Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Smiling wider as she barely caught his words, Freya nestled into Forge's side when he pulled her close, feeling safe and secure in the warmth of his body. Even the atmosphere of the room and around them was relaxed and calming, and it didn't take long for it to work its magic on her and let her fall into a content and fit sleep. The following morning, Freya awoke slow but feeling refreshed and perfect. Opening her eyes and looking up at Forge, she beamed at him and leaned into his side further. "Good morning, Forge." They had some cleaning up to do before they completely started getting ready for the day, but that wasn't so bad.

    Pulling away from him so she could sit up, Freya stretched languidly before scooting off the bed and heading to her closet. "You can take a shower first. I'll start breakfast." She sorted through the number of items hanging in the closet before pulling out some stuff and laying it aside. She needed to go to the bathroom to grab her bathrobe, but once bundled up in it, she wasted no time in hitting the kitchen and starting breakfast. Since she felt so good, she had plenty of energy to go back and forth with ease. It almost seemed like nothing would drain her of her energy actually.

    Humming to herself, she finished some of the food and arranged it on the table before grabbing a few things and setting them up as well and finally laying out their dishes and silverware on the table. Nothing would be able to drag down her perky mood today. The world could end, and she'd only be able to smile and sigh.
Forge watched in glee as Freya left; Forge was glad to have made Freya so happy. Her whole body glowed, it was almost angelic-like. "Hey, Earth to retard! Quit gawkin', we have to go!" "Go where?" Forge instantly regretted asking that, as 'Real' Forge then replied, "Well, the way I see it, you don't last very long. So, I think we can squeeze in....oh, I don't know....four, five delectable pussies before your lessons today?" "What are you talking about?" "Don't you remember? You said you'd leave Freya today, and go out on a 'protein supplement' mission. Lotta ladies out there that don't get enough protein in their diets, or in bed. You're such a kind fellow to offer your services."

Forge just grunted as he sat up, "Uhhh....no, I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. I may not know a lot, but I know what I said, and if memory serves, I told you to go to hell regarding leaving Freya. 'Real' Forge just chuckled, "Aww, you're no fun. Can't you just go along with what I say for once?" "If it involves leaving Freya, you can forget it. Nothing would make me leave her. Now, kindly be quiet. I need to get cleaned up"

Forge went to the shower, taking a change of clothes with him. He stepped in and got the water running. The heat of the falling liquid reminded him of last night; he would never forget those moments. They were simply incredible, and would like to do them again. But only when Freya wanted to. Scrubbing the film of semen off the inside of his thighs, he let the water rinse the dried sweat from his body. When he was done, he realized that the steam was thick again; this time however he held a hand out after he had dried off and gotten dressed so that he wouldn't bang his head again.

Making his way into the kitchen, he found his beloved preparing an excellent meal. He wondered if there was anything Freya couldn't do; to him, she was an amazing woman. Walking up behind her, he put his muscular appendages around her gently, saying "Freya, thank you for last night. That was incredible, and you're an amazing woman. I don't how to thank you for everything you've done for me, but I'll find a way."

  • ( I'm going to finish working on some other stuff and then send a PM your way with the new ideas. And try to finish getting my ideas organized to go with the timeline.)

  • Surprised and pulled away from her distraction as she felt a familiar wamrth wrap around her, Freya tilted her head back to look up at Forge, giving him a wide smile. She blushed and squeezed his arm before nuzzling into him. "Don't be silly, Forge. You've done a lot too. You're a warm person, and you do what you can not just for me, but for others. You've done plenty." Turning around, she wrapped her arms around him tightly before leaning back to look into his eyes.

    "Hee hee, I guess I shouldn't hug you too much since I haven't showered. Why don't you go ahead and eat while I go shower and get ready? We can leave right when we finish." She figured that he was probably excited for another day spent with Spartoi. And it wouldn't hurt for her to get in early. Since Boss was away, it would be good for someone to be there to open up early and get some stuff taken care of. And the sooner they got their day's started, the sooner she could see Forge at ChupaCabra.
(That's fine, there's no rush)

Forge reddened; he hadn't done nearly enough. He would do everything he could to make sure Freya was safe and happy. As she left to take her turn in the shower, Forge sat down to eat; he would be sure to leave plenty for Freya to eat. Grabbing a plate, he put a moderate amount of food on it and began eating. However, he didn't realize how hungry he truly was; last night took its toll on his energy levels. His plate was picked clean in what seemed like seconds, but now he was contently full. Still, there was a good amount left for Freya.

