Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Sharing another glance, through frowning this time, they directed their attention back to Forge, giving him curious expressions with raised brows. Miya gave them hard looks and nodded her head, causing the twof them to stumble and smile nervously. "Ehehe, of course, Forge."

    "We'll gladly help you out."

    "What can we teach you?"

    Raising their hands defensively, they chuckled simultaneously, not wanting to experience Miya's wrath for not being so eager to help him. Of course, it's not like she wasn't curious about his admission, since it was an odd thing to ask. But the more he trusted them, the better.

    "Yeah, me neither actually. It makes me wonder how even got any job there." Crossing her arms as she tilted her head back, Maka gave Kid a perplexed expression. Being an amnesiac and as naive and innocent as he was, she was certain he didn't know how to mix drinks or seduce women, so he couldn't work at the bar or even as a host. But Soul probably was right about him being a bouncer. Which still didn't entirely make sense in hindsight. But she wouldn't question it too much.

    Sighing softly, she shook her head as she closed her eyes. "Well that's the thing, see. I figure no matter what I say, he just won't get it. So I was thinking instead of simply giving him clear instructions on how to throw father out. After all, even Freya-chan tells me what a drunk pervert he can become. Unless he's moping. But wouldn't that just kill business even more anyway?" Looking away with a dry, unamused frown, she spared herself of letting the matter take over her mind too much. "Kid, wouldn't you want Shinigami-sama tossed out of ChupaCabra if he went in there, hugging and groping all over Risa, Arisa, Blair and Freya?" Well, aside from the fact that she couldn't even see that - more like Shinigami-sama and Freya having casual conversation while Blair sat to the side goofing off popped into mind - her point was there. It was just kind of... Gross.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Hehe, here we go now! Things are gonna start heating up)

"To be honest, Maka, yes. I would gladly want him thrown out of there. But, Maka, try to think about this for a second: do you honestly think that it's going to solve anything? All you'll do by throwing him out is strain your relationship even more. Do you really want that headache"

Whilst Maka and Kid were discussing, Forge was elated to hear that they would help him. "Well, here's the thing. I can form Weapons from my body. But after looking around, I can tell my method is a bit different from everyone else's. Here, I'll show you." However, Forge froze; he wasn't sure if he wanted to go through the pain of forming the gun again. But, if it would help them help him, he'd do it. It was here that Forge made a connection; every time he formed the gun, he imagined it being there.

He did so once more, visualizing the gun in his hand and wanting it to be there. The gun formed seamlessly; no cuts, bleeding, or agonizing pain. "See what I mean? According to what Miss Chtuhilin told me, though, she said I could form more than just this." Forge said, opening his hand and showing them; he then closed his hand around the handle. However, his pointer finger accidentally slid inside the trigger guard and squeezed against the trigger itself.

There was a deafening BANG! as the gun went off by accident; a white ball the size of a golf ball shot across the room and exploded against the opposite wall, leaving an impressive crater. Nearly everyone in the room screamed in panic and hit the floor, covering their heads. After a few moments, those who had dropped got back and looked around to see who fired. All eyes eventually came to rest on Forge; the gun in his hand steaming a bit from the muzzle. Spirit, who had ducked to the ground when the gun went off, slowly rose back up and said loudly, "Forge! Watch where you aim that thing!" He grinned sheepishly as he put the gun behind his back and gave a nervous chuckle, "Heh....sorry, everyone. It was an accident."

"I'll show you an ACCIDENT" he heard a familiar voice say; Forge turned to see Turk, the top of his hair split down the middle in a very prominent skunk-stripe, revealing a patch of reddened scalp. His face was contorted into an expression of anger. Clearly, Forge's discharge had grazed the top of his head and cleaved off a good portion of his hair. "Red, let's mess this guy up." "Yeah, we're about to show you how it's done, Sasquatch!" With moments, Red's body turned into a small orb of red light and quickly reformed into a pair of oversized baseball bats joined with a chain at the handle. Turk caught them deftly after flying up into the air. Most of the new students immediately retreated, giving the potential duel plenty of space.

