Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Kid heard Maka's comment and gave a small cough, "Right then." Forge was a bit surprised at Kid's reaction, but who was he to judge? "Uh, you're the ultimate Weapon factory, dipshit. You have every right to judge; these people should be bowing before us. You OWN them, not the other way around." "I don't own anyone....Wait, can people even be owned? They aren't material possessions." "Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Don't worry, though, I'll make you see the light."

Kid rubbed his chin thoughtfully; Tsubaki had several different Weapon forms at her disposal. "I wonder......." Kid started but paused for a moment, then continued "Tsubaki, would you mind going transforming into your other forms? I want to see if the changes carry over, and if so, how they might be different."

(So.....what do you think of Tsubaki's new form? Imagine if Black Star saw that, lol)

  • "Eh?" Catching Kid's voice, Tsubaki listened intently before pondering the matter, deciding quite quickly. "Of course not. That would be good. I think it wouldn't hurt to try another form or two." Experimenting further with this would be for the better, as she could better assess what she learned from the experience and use it to improve on her training with Black Star. She wouldn't disclose too much of what went on today, because even if he accepted it, she just knew it'd grate his nerves, and she didn't want him to be upset.

    But she would certainly be sure to emphasize how helpful some of this could be for her and how much it could her in assisting him. Black Star was stubborn and hard-headed, but he was still dedicated, understanding and compassionate. And she knew he too wanted to succeed. Even some intense rivalry wouldn't stop him from wanting her to help improve herself. Though if she told him she was working harder just to help him, that too would annoy him. The thought brought a small giggle on, but she quickly moved on from it. "Right, well, are you ready, Forge-kun?"
(Sorry in advance for taking control of Tsubaki for a moment.)
Forge nodded and said, "Let's see what happens."

First, Tsubaki shifted to her Shuriken form. Again, it was fairly different from her standard form; instead of five near-triangular blades jutting out evenly from the center ring, it was now eight curved silver blades with wickedly sharp edges. A single line of red traced itself from the apex of each blade down the center of the blade before reaching the center ring. And overall, the shuriken grew in size, becoming about 75% larger overall.

Next was her Chain Scythe form. Here several changes occured: The handles became thicker and longer. At the bladed end, the front-position blades grew wider and longer, taking on a jet-black coloration. The back-position blade became more of a spike, taking on a silvery coloration. The chains themselves grew thicker as well, and each link now possessed a serrated blade on each side of it. The whole chain was a pitch-black color now.

Forge wondered what was going on; if these weren't standard forms, which he assumed they weren't, what was causing the changes? Still, maybe it was just her sword form that was the different. But, he then remembered what Kid said, so he had to assume that these were different. Still, the fact that he could change a Weapon's appearance intriguied and concerned him. "Tsubaki? If this isn't what your Weapon form normally looks like.....does it feel weird? Does it hurt?"

The bartender meanwhile was just finishing getting things set up. "Hmmm, usually Freya is here early. I wonder where she is. I hope she didn't get into any trouble. Though if she's staying with our new bouncer, I can only imagine what they're getting themselves into." he said with a bemused grin on his tired old face. He wished Forge were here; his height would serve an invaluable number of uses for the set-up. Luckily Blair, Risa and Arisa were always there to lend a hand. Mischievious, yes, but hard workers nonetheless.

  • "Eh? Oh, no, not at all. Everything is fine." Her tone was as warm and calm as ever, and she seemed in the same spirits as she usually was. Indeed, nothing out of the ordinary save for the changes in look. Maka crossed an arm, hand gently clutching the inside of her elbow as she tapped her chin with her other hand. "Hmm. Tsubaki's forms are different... But I wonder... Nee, Kid? Why don't we have Forge try out Liz and Pattie?" Even though they both looked the same as guns, perhaps there may be other distinctions in their change as well. Maybe like the famed Ebony and Ivory or something. Then again, maybe not. But it didn't hurt to try. Liz tilted her head back slightly, looking to Maka. "It'd be interesting to see the results, huh?"

  • Reaching ChupaCabra, Freya pased outside to fix herself up before entering, waving to the bartender. "Morning!" her smile was small but bright and warm. "It's kind of odd to come in and not have Boss around." Looking both sheepish and calm, she chuckled before putting her stuff away and coming back to the front, rolling her sleeves up. "Okay, so what can I do to help?" Pumping a fist somewhat minutely but quite enthusiastically, she looked eager and prepared, and probably refreshed since the other girls weren't around.
Forge became immensely relieved when Tsubaki told him that she didn't hurt and that everything was fine. "I'm glad" he said. But still he wondered what could have caused the change. Was it him? Tsubaki did say it was something about his unique characteristics. But still, even stranger, was that he felt different when he wielded Tsubaki. He felt....clearer in the head. He couldn't describe it.

