Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Staring firmly at the bulge, Freya took in a breath and leaned forward, bringing her hands to the band of his boxers to pull them away and release his him from the restraint of the fabric. Seeing his erection in full was a bit intimidating. Not to say she hadn't dealt with, er, sizable things before, but then again, she hadn't had that much experience with anyone lately. And with Forge, it was definitely a more personal level. Nodding slowly, she looked back up at Forge, a hand slowly wrapping itself around the shaft. "I'll show you then." Her blush deepened as she gave him a shy pout and leaned forward, now slowly stroking his cock.

    In all honesty, Freya did imagine that they would have some kind sexual experience soon, but she didn't think her hand would be pushed like this. Then again, Forge probably didn't think to or bother asking for kind of experience, so maybe it was her job to ask him rather than assume and wait. Well, she was taking the initiative now. Scooting closer on her knees, she looked back down to his impressive length and tucked some hair behind her ear before closing her eyes and taking him in her mouth. She only took the head at first, alternating bewteen sucking lightly and letting her tongue carress it.

    Pulling back, she opened her eyes and looked over his cock before lowering her head, licking and kissing the base and letting her eyes stray to his face. She watched him for a second before letting her tongue run a trail all the way up his length and lavishing the head with attention before repeating the motion. "How is it...?" Her voice was shaky and she couldn't keep her eyes on him when she asked, but she did like showering him with the attention. Maybe she should have tried sooner.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

As Freya pulled away the fabric concealing his erection, Forge could feel the relatively cool air snap around him; this made him shiver slightly. The shivers got more intense as Freya wrapped a delicate hand around the shaft of his throbbing member and started to stroke up and down; was this a blowjob? Even if it wasn't, the feelings he was getting were fantastic. The more she stroked him, the more he moaned in obvious pleasure.

However, it would soon turn to give him even more; Forge gave a small gasp and closed his eyes as Freya's warm mouth engulfed the tip of his erect phallus. His broad hands gripped the material of the couch as the small sparks of pleasure coursing through his spine turned into large jolts, making him emit fairly audible, heavy grunts. He was about to say something along the lines of how good it felt before he felt her release him from his mouth, only to start licking the base.

As her tongue made its way painfully slow along his length, his body twitched and shivered in obvious pleasure. With her repeating the motion, medium-sized globs of clear, sticky precum started to form at the tip and slowly drip down his pulsating shaft, coating its entire length in a semi-shiny film; this would seem to answer Freya's question of how it was for Forge. However, Forge felt a need to answer her question directly, he said as he continued to grunt, "Miss Chtuhilin, this is.....ngh.......amazing."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Between his moans and the gasp, Freya felt more eager to please him. His sounds were every bit an indictation of his enjoyment, and she was glad for them. A part of her wondered if before his amnesia had he any sexual experience, but either way, it was in the past and had no bearing on now. She'd teach him what he needed to know and asked about and would do her best to help him learn. Not just for the excuse of having a good time of course.

    Her eyes took in the precum beginning to coat his phallus, drawing her attention. She switched up her actions, letting her tongue clean the precum from him while pleasing him and using her hand to stroke him still. She pulled away from a second, smiling up at him before wordlessly returning to the phallus. Although she hated trying to finish so soon, she knew that they couldn't just sit in the back and have a good time while everyone else was working - especially since he was their only bouncer.

    Taking him in her mouth again, she slowly took in most of the length, sucking and lavishing it attentively with her tongue before letting her head bob back and forth, working up a pace and letting her hand stroke the small length left of him not in her mouth. Since she was rushing a bit now, she'd be sure to make it up to him at home later.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge's hands gripped the couch tighter as Freya's actions continued to intensify the pleasure he was feeling; his body was feeling hotter and hotter with each passing second. "Miss Chtuhilin, this is....ngh....incredible!" he grunted, his breathing having quickened.

As Freya's tongue and hand continued to work his erection, he heard 'Real' Forge say in his head, "Not bad, she's working you pretty good. Although, if I were you, I would ask to continue this at her house. Try to see if you can go the whole nine yards. Just my thoughts is all." And with that, 'Real' Forge pretended to disappear, but left enough of a presence to watch the scene without being felt by his vessel.

