn't even sure what this place looked like. He also wondered if he should tell Freya about his little.....occurrence last night. He decided against it and brushed it from his mind; it wasn't important. He attributed it to being in a new place and not having a clue about what was going on around him.

He was quite excited to meet this Boss that Freya knew; though he was a bit puzzled on what Freya meant when she said she couldn't see the girls 'containing' themselves. He knew that trying to learn all these little quirks of language would definitely take some time. He voiced his thoughts by asking Freya, " 'Containing' themselves? What does that mean?"

He then asked her something else; something he thought was unimportant but wanted to ask to satisfy his curiosity. "Miss Chtuhilin, they won't be scared of me, will they? Yesterday, when we were walking to the clothing store, there were some people who looked at me weirdly. I think they were afraid. And then that robber, he gave me the same look as well. Is it because I'm larger in size?"

(Hmmmm, I can't really think of anything that doesn't involve them getting attacked or having to save someone from getting attacked. While it will help Forge get used to Death City and probably help him make some friends, I don't want to overuse that plot device)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Sorry this took me forever! )

  • Pausing in her thoughts, Freya tilted her head back and smiled lop-sidedly. "Hmm. Well, since you're good looking, they might try to hang all over you. Uhh... Do you remember what I did last night when I was acting strange? When I asked you about dessert or me?" She scratched at her cheek shyly, remembering that moment with some amusement and sheepishness herself. "Well, they might cling to you and some might even act like that. ..." Maybe now was a good time to try and explain seduction. She still couldn't think of any way to explain to him anything more 'adult' but at least she would prepare him as best as she could.

    Turning to face him completely in her seat, Freya sighed before looking around and focusing her attention back on him. "Forge, do you know what seduction is? What I did last night counts as trying to seduce you." She quickly remembered herself and smiled, looking frantic. "Oh, but I was kidding when I did that!" There was a nervous chuckle before she went back to the explanation, but still blushed lightly. "Anyway, when someone seduces someone, their intention is to get the person to do certain intimate, private activities with them. It's up to you to decide if you want to be seduced, but it's just something that you should know women and men alike try." Relaxing somewhat, she sat back in her seat, hoping that explanation had sufficed.

    As she back however and listened to his question, she found a small and somewhat relieved smile on her lips. "Well, yesterday was a different story. You are a pretty intimidating guy, but you also had on bloody jeans and bullets ricocheted off you. If most people get hit by a bullet, they might be seriously wounded or even die. But it didn't even mean anything for you." Widening, her smile softened as she scooted closer to him, laying a hand on his knee. "Sometimes, people act silly and could get scared of anything different or that is unfamiliar. But don't worry about them. Those people aren't the ones that matter anyway." She patted his knee and scooted back again, folding her hands in her lap.

    Forge seemed so innocent sometimes. Well, most of the time. But she was surprised by what he said oft enough. Then again, that innocence just might make him an even more wanted victim toward the ladies' seduction. Freya sighed again, a withering one that she sort of deflated with. Well, at least it could be potentially amusing to watch. "Well, when you're done eating, we can clean up and head out. The earlier we get started, the more we can get done!" Looking hopeful and optimistic, she leaned forward and leaned back to stand up from her seat. "I'm going to go and pick my outfit. Even though I won't be working, I have to make sure the customers have a reason to miss me." Freya smiled at Forge, looking coy and devious but quite sincere.

    Then again, when it came to her customers, she usually was coy and a little bit devious; it was part of the job after all. "Did you want me to put your jeans on the bed for you?" Pushing her seat in, she walked to the doorway of the kitchen and gave Forge a simple smile. There was also no way she could retain a coy or devious smile with him. Even if she tried, it would have bounced right off. But that was a skill he had that she was incredibly thankful for.

  • ( Haha, same here. I suppose there are little things we can send them to do, like grocery shopping or going to certain places, but it wouldn't be as eventful as saving people and stuff. )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(No worries, no worries. RL comes before RP)

Forge nodded in understanding after Freya had explained what seduction was; he got the gist of it, but still, why would people try to coerce others into doing these 'private, intimate' activities? If you loved someone enough, wouldn't you do want to do things with them anyway? Forge just brushed it off, notching it as another thing that people did.

Forge was a bit shocked when he heard that 'bullets' could seriously injure or even kill. That made him realize how lucky he was that his body deflected them. He was relieved, however, that the people who were scared of him weren't really all that important. He guessed that maybe if he wore cleaner clothes and tried his hardest to be friendly, people wouldn't be irrationally afraid of him. "Indeed we can" he said in response to Freya's comment. She had a way of instilling confidence that made him feel secure, and he hoped she would never lose that.