Kid replied to Maka's observations, "Yeah, but Weapons, as far as we've seen, don't really change their form unless they're wielded by a Meister. And even then, the Weapon form itself stays the same. The fact that simply being wielded by Forge could induce such dramatic changes in Tsubaki's appearance.....interesting." He then nodded; that was the plan. "Alright, Tsubaki. Go ahead and change back. Liz, Pattie, your turn."

The bartender saw Freya enter and smiled, "Indeed, not having Boss around will be quite the change. But we'll manage, he's been gone for a few days before." He then looked around and saw that some of the higher shelves on the bar table needed to be filled. "Freya, if you could be so kind as to help me, the top shelf needs to be restocked. I'll hand you the bottles, but I just need you to help me put them up there." He then looked at his watch and said, "Some of the early birds should be arriving shortly, and the 'Mischief Trio' as I call them should be coming in shortly as well." The 'Mischief Trio' was a name he recently gave to Risa, Arisa, and Blair. He loved them dearly, but they were such teasers. However, their antics never ceased to bring a smile to his tired face.

  • "Un." Tsubaki's ever polite and chipper tone said much in that little confirmation, and she changed back, smiling at her friends as she scooted off to the side near Maka, allowing the sisters to take over now. It was always interesting to ascertain and analyze as much new data as possible, and watching Maka and Kid gather so much information and mull over it made for a very academic setting. Aside from his sometimes obnoxiously-boisterous behavior, Tsubaki felt BlackStar's only true shortcoming was his lackadaisical and sometimes near repellant nature and reaction toward studies. Where he could be quite enthusiastic with the matter, at times he just wouldn't sit still long enough. But if she had as much energy as him, she probably wouldn't be able to still long enough to want to learn instead of just get out and experience things as well.

    Stepping forward, the Thompson sisters greeted Forge - again - before giving him a smile and smirk. "This'll be pretty different from Tsubaki since we don't have any extra forms. Consider it like using two Soul's." He was a much better example all around between the different weapons that Forge had experience with - well, as far as the group knew. "Yosh, lets go, Patti."

    "Roger!" Throwing a fist in the air excitedly, Patti grinned cheekily as the sisters transformed, allowing Forge to wield them. "Well, what do you think?" Liz's voice echoed out, curious and cool.

  • Tilting her head wistfully with a nostalic though somehow subdued and bright smile. Boss's wit and snark would be missed, but he had indeed been away for days at a time before. And his absence didn't mean anything different except for them obviously missing him. After all, the "mischievious trio" weren't anymore on good or best behavior whether or not he was around. Actually, Freya figured that they probably tried to get away with more when Boss was around. Whether or not they were successful was a different story altogether.

    "Alright, that won't be too hard." Freya walked over to the bar table, leaning against it and prepared to work. She figuratively rolled up her sleeves, and was almost tempted to actually do so just to be silly and keep the mood lively, but it was calm and content enough around them. And if the day proceeded perfectly, things would certainly stay that way. Well... She was counting on their three favorite hostesses making trouble. But that was just all in a days work.
(Oh, they don't have extra forms, huh? 'Real' Forge is going to need to see to that?)
Forge watched as the sisters transformed into a pair of weapons; what on earth were they? Were they guns? They had a handle like the gun he could form. Forge looked them over, curious and at the same impressed. Not just with them, but with Weapons in general. The number of forms that these Weapons could have was astounding. "Uh, I'm not sure I can think of a word to describe how good you two look." Forge then said after examining them. And it was true; the way they shined and gleamed, their silvery finish. Though the only complaint was they were too small for his hands; Forge wondered why they hadn't changed like Tsubaki.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now let's get down to the good part. Oh, what's this? Ah, so THAT was her angle. Very well done, very impressive indeed."

"What are you talking about? Who's angle? What's impressive and well done?"

"You're about to find something interesting out about yourself. Remember how you absorbed that gun? How your body disassembled it?"

"Yeah but what does that......." Forge's eyes then widened in realization; however, that would be completely shattered by 'Real' Forge. "No, you idiot! You're not going to disassemble them! It doesn't work on Death Weapons unless you force it to!"

"Oh, so....continue then."

"Guh, you're such a fucking retard. Anyway, the two little bitches you're holding are going to unlock a very special state of activation for you. Now just close your eyes, let your guard down and let me do the work."

"Only if you promise not to hurt them."

"Why would I hurt something that makes me stronger, moron? Now just shut up and relax."