When Freya decided to start taking more of his length into her mouth and stroke what was left simultaneously, Forge felt the pleasure in his body skyrocket. He felt the heat in his loins building to a near-unbearable level; his erect memeber began to throb more violently. "Miss Chuthilin, somethin......NGH!" he grunted as his pleasure peaked, causing his heavy balls to tighten as his hips thrusted upward slightly, his erect member pulsating hard as it pumped mulitple thick ropes of sticky semen into Freya's mouth. As Freya continued to suck and stroke his throbbing phallus, it pumped more and more semen into her warm, inviting mouth. Jolts of pleasure continued to shoot up spine, causing his body to twitch every time his member pulsed. After about twenty seconds of pumping, Forge's pleasure began to subside.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Both pleased and somewhat shy, Freya was glad she could evoke so much out of him. Just because he was fairly innocent now didn't mean he couldn't be somewhat desensitized toward some sexual stimulation. Matter-of-fact, even much earlier before the girls had all pressed themselves against him, it seemed it had taken time for his body to react, and he hadn't batted a lash or showed any reaction when she first pressed herself against him provocatively. But that was all very different than him obviously enjoying the blowjob she was giving him.

    With the throbbing of his member even greater than before and barely noting his words, or at least, before he cut himself off, Freya was certain he was about to cum, so she pulled back slightly, not yet releasing his large member from her mouth, but preparing to drink down the inevitable semen. As soon as it hit her tongue, Freya began swallowing all of it down, noting how much he released. She swallowed and sucked intently before lifting her head away from his member, licking at it a bit to 'clean it up'.

    Slowly standing up, Freya idly wiped her lip with a finger, too shy to look at him just yet or even say anything. Instead, she sat down beside him before nuzzling into his side and slowly looking up into his face.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge's hands released their death-grip on the couch as he laid back, panting heavily from the sudden surge of pleasure that coursed through his whole body. "Hahahaha, you my friend, have no stamina whatsoever. How pathetic, to think she made you cum that quickly. You need to last longer. You probably got her mad at you for being so quick."

At first it would seem 'Real' Forge was right; Freya had stood up and looked away from him. However, as if to contradict his statement, Freya then sat down next to Forge, nuzzling into his side. Forge could tell she was happy, even if she didn't say anything. "I enjoyed it, and it looks like Miss Chtuhilin did as well. So it looks your little 'me being quick' argument, whatever that may mean, has no ground." 'Real' Forge just huffed in annoyance, "Well, I guess she likes substandard men then. Her loss, she could have much better than you."

Forge just looked into Freya's eyes, still panting somewhat as his member grew more and more flaccid. His muscular form glistened with sweat, a tell-tale of just how great the experience was for him. He then spoke in a gentle tone, "Miss Chtuhilin, that was.....incredible." After he said that, he instinctively put one of large, muscular arms around her and pulled her close, relishing in the moment.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Evidence of his enjoyment of her little job was clear, but she still was uncertain. Just a little. She was glad that she could show him such a good time though. That's all that mattered. When he finally spoke up, she felt a smile spread on her lips, giggling a little as she pressed her face against his arm. "I'm glad..." She could only mumble it, suddenly feeling so shy and all, but it made her happier than anything else to see and hear it. She blushed when he pulled her close, revelling in his body. The warmth, strength and size of it. She may have given him an incredible experience, but he deserved it for being an incredible person.

    At this point, Freya couldn't even be mad or annoyed about Risa and Arisa trying to have a good time with Forge. Not that she'd let them get away with it again so easily, but he was sure that when she walked out of this room she would look like an overly content mess. And that was fine with her. She would hate to see herself afterwards if they do more. She would probably be glowing and shooting off pheromones. Maybe it would be smart to be more "active" in the future before coming to work though. That'd certainly entice a number of patrons.

    Wrapping her arms around Forge, she slowly lifted her face from his arm, she looked up at him with a content smile, leaning her face against his arm. "I suppose we should get you back together before going out there. I'll show you more stuff when we get home. If you're up to it."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge just sat there with Freya, revelling in the warmth of the moment. "Ugh, are we through with the lovey-dovey crap? You got her to blow you, congratu-fucking-lations. Now, let's see if any of the other ladies want some beef in their tacos." "But I have to get back to work, so I'm not sure Miss Chtuhilin would like me putting beef in their tacos. What does that even mean, anyway?" "Good god, if you don't know what it means, don't use it. You just sound like an idiot, and didn't I tell you to ask someone what these phrases meant?" "I forgot, what with the accident and all. I'll ask Miss Chtuhilin."