He then smiled as he finished what little was left on his plate, and following Freya's example, took them to the sink and washed it. "That's OK, Miss Chtuhilin. I'll get them myself. But thank you." he responded to her question.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Glad that Forge seemed to understand the concept enough, Freya smiled in relief. She was sure it was still complicated, well, because it was, but she made it as simple and straight-forward as she could now. She could return to the subject when she could explain intimacy, relationships and... other things to him. But for now, what he knew would suffice, hopefully. But she was always willing and able to answer questions when need be.

    Nodding with a smile, Freya was pleased to hear his agreement and felt herself eager to see and greet the day. She had worried over it a bit, curious how things would proceed. Freya was pulled out of hr thoughts when she watched Forge wash his plate, somehow touched and charmed that he would do it on his own and followed her example. He learned plenty on his own without her saying anything and took some work off her shoulders. Forge himself was as much a mystery as the ones that loomed around him.

    "Alright then." A certain warmth brightened her smile even more as she left the kitchen, going first to the room to pick out her clothes and accessories for the day, laying them gently on the bed and headed to the bathroom. Brushing and cleaning up, Freya returned to her room again and smiled shyly. "I'll change in the closet," and she did so with some haste. She took the clothes she had laid out and entered the closet, slipping off her nightgown and changing into her outfit. Another dress, and quite similar, it looked more like a babydoll than daywear, but she had meant it when she said she would ensure her customers missed her.

    The fabric was silky and black, and just as wispy as the last dress, but more free flowing, lending it a somewhat refined vibe coinciding with the sexy, adult look. If anything, the black and texture helped assert the elegant and sexual factors. But it had no lace, and the hem was simply wavy and reinforced. The hem just below her breats featured a small ribbon that gathered right between them, lending more plentiful cleavage, but whether the 'falling out' factor was more or less was questionable. Freya accented the outfit with black, knee-high stockings that would peek out just past a pair of boots. The lack of material on the straps to the dress would be lost on some, since she wore a gray funnel jacket over the dress, but if she wanted to leave an impression, she could simply remove the article.

    She didn't put too much fuss into her hair, not bothering with adding an extra curl to the ends, but the light waves in it would distract some of the straight free fall of the hair past her shoulders and partway of her back. Peeking from behind the closet door, she smiled and left the closet when she made sure Forge was dressed, a small skip to her step. Setting the jacket to hang on the door, she twirled once, the dress flying up and about her thighs before settling back against her skin. "How do I look? I figured I could try for something a little more mature instead of dreamy today." She gave him a cheerful smile and patted at the bottom of the dress.

    "It'll be nice to get out again. Since today won't be urgent like yesterday, we can take our time. Maybe we'll even be able to help you learn more today." Tilting her head, she giggled before grabbing the jacket and her purse, switching everything to a different bag and heading into the front room. "Maybe we'll go out for lunch today, so you can get a better sense of the city and the people here." Well, it was something to consider. But getting Forge out and about to new places certainly could be a help.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge finished washing his plate and went to go get dressed. Grabbing a pair of jeans from the drawer, he quickly put them on and was ready to go. He felt good about today; he felt that he would be able to find out a lot about not just himself, but this strange new place he woke up in. He knew there was a lot to learn, but he had all the time in the world, and a beautiful, caring woman who seemed more than willing to help him in his journey of re-discovery.

He was smiling gleefully when he heard Freya enter the room. "I think just about anything makes you look great,Miss Chtuhilin" he responded honestly. He then heard her say they might go out for lunch; that sounded good. It would definitely help him learn certain parts of the city and perhaps he could see what more of the people were like. He followed Freya into the front room, saying in a cheery tone, "Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it".
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • That bright smile and his response practically lit up Frey'a face. Her lips curved into a wide, pleased and shy smile and her eyes reflected it just as vibrantly. "Thank you Forge, that means a lot to me." Knowing how sincerely he meant it alsomade her feel so nice about the comment. She could almost envy what kind of impression the other girls at ChupaCabra would leave on him, but she was excited for him to meet everyone - and curious about how things would go.

    Smiling brilliantly, Freya turned to him and chuckled. "That's the spirit! I think so too. And even if it starts to look bad, we'll make sure it stays good." Nothing was going to ruin their day! "Are you ready to go to the place I found you and then to meet Boss and the others?" Setting her totebag aside, Freya pulled on her jacket and hefted her bag onto her shoulder. She retrieved the house key from the table before a look of realization embodied her sudden though. Opening the drawer of the little table beside the foyer, Freya fished out another key and closed the drawer, turning around to hand the key to Forge.