Kid and Soul, who had both gotten surprised when the gun went off, looked back up to see two students teaming up to go after Forge. "I take those are the Black stars you mentioned?" Soul asked. Kid nodded, "Yeah, that's them. Let's see what happens" He then looked at everyone from Spartoi that was present, "Only intervene if it starts getting out of control."

(Hehehehehe, whoops!)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, oh man. x'D Poor Forge is always finding trouble. )

  • Maka nodded in reassurance. "Don't worry Kid, when he gets thrown out, I'll be sure to scold him and tell him I'll be proud of him if he can walk home alone." As ridiculous as it sounded, she was serious. Besides, it wasn't like she was just going to have him tossed out and let him sit there like a fool. Then again, his constantly going back and being such a pervert, even while knowing how it made her feel, strained their relationship more than anything. More and more, she understood why her mother sought to divorce him. But he was her father and he did love her, so she wouldn't disown him. She had to be there to emphasize how bad his behavior was and help him overcome it.

    A different method? What in the world could that have meant? Each of the girls watched with the utmost attention as he formed the gun, shock taking over their faces. As a matter of fact, they were so surprised, they had completely missed mention of some random woman - a mention that would not have left Miya happy. When he accidentally fired the gun though, Miya and her friends covered their ears and winced, ducking somewhat. He seemed to be full of surprises. Very impressive ones at that.

    Turning at the sound of a familiar voice, Miya and her friends scowled before their faces fell and they burst out into laughter, looking absolutely comical and unable to keep their cool. "Look at this loser!"

    "It's perfect! Just perfect!"

    "Revenge was never sweeter!"

    The girls couldn't have thought of better retribution for the boys' earlier behavior. They were just asking for it. It was simply too bad that this had to be accident. They sombered and got a hold of themselves, though noted how intent Red and Turk were on establishing their revenge. Aya clicked her tongue while Naya rolled her eyes and Miya glared. "They're serious, these losers." Little to nothing was more obnoxious than a sore loser.

    Maka slowly removed her hands from her ears and opened her eyes, still wearing the frown she had when the gun went off. The noise and chaos it created were amazing. She wasn't sure if she had the right to be amused by everyone's reactions. Although it only got worse. "Wha? We're not going to stop them? Kid, this is serious, more serious than me telling him to kick my father out of ChupaCabra." Although she knew not to be too worried about his mentality, considering Forge probably wouldn't be phased by the pissed Turk and Red wanting to fight him, Maka was concerned about Forge having to take on a jealous pair of punks over an accident.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Hehehe, I know. Isn't it great?)

Kid sighed, "Let's face it, Maka. These two won't stop until they've at least tried to get back at Forge for making them look like idiots. Believe me, if you were here, you'd know what I'm talking about. It's better to let them have their macho-fest here than letting Forge get caught in some dark alley where we can't get to him." Soul nodded, "You got a point, Kid. Better we observe and help if it's needed."

Forge backed up a bit; he really didn't want to cause any trouble. "I...I'm sorry, Turk. I didn't to mean..." but Turk cut him off, "No excuses, you fucking gorilla! You just had to keep trying to make me look bad, and now you just messed with the wrong hornet's nest! I'm gonna beat you so bad your own mother wouldn't recognize you!" Forge cocked his head before saying, "I don't even know who my parents. I'm not sure if I'd recognize them either." Turk laughed, "Even better! You won't have anyone to go back to! You worthless orphan!"

Red and Turk's attention shifted from Forge to Miya and her little gaggle of friends after they had laughed at them. "You're goddamn right we're serious! Now move aside, ladies! Our quarrel ain't with you! Though I will have to punish you three for laughin' at me." He said that last part with a bit of a perverted tone to his voice and smile on his face.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Sighing and shaking her head, Maka conceeded the point, considering how persistent someone like Black Star was, it was no surprise that this pair of fools needed to be taught a lesson before finally backing off. Though she'd seen cases of bullies simply coming back for more later. She hoped that wouldn't become the case. But they could very well give Forge trouble here and try to find him later for a private rematch. But it'd be easy to tell their intentions after they got their butts kicked here.

