Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Blinking in surprise as he embraced her, Freya slowly tilted her head back to look up at him. His smile warmed and surprised her, but she was glad to see it. Her lips pursed into a pout, although a very touched and 'determined not to be emotional' one as he spoke. He somehow topped it off with the last line, bringing a shy and small but very happy smile to her lips. "Thank you, Forge. For everything." She had much to be thankful to him for as well, and knowing that he was glad to have had her in his life made her quite pleased.

    Leaning up, she kissed his cheek and pulled back to give him a bright smile, blushing lightly. "I'll go get started on breakfast. You're going to need a lot of energy for today since it's actual lessons." Giving him a perky smile, she kissed him again and slid off the bed, practically skipping to the kitchen. Although she had been curious about Kid questionings of Forge, she didn't make the assumption that Spartoi would be tutoring him themselves. But she did still believe that a large, well-rounded breakfast would be a great help for him.

    And even though it was still so early into everything, Freya hoped that perhaps, Forge could learn something more about him today. And if not today, then soon.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

As Freya left, Forge rubbed the spot where Freya had pressed her lips to on his face, relishing the lingering warmth. 'Real' Forge spoke, "Well, congratulations. You obviously won't listen to reason, so I have this to say: Go get in her pants." "What?" "You heard me, go tap that ass. You want her so bad, take her and fuck her raw. I know how she feels, she wants it. "I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I'm not going to listen to you. You made me upset Miss Chtuhilin."

'Real' Forge groaned, "Jeez, what's with the 'Miss Chtuhilin' crap? If you're going to want her to love you back, you need to start calling her Freya. And if I recall, she said you WEREN'T at fault." Forge shook his head, "I don't care, I'm not calling her Freya. I haven't earned the right to yet. And I don't believe what she said, I feel like I did something that made her act that way yesterday." As he was 'conversing' with 'Real' Forge, he was changing into a fresh pair of jeans and boxers.

Forge then said, "Go away, I have a lot I need to focus on." 'Real' Forge growled, "Why you......Gah, fuck you too." And with that, 'Real' Forge vanished once more. Forge smiled at his little victory over the voice in his head; he didn't know why he was smiling, though. "Today's going to be good" he said cheerfully as he walked into the kitchen where Freya was.

Forge then remembered something; he had some good things to to tell her. "Oh Miss Chtuhilin. I forgot to tell you. Maka, Kid, Soul, Liz and Pattie are going to be my teachers from now on. And I made some new friends. They seemed really nice, and willing to help me out if I need it."
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Yay page 1O !! >u< )

  • Humming as she finished preparing their breakfast, Freya went about setting the table and arranging the array of food on the table. So she had a lingering hang-over and who knows what awaited at work, but things were starting off well. Her and Forge were on as lovely terms as usual once more, and she was going to make sure the day progressed well. Although some things would most certainly be out of her hands, but she wouldn't slouch the way she did yesterday - nor make any foolish mistakes.

    Finishing with everything, she set some of the dishes aside in the sink and turned back to the table just as Forge entered the kitchen. "Oh, great timing Forge, breakfast is ready." She gestured to the table before walking over and taking a seat. She looked up at him as he spoke, surprise drawing on her face. She didn't know what to make of the news. Spartoi was teaching him!? Well, he was a special case... But still! It would give him the focus and help he needed though. That was better than simply attending Shibusen.

    Tilting her head as she gave him a large smile, Freya leaned forward and nodded before resting her elbows on the table and her chin between her fists. "That's great, Forge! I'm happy for you." Friends and Spartoi as his teachers. Things were going well for him. She supposed that even if he didn't find out something else about himself soon, this was certainly great progress. "I'm sure you're excited to go back to Shibusen then today. I suppose we shouldn't lollygag about getting ready then." Pulling her chin away, she grabbed a plate and served herself, taking a small portion and wasting no time in eating. Honestly, it felt good to eat. She felt like it appeased her hangover some, whether or not it should have.

    Leaning back in her seat, she tapped her chin as she chewed slowly, curiously looking up at the ceiling. "Hmm. I wonder how you're going to be learning and training then. Well, I suppose you'll find out today. Hee hee, maybe I'll have to cut work some time to peek in on you." Well, it was more like take a day off, and aside from that first day she took, she'd practically never taken a day off so she had plenty saved up. But it would certainly be fun to go and see how they handled teaching him. And it wouldn't hurt to apologize to Kid-kun for the other day...

    Sighing as she leaned forward again, she took a quick bite and frowned wistfully. "I can't believe I did that. Never again. It's back to water and non-alcoholic beverages for me." She should probably make sure her customers didn't drink as much either.

  • [ Oh, by the way, I figure Risa and Arisa will go relatively far today (some very inappropriate touching, lawl), but did you want Freya to take it farther when she bursts in? Or just put an end to it for the moment? ]
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Holy crap, I can't believe we're at 10 pages already. And it's only day four (though I'm sure we'll be abusing some timeskips here and there))

"It smells great in here, Miss Chuthilin." Forge said, walking towards the table. "Kiss-ass" 'Real' Forge grumbled, to which Forge responded, "What does that mean?" 'Real' Forge couldn't help but smile; this boy was a friggin idiot! "Oh, nothing. It's not important. In fact, forget about using or learning slang at all. You'll be just fine." Forge couldn't help but smile, "Well, I shouldn't trust you, but you sounded sincere on that, so I won't." "Good, good. It'll distract you from learning about yourself, so don't even bother yourself with it."

As Forge sat down, he nodded at Freya's comment, "It's going to be a great day today. I wonder what else I can do." He then chuckled with delight, "Oh, man I can't wait to get started! And I have you to thank for it all. If you hadn't talked to that man Spirit, I would have never gotten in. So again, I say, thank you Miss Chtuhilin." He then helped himself to a plate of food and began eating.

Looking up when she said she'd take time off work, he swallowed his food and smiled, "I'd like that. Maybe after a while, I'll learn how to make different things. Oh, and look, I think I figured out how to make something without it hurting." He then looked down at his hand; he then imagined the gauntlet from yesterday and wanted it to be there. Seamlessly, the gauntlet formed. "See?" Forge said excitedly as he held up the gauntlet, "I'm sure there's a lot more to it, but I think this is a good first step."