    "Here you are. If we get separated or can't be together, you can always get in without me or lock up behind yourself." She passed it on to him, a reassured and warm smile on her lips. "Maybe while we're out, we'll find a keychain you like for it." Chuckled softly, she headed to the door, getting out into the city once more and prepared to start a new adventure for the day. Forge was right, it was going to be a nice day. No matter what.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge accepted the key; he looked at it a bit before putting it into his back pocket. So many devices and tools, it never ceased to fascinate Forge what these people had made. He was definitely excited about today; not just at the prospect of learning more about who he was, but the people he could meet. He imagined them to be mostly like Freya; kind, generous and patient.

Forge followed then Freya outside; the bright sunlight hit his face and made him shield his eyes. He could feel the heat beating on his exposed upper body; in a way though, it was a nice feeling. It almost felt like he belonged in the heat. "Wow, it's bright today" he remarked as his eyes adjusted to the higher levels of ambient light.

Forge then followed Freya as she led him to where he was found; his eyes scanned the town as they traveled along. ".Whoa.....This place is HUGE!!! I wonder how long it took to build it." he said as he took in his surroundings.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • As she locked up and turned to face the Sun as well, Freya instantly regretted not having sunglasses on her or for having thought to buy some for Forge. She squinted at the light with a bemused smile. "It is. It's almost a pain, but that just means it's going to be a pretty day, and nothing wrong with that." It would just make their day more enjoyable. Freya herself was the type who enjoyed nearly any kind of weather, but sunny weather was significantly more convenient.

    Traversing through town, Freya threw an amused, content smile at Forge and nodded. "It is, isn't it? Hmm, probably some time. It is hard to say off the top of my head or by anything I remember. But there's always something old being taken down and something new being built." She greatly admired Death City; the architecture, the size, variety and versatility. It was a truly exceptional city, not that it was free from its own problems. And the fact that no one before her had stopped to even check on Forge still angered her and went to show that not all of Death City's residents were people she could comfortably brag about, but it was still a wonderful city.

    Stopping at the familiar area, Freya looked to the exact spot that Forge had been lying unconscious before turning to him. "Well, this is the spot. You were lying her unconscious with the blanket draped over you entirely except for one of your arms. Do you remember anything so far?" She looked up at him with concerned and curious eyes, her tone mellow and voice soft and quiet.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(And now, time for...EPIC FLASHBACK!!! DUN-DUN-DUN!!!!. Well, fractured flashback anyway)

Forge looked around the area; it was pretty bleak-looking. At first he got nothing, but then he started hearing voices. "Wha...who's there?" Forge said in a loud tone. The voices seemed to get louder, but Forge couldn't understand a single word they were saying. His eyes darted back and forth as he tried to find out where the voices were coming from, but he could see no one. Anywhere.

Then, without warning, a series of images came rushing into his mind. He saw needles, blood, strange devices, what looked like floating orbs of energy that he recognized to be souls, he saw people getting butchered. He heard their screams of agony and pain before they choked on their last breaths before dying. The sudden rush of mental pictures caused him to clench his eyes shut and clutch his head in apparent agony; it was quickly getting to be too much to handle for him. However, it finally stopped, and he saw the iron forge. The one he saw when he first woke up. "What the..." he said aloud, before he then heard one final say something in a hissing, static-filled voice, "W..en.....tim....i.....right..D.....h......Ci....f....lls..".

Forge's eyes opened once more; his entire body was covered in sweat, and his breathing was heavy and labored. "W...what...the hell was that?" he said in between gasps.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Lol, fractured and traumatic! )

  • Immediately concerned by Forge's reaction, Freya frowned as he addressed voices she clearly wasn't hearing, wondering if it had to do with his memories or something more going on. The concerned look in her eyes was quite validated. Watching him and taking a hesitant step forward, her lips parted as she prepared to call his name, but felt wary of whether or not she should. Suppose he was having a flashback? Would her calling out to him pull him from it? She would hate to pull him from learning more of himself.

    Once he had clenched his eyes shut however and clutched his head, she gasped out as her worry overtook her, immediately closing the distance between them and pressing her hands against his torso. "Forge! Are you okay? What's wrong!?" She couldn't begin to fathom, and for a second, she almost regretted bringing him even. He slowly recovered, but apparently even he hadn't understood everything entirely. Or it left him with more questions, perhaps. She felt herself inhale slowly and almost sharp, but sighed softly.

    Looking him over, he seemed to be better, but she was still on edge from worry. "Is everything alright? What happened?" Stepping back, she removed her hands from his form and clasped them together, holding them at level with her hips and looking lost and distraught. "Are you in pain or anything?" her concern was heavy on her face and even in her posture; brows drawn together and lips pulled in a tight frown with her posture and body rigid and anxious.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Haha, indeed.)

Forge heard Freya ask if everything was alright; this seemed to snap him out of his stupor. He stood fully back up again and looked down at Freya, saying "I'm...I'm alright. That was just so.....unexpected." He couldn't even begin to make sense of what he just saw; the majority of the images he saw were highly distorted, and that voice at the end, it was so broken he could only make one word out, 'right'.