    The girls found Red and Turk to be absolutely petty, and their pathetic jokes even more so. Miya rolled her eyes at the boys. If the girls stepped in, it wouldn't help any, and they all realized that as they stepped aside. "You guys obviously need to be taught a lesson by Forge before you get it. If you're not careful though, you'll lose more than that ugly hair of your's." The girls laughed viciously at his expense. "But don't worry, if you're even able to walk when Forge is through with you and feel like challenging us, we'll be sure to properly put you in your place." Miya flipped her hair, not at all concerned with the two - for good reason, of course.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"Ha! This guy's nothin' but a pushover! This'll be easy!" He then raised his Weapon partner Red and said, "Let's dance, you big baby!" He then charged Forge, giving a small leap to swing one of the bats at Forge's face. It was at this point 'Real' Forge spoke up, "I've had just about enough of these brats."

It connected; Forge's head twisted to a sickening angle as the Weapon made a metallic CLANG! He then swung the bats a few more times, each of them knocking Forge hard in the head; this was actually enough to knock Forge on his back. "Ok, this has gone far enough" Kid said as he started to go forward to help Forge; however, Forge stirred and Kid noticed something different. Forge seemed......darker, stronger than only a few moments ago. "What?"

However, this wasn't Forge anymore; these idiots awoke the beast within. The red marks on Forge's skin returned and Forge stood back up like nothing had happened. He stared at Turk with a devilish grin and bright red eyes, showing off an impressive row of jagged teeth, before speaking in a much darker tone, "Well now. That wasn't very sporting." Forge then cracked his knuckles, "Come on, tough guy. You can do better than that."

Turk gulped; what the hell was going on? He shook it off and said, "You want more, tough guy? I got plenty more for ya!" He then started swinging Red at Forge, his strikes getting fiercer and fiercer. Forge just stood there and took it; the blows didn't phase him when he was like this. After a while, Turk was tired out. Beads of sweat rolled down his face. Forge, however, was fresh as a daisy.

Forge just chuckled deeply, "What, finished already? Well then, know this, you hot-headed little shit. You fuck with me again, I'll break you in two." Forge formed his right hand into a heavy iron gauntlet, then smashed it into the side of Turk's head; the bully's body went flying into another wall, causing it to crumble on top of him. If the students weren't scared of Forge before now, they certainly would be.

Soul just stared for a few seconds before saying, "Well, that's something you don't see every day."
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Miya and her friends watched with contained grimaces, then awe and finally outright shock and even a hint of horror. They hadn't expected Forge to take a beating at first, and when he stood, they weren't too surprised. But the change that was subtly noticed across him was odd, and things got downright terrifying once he actually fought back, easily finishing the excuse of a farce. Whatever had happened just now, they couldn't say. But it was enough to give most of the students goosebumps and back off of Forge, good intentions or not behind their actions.

    Of course, even the shift in his demeanor and language was terrifying, but not many would have noticed or cared for as scared and surprised as they were. He went from being intimidating to becoming a straight up nightmare. Miya herself was impressed, pleasantly surprised and yet somewhat intimidated as well.

    On the other side of the room, Maka simply shook her head, arms crossed over her chest. "Figures we should have worried for them more." She just hoped that it all ended there. She couldn't imagine Turk and Red getting anyone else up to bullying Forge with them if they did come back for more, but she wasn't sure how well that settled things. But then again, she expected them to shit their pants in fear if he so much as glanced at them in the future.

    However, there was something bothering Maka. Something that just didn't sit right with her... But she would simply tuck it away for now, bury it until a better time to reflect on it arose.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge...well, 'Real' Forge..... looked around; many of the students' eyes were wide with terror and fright. "Little pussies" 'Real' Forge said internally; Forge then spoke up, "OK, you made your point. I wasn't standing up for myself, now let me have control again. I don't like being this way. What if you killed Turk?"

'Real' Forge couldn't believe what he was hearing; he shouted back, "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?! This guy practically beats your face in and you're worried about him? Goddamn it, you're so pathetic! Here, have your body back!" With that, the red marks and jagged teeth teeth disappeared; the gauntlet however, had not. Forge returned to his normal state of mind; the calm, gentle amnesiac he normally was. Though he now knew people wouldn't approach him after that little stunt. He also scanned the room; now he felt bad about letting 'Real' Forge get through. "Ummm.....not quite sure what to say." He then looked down and saw that his hand was encased in metal, almost like a thick glove. Hey, how do I get this off? "Figure it out yourself, you big pussy!"