(Hmmmm, that is a good question. Do whatever you think will make the story more interesting.)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Giving him a cheerful smile, Freya nodded in gratitude, eager for him to help himself to the meal. Knowing that his mood was so great and that he was so optimistic was brightening to her day as well. His eagerness in exploring his ability further was even better. Before he was curious, but she also believed him to be reasonably apprehensive. What with the pain - and weird process - it was understandable that he wanted to explore it further but do so tentatively. If he was openly eager to try out his ability, that meant he was even just a bit more confident with it - and that's saying quite a lot.

    However, she felt herself pause and slowly look up at him. "Eh? Me?" Tilting her head curiously before tilting it back, a warm smile slowly formed on her lips. "I didn't do anything Forge. More importantly, it's good that you're willing to attend. Besides, I'm always glad to help you anyway I can. I just want to make sure you're content and having fun."

    Returning to her food, she slowed to take her time a bit, actually savoring the tastes rather than simply trying to down everything. Her smile widened when he said he'd like that, and she nodded her head resolutely. She certainly he could make different things though. But she wondered how easily it would come to him. Regardless, she was sure he'd perfect it given due time. "Mm?" Perking up when he said the last part, she leaned forward, quite anxious to see and hear more.

    Dropping for but a second, her jaw quickly closed again before her lips instead were a smile that was complemented by the surprise in her eyes. "Wow, that is good. It's different from the weapon and it didn't hurt. That's great progress!" That meant a lot. And who knows, he'd probably progress much faster than she imagined even. Either way, she had faith in Forge. It was just a matter of him getting the resources as he would need them. But all things considered, he had them now in Shibusen and Spartoi. Things would progress very well indeed.
RE: ch. 02 | Enter the DWMA

Forge shook his head as Freya told him she didn't do anything. "On the contrary, you've done a lot. You brought me here, introduced me to these people, made sure I was OK. Now, because of your efforts and caring, I'm that much closer to figuring out just who or what I am." "God, do you have to be so melodramatic about it? All you have to do is say what you've said a thousand times already: Thank you. You don't need to give a fucking speech about it."

Forge tried to ignore 'Real' Forge; this guy was quickly getting on his nerves. Ignoring me won't work pal. I can hear everything, see everything and pretty much experience everything you do. "Will you ever stop?" 'Real' Forge cackled, "Not a chance, you ignoramus. We're stuck together, so if I have to put up with you, you gotta put up with me." With this Forge let out an audible groan. However, he realized his mistake and recovered, giving a small nervous chuckle and saying quietly, "Sorry, but there were these two kids yesterday who...oh, what'd Miya say....were 'immature punks'. I'm not exactly sure what they were doing, but I don't really want to see them again. They kept getting my name wrong, and wouldn't let me tell them what my real name was. They called me 'Human Beanstalk', 'Chump' and 'Sasquatch'. Do you know what those mean, Miss Chtuhilin?"
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Widening slowly, her smile softened as she nodded her head. She still didn't feel like it was much, but she was glad to have done it for Forge and was simply glad if he felt that he was making progress. Of course, things were going incredibly well, even with all the problems aside, so she was quite glad too. But he probably didn't realize how much of everything he owed to himself, just as much as he was thankful to her.

    As he groaned, she tilted her head and blinked at him, smiling lop-sidedly. "Is everything okay Forge?" She guessed he might have had an apprehensive thought and simply let the groan slip, but the chuckle that followed just made her more curious - and a tad worried. However, listening to him recount yesterday, she felt her lips contort more and more into an intense scowl. He got bullied during orientation of all things!? Weren't they watching over the students!? How did anyone get away with bullying someone else!? Maybe her over-protectiveness was surfacing again, but Freya was highly considering having a word with Spartoi and Spirit.

    Freya pouted and leaned forward, trying not to glare. Which was hard, given how disappointed she was. "Those are just insults people like them use to try to make others feel bad. This Miya person is right, they are immature punks. They were being bullies. And bullies only act that way to make others feel lesser to feel better about themselves and to make themselves look like they're more than they are." Sighing in annoyance and crossing her arms as she sat back, she closed her eyes and shook her head. "People like that aren't worth getting bothered about. But I'm sure you handled the situation well." It probably helped that he was so innocent. He certainly didn't understand their attempts at bullying him, clearly.

    Sighing in a exasperated manner, she opened her yes, downcast as her gaze was before looking up at Forge with a small smile. "Well, this Miya person, is that perhaps the friend you mentioned making earlier? Sounds like a girl's name. She must be very nice."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(This first day of lessons should prove to be interesting XD)

Forge slightly nervous Freya's smile transformed into a scowl; he instantly felt that he shouldn't have said anything at all. "Quit being such a fucking pansy. She's not mad at you, dimbulb." He heard 'Real' Forge say to him. "Then who is she mad it" Forge then asked, to which the response was "She's mad at the two morons who decided to make fun of us yesterday. I wonder how Turk is doing, hehehehe." "You went too far yesterday, Turk could have been hurt".

'Real' Forge then snapped back, "You do realize he attacked you yesterday, for no reason at all? You had every right to knock his fucking lights out, but once again, I had to handle everything for you. When you are going to get a spine? "But I already have a spine. Why would I need to get one?" 'Real' Forge just sat dumbfounded; he was quickly losing his patience. "OK, here's what I want you to do today. I thought we would have to avoid this, but clearly it ain't gonna happen. Have someone teach you what all these unfamiliar expressions mean. Seriously, your stupidity is getting on my nerves. And, for god's sake, don't mention that you kicked their asses yesterday. I don't want to deal with that bitch hanging all over us" "But I thought you said....""Yeah, but everyone's going to think it was you. In any case, don't breathe a word. Goodbye." Forge then felt his inner voice vanish.

Forge then heard Freya say something about why Turk and Red called him those names; so that's what they were doing. "Well, I guess I shouldn't worry about them then." He then answered Freya's statement regarding Miya, "Oh, yes, she's quite nice. She offered to help me figure some things out. She was also with two other girls. Their names were Aya and Naya, and they showed me another full Weapon Transformation. I'm going to see today if I can do that."