Forge then took a deep breath and said in a bit of a worried tone, "No, not pain. I was....just overwhelmed. So many images. A lot of them were broken up and hazy, but there were a few clear ones. In the ones that were clear, I saw.....death. People being slaughtered, blood everywhere, screaming in pain and fear." At this he stopped; Forge didn't consider himself a violent person, but he couldn't rule out the possibility that he was the one who did it. It would explain why he saw what he saw, but he didn't know why he would do such a thing. And it showed in his body language.

Forge then took another deep breath and continued, "I also heard voices, but a lot of them were so distorted I couldn't make out a single word. There was one at the end, however, when I saw the iron forge. I could only make out 'right'. Everything else was a weird static-like hissing."
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Relieved that he had recovered from his stupor yet with concern still evident in her entire demeanor, Freya sighed and let her hands fall from his chest and back to her sides. It did come at him awfully quick, though considering so little had worked to bring about any hint of a memory so far, Freya wasn't too surprised really. That didn't mean she was any less comfortable or concerned about it however. It was another relief at least that he hadn't been in any pain. But she was surprised to hear that there weren't just a few images, but many.

    Maybe something had went on that lead him to this spot. But if the images weren't clear and no one so far had recongized him or at least spoke up, that meant they still had a lot of questions and so few answers. Cringing slightly, Freya grimaced as he recounted things, fearing for what exactly had occured and again wondering, how much of everything would be worth remembering. Well, if he could remember everything, that'd be great, but she didn't want him to be burdened with traumatic or painful memories. And they were sounding pretty brutal so far.

    Perking up at the mention of the forge, Freya's eyes narrowed as her brows knit down and the other rose. Thinking back, it was all weird coincidences. He had called himself Forge, but only that other half did so, and he was capable of forging things and saw an iron forge. Where and how everything linked together was the hard part though. Did he call himself Forge because of the ability or that forge? Or were they so intrisically linked as well? So many questions and so few answers...

    Head dropping slightly, Freya sighed under her breath and looked to the ground before tilting her head back up, wearing a small smile. "Well, they may not have been clear or pleasant, but you've remembered something, and that means in time, you'll be able to remember more. For now, we can go to meet everyone and try to make sense of things when we go to lunch after. Maybe between everywhere, you may see something else to get your memory going again or someone may be able to help you with something." Clasping her hands together loosely in front of her chest, Freya stepped forward and awkwardly, though sincerely, her smile widened.

    She was fairly worried about Forge, but if he needed and wanted his memories and needed help understanding himself better, she'd make sure he got all the help he could receive.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge was still trying to figure out what his little episode meant. He was so confused; did he kill a bunch of people and run, eventually collapsing from exhaustion? No, that wouldn't account for his amnesia. Also, he wondered as to how he got the name Forge; his mind flashed back to Freya saying that he had muttered the name while he was out cold.

Forge nodded in agreement with Freya's statement; it was a start. Not a pleasant one, but it was something to work off of. Now all they had to do was find that iron forge; he knew it would take a while, but they'd find it. Eventually, if things went OK. Still, he wondered what the iron forge meant. She said he was able to form weapons from his body; did the iron forge have something to do with that ability? He still hadn't seen this, so he wasn't sure if it was a one-time thing or if he could really do it. But he figured as long as he stuck with Freya, he knew he'd have the answers in no time flat.

With that his mind flashed to the gun; he remembered how his body had disassembled it and absorbed it in pieces into his body. He looked down at his hand as he pondered what it meant. "What does it all mean?" he asked himself outwardly, still staring at his open hand. Without warning, he felt his right hand explode with pain. He clutched his wrist as the pain intensified, quickly reaching unbearable levels. "AAAAAAAAGHH!" he cried as tears of pain streamed from his eyes; it was about fifteen seconds before the gun his body absorbed suddenly appeared in his hand. Except for the new jet-black coloring, it looked exactly like it did when Forge first obtained it; the only other difference being that the wooden handle was replaced by a metal one.

After the pain subsided, Forge looked down at his hand; it was dripping blood. "What...no way" he said as his eyes widened. He COULD form weapons; he didn't think Freya was lying to him, but he just needed to see it with his own eyes. He was deathly silent as he examined the freshly-formed weapon. "Whoa.....incredible" he breathed softly, still enraptured by what he just did. He then remembered something; criminals carried guns. He tried to drop it due to fear of being considered a criminal, but for some reason it wouldn't budge. "Huh?" he said as he shook his to get the gun out; it wouldn't leave. He then looked at it a bit more closely; the handle seemed to be attached to his palm, almost like it was fused with him.
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