'Real' Forge groaned, "Oh, for god's sake, call. her. Freya. All this "Miss Chtuhilin" bullshit is giving me a stomachache." "Only when she says I can, and not any time sooner." "God, you are such a big, weak, insignificant pussy! I can't believe she stuck me with you! All the souls in the world couldn't make me tolerate one more second of being near you!" "That's the third time you mentioned this 'she'. Who is it, and why did she put you in me?" "Go to hell, I'm outta here."

'Real' Forge vanished once more, leaving Forge a bit confused. Who was this 'she' that his inner self kept referring to? Did she say something to this...thing.....about working with Forge? All of this left even more quesitons to be answered. However, Forge was brought back to reality by the sound of Freya's voice. She would show him more? Now he was interested, and nodded while smiling widely, "I'd love that, Miss Chtuhilin. Will it feel as good as this? Is there a way I can make you feel what you made me feel?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Giving him a knowing and somewhat naughty smile, she nodded quickly. "It'll feel even better." She hadn't expected him to ask that question though, and immediately reddened significantly while looking shocked, frozen in place with her eyes wide and lips parted widely as well. Catching herself, she pressed against him more, her hold on him tightening as she looked away with a lop-sided and very giddy yet nervous grin. "Y-yeah there is... Lots of ways actually! And more that I can do for you..." Pressing her face against his arm, she tried not to let her mind stray further into that adult territory and envied Forge. Being so innocent, his mind didn't carry him to perverse places the way her own betrayed her. And she somewhat doubted that that would change even after she informed of many more adult activities for them to indulge them.

    As she calmed down, though still wore a goofy, dreamy grin and a fair blush, she looked up at him and recalled an earlier, stray thought. SLowly looking down and pulled her arms away from him to idly twiddle her fingers, Freya looked away, though unconsciously leaned into his side. "Uh, Forge... Do you like calling me Miss Chtuhilin? I don't mind but... Since I, we, already confessed and I uh... We were just a little intimate now, does it feel weird for you to call me that? And not... Freya?" She rarely addressed anyone by their given name, not without an honorific at least. But she didn't mind doing so with certain people. Supposing their relationship was that close. And while she felt close to Forge, she didn't know exactly where they were often. But with the growing closeness, in all senses, she felt that perhaps it was a matter she could broach.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge couldn't help but smile even wider; the fact that what they might do would feel even better, along with the knowledge that there were ways to make Miss Chtuhilin feel the pleasure he did, made him excited, happy, and for some reason, a little nervous. "Well, no matter how many ways, I'll do my best to make you feel even better than you made me feel".

Forge was a bit taken aback to hear Freya ask him if he liked calling her 'Miss Chtuhilin'. Well, of course he did; she was an excellent woman who deserved evey bit of respect and praise that came to her. "Yes I do" he said matter-of-factly, before continuing, "I think you're the most wonderful woman in the world, and deserve to be addressed respectfully." He then turned his own head, feeling a bit nervous and meek for some odd reason, "But.....if you want....I can call you Freya.....if you think I've earned it."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • There he went again being so selfless. It did make her smile widen however and her eyes brighten. Here he was, wanting to make her feel even better than she made him feel. She was certain that if he put his will and mind to it, he could do it too. He seemed capable of doing a lot, no matter if he lacked the experience or not. The thought of it made her eager and warm though, and she gave him a seductive smile before looking away. She couldn't them get too far into that here, or she wouldn't care if they made it home or not before she showed him more.

    Looking back to him, she blinked back her surprise at how straight-forward he was. Well, he was always quite forward about everything. But the way he said it all had surprised and excited her. Freya watched him with awe and shyness all across her face before her eyes widened as she realized... He looked shy. "Ah! Of course!" Practically jumping into his lap and resting her hands on his shoulders, she angled herself so she could meet his gaze. "I...! You earned it a long time ago! But I... Oh. I guess I'm kind of innocent and naive too." Smiling sheepishly, Freya blushed and tilted her head before looking away.

    However, she instead turned and plopped down in his lap, her back to his chest and her kegs crossed. "Well, since Arisa and Risa shooed off their customers, and mine have gone home for today, maybe we'll close early. It's getting late anyway. And we can go home and... Continue teaching you more..." One finger trailed from his thigh to his knee, slowly drawing circles as she smiled and looked away.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge couldn't help but get light-hearted when Freya told him he had earned the right to refer to her by her first name; while many might not view that as anything spectacular, Forge saw it as a tremendous jump in their relationship. He wanted to be her lover, but for some reason, could not bring himself to vocalize it, as much as he wanted to. Still, it felt good that he and Freya were on such good terms with each other.