Forge then thought back to the previous day, "Though Miya did this really weird thing, she looked up at me and.....I'm not really sure how to explain it. She opened and closed her eyes quickly while smiling at me. I was going to ask if she had something in her eye, but then those two students came back. So I'm not quite sure what that was about."
Black Star was at the Death Room with Kid, Maka and their respective Weapon partners. He clearly was unhappy about something. "So you're telling me that without even asking if I wanted to, we're going to be teaching this guy personally?! What the hell, guys!?" Kid sighed, "Black Star, you'll find out today why. Just promise to behave."

Black star then gave a huffy grunt, "Forget it. This can't be that much of a weirdo. Why can't he take normal classes?" "Because he can form Weapons from his body." "So? Tsubaki can do that too!" "You don't understand, he's different!"

Now it was Soul's turn to step in, "Black Star, think of it this way: You get to boss someone around and show him how cool your moves are." It killed him to sink to Black Star's arrogance, but Soul saw it as the only way to get him to cooperate. "Why should I show him my moves? He can learn it plenty well on his own." He then looked at Tsubaki, "Come on, Tsubaki, back me up here."

(There's always a complication somewhere, isn't there?)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • There was some relief to be found since Forge seemed rather relaxed about his bully problem. She was glad they would be out of sight and out of mind for him. Letting yourself get caught up over people like that was always unhealthy and essentially what bullies thrived on. She wasn't sure if it was his innocence, in his nature or a mix of both that afforded him that peace of mind about it, so to speak. Well, even if he had to deal with bullies the first day, at least he also made a friend. Well, not just one friend, but a small group of them apparently.

    Nodding as she smiled and listened to him talk about them, she considered what type of people they were. They clearly must not have been intimidated by his appearance if they were willing to approach and talk to him. However, she paused and tilted her head. From what she'd seen so far, she somewhat doubted that's how his power worked, but anything he could learn about his power would be a help. Sighing with a smile, she pumped a fist in a small motion. "Good luck!" She was sure he'd make some kind of progress, no matter what it was.

    Lifting her cup and taking a sip, she choked and pulled it away from her lips, coughing behind her hand after he explained what Miya did. Flirting...! The girl was flirting with him! On the first day! No wonder she wasn't intimidated. She was interested. Pulling her hand away, Freya gave him a nervous chuckle and lop-sided smile before sighing, but her lips still in a smile. "Forge... Uh, do you remember what I told you about seduction? Well, flirting is like that, but not as... Forward and suggestive. Rather than touching in a certain way or place, people might smile a certain way or say something not as... Provocative."

    Slowly pulling her hands together and twiddling her fingers, she gave him a shy smile and tilted her head. "Sounds like Miya was flirting with you. SHe's probably... Interested in pursuing a relationship." Turning her gaze away but still smiling shyly, she stood up and went to his side, leaning over to wrap her arms around his shoulder and press her cheek against his. "You're so popular, no matter where you go." She giggled and released him slowly, heading toward the room. "Well, I guess we better get ready! Hee hee, you especially might have a long day." As exasperated - and slightly worried - as she was, she was also highly amused. Somehow, Forge stayed in trouble without even trying.

  • Ah, the inevitable whining and resistance. She could understand from Black Star's perspective to be so against it, but he was barely taking a chance to listen. Maka was positive he wouldn't take their word for it or hear them out, but trying to explain as much as possible to him probably made some difference. At the least, he could be forced even if he didn't agree. And more importantly, Tsubaki was a smart girl and was pretty intuitive. Maka was certain she noticed a difference in Forge, and maybe her word would make a difference.

    With perfect timing, Tsubaki intervened too. She smiled nervously at Black Star, chuckling and tilting her head, hands raised in a placating manner. "Black Star, it might be worth it to teach him actually. Besides what it could do for us as training, even we think there's something different about him. I think it's worth it to keep an eye on him, don't you?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge cocked his head as Freya coughed after he explained Miya's strange actions. So flirting was what it was called. Well, as long as Miya stayed friendly, she could flirt as much as she wanted. Forge still didn't fully understand it or its potential implications, at least until Freya dropped the big bomb......Forge didn't want a relationship with anyone but Freya. As he opened his mouth slightly, he heard 'Real' Forge say in a snappy tone, "Keep your mouth shut. Freya obviously doesn't mind." "Well I do mind, I don't want anyone else but Miss Chtuhilin"

'Real' Forge then sighed, "At least give Miya a chance. You wouldn't want to hurt her feelings, would you? Might make you......undesirable, especially to your beloved Freya." This got Forge's attention, "What? Why?" 'Real' Forge grinned; this boy was so easy to manipulate. She'd hate you if she found out you hurt another student. And the others would hate you too. They don't look kindly on those that hurt their own." At this Forge closed his mouth, obeying the voice within once more. 'Real' Forge's grin grew wider; soon, he'd have a taste of the 'forbidden' fruit that had eluded him for so long: a throbbing, vibrant human soul. So far, his 'diet' of fellow Kishins - well, soon-to-be Kishins, anyway - had sustained him, but he needed a human soul. However, he was smart enough to wait for the right opportunity to arise. Because that's what a Soul Predator does.

Forge just gave Freya a smile as she left to go change; he was already dressed. He felt a bit out of place, seeing everyone wearing a top but him. But, so far, no one objected to it, and he felt more comfortable this way. And so he was ready to go, eager to see what it was he could learn. Maybe even today, he could find out something not just about his powers, but his past.

Black Star's jaw nearly hit the floor; Tsubaki WANTED him to teach this guy? "Tsubaki. Listen to me, I can't play babysitter to this guy. We have to make you a Death Scythe, it's been SIX years." "And whose fault is that?" Kid piped up, starting to become annoyed slightly. Black Star then turned and pointed a finger, "Butt out, Kid! Your Weapons aren't Death Scythes yet either!" Kid just responded coolly, "That's because I have to collect twice as many souls as anyone else, and I'm trying to make sure my sou count stays a perfectly symmetrical, even number. So I choose my missions accordingly." Black Star just sat there fuming. As Kid and Black Star continued to banter, under the watchful eyes of Shinigami-sama and Spirit, their heads turning to focus on each verbal combatant, Soul couldn't help but chuckle; he then whispered into Maka's ear, "Black Star just got owned. That was awesome."

"Black Star, I don't see why you're being so difficult about this. Maybe if you teach Forge well enough, he can help you gather the souls you need." Shinigami finally chimed in. Black Star stood in shock; why did everyone want to tie him down with such a useless task? "Shinigami, sir, pardon me, but I don't need or want help. I can gather the souls necessary." Shinigami then cleared his throat, "Black Star, I hate to have to say this in front of everyone, but you've had 44 consecutive failures to capture the evil human soul you signed up to get. I think you training Forge for a while will help sharpen your skills and get you out of this slump."