As he sat and waited, the images of the previous night played in his head again and again. He would never forget that experience, ever. However, his mind soon traveled back to what they might try and teach him today at Spartoi. There was still so much he didn't know: What were the limits of his formation ability? How did these things form in the first place? Where did these powers come from? While it frustrated him slightly that he didn't know the answers to these, he had resolved to wait. After, it's not like he had anywhere to be in the long-term.

  • Heading into the bathroom, Freya arranged everything for her shower. No doubt, once she was all cleaned and olled up for the day, she'd be glowing even more. With her mind and body clear and clean, it was hard to imagine she wouldn't be practically blinding in her glow. Pheromones and endorphins, again. Or something like that. Stripping down slowly while humming under her breath, Freya quickly pinned up her hair before stepping into the shower, a much relieved and content sigh immediately falling from her lips.

    As pleasant as the shower was, she didn't lolligag. Washing up in some haste, she turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a bath robe around herself before heading into her room. Freya took more time actually dressing and getting herself together than she did showering, but maybe it was because of how relaxed she had become. When she finally emerged from her room however, she practically had a skip to her step, which did well to accentuate the "zettai ryouiki" bared by her dress that fluttered about with each step. Unlike the other dresses, it had thick straps and a squared off collar, though was still quite low. She looked ever vibrant, young and absolutely content in it though - or maybe that was just her mood.

    Returning to the kitchen, Freya gave Forge a wide smile before perking up as she looked to the table. "Oh! Thank you for saving so much for me." Sitting down, she started in on her share of breakfast, not wanting to take more time of their morning. She couldn't help but let her mind wander though, and plenty of thoughts drew a blush to her face. Finishing her food, she got up and set everything in the sink, deciding they could worry aout dishes when they got home that evening.

    Turning back to Forge, Freya strode up to his side and wrapped her arms loosely about his waist. "Ready?"
Forge was still somewhat lost in his thoughts when he heard Freya come back; he couldn't believe his eyes. He swore he felt his jaw hit the floor. Forge didn't think it was possible for Freya to be anymore amazing and beautiful, but he was dead wrong. Even 'Real' Forge managed to say something nice for a change, "Holy motherfucking shit! Crack some eggs, 'cause she's fucking hot!" Though Forge had no idea at all what his inner voice just said, the tone implied it was positive. "Wow, and here I thought you were only mean-spirited." "Hey, I give credit when it's due! I'm insulted!" "Good, consider it payback for all your insults on me." "I was being sarcastic, dickwad." "Sarcastic? What's that?" "Ugh, you had to go and spoil my mood. Now I'm going to be mad the whole day! Unless you fuck her again, then I might cheer up a little." "Only when Mi....Freya....says she wants to." "Aha! You were about to say 'Miss Chtuhilin" again!" "Force of habit"

The whole time this 'discussion' went on, Forge just looked at Freya as she sat down and began to eat. "Of course, it wouldn't be right to eat it all. I needed to save as much as I could for you." It didn't take her long to finish; Forge was about to offer to clear the table when Freya already had it taken care of. "Ready as always" he replied with a wide smile as he stood up and made his way to the front door, his beloved by his side. "Freya, I have to say, today, you look even more amazing than usual."

  • Giving Forge a sweet smile, Freya felt pleased that he had considered her so much. But she knew that was a normal habit for Forge. Always looking out for everyone else, often before his own self even. It was nice to have things feeling so... Perfect. She was ready for anything the day might bring. And he was ready too, it seemed. Nodding, she headed to the door alongside him, fishing around for her key before locking up as they headed out.

    "Hm?" Catching his sentence, it finally registered and brought a blush onto her blank yet surprised face. Blinking twice, she blushed more before a small "oh" escaped as she turned away, looking shy and pleased. "T-thank you, Forge. You're especially handsome today yourself." Giving him a timid but warm sideways glance, she put the key back into her bag, standing awkwardly, as she reached her hand towards his, pulled away and began again, trying to find her confidence.