Forge felt Freya trace a small circle on the top of his covered thigh, so he said, "Well then, Miss.....er, Freya.......let's go home then. May I carry you like I did last night? It felt nice, having you in my arms."

'Real' Forge however watched on in disgust; humans were such sickening creatures. He couldn't wait until the day he could do away with this Freya woman; however, she did serve a few useful purposes. One, she gav her vessel a roof over his head and fed him. Two, she seemed eager to satiate desires, and three, when he would finally kill her, it would be all the more crushing to Forge, making it easier to break him.

(lol, perhaps here, they could run into Blair, Risa and Arisa......who were listening through the door for their "activities")
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Hearing him say her name meant more than she could have realized, and she was certain she was blushing again already. She nodded, though quickly turned around somewhat and looked up at him. Her eyes were wide and doe-like, almost innocent and vulnerable. "R-really? Ohh. Well, I'd like that..." Even if she was pretty drunk last night, she wouldn't forget the feel of his arms or being held by him for anything. And it was a very nice feeling for her too. That he wanted to hold her again sent a wave of lovely feelings rushing over her.

    Leaning against him for a second, she laid a hand against his chest and looked down before slowly looking back up at him. "Forge, thank you." Leaning forward, she wrapped her arms around him before pulling back to plant a kiss on his cheek and rest her forehead against his. "I... I love you."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge just took in the warmth he was feeling from being so close to Freya; he wanted every day to be like this with Freya. "And I love you, Mi....Freya." he said quietly as they remained relatively still.

Forge, however, was now feeling more and more anxious to get home so that Freya could teach him these things. After reaching down between her legs to re-cover his semi-flaccid phallus and re-do his jeans so that they would fall while he walked, he then scooped Freya into his arms and smiled. "Let's go home, shall we?" he said warmly as he made his way to the door of the back room, his hand on the knob to open it.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • How she didn't fall over gushing and swooning was beyond her, but she felt like she was on the border of doing so. Hearing him say he loved her too was almost too much to handle, and hearing him say her name just made her giddy. Sighing contentedly, she leaned back a little with a dazed smile. She perked up, returning to reality and blushed when he had to reach between her legs and get himself straightened up. She didn't waste a second in wrapping her arms around his shoulders, giving him a smile and nod before resting her head on his shoulder and leaning into him.

    They wouldn't have guessed that there was a surprise - more like a small group of surprises - waiting for them behind the door and back in the main room. As soon as the door opened, Arisa and Risa fell forward, collapsing on the floor while the bartender fell forward slightly but caught himself and quickly - and quite smoothly - returned to the bar and Blair gave them an impish, knowing smile. "Ohhh, what was all that about?" Although they remained quiet, and had since gotten themselves together, Risa and Arisa propped themselves up on the floor, watching intently.

    Flummoxed, Freya blinked at them before pouting as she nestled further against Forge. "Hmph. Nothing at all." She batted her lashes at them, giving them all a dirty smirk. Each of them only dropped their jaw, not expecting such a coy look or her roundabout answer. When did she learn to one-up them so well and get so bold!? "Excuse us now, we're heading home." The girls moved aside for them, watching on. The bartender simply smiled as he dried a glass. He'd have quite a bit to tell Boss when he returned.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge was quite surprised when he opened the door to see the others fall before him; were they listening in on them? Forge, however, just stood there quietly as Freya gave her short response when asked what happened. He noted the smile BLair had given them; it seemed like she knew what was going on. He then took on Freya's cue that it was time to go; he simply said quite cheerfully, "I'll see you tomorrow everyone." And with that, he made his way out of Chupacabra.

As he walked home, Forge's head was swimming with joy; here he was, carrying his love in his arms. The only that could make this better was if his memories came back all of a sudden. But, if he had Freya every day, then he could wait. After a short while of walking, Forge finally reached Freya's house. Unlocking the door, Forge carried Freya to the bedroom and set her down gently. He was more anxious than ever to see what Freya had to teach him, but he took a deep breath and said calmly, "So, Freya my love, what is it that you can teach a forgetful person like myself?" "How about learning to stop being so damn corny, pathetic, et cetera, et cetera? Jeezus, you make me wanna puke. Just strip her down and fuck her already, you know she wants it."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Quite pleased that their exit had went smoothly, and catching enough of that smile on the bartender's lips to know Boss was not going to let her live this down, Freya was glad that they made a quick and easy escape and could simply get home and enjoy each other now. When they finally reached their home, she felt like butterflies had just flew across her stomach in mass and were fluttering about in an effort to make her more nervous and anxious than she was.