Black couldn't help but grimace; he finally then said, "Fine, but don't expect me to go easy on him. If he can't keep up that's his fault." Shinigami shook his head, "No, Black Star. You are not to bully him in any way. This boy, Forge, is clearly a capable fighter, but he needs refinement. That's your job, to refine his close-quarters skills." Black Star just grumbled before crossing his arms and pouting.

(Lol, Black Star = FAIL XD)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( You know, I think I might want to get rid of Miya and make a girl who's more forward, bold and lively. And more of an outright rival. Maybe she can get rid of Miya on her own too. )

  • Gathering her things, Freya patted and dusted mindlessly at herself as she finished preparing and cleaning up. Heading back into the living room, bag on her arm and small items in hand, her mind wandered over the many other possibilities that surrounded Forge. She guessed a good many students would be intimidated by him, but he already had a pair of bullies and an admirer. That shattered all assumptions. Students sure moved fast these days.

    All she could do was hope that all would be well though. Knowing Forge, she knew he'd be able to make it out of everything okay, but she felt like she was sending him out to everything well-prepared. She kept considering those little 'lessons' but never gave them. Maybe each night before falling asleep, they could lie in bed and go over the things new to him each day and simply cover everything that way. Yeah, that sounded good. And she'd actually mention it this time! Although more and more, she wondered if it would be more useful to him to continue being so naive... In the end, it saved him a lot of trouble so far, technically.

    Returning to his side, she nuzzled up beside him and gave him a sweet smile. "Are you ready to go? Today, we'll both work hard." Nodding her head, she leaned against him and stared off into the distance with a determined expression. "I think I'll try a new set of charms on my customers today." It would certainly beat drinking. Shyly wrapping her arms around his arm, she smiled up at him. "And I can't wait to hear about how your day will go."

  • "Ehehe..." Rubbing her cheek gingerly and looking away as she smiled, Tsubaki had to take a second to consider how to approach that issue. "Black Star, teaching Forge may give us good preparation and practice for getting the souls we need. It was hard to make the point with reasonable tension though. It wasn't surprising that anyone would be getting peeved or fed up so far. Tsubaki simply sighed and gave the others a helpless, small smile.

    Sighing as well as she crossed her arms, Maka gave a bored look to the other side of the room, wondering how long Black Star could argue the issue for. Really, the matter was closed and settled before he was even back or brought aware of it. He had no choice in the matter. And it was no surprise that he would be fervently against it. Maka couldn't even be amused by his demeanor at the time. At least Shinigami-sama finally brought the deal to an end though, and Black Star was stuck with Forge whether he liked it or not.

    In all honesty, Maka wasn't even sure how they'd go about teaching him. That is to say, how to teach and guide Forge perfectly in a way that suited him and balanced everything out seemed rather tedious. But she was sure they'd get it figured out. And they probably would benefit a lot from teaching him as well. She was fairly excited, but teaching someone as new to everything as Forge would prove to be quite the challenge. But challenges were meant to be met.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Oh? Lol, do I smell a catfight?)
Forge was lost in his thoughts as Freya nuzzled up against him; he looked to see her smiling sweetly up at him. "Indeed I am, Miss Chtuhilin." he said in response to her question. He would definitely work his hardest today; today would be one of discovery, despite not knowing the reluctance of one certain blue-haired instructor. "I know I'm ready to go. Ready to go at it like a couple of jackrabbits, hehehe. When are you going to fuck her? Just get it over with!" he then heard 'Real' Forge say. "I don't know what 'fuck' means, but I won't do anything with Miss Chtuhilin until she wants to." Then came the characteristic groan, "Jeezus, you're the man in this relationship! Bend her over and plow her! Don't be such a little bitch! She's yours for the taking! "I don't like your view of her. She isn't a piece of property to be used!" "Then for god's sake, find some random girl and pound her! I don't even care, just pick someone!

Putting 'Real' Forge out of mind, Forge walked out the front door. "Today should be very interesting, indeed. I wonder, though.....who was I, before....you know, I lost my memory." He then sighed, "I wish I knew who I was, and how I came to have this strange power." Though he tried not to let it get him down, the return of the thought of not knowing his former identity weighed heavily on his mind. "You know what'll cheer you up? A nice, raunchy fuck with an easy, attractive woman. That clears up any man's head." "I can 'fuck' later. Right now, I want to focus on figuring out who I was and what I can do."

'Real' Forge was starting to get agitated; even more so than he usually was. "God, of all the pathetic, useless humans I had to get stuck with, it's the one with no spine. You're a real piece of work, you know that?" "This again? I already told you, I have a spine. I wouldn't be able to walk without it." "Gah, forget it. It's no fun insulting you if you can't even understand what I'm saying."

"Well, now that we have that settled, Forge is probably on his way as we speak. The only question is, how are we going to teach him? Son, have you given any thought on how to proceed?" Kid nodded, "Yes, Father, I have. The first thing I think we should do is ascertain the limits of his power. I talked to Freya-san yesterday, and apparently Forge can form a variety of different weapons, though the focus will primarily be on what he can and cannot form. We should also ascertain if he can do a full Weapon Transformation."

Spirit then spoke up, "If I may, Kid-san, I think we should also see if Forge has any capability as a Weapon Meister." Kid nodded in response, "That's a fair point, Deathscythe-san. We should see if that's the case. Liz and Pattie have proven that a Weapon can wield another Weapon, though from what I've seen, the power is greatly reduced in that scenario. I wonder..." He then trned to his own Weapon partners, "Liz, Pattie, would you be willing to let Forge wield you? The same question goes to Soul and Tsubaki: Will you let Forge wield you to see what the effects might be?"