    Brushing his own, her fingers lightly danced across his hand before finally closing her fingers around his own in her grasp, slowly looking up to give him a shy smile as she slowly took a step toward him, pressing into his side. "L-lets go..."
Forge nodded in agreement as he headed out with his lover in tow. He was indeed ready and able to deal with anything that might happen today. Little did he know what surprises the day would hold. And yet, 'Real' Forge would try to ruin it for his vessel. Being a Kishin, it was his job to spread madness and despair. 'Real' Forge cursed the one who sealed him in this pathetic body.

And yet, 'Real' Forge wouldn't be the only problem he would face today. "Well, well, well. If it ain't ol' Sasquatch himself. You're lookin' pretty happy." he heard a familiar voice say; he turned to see Turk and Red standing a medium distance away from him and Freya. "Can I help you?" Forge asked, wondering what they could be doing here. "Don't pull that innocent crap with me, beanstalk! You may have the ladies fooled, but I don't buy it! The Turk-inator ain't fooled by nobody!" "Me neither! Red Mist is gonna make you a newspaper!" Forge cocked his head, "Newspaper?" Red smirked and said, "Yeah, dimbulb. Newspaper- black and white and red all over!"

  • On cloud nine nearly as soon as they started off, Freya smiled shyly and smitten, leaning into Forge's side as she wrapped her arm around his. Everything was so perfect, she almost hadn't counted on it being ruined. But here it was, already a problem trying to throw off her entire day. The voice that reached their ears was unfamiliar to her, but Freya didn't take long to put two and two together. Bullies. A pair of specific bullies. Well, isn't that just excellent? Even listening to them talk, she just wanted to punch their faces in. But maybe that was inappropriate to do right now. And they were in public. Could she go to the club with a swollen fist?

    Rolling her eyes and looking absolutely drained by their pathetic quips, Freya didn't bother holding back her heavy, exhausted and withering sigh. She couldn't believe that there were actually people still acting in such a manner in this day and age. But there were two guys, proof enough, standing right before her. Either way, she didn't appreciate their attitudes or entitlement. And they certainly wouldn't get away with talking to Forge like that.

    "I don't know what the problem is, gentleman, but we're busy right now. You keep on your way and we'll keep on our's, no more nasty remarks and we'll all avoid any bloodshed. Have a nice day and a nice life." Turning around with a pouty glare, she muttered 'jerkasses' under her breath, mood clearly ruined. Not that she'd let it stop her. No way. She was going to get back into lovey-dovey mode in a second, no matter what.
Turk got a surprised look face, but then grinned, "Hey, wait. I recognize you, you're that hussy who goes around selling your body to thrum up business at ChupaCabra. Tell me, do you like taking big cock? 'Cause I got a friend who'd love to meet you." Red then chimed in, "Nah, man, you don't want that. It'd be like plowing a cave, you could fit a fleet of trucks in there and stilll have room for a couple of Hummers." They both then cackled like hyenas, high-fiving over their joke.

Forge just stood there; he had no idea what they were saying. 'Real' Forge, however, was laughing just as hard as they were. "I don't get it. What's so funny?" "Hahaha, oh man. That was just low, I think I misjudged these guys. They're alright." It was at this Forge was clued in to their remarks being something mean and nasty directed at Freya. "Hey! I don't appreciate you being mean to Freya!" Forge shouted at them, his fists clenched. Red then shot back in a baby-ish voice, "I don't appreciate you being mean to Freya. Grow up, no wait, you should grow down, otherwise a plane'll crash into ya!" They both laughed even harder.

  • "!"

    No words. Freya had no words for what those two had just said. Did they really mix up being a hostess with being a prostitute!? Did they really mean to imply that either was some shameful job to have!? Did they think their pitiful existences were so much higher than they thought on the pecking order that they could get away with that!? Well technically, it didn't matter. She had barely seen red and grated her teeth when they insulted her, but at least had sense enough not to bruise them up. But when they insulted Forge once more? Her mind clicked into overdrive.