Forge took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting his mind blank out. 'Real' Forge then sent a very specially modified burst of wavelength through both Liz and Pattie; this would act as the key to a new state of enhancement that could only be attained while wielding the Thompson sisters. Almost immediately, Forge's body began glowing a bright white, enough to make Soul and Kid shield their eyes. "What the hell....?" Soul exclaimed as the light seemed to grow brighter. The changes in appearance were noticeable almost immediately; the pistol forms grew in size and took on a deep, shiny golden coloration. Stripes of black appeared along the entire length of the slide and an etching reading ".50 Deathhawk Custom" appeared on each pistol. When the light show finished, everyone in the room would see what had happened.

"Hahaha. Bling-Bling, motherfuckers. Read 'em and weep." 'Real' Forge said. Forge looked them over, amazed at the changes. "What the...." he then said aloud when he saw the ".50 Deathhawk Custom" etching on the side. "Congrulations, now they fire a 50-soulwidth charge instead of a pussy-ass 38-soulwidth one. That'll put a hole in anyone. Not to mention some other unique properties, which I'll get to in a second.". One thing Forge couldn't see because of his conversation with his mental friend, but Maka could should she choose to look, was that his soul had now become crystal clear. No static, no fuzz. No, if she looked, she would see that Forge's soul had become a gigantic anvil.

The bartender smiled as Freya helped him get the bottles of liquor set up; they were a reserve supply in case the real top shelf ran out. When that was done, the bartender then said "Thank you, Freya."

He wanted to ask how she enjoyed herself last night; he could by the way they were smitten with each other that the good bouncer Forge and Freya got a little naughty, but he knew better than to pry. The other three, however, had no such reservations on modesty.

  • [ Hehe, well, I was thinkin they're more similar to Soul than Tsubaki in that Tsubaki is made as a 'ninja weapon' with the purpose of varied forms while Soul and the Sisters are weapons that are made to fit a particular category (scythes and firearms). Of course, both Soul and the Sisters can have 'different forms' since there's so much versatility with both weapon groups~. ]

  • "Ehhh. This is certainly new." Liz's curiousity had been quite piqued since Forge had first partnered with Soul and once more when he wielded Tsubaki just before. Her mind had ran over particular possibilities and potential of what changes might occur. These only went as far as appearances obviously, since there would also be huge differences in how the weapons were used, regardless of "style" even. After all, very few were as flashy and cool, while also so damned efficient with firearms as Kid. And even fewer - which was practically no one - certainly used guns in the odd, quirky way that Kid did. Even if she knew well enough that it wasn't one of the reasons that Freya had her crush and was smitten with their meister, Liz had had seen the girl swoon over his use of the sisters once or twice. And she was indefinitely amused. His way with things certainly did attention if not some distinct opinion.

    But the real matter at hand here were the changes. Simply put, Liz wasn't sure how things would go. For as many different possibilities that her mind ran over, she hadn't settled on any true possibility. When she first saw Forge partner with Soul, she was quite intrigued and most curious. And when the changes that took place with tsubaki were observed, she just couldn't figure out how things would go at all. But here they were. And it was certainly interesting.

    "Yay! Lookie! We changed!" Patti giggled chirpily, obviously excited at trying something new and the results. Liz sighed, retaining an amused and exasperated tone. Her sister could get excited over anything and everything. "Nee, Kid, Maka, what do you think?" She was quite interested what the type meisters thought. Of course, she probably would inquire further with Kid at a later time and pick his brain properly at a more adequate time.

    Cupping her chin in her hand, Maka stared resolvedly at Forge, a brow arched and her face stern. She had barely noted the changes in the sisters for being more curious about the look of his soul. However, Liz's voice brought her from her thoughts, prompting a slight jolt out of her as she dropped her hand to her side. "Ah, it's certainly different, isn't it. It's quite the contrast from the straightforward and economic look in Kid's hand. I'd almost chalk it up to personality differences." Glancing over at Kid with a slight tilt of the head and a calm smile, her knuckles rested on her hip, turning back to Forge and the sisters. Indeed, there were enough key differences between the two looks, and in Kids' hands, the girls seemed like weapons of the utmost efficiency and a clean deadliness. And yet, without much threat level on their own and coming off as curious but potentially dangerous tools. In this matter though, they quite reminded her of a certain look from some time ago. But that was breaching a different kind of wall altogether.

    "I suppose the main difference is... How the weapons look in Forge's hands compared to the very weapons he makes on his own. None of them have truly resembled each other except for in the most miniscule ways and none have resembled the weapons he's made on his own so far." Sure enough, the style, markings and minor details did make for another interesting difference in comparison.