Forge stared at the gauntlet; then realized that if he could imagine a gun was there, maybe it worked in reverse. Forge imagined his hand being there and wanted it there; sure enough, the metal seemed to just go right back into his body.

Spirit sighed and said into a walkie-talkie, "Get a medical team over to the entrance hall. One of the fights got out of hand and a student looks pretty hurt." Red, meanwhile, was digging through the wrecked wall to find Turk.

Spirit walked over to the Spartoi group and said, "Can you guys look over things? I need to go speak with Shinigami-sama about this, he'll want to know." Kid nodded, "Of course, Deathscythe-san". And then Spirit wandered off to the Death Room. Kid was at least partially satisfied that Forge had turned back to normal, but it was still unsettling to see him become...like that.

Soul could feel what Maka was feeling; something wasn't right here, but he couldn't put his finger on. Still, he'd wait until they were alone to discuss it.

And then Kid made a comment, "We'll need to get those walls fixed soon. This whole little scene of destruction is ruining the symmetry of the room, and frankly it's becoming rather unsettling." Soul couldn't help but face-floor; he stood back up and said in an elevated tone, "You're kidding me, right? Forge just went the closest we've seen to ballistic and you're worried about symmetry?!"
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Glancing at each other subtly, Miya and her friends smirked slowly, their initial surprise wearing off. Of course, they had to be wary of Forge to some extent following this, but his little display had only left them quit pleased. His sudden shift back to his innocent, almost meek self only made them more satisfied. "It's fine, Forge. You don't have to say anything to anyone. Besides, I'm sure everyone understands. Their behavior as uncalled for." Miya gave him a reassuring smile, crossing her arms as Aya and Naya nodded.

    Looking at her father as he addressed them, she nodded before turning her attention back to Forge. She simply shook her head at Kid's comment, arms still crossed as she watched intently and didn't even turn away. "You should know better than to be surprised. Matter-of-fact, I'm surprised he didn't mention it sooner." 'Or go over there and try to fix the walls himself...' But she wouldn't suggest that out loud for worry of him doing it.

    "...You know, guys... Forge is a special case all around. Maybe he shouldn't just be in class with everyone else." Although she let her hands fall to her side, Maka was still focused on their mysterious student. "Maybe he needs private lessons. With the right people." She slowly turned to face Soul and Kid, wondering if they got the implication. Really, it didn't make sense to just lump Forge into classes with everyone else. It might even be a disservice to him. He obviously didn't need a partner - and maybe couldn't have one. And he was a special case considering his amnesia and other facts. How to help and teach him was the question though. Then again, it probably wouldn't hurt for him to have some lessons with everyone else.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol, Miya's not gonna be happy if Forge becomes 'less accessible'. BTW, how am I doing with Spartoi and Forge so far?)

Forge didn't know how to respond to Miya's comment; he felt like he went a bit overboard. Even if Turk was being mean to him, there had to be a reason. "Still, I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm usually not that way." Forge said, trying to get people not to alienate him. In the background, 'Real' Forge smiled at the way things were going; everything was going to plan.

Kid nodded as Maka suggested Forge have private lessons; it was obvious to him that Forge needed a specialized form of instruction. And who better to help him understand his abilities better than Spartoi, the elite task force that was instrumental in bringing down Asura? "I agree, Maka. Forge is going to need the best help he can get. Then again, it seemed kind of fated that it would go this way." He then turned to his Weapon partners, "So, you two think you can handle being instructors?" He knew very well that Liz could; hell, she actually did once. Pattie, on the other hand, had a tendency to get a bit....'distracted'.

Soul smiled, "Funny, I never thought I'd see myself as a teacher. But hey, this guy's got something going on. And I got the feeling that standard lessons are going to just be a dull, boring monotony of boredom. Though I'm not sure how Black Star's going to take it; he hates class just as much as I do. I can't imagine how he'll react when he learns he might be the one giving the lessons. Then again, he always likes bossing people around; at least it'll be a bit constructive this way. And who knows, Forge may actually prove to be a match for him, if not now, but later."