    Matter-of-fact, there was barely the flash of her pastel dress and frame darting before them, already in the air and turning. They wouldn't even finish laughing before her foot was practically in one of their mouths, knocking him backwards and on the ground like a sack of potatoes. Freya landed smooth and almost elegant yet rough on both feet just as Turk hit the ground himself, in a crouch and with an intense glare in her eyes and sneer on her face.

    "Haahhhh?" Slowly standing up with a malevolent smirk on her lips and a flash in her eyes, she looked down at Turk and Red with the utmost scorn, disgust and pure mocking any being could muster. "You lowly bugs think you have any place to sling around insults even lesser than your pathetic beings? You pieces of shit lower than the dirt not even worthy of being caked on shoes think you have any worth enough to even stand before us and pretend that our flimsy, shitty, shit out your ass quips are something even worth a fucking giggle!? Who the hell do you think you two shitwads are? Rather yet, do you even know who the hell I am?"

    Tilting her head in a crooked and somehow devious manner, her lip quirked and her eyes narrowed, malicious intent now radiating alongside her mocking contempt. "Feh. I promise I wouldn't kick anyone again, and you made me break that. But that's fine, I can finish you-" throwing a finger accusingly and almost doomingly at Red, "with just a couple of punches. I might remember your pathetic, worthless existence if you can take more than two, maggot." There was no room for argument even before her fist was pulled back and slammed into Red's mouth, colliding with lips and teeth. It didn't matter who's blood was on her hand at the moment; he was still standing, even if a little. Pulling her hand back once more, she gave him an uppercut and watched him fall over, staring for a second before dropping down to straddle him, pulling her fist back again and ready to land another round.

    All at once at least, her senses returned to her, fist by her face and blood dripping leisurely off her knuckles. Freya's eyes slowly turned to her fist, immediately drawing a torn, hurt and shameful frown to her lips before she quickly stumbled up to her feet and backwards, taking a few shaky steps back before her eyes darted about nervously. "D-don't ever show your faces to me again..." It was more like a meek and quiet attempt at a threat rather than the even, passion-laced and callous words she spewed before, but she was already too uncomfortable to care about sounding imposing once more. Returning to Forge's side yet standing a small distance away, she gave her hand a somber look, unable to wipe it off and yet unable to move it. "W-we should go..." She didn't even give Red and Turk another look or pay them any further mind, instead hurrying toward Shibusen and wanting to leave the scene behind her.

    Some long hidden, forgotten and ugly side of herself just reared its head and she didn't have to the means to cope properly. That meant all she could do was her own equivalent of drown herself in her sorrows. She would just work herself even harder than usual. Maybe she needed a second job or something to distract herself with even more. Anything to keep away memories and realities. Especially realities. She was so sick with herself, she didn't even have it in her to look at Forge. Turk and ed hadn't ruined the lovey-dovey moment or mood. She'd done it herself. And now she had to pay for it.
'Real' Forge and his vessel both watched as Freya began her assault against the two antagonizers. "Holy mother of all shits. Whose ass did she pull that out of, because it sure as hell wasn't her own. Forge was just speechless at the display; he'd never seen this side of her. How she moved, it definitely looked like she had done this before.

Forge watched in awe as Freya finished giving the two loudmouths a beating long overdue. "You see, I told you something's bothering her. She's trying to use you to forget something. The question is, what is it?" "I can agree with you on one thing. Something's wrong with her, and I'm going to find out what." He then gave chase to Freya as she took off; he kept trying to call her name out to get her attention, but whatever was bothering her clearly made her deaf to his cries.

When she finally did stop, Forge put a large hand gently on her shoulder, the concern evident in his expression. "Freya, is everything alright? What was that back there?"

  • Some part of her mind was slightly clued in to a face trying to reach her, but it was such a dazed mess in there, it took Forge putting his hand on her shoulder to draw her out of it. There was a severe, pouty frown on her lips, and she wondered if she was at all deserving of his attention. But if he felt it was worth it to give to her and he wasn't upset with her, then she wouldn't question his judgement. After everything, she was never certain when she was being hard enough or too hard on herself.

    Looking up at him, she drew her hand up, letting her gaze fall down to it. "I... I used to be a meister. At the academy. Even if it's been a while, you never really forget what comes natural." There was a part of her that wouldn't deny how fun and exhilarating it was to kick ass again. But she felt like she overstepped some boundary and found herself giving in to a part of herself that wasn't unchecked. A part that she no longer had the 'check' to balance her.