Soul nodded, "I have no problem with that. So long as Maka thinks it's alright." Black Star, however, would prove nowhere no as willing as Kid to share his Weapon Partner, "Hell no! No asshat like Forge is touching Tsubaki!" Kid sighed, "I wasn't asking you Black Star. I asked Tsubaki." Black Star then got in Kid's face, "And I said, hell no! Besides, Tsubaki wouldn't want some greaseball touching her. Isn't that right, Tsubaki?" Soul just muttered, "Here we go again."
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, I'm not even sure it'd get that far. I just see the girl easily 'eliminating' of Miya and co. But that makes her sound ridiculously more devious than I intend to make her be. x'D; )

  • Slowly looking at him, blinking slowly and remaining silent, Freya leaned her head against his arm before leaning it away, looking straight ahead and yet at nothing in particular. "Forge, are you okay with learning that you might not be what you hope you were?" It was certainly an odd and delicate subject to approach. While she didn't think Forge would have an unreasonable reaction either way, trying to piece together her suspicions and thoughts and voice them properly was certainly a feat.

    Tilting back slightly, her head rested against his arm once more. "Suppose you remember horrible things about yourself? Sometimes, memories aren't necessarily forgotten, but suppressed. But then again, someone may have erased - or subdued - them because there were things they didn't want you to remember, and any gaps would be too problematic amongst everything else you remember..." In hindsight, she just wanted him to be prepared for the worst, but hoped for the best for him. In all honesty, even if he proved to be a terrible person before, she couldn't say she would mind - much. As long as he was content with remaining the kind and compassionate person he was now. Then again, it was almost like an innate trait in which he continuously came to peoples' need.

    Perhaps, regardless of who he was before, Forge was just naturally a good person. Even as a 'blank slate', there was no reason for him to lean toward good. Whatever it was though, she simply liked and appreciated him for it. Why or how was irrelevant to her. All that mattered was that she would support him regardless of any and everything else.

  • Watching the three talk, Liz's eyes slowly roamed between Kid, Spirit and Shinigami-sama. Following the conversation yet letting her mind take her on another track, Liz considered the situation that they'd be in and how much more interesting things were about to become. There were quite a few unknown variables here with Forge, but that meant just as much in terms of discovery, research and answers for them as it did for Forge.

    Looking back to Kid, she tilted her head with a quiet and questioning 'hm'. "Oh, sure, of course. I suppose it'd be the only way to test that theory anyway." Pattie perked up, throwing an arm straight up in the air and boldly giggling. "Yeah! It'll be fun!" Whatever fun was supposed to be there. Maka turned her head slightly and glanced at Soul, a small smile on her hips as she gave a small shrug. "It is a pretty good idea." She was sure they were both probably thinking it was a darn good idea and would mean a lot in understanding more of Forge and his powers.

    On the otherhand, Tsubaki already knew that her partner would be underestimatedly far from willing. Smiling calmly, she took on an appeasing gesture, trying to soothe and calm Black Star. "It might be worth a try to understand some things better, Black Star. And it might help us even. Besides, it's only for test purposes for a small amount of time, and I'm sure it won't impede with our missions any.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Oooo, so you mean she's going to do away with her? Is this going to be the ice queen woman from the orientation?)
Freya's questions hit Forge like a stone wall; he'd already had two flashbacks, one of which Freya wasn't fully aware of. "If I was a terrible person....." he started, but then cut off. What if he was a terrible person? What if he committed unspeakable atrocities? If that were the case, he'd separate himself from Freya as soon as possible and not return to Chupacabra. He couldn't stand to be near her, not with how much she'd done for him.

'Real' Forge couldn't help but chuckle; this stupid bitch just made it far too easy to make opportunities to drive them apart. He was about to tell Forge what to say when Forge spoke up of his own free will, "I don't know how I'd handle it, Miss Chtuhilin. I try to be a good person to people, not give them a reason to hate me. But what if I've done something unforgivable? How could I face anyone?"

'Real' Forge grinned, "You're right. You're a terrible person, and guess what? Soon you're going to hurt everyone you care about. Including your beloved Freya. You will be the vanguard of Death City's destruction, and soon after, the entire world. You will destroy everything that ever was, and establish a new order. An order where it will rain fire and only one god will reign supreme: You." At this Forge couldn't help grimace, "Why do you keep telling me these things? You know something, don't you?"

'Real' Forge cackled, "Kid, I know everything there is to know about you. Including who you were before you turned into the world's biggest wimp." "Then you tell me. Who was I? Where did I come from?" 'Real' Forge laughed again, "You think because I know everything......I'm going to just up and tell you? Fat chance, retard. I'll feed you tidbits when I think you need them. But, to help sate your hunger for knowledge and so that you'll leave me alone for a while, I'll give you this: Ask if you can wield Death the Kid's Weapon partners. And Black Star's as well. I think you'll like the result." "Why?" "Don't argue! Just trust me on this. Look, you're my vessel which means your well-being is critical to my survival. So, I'm giving you an edge to help your incompetent ass in a combat situation."

As 'Real' Forge vanished again, Forge just kept walking, an expression of lostness, slight depression, and confusion was on his face; what did 'Real' Forge mean by 'like the result'? Still, with how hard 'Real' Forge was pushing it, Forge could at least give it a try. He wondered what would happen, though.

This seemed to lift his spirits once more, and now he was looking more hopeful. "You know what, I'll learn who I was later. Right now, I want to see what I can do. My past can wait till later." 'Real' Forge smiled in the background; this was the exact outcome he'd planned for. His vessel would blindly push on ahead, unaware of the destiny that fate had in store for him.
Black Star's jaw dropped to the floor; even Tsubaki was against him? Then it hit him......she was attracted to him! "Now I see.....Well, fine.....let him manhandle you. Not like it matters, I bet he can't even pick you up." He then gave a mischievous chuckle, "You'll probably be so incompatible you'll burn his hand off."

Kid then spoke up, getting annoyed with Black Star's resistance, "Why do you have it in for Forge already, Black Star? You know him less than a day and you're basically declaring him your public enemy!" Black Star then shot back, "Did you ever consider that you're trusting this guy too much! We know next to nothing, except that he can basically do what Tsubaki, Soul, Liz, and Pattie can do!"

Meanwhile, Shinigami and Spirit were just watching this take place; they knew that they would have to work this out among themselves. That, and Forge would have to learn how to protect himself. "This should prove to be interesting, wouldn't you say, Deathscythe?" Spirit nodded, "But here's what I don't understand.....Black Star seems to vehemently despise Forge, for whatever reason." Shinigami chuckled, "Well, that's what I'm hoping this training will accomplish...to help those two become allies. I can tell by looking at Forge that he is an excellent fighter, but Black Star will be the one to help him refine his combat skills."