Just then, Spirit came back; he then said, "Kid-san, Maka, Shinigami-sama wishes to see you." Kid got a mildly surprised look on his face; though he had a good idea of what it was about. "Very well. Liz, Pattie, let's go" He then followed Spirit back to the Death Room to have a conversation with his father on whatever it was they were going to talk about. Soul groaned, "I know what this is about."
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, not at all. And you're doing great~. I'm trying to keep up. x'D )

  • Quirking a brow as she tilted her head, Miya looked genuinely puzzled. "I don't see why. It's not as though we won't be doing worse." Of course, she was alluding to the fact that she and her friends apparently didn't mind being brutal in a fight themselves. But Miya personally felt Turk and Red had it coming. From their obnoxious attitudes to their entitled behavior. They were just begging for revenge. At least they would probably shut up for a while now.

    Nodding with a smile, Maka glanced at Kid before turning to Soul. Considering how logical and on the sensible side Kid was, she had little to no doubt that he would agree. It was the most practical way of going about things to ensure not only Forge himself but no one else would fall behind. After all, if they had to accomodate him in classes with everyone else, it might not benefit the class as a whole. But not working with his amnesia and lack of knowledge would only hinder him.

    "I'm sure we'll be able to convince Black Star." And if they couldn't, then a Maka Chop could do the talking for them. But Soul had a point. Black Star may love the opportunity to boss around someone - especially Forge. "Hm?" Perking up, Maka turned curiously but looked to Kid and then Soul. Tiling her head, she smiled wryly and started toward the Death Room. Pattie simply saluted with a nod, cheerily calling out an 'aye aye' while Liz nodded. "This is really a serious day..."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Yeah, there's a lot of things happening all at once. I can't even tell you how many times i had to go to previous pages just to refresh myself on past events. Though I suppose that happens when a powerful (even though Forge has almost no idea of just how strong he can be) amnesiac comes in and ruins the chemistry. XD)

Forge didn't know why Miya wasn't more appalled at his behavior; surely she should been at least a little shocked? But he just dropped it; it was too much trouble to think about. "So, you said earlier something about finding a partner?" Forge asked; this woman seemed to be very confident, and could probably be a great asset to him. He wondered though; he still had no idea about how to transform like he saw Red and several other students. He then looked at Aya and Naya, "Ummm....sorry, but I wanted to ask you something....how do you, you know, transform like Red did? Could you show me how? I want to see if I can." Meanwhile, Red and a pair of medics finally got Turk out from under the wreckage; his body was covered in deep-purple contusions and slightly bleeding lacerations. "We'll get you, Sasquatch! You better watch your back!" Red shouted as he followed the medics carrying Turk away in a stretcher.

"Of course it's serious, Liz. A strange boy with no memory and an even stranger ability showed up, so there's a lot we're dealing with on the fly here" Kid said flatly as Spartoi progressed towards and finally entered the Death Room. They would find Shinigami was talking to the green-clad military officers. "I see, so you have no leads?" The one of the left shook his head, "No sir, I'm afraid not. We'll keep looking until we find this person, thing, or whatever it is that's putting these people down." Shinigami simply nodded, "Very well, you are free to go." The military saluted as the small Spartoi band walked past, then made thier own way out of the Death Room.

"You wanted to see us, Father?" Kid asked; Shinigami replied, "Yes, I did, though I assume you know why I called you here." Kid stated, "Indeed. I presume this has to do with Forge's little...outburst?" Shinigami put a blocky hand on top of his head and rubbed it thoughtfully, "Yes, it would seem this boy holds a hidden power. So here's what I was thinking....Forge should hold his lessons here. Under Spartoi's instruction." Soul chuckled and spoke up, "Funny thing you should mention that, Shinigami-sama. Maka brought up that very point. We'll have to wait until Black Star returns, but I'm sure he'd jump at the chance to tell someone what to do." Shinigami chuckled, "Well, it seems you've all discussed this already."

Kid nodded, "Indeed we have