    "Everything is alright. ...I'm sorry Forge." Slowly turning her gaze back up to him, her frown deepened as her eyes glossed and watered slightly. "Was that... Was that horrible of me? Do you think differently of me because of that?" It had been a long time since her temper had actually went so unchecked. Perhaps she wasn't doing such a great job as policing herself as she thought. "I was always kind of tempermental, but not really violent. Does that... Is... Oh. Nevermind." Sighing heavily, her lips pursed as her thoughts collided, crashed and railed about her head before she slowly pieced things together.

    Turning her gaze back toward him and looking quite resolved though still wearing a thin frown, she managed to look firm and decisive. And certainly not as absolutely melancholy and defeated. "I'm sorry that you had to see that. But no matter what, I won't let anyone get away with hurting you or me, whether it's verbal, physical, mental or what. Even if I'm sorry you had to see it, I'm not sorry I did it." Even if it made her look bad in his eyes.
Forge looked down at Freya; she used to be a Meister? No wonder she could move like that then. From what little he heard about Meisters, they were generally exceptionally skilled hand-to-hand combatants. It also explained how she seemed to know everyone so well, despite having not seen them at Freya's house or at ChupaCabra, with the exception of Spirit. In truth he was surprised; but it was a good kind of surprised. He was impressed she could move like that.

Even behind the resolved look, Forge could tell she wasn't proud of what she could do. Which he didn't understand, but didn't belittle either. Mostly because the thought never crossed his mind, but also because if it was something that bothered her, then he would do whatever it might take to help her with it. Slowly, he approached and wrapped his massive arms around her in a sincerely caring embrace; again, Forge didn't quite know how to fake emotions. "Freya, I admit myself surprised, but I actually enjoyed what you did. From what a girl named Miya told me about them being bullies, they deserved it." He then looked into her eyes, a goofy but sincere grin on his face, "I won't let anyone get away with hurting you either. I don't care what happens to me, but if someone ever tries to harm you or someone you care about, I'll be there. Count on it."

  • Looking up at him as he wrapped his arms around her, a smile unfolded on her lips, reaching her eyes and all. "Thank you, Forge." Leaning into him, she nuzzled against him, seemingly glowing again and nearly just as content as she was before. Reaching on her tip toes, she kissed his chin before nuzzling against him again, not minding that it was mussing up her hair. "I want to stay like this forever." Although she was hesitant to embrace him with one particular hand, she reached both up regardless and hugged him as well, her embrace short but strong and warm.

    Pulling back, she dug through her purse, pulling out a kerchief and wiping any of the blood off him and wiping her own hand as much as possible as well. "Hehe. I guess we're like a battle couple now or something." A cheeky grin and soft chuckle followed the remark, her hands clasping together after she readjusted her purse on her shoulder. "Maybe no one will ever bully you again now. But even if they do, I'll come and take care of them asap, so you don't have to."
Forge was glad that Freya seemed to be back to her cheery self; he hated seeing her sad or angry. "I'll always be here for you, my dearest Freya." "God, can you possibly torture me anymore? When's this sapfest going to end, anyway?" Forge didn't know what a 'sapfest' was, but the tone indicated he was not happy with him trying to be supportive of Freya, "Do you every say anything nice?" "OK, fine. Freya has a very nice ass and rack, oh wait you don't know what that means. OK, Freya has a very nice-looking and a pair of beautiful breasts. Happy?" "Yes"

Forge heard Freya's remark about not being bullied again; Forge now realized that his interpretation of bullies applied to 'Real' Forge as well. Too bad Freya wasn't even aware of his existence. "Hah! I can destroy her with one hand tied behind my back!" Forge smiled and ignored his inner bully, replying to Freya "That's alright, Freya. Don't worry about me too much. But I appreciate your kindness, all of your kindness." He then got a bit of a surprised look on his face; he had to get going. "I'll see you in a few hours, Freya. Say hi to the others for me!" he said as he made his way to his instructors.