Soul was starting to get a headache; he then turned to Maka and said "Maka, perhaps you should break up this little argument. You're pretty much the voice of reason in this group." That, and she was the one who defeated Asura with nothing more than a single punch to the face.

(Lol, wait until Forge wields Liz and Pattie. The result will surprise you)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Hehe, so to speak~. And nah, she's a completely new character. But those other two girls will come in soonish. )

  • Letting her gaze slowly inch up to his face, she wondered if perhaps she shouldn't have said anything, but it certainly was a possibility and she did want him to be prepared. When he spoke up, she gave him a small, almost humored like smile. There was a tiny sigh before she spoke up herself. "Forge, plenty of people do horrible, unimaginable things in their lives. And all of us do things that others that we regret." Her smile softened as she looked in his eyes before looking forward again. "But if we let the past hold us back or hold us down, we can't move on and do good things for others or ourselves later. And besides, we can't please everyone. If there are people who won't forgive the things you do, then they're not the kind of people you want forgiveness from anyway."

    Her eyes closed slowly as she leaned her head against his arm. There was a certain irony to her words in regards to her own situation, but it was lost to her in the moment. All she had on her mind now was making sure that Forge wouldn't beat himself up over his past, whether now or when he discovered it all, and making sure that he knew there were things just as important out there for him. Looking back up at him, she smiled calmly and nodded her head. "That's the spirit." He did manage to perk up as need be. Another good trait of his. He was pretty lucky to have so many good traits. Maybe that explained all the admirers he had gained so far... Maybe she needed to work on her own personality or something. Or get amnesia too. Having customers - at a hostess club no less - was very different from having interested parties after all.

  • Chuckling nervously at Black Star, Tsubaski shook her head. "I won't be man-handled. After Forge-san has tried to use Pattie, Liz and Soul-kun, we'll see what happens when he tries to wield me too. For all we know, something interesting could happen." She couldn't entirely blame Black Star for being so silly right now. She just wished he could get past his problems right now and try to work with Forge instead of against him. But leave it to Black Star to be stubborn. At least he was consistent - and sadly persistent.

    "Eh?" Giving Soul a skeptical grin, she turned back to the two hesitantly, looked back at Soul and then back to the arguing - er, debating - Black Star and Kid. "Alright then..." Muttering on her breath, the almighty dictionary was brandished and she promptly Maka chopped Black Star. As gently as she could, of course. "Okay, that's enough." Somehow, Kid's punishment ended up being a finger getting waggled at him. "You two, we don't need to fight between each other. Black Star, we're not asking you to like Forge or anything, but helping him helps all of us too. And who knows what might come of it. And it's always better to have unknown factors with you and not against you." Clapping a hand against the dictionary, she smiled warmly at him. "Lets put aside the differences for now and just see what happens. And if Forge proves to be a failure, I'll help you get revenge on him for wasting our time."

    She was most certain he would not be any form of a failure, but she figured that reassuring Black Star was of the utmost importance. He had plenty of great skills and qualities to share with Forge after all that would be a great help, and she really didn't want to see Black Star fighting with any of them over such a trivial matter. They all weren't the best of friends, but they were Spartoi. How could they be such a cool team and yet not get along? She'd make sure no one would look down on them and their skills or their relationship.

    "Okay, Forge will be here soon. For now, lets get ourselves organized and prepared. Got it?" Resting the dictionary against her shoulder and planting her other hand on her hip, she gave the other Spartoi youths a firm look with a nod of her head.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Ah, I see. This should be interesting. When were you planning on introducing her?)
Forge smiled; Freya always seemed to know what to say to help cheer him up. "Thank you, Miss Chtuhilin." Forge said. Now he was determined; it showed in his body language as he walked toward Shibusen. He once again arrived at the monstrous staircase before turning to Freya, "Well, Miss Chtuhilin, I guess I'll see you soon, right?". Waving goodbye, he made his way up the steps to go towards the Death Room.

As he made his way through the halls; he realized that he had become lost. "Lost already? Jeez, you suck, hahahaha." "Do you every have anything helpful to provide?" "Hey, I'm the reason you have these powers. I helped you save your woman twice now. Now because of this, you're working alongside the most powerful souls here. Dammit, if you weren't so weak, I'd make you eat them. "What? Eat them?" "Not actually eat them, eat their souls, idiot. You're a Soul Eater. You eat souls. But since you don't seem to want to kill innocent people, I guess we just kill the bad guys." "Because the bad people deserve it. Those who hurt people that haven't done anything deserve punishment." "And yet you worry about those who hurt you. Goddamit you have one twisted sense of logic."

At this Forge put 'Real' Forge out of his mind; he focused on trying to find his way to the Death Room.Though, his efforts seemed to get them nowhere. He noticed that there were still a lot of students in the hallways; he figured that classes must not have started yet. He then walked up to a trio of girls he didn't recognize and asked, "Excuse me, but could any one of you tell me where the Death Room might be?" What he didn't know was that he had met these three only the day before.

Black Star was about to chew out Tsubaki and Kid when he felt the book crack him over the head once more and knock his face into the ground; he stood back up, rubbing his head angrily. "Cut that out, Maka!" Black Star yelled. "That's what you get for being difficult" Kid chimed in. Black Star was about to shout back something fairly obscene when Maka told them both to knock it off.

Black Star then listened to what Maka had to say; she had a lot of good points, but it didn't make him feel any better about teaching this guy. "Ah, fine, whatever. But don't expect me to like it." he said as he crossed his arms, a very unhappy expression on his face from facing so much resistance. "Finally" Soul thought to himself; may now they could get something done.
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Just after Blair's party, maybe after the incident with Tom. She'll probably replace Miya just before the party, but won't be introduced to anyone until after. )

  • Tilting her head back to smile up at him, she nodded smoothly. It was nice to see him in good spirits. Some suffering was inevitable, but she hated to see him so distraught over certain matters. Knowing he was feeling better about things perked up her mood a bit too. When they finally neared the ever familiar staircase, she pulled away from him and crossed her arms behind her back. "Mmm." Nodding her head, she gave him a small smile and watched him go. "Have a good time." She would have joked about punching those bullies if they came back for more, but she wasn't exactly sure how he'd take that comment, so she decided to forgo it.