    Blushing somewhat, she noted how gently Forge set her down and suddenly felt like a schoolgirl about to lose her virginity. Then again... That wasn't too off. Smiling earnestly, she scooted forward and leaned in. "Is there something you want to learn first? We could always have a nice, slow and very specific lesson. Or I could just show you some... Uh, particular positions and ...Stuff." She managed to hold his gaze, though her blush had greatly deepened and her smile suddenly became shy.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge didn't particularly have anything in mind, so he just said, "I'll learn whatever I can from you, Freya." He was fully looking forward to this set of lessons. He felt his member begin to harden again as he recalled the 'blowjob' Freya had given only a short while earlier; he wondered how it could possibly get any better than that. But Freya seemed to know a lot about this, so he woul djust let her take the lead.

"God damn it, you slut, quit being such a fucking goddamn tease and let him fuck you already." Forge ignored that comment; he had a feeling that the word 'slut' had a negative connonation to it, so he didn't ask Freya what it meant for fear of her either discovering that he had a second entity living within him. Or that he would make her mad because she thought he was referring to her as a slut.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Nodding slowly as she smiled, she looked away for a second but quickly returned her gaze to him. "Then, we can just take it slow. Uhh... Explore each other a little and do whatever feels natural." Removing her sweater and letting it drop off the side of the bed, she moved to sit on her knees and legs bent under her to lift her dress over her shoulders and toss it with her sweater. "O-oh... By the way, what exactly do you know or remember about the body...?" She had to wonder if he remembered much or anything at all.

    For a second, she tried to recall a moment where she probably tried to explain a little to him, but she didn't even know if she got very far. But if they had to start from step one, that was just as well. She'd let him get acquainted with her body and help him understand his. And then they could move on to even more fun stuff. Although where to start and continue on to was a fairly difficult question to find the answer to. But maybe once he understood a little more, Forge might have an interest in something or particular or something could come to mind to teach him.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge nodded at the prospect; he wanted to explore every inch of her glorious figure. "That sounds great, Miss...Freya." That was going to take a while to unlearn; he just hoped she didn't mind. He saw her getting undressed and started to do the same; for him it didn't take long, seeing as he only wore boxers and a pair of jeans. Soon he was fully disrobed, his member in a semi-erect state.

Unfortunately, he knew nothing of the human body except for a few select parts; maybe it would be best if they started from the ground up, so to speak. "Not much, Freya. Just a couple of things here and there. The only thing that stuck so far was the...blowjob....you gave to me."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Blushing and looking away as he undressed, though she had peeked a bit before finally looking back at him completely. She had seen his member just before, so she wasn't too shy about that, but it was different to see him completely nude. Yet all at once, another realization crashed over her. He'd never soon her nude. This was the first time he saw her in her underwear even, as far as she could remember. It'd be awkward to strip down entirely for him. More or less, because she was so shy about it.

    Nodding slowly, Freya tucked a few loose strands of hair behind an ear before scooting further back on the bed and patting the space in front of her, urging him to join her. "W-well, you can take your time and get to know my body better. And then we can take our time seeing what each other likes. If there's anything you want to try or that comes to mind, just say so." She gave him a shy and tense but warm grin. Her gaze quickly dropped however, and she sat still for a second before reaching up, crossing an arm over her ample breasts and letting the other reach around to unclasp her bra.

    The clasp gave way quick and easy, and the material fell limply, only held in place by her arm. Freya looked frozen for a second before pulling it away, taking a strap in hand and taking the the bra with her. It did feel nice to free her breasts from her bra, but she couldn't even bring herself to look Forge in the eye. Matter-of-fact, she was too nervous to even remove her panties just yet. "U-um... Feel f-free to touch wherever you... wherever you like." The last part had escaped as a whisper under her breath, and she leaned forward, lifting her hips into the air to hook her fingers in the hem of her panties and pull them down to her knees, sitting back down and stretching her legs out to pull them down and off completely.

    Swallowing a lump in her throat, Freya dropped the panties on top of her bra and nudged them off of the bed, a small hand rising to cover her lips as she looked away, squirming and unsure if she should sit up or lie down, and how or which way. All of a sudden, she was still just as eager but so uncertain. What should she do? She knew she had to take the initiative, but she didn't entirely know what the initiative was in this case.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge acknowledged Freya's gesture and sat on the space in front of her. "I'd like that, Freya" Forge said, happily agreeing to exploring Freya's perfect figure. He watched with rapr attention as Freya worked the fabric covering her large breasts. He immediately noticed that the skin on the sides and bottoms of her breasts were a significantly lighter shade of brown than the rest of her body; however, this did nothing to retract the beauty Forge saw before him.