  • ( Lol, Forge is so cute. I like how he just accepted Real Forge's comments. x'D )

  • Blushing as she shyly smiled up at Forge, Freya looked quite ecstatic before hiding her face against him. He always knew just the right thing to say and do. Leaning away from him and looking into his face, she smiled calmly, nodding her head. That was just like him. "Have fun." Pulling away so he could take his leave, she waved goodbye before turning on her heel, slow and almost purposefully. Looking off toward where she'd left Turk and Red, she simply stared off into the distance before turning and heading to the club. Nothing more to be said or done. Nothing more worth the trouble.
(Yeah, lol. I'm trying to make him clueless, but at the same time learning what to say and when to say it. He'll stillbe taking things at face value for a while yet)

Forge was quickly making his way to Shibusen; he reached the Death Room in what seemed like no time flat. He went inside and saw that everyone was there; with the exception of Black Star, as per Kid's instructions. "Hello, everyone, sorry I'm late." Kid spoke up, "It's no problem, Forge. We just got here ourselves." Soul then said, "Hey, Forge. You look a bit different today, did you do something yesterday?" At this, Forge froze; was it OK to talk about what they did last night? "Don't be scared, you pussy. Tell them, show them how much of man you are. Tell them you scored with a smokin' babe, Freya won't mind."

Forge decided not to listen; he immediately noticed Tsubaki in the room. "Ah, hello, Tsubaki!" Forge said cheerfully, trying to divert the subject. "What brings you here, I thought you always had to be with Black Star. Or do Weapon/Meister pairs spend ime apart as well? I'm sorry, there's still a lot I don't know...." and this he stopped; he knew he was rambling.

Back at ChupaCabra, the bartender was doing his own thing; cleaning the glasses to be used for the customers and employees beverages, taking an initial count of the money, and everything that needed to be done to open up the club. Luckily, mornings were always slow; business didn't really pick up until the afternoon. He ws smiling the whole time, knowing full well what Freya was going to look like when she came in the door.

  • Maka looked up from the book she was reading, smiling to Forge with a nod. "Morning." He certainly seemed chipper. Things must have been going well. She could only guess how well. Even Soul had picked up on it. Maka kept a chuckle muted in the pages of her book, covering her face. And Forge seemed to be able to change the topic quite smoothly. He caught on quicker than anyone probably gave him credit for.

    Tsubaki looked up in Forge's direction when he greeted her. "Oh, hello Forge-kun." She waved as she smiled, tilting her head at his question. "Ah, well of course we don't have to be together all the time. That might be unreasonable. After all, meisters and weapons are still two separate lives, only paired together when they decide to be a pair." It was good that he was curious and trying to learn though. Listening on, Maka tilted her head thoughtfully, humming under her breath. "Maybe that's something we should go over..."
"That makes sense" Forge said; Kid then spoke up again, "Black Star got into trouble...." but Soul interjected comically "Again." Kid sighed, "Yes, again. We asked Tsubaki to come here and she agreed. I remembered that we didn't test your capacity to wield Demon Weapons to the fullest we could have. To start off today, I'll have you wield Tsubaki first, then Liz and Pattie. After that, we'll test your ability to form weapons further. Maka and I found volumes of various weapons that can be used as a base of knowledge." He then turned to the female Weapons, "Are you ladies still alright with this?"

  • Turning to face Kid, Liz and Patti nodded, the latter smiling brightly as ever and throwing a hand in the air. "Yep-yep!" Liz gave her an amused yet exhausted look before looking back to Kid. "Of course. It'll be interesting to see how Tsubaki is, considering the differences with Soul-kun." Tsubaki smiled and nodded her head, taking a step forward. "I'm quite intrigued as well. And it'll be interesting to have someone else wield me. It could teach me a lot and help with mine and Black Star's training." Unlike Liz and Patti, she hadn't really been wielded by anyone else, but it never hurt to experiment.
Kid nodded and said, "Alright, Tsubaki. You're up first." Kid was extremely interested in what would happen; Soul looked on as well. "Well, nothing spectular happened with me. Let's see if anything happens here." He then turned to look at Maka, "Bet you're glad Black star's not here. He'd be throwing a fit like no one could believe. What do you think his problem is? It's not like Forge is trying to get on his bad side on purpose, right?"

Forge then held out his hand to Tsubaki, a look of nervousness on his face. He hoped everything would go alright; he'd never forgive himself if something happened to Tsubaki. Even though he didn't know her on a personal level, he didn't feel it was right for her to potentially suffer because of him. "Tsubaki, if anything feels weird, promise me you'll stop the Transformation, OK? I don't want you getting hurt because of some strange thing that happens." Forge then said, voicing his concern to her.

  • Tilting her head and giving Soul a weary smile, Maka shook her head. "That guy can be tiresome. Keeping up with his energy is hard. But in a way, I can't blame them. There's a certain threat already as far as Forge goes. But it's not a dangerous one per se, but a matter of pride. Besides, he was already the target of two bullies. It doesn't say anything about Forge himself, necessarily, but simply how he's perceived by others. For those with an ego, he's going to become a target." A heavy sigh, and another shake of the head. Maka didn't agree with Black Star's feelings, but she did understand his inner motive, so to speak. And for someone like him especially, it'd be hard to act against.

    Waving a hand nonchalantly, Tsubaki gave Forge a pleasant smile, looking quite comfortable and prepared. "Don't worry. Besides, neither you nor Soul-kun were endangered last time, and people sometimes use each other's partners often." It didn't necessarily apply to her, but clearly, there was nothing inherently dangerous about being used by someone else, even if it wasn't as effective. And even if Forge exhibited different traits, she wasn't too concerned. She was more worried about Black Star and making sure she performed well to help the both of them out. She'd make sure she worked hard to make her partner proud. She knew neither of them was slacking off, but they both needed to pick up the pace and perform better if they wanted to succeed. Taking his hand, she transformed, trying to remember what Soul had said and remaining aware to pick up on things.
Forge nodded, relaxing considerably as Tsubaki took his hand and transformed; what happened next would have made Black Star go ballistic if he actually was here to see it. The blade of her sword form, for one, was radically different; possessing easily double the normal length and four times the width, the now double-edge was noticeably sharper, and its entire length was a glossy white. It also seemed to be adorned with symmetrical golden markings, ones that accentuated the beauty of the weapon. The hilt too was different; the square cross-guard normally found on her form changed to one more commonly found on the sword of a royal knight, and was also a golden color. By the time Forge fully took in the amazing features of her Weapon form, he was still silent with awe and amazement. He also felt different when he wielded her; it wasn't bad, on the contrary, he felt.....clear in the head. Clear of soul; unbeknownst to him, his soul actually appeared for the first time, taking on the shape of a giant anvil.

Soul then chuckled, "Wow, that was....unexpected. But, hey Tsubaki, you look pretty good like that." Forge nodded his agreement, saying quite honestly and shamelessly "I figured someone with her level of beauty would have an amazing Weapon form, but never anything like this." Soul had to keep from laughing at how corny that sounded, but knowing Forge by now meant he said with 100% truth.

Kid, however, was still awestruck; his eyes were wide as they continued to drink in what Tsubaki had become. It wasn't long however, before his excitement could no longer be contained. "Such perfect symmetry!" he exclaimed, rushing over to more closely examine Tsubaki's newly found form. "The width of the blade! The markings along its length! Even the handle! Everything is perfectly symmetrical!" At this Soul clamped a hand firmly over his mouth to stifle his laughter; this was just too good.

  • "Ara! This is interesting." Tsubaki couldn't quite remember a time when her appearance was so... Distinct? Gaudy wasn't the word, but it was more elaborate than she was used to. Chuckling humbly, Tsubaki's tone was warm when she responded. "Thank you, Soul-kun!" Maka nodded in agreement, assessing the weapon as she rubbed her chin. Chuckling once more, Tsubaki's voice rang out right after. "Not at all. More importantly, our forms have generally been quite different now for the second time since Forge-kun wields us. This is a result of your distinct traits."

    Ironically enough, it was Kid who earned something of a 'blush' from the girl. And if one could see her phase, it was both humbled, amused and appeasing. However, it wasn't so much a blush of underlying, romantic feelings so much as it was one of sheepishness. "Ah, Kid-kun. I didn't expect such a reaction, but maybe I should have." Maka simply gave a withering sigh and shook her head. "More importantly, than symmetry that is," directing a pointed look to Kid before looking back to Forge, "have you wielded a sword ever before? You haven't made one before, right?"
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