  • Tilting her head to look over to the bartender, she gave him a warm smile and shook her head. "Mmm. It's fine. I'm glad to help." She had started to consider lending her assistance to him more often, even after Boss returned. As she stretched, she sighed and looked off into the distance. "I suppose when those girls get here, they're going to bug me over those matters. I'm just going to have to think of something to shut down the conversation right from the start." Tapping her chin thoughtfully as she crossed her arms, the hostess strode towards one of tables near the wall and seated herself in one of the cushy spots surrounding it.

    Those three were too damn curious and fairly often, somewhat obnoxious even. Somehow, it managed to be a charming point of their's, but Freya hardly bought into it or was sold on it. Rather yet, she countered their intrusive behavior and intents wit words and blocks meant to keep them out and shoo them off. And whilepersistence was on their said, stubbornness was a trait born to her. Lucky them. Nonetheless, by the time the girlsgot there in a short while, she'd have some retort all thought up to end their nosy inquiries. And if she didn't? Well... She'd just throw a tantrum or throw a faux fit to throw them off.
(Tsubaki's forms won't change past what Forge's wavelength did, but the Thompson' sisters' will. Quite drastically, too)
'Real' Forge was still going on about how this was another step forward in becoming the most powerful Weapon ever, that Forge should be more excited. Forge was excited, but his curiosity was simply so great that it overrode any expression of enjoyment. He just looked over Liz and Pattie's forms, wondering why they changed the way they did. He also thought to Tsubaki's transformations, and also how Soul didn't change forms when he was wielded. What caused them to change the way they did? Why did Liz and Pattie look so different in Kid's hands than his own? That of course revolved back to how he could form Weapons in the first place.

"Hey, Tweedle-Dumb, are you paying attention? I'm trying to get you to see just how excellent this!" 'Real' Forge then snapped, bringing Forge back to reality. "OK, so how exactly does this work?" he then asked. 'Real' Forge just chuckled in response, "OK, remember how you couldn't form firearms without absorbing it first? Well, these two little bitches are going to help you overcome that little limitation." "Really? How?" Forge asked again.

"Quit fucking bothering me and I'll show you! God, you're so annoyingly retarded!" 'Real' Forge snapped; he then called up a memory of Forge's past; it showed a man being ripped apart. The man held in his hand what appeared to be a machine gun, one that looked like it could do a lot of damage. But Forge wouldn't see it, not unless he had retreated into his mind. Selecting the image of the gun, 'Real' Forge then put it up for Forge to see. "What is this?" "This is the gun you;re going to form with Bitch 1 and Bitch 2."

The whole time this conversation was going on, Kid and Soul were watching Forge look over the changes he had invoked in Liz and Pattie. "Well, this day has been full of surprises, hasn't it. Forge's done things with Weapons I've never even seen." Soul mused. Kid didn't say anything, intensely focused on what Forge had turned his Weapon partners into. Not that he didn't approve; the changes just didn't seem to fit Forge's personality. With Tsubaki the changes would, in the right hands, have amplified the lethality and efficiency of the user three-fold; it also made them a little flashy for his taste. But he doubted Forge had much if any control over that detail. Yet, from what he'd seen, except from that one episode during orientation, Forge was relatively a non-violent person. His stature, he knew, would give the opposite impression, one that was unfairly attached in his mind.

"How very interesting. I wonder what causes these changes to happen. It seems Forge is somehow able to modify certain Weapons' physical attributes to suit his needs. Though why Soul didn't undergo a transformation is still a question that needs to be answered, but not today. I wonder though, if anything else will happen." Kid mused aloud.

This was the cue 'Real' Forge was waiting for; he then said to his vessel "OK, now!" Forge imagined himself holding the giant weapon; within seconds Liz and Pattie's forms recombined, glowing in a blinding light once more as their forms fused together, creating the weapon Forge saw in his mind. And what a sight it was; instead of the gold-plate-black-stripe configuration, the whole gun gleamed a shining silver with a black triggergrip and foregrip.

Kid and Soul, along with Death and Spirit, stared in awe at what just happened. Soul was the first to stutter, "W....what the hell just happened?"

The boouncer chuckled at Freya's determination to keep the other girls at bay and out of her personal life. Still, they had some interesting ways of coaxing the information out of her. But, Freya was about as stubborn as a brick wall, so he saw no trouble with her fending off the soon-to-occur barrage of questions. "Just stick to your ground, dear, and they'll leave you alone. They know a losing fight when they see one, hehehe." he then said aloud with a slight smile on his face.
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