    Heading off to the club, she stretched idly and slowly let her clasped hands fall behind her, mind occupied with thoughts of how things would go today, considering how they ended yesterday. She would have to avoid the girls as much as possible. But that would be especially hard when Forge came, considering how they liked to tease and play with him as much as they could. Freya would definitely catch them and set things straight today though! Not that she could even begin to predict exactly how far they would go. ...or how far she'd go because of them... Somehow, even when she came out on top, Arisa and Risa always managed to 'win' at the end of the day. Then again, their battleground and terms of wins and losses were pretty screwed up as it was.

    Things would be more messed up with more rivals. One of which Freya was only aware of - and not too concerned about - but things were going to get plenty more complex soon enough. Especially regarding a particularly trio of girls. As it were, said girls turned slowly as they heard a vaguely familiar voice and perked up curiously once they actually recognized the person that had addressed them. "Oh. What a surprise."

    "This is unexpected."

    "Hello, Forge." Naya and Aya wore mildly surprised but interested looks while Miya gave Forge a smirk. "The Death Room? Sure, we can take you there." Aya gestured in the direction while Naya nodded her head, Miya simply standing there with her arms crossed. The girls headed off toward the Death Room, intending to take Forge straight to it. "How do you feel Forge? Still okay after everything that happened yesterday?" It was obvious that beating did nothing to him, but that didn't mean that their curiosity had subsided.

  • Not at all deterred by her friends reaction, maka simply crossed her arms and gave Black Star a stern look, just daring him to challenge her. At least she managed to quell the fighting. Even though Kid was probably more sensible and logical than her - and definitely more wise and a bit more calm - he could get quite a bit out of hand when it came to certain things. Things like symmetry and Black Star. Especially the former. Sometimes she would wonder how someone like him doesn't have women falling at his feet, but then she would easily remember those silly traits and not be surprised at all.

    Smiling softly, she shrugged a bit, pleased with his response. "We're not asking you to like it. You don't have to. But just work with us." She figured something cheest about them being friends and teammates and seeing it through together would be lost on him at the moment, but she was going to keep it in mind for later, just in case. "Now that that's clear, lets get ourselves together, alright?" Giving them a cheery - but obviously intent and 'I dare you to challenge me' - smile, Maka clapped her hands together, her almighty dictionary somehow gone. Of course.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol, let's see how the trio reacts to what Forge is about to say, hehehehe)
Forge was a bit surprised to see that it was none other Miya and her friends. "Ah, Miya. And Aya and Naya. Good to see you all." He certainly hadn't expected to come across them, but it was nice to see some friendly faces. "Good to see you, indeed. Mmm-mmm. Such delectable figures; you know, you should ask them to participate in a four-way with you. They seem like the type to enjoy it. So, go on, ask them." "What's a four-way? he asked 'Real' Forge as he followed the trio to the Death Room.

'Real' Forge grinned; he knew exactly what to say. "Oh, it's a very special type of bonding experience. An experience that'll make friends into best friends. And trust me, it wouldn't hurt to have a few of those. But if you are going to say, just tell them that someone informed you of a special experience that will make you better friends." Forge thought about it, then said in his head "OK, I will." Forge then spoke up after Miya had asked him how he was doing, "I'm alright. I just hope didn't hurt Turk too bad yesterday."

He then asked what 'Real' Forge wanted him to ask, "Miya, Aya, Naya, someone told me about something the three of us could do together. They said it would make us better friends. So, I was wondering, would you three like to have a four-way with me?"

(Oh, crap. BWAHAHAHAHA! Poor Forge, he doesn't what he just got himself, lmao. Oh, and I left Spartoi out of the post because they're just waiting for him now to show up)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, 'Real' Forge is always going to get him into trouble. Whenever he follows anything that guy suggests to him, I just feel bad for him. x'D )

  • They gave him smiles and nods in returned greetings, fairly surprised to have come across him too. The odds weren't slim, but it didn't meet they should regularly expect to see him around Shibusen. And at least this time those two losers weren't around to interrupt and be a bother. Miya scoffed as Aya and Naya exchanged quite humored smirks. "You probably didn't hurt him enough. Considering they probably want revenge is a testament to how cocky they are. They're the type that don't learn quick, apparently." Needless to say, she still wasn't impressed by the pair of jealous, overzealous punks.

    Listening to Forge as he began an inquiry, the three paused and turned to face him fully, looking astonished before bursting out into laughter. "What a thing to say!"

    "You're confused!"

    "Why would we do something like that!?"

    As they slowly contained themselves, they continued leading him on to the Death Room. Aya smirked with a shrug, still amused but obviously seeking to inform him. "You see, Forge, what you suggested is something you only do at a special place in your relationship as friends. In other words -"

    "Friends with benefits! Unless you're in a relationship. Then obviously, your girlfriend isn't just a friend. But how you'd get another guy and girl to agree to that is pretty amazing. I'd like to see who would." Naya snorted in amusement and irony, shaking her head. It would be a wonder if two couples somehow pulled that off. No doubt it happened, but it seemed so unlikely. Miya sighed and turned to Forge, smiling coolly. "Whoever told you that is a little misinformed, or they just didn't give you all of the information. To have sex when we barely know each other is one thing, but a fourway? Well, people would either have to be really close oe truly perfect strangers. And you wouldn't want to be classmates, unless you were that close."

    Tapping her chin, Miya turned forward once more. The girls had certainly got a good laugh out of that at least. Although they did have to wonder why it was Forge seemed so innocent in regards to everything.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol, thought you'd get a kick out of that)

Forge was a bit taken aback when the three of them started laughing; had he said something funny? He was about to ask what was so funny when they explained that a four-way was something that only those in a relationship. "How convenient. Seems like whoever told me that definitely 'didn't give me all of the information', as Miya put it." "Hmmm, this girl's a tough nut to crack. Let's try something a little more...persuasive." "No, they obviously don't want to, so just let it go." "Gah, you have no guts. You're a wimp, just try it. She'll give in, a big strong guy like you, she'll be putty in your hands." "I'm ignoring you now."

However, something Aya said left him confused; he then spoke up as they continued to lead him to the Death Room, "Umm, sorry, Aya but what exactly is a 'friend with benefits'?"
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • "Hmm?" Turning her head to look at him over her shoulder, she blinked curiously before smirking. "Ahh, well, I guess it isn't too surprising that you're not as familiar with that either." Well, it was kind of surprising how much Forge didn't know about, but they supposed that given everything, it would all cease to be a shock at some point. "Friends with benefits are people who have some level of a relatively close friendship and don't mind being somewhat intimate with each other."