He would notice the same thing when she removed the fabric covering what Forge assumed to be her privates; when she leaned back he noticed a small line of pink in between her legs. "That's your goal, buddy. Stick your meat in there, and fuck her raw." Forge ignored him; though when his member came to full hardness, it was apparent that Forge enjoyed the sight before him. "OK, wait. I got it, she teased you, now you tease her."/ "I'm not listening to you. I want Freya to help me understand this. Now go away."

Forge shut his inner voice out of his mind; well, she did say he touch her wherever. Slowly he crawled forward, and sitting on his knees, put his broad hands gently onto Freya's breasts, her nipples now placed between two fingers of each hand as he moved his hands over them; they were soft and plush. One of his other hands then detached itself, wandered down the length of her back until it reached her buttock. IT was soft here, soft and delicate. Mimicking what she did earlier, he leaned in and kissed her cheek, saying in a soft but honest tone, "Freya, your body, your skin, it feels absolutely amazing."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Peeking up at him, she nodded shyly before looking away, pleased that he seemed to want to explore her body. She'd gotten to know his fairly well so far, so she felt that it would be good for him to be familiar with her's as well. Looking down, his member becoming fully erect brought a blush to her face, leaving her quite ecstatic that the sight of her was enough to arouse him. Watching him crawl forward, Freya scooted into a more comfortable position and spread her legs slightly to allow him to be as close as he pleased. Not that spreading her legs and leaving a space there for him wasn't any less suggestive or provocative.

    Biting her bottom lip gently when he placed his hands on her breasts, she looked up into his face before letting her gaze drop back to his hands. It wasn't like he was the first and only one to touch her breasts, considering certain patrons had special perks with each girl, but it was different with Forge and in such an intimate setting. His hands on her body made her all kinds of warm and hot. Warm and content, but also hot and aroused. When he leaned in and kissed her cheek, she blushed as a smile came to her lips.

    "T-thank you." She leaned into his touch, yearning for more and wrapped her arms loosely around his shoulders. "Feeling you touching me is wonderful." Nuzzling her face against his, she pressed her lips against his cheek as well, a content smile on her lips but a somewhat dazed look in her eyes.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge was glad Freya was enjoying him touching her; he wasn't sure if what he was doing was right or wrong, but as long Freya enjoyed it, it didn't matter to him. Feeling her kiss his cheek made his face hot, along with the rest of his body. If a kiss on the cheek felt that good to her, he wondered what other parts he kissed would evoke the same response.

He then proceeded to kiss her neck, while gently grasping Freya's right breast, the sides of his thick fingers brushing against the erect nipple. He then moved down to kiss each of her breasts, hopiing it would bring her some enjoyment. He trailed down further, planting kisses down her smooth flat stomach till he reached the pink line between her legs. He saw a small nub at the union of the slit; 'Real' Forge spoke up again, Go on, kiss it. She'll love it. I'm not lying to you, I swear." Forge decided there was no harm in doing so if it was just a kiss, so he planted his lips on the nub, the tip of his tongue accidentally pressing into it.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Tilting her head as he kissed her neck, she revelled in his lips on her body, planting kisses lower and lower. His fingers against her nipple elicited a shiver, and his lips on her breasts evoked small whimpers from her, her back arching slightly. She wasn't sure what had given him the thought to leave a trail of kisses down her body, but she was glad for whatever it was that drove him to do so. Her breathing had slowly become quiet and shallow with anticipation and the arousal, watching him go lower before he reached her inner thighs.

    Watching him intently, Freya wasn't sure if he'd kiss her there as well, as it seemed like there was almost a pause. So when his lips did indeed press against the nub of her clitoris, she moaned out, the moan drawing out further when his tongue pressed against her as well. Lying back against the pillows, Freya's hand was still pressed against her lips and eyes wide before she propped herself up slightly to look down at Forge. "I-I almost forgot... Uh, there is something you can do... That'll be like the blowjob. If you, uh, use your mouth and fingers down there, it'll feel really good." Her voice was a husky whisper when she got to the good part, an unconscious emphasis since her mind was still stuck on the kiss he planted.
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