    "Sometimes they might hug and kiss. Or be more intimate." Somewhere between a giggle and a cackle, Naya went about looking mischievious, the sound somewhat muffled behind her hand which she had pressed over her mouth. "It's not uncommon for friends with benefits to grope each other. Or even have sex. But it's usually people with pretty casual relations but something strict in their relationship. Or those who are just too scard to go to the next level of their relationship." Miya crossed her arms as she finished the explanation, noddingly slowly.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge listened intently as they explained what a 'friend with benefits' was; that certainly seemed like a strange arrangement. Then again, a lot of things seemed strange that he had accepted as things that people just did, and this didn't seem any different. "OK" Forge said simply. "All this time we've been talking, you could have been fucking their brains out. Seriously, man, you're killing me. If they won't give it up, then just rip their clothes off and fuck them! Or find someone else, just do someone!" Forge ignored, as he had to realize he should; it seemed that even if 'Real' Forge did help him when he was in a bind, he seemed to make people react in ways that made Forge feel uncomfortable.

"Interesting. I didn't realize that such an arrangement existed." He then sighed, "Thanks for clearing that up, you three, it seems I still have to learn about these things." He had hoped that Freya's day wasn't going so awkwardly like his was so far. That little episode of asking Miya and company to participate in a four-way and their subsequent reaction made him feel....strange. Like he was guilty, but not that much so. Still, this made him want to hide for a bit, but he wasn't sure how to react. "Ummm....may we continue on, please?" he asked meekly, hoping that exploring his powers would take his mind off things.

(Isn't 'Real' Forge just the most wonderful person in the world? *wink wink*)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Aya and Naya chuckled slightly, one shrugging her shoulder a bit and the other tilting her head casually. The world was a funny place after all. How arrangements like those even came into question and existence was curious, but surprisingly many had such relations, so it stopped being a shock after a while. The girls themselves had never had such a relationship with anyone though. But there certainly wasn't a lack of people they were familiar with to have some knowledge of it from.

    "Don't worry, even we keep learning. Times, people and things change quite a bit. Just take your time." It was probably harder for an amnesiac to catch on, because they lacked most of the history of words and how some connected and the modern, slang and old usages versus each other. But it probably would be some relief to know that he wasn't the only one that sometimes didn't understand things. Chuckling between them and nodding, the girls picked up their pace again. They hadn't really stopped, but they had slowed down considerably. Regardless, they soon reached the Death Room and turned to smile at Forge. "Well, here you are."

    Smirking up at him, Miya tilted her head and waved. "I suppose we'll be seeing you later Forge." Aya and Naya gestured their good-byes respectively and the girls turned to head off to their classes. They didn't bother questioning why Forge was heading to the Death Room, but considering yesterday's circumstances, it figured that things would go differently for him than they would everyone else. But how? Well, it didn't really concern them. But they were interested in what would become of everything...
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge waved goodbye, saying "I suppose we will be seeing each other" then gave a small relieved sigh once they were gone. Miya and her friends didn't seem too upset with. That was not the same sentiment Forge's mental friend was feeling, "You idiot, you let them get away! "Ugh, leave me alone! Can't you just do something else?!?" "I could, but making you miserable is just so much fun! Well, when you understand what I'm saying it is, anyway. Seriously, ask someone to teach you phrases and their meanings. "Why don't you teach me? "What do I look like, your babysitter? Get someone else to do it!"

Forge then gave a defeated sigh and entered the Death Room. He saw everyone up on a small platform and was about to greet them when he saw the kid named Black Star appear right in front of him. "You're late!" he said in his usual loud voice; Forge then meekly responded with "O..oh, my apologies. I didn't know the exact time, you see, and I got..." Black Star then cut him off, "No excuses! Next time be here on time!"

Soul couldn't help but laugh silently before saying in his usual sarcastic tone, "So says Mr. Punctual over here" Black Star just gave Soul a glare before continuing on berating Forge, "OK, listen up! First thing is we're going to assess your combat readiness!" "No, we're not!" another voice then said; Forge and Black star to see Death the Kid glaring at Black Star. "Black Star, your belligerence is growing tiresome, go sit over there"

He then pointed to a section of the Death Room; this naturally made Black Star mad. "You can't just go around barking orders!" he shot back. "Neither can you, now go." Kid retorted coolly. Black Star just gave a small huff before storming off. "Sorry about that, Forge. Black Star usually isn't this much trouble." "Was it something I said?" Forge asked, not really sure why Black Star was acting differently than he normally would.

Kid sighed, "No, he just sees you as a rival, and has to prove himself. Though he already goes through the lengths he does now. Usually after the first day, he calms down." He then cleared his throat, "Now then, Forge......I want you to know that this type of instruction is very unusual. We aren't used to someone of your....abilities. While the other students here have a structured plan, yours will be more free-form, allowing you to experiment with just how advanced your abilities are."

Forge nodded; he was kind of hoping it would be this way. "That sounds good" he said. Kid then turned to Maka, "Maka, how about you go first. You and Soul are the most advanced in terms of melee combat, and since Forge seems to have melee weapons as a disposition, I figure it would work best that way."
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Watching leisurely, quite expecting what happened as soon as Forge came in, Maka shook her head wryly and finally sighed, not at all surprised with Black Star. Well, she was actually fairly surprised that he was as calm as he was. Which was saying something. But his harassing Forge was no surprise. At least Kid was getting exasperated with Black Star, which was quite the norm as well, and was taking some control of the situation. Leave it to him to get things under control, being his cool and sensible self. Er, disregarding his own outbursts as far as a/symmetry was concerned...

    Perking up as Kid addressed her, she stepped forward and nodded, a smile slowly unfolding on her lips. "Sure." She turned to her partner, giving him a grin and held out her hand. "Ready?" She actually wasn't entirely sure how she and Soul would get all this by Forge, but she figured that it would come to them as they went. And heck, Prof. Kid here would probably assist too if they needed it. She actually wouldn't be opposed to Black Star butting in either, supposing he wasn't a complete jerk about it. He could contribute quite a bit if he got over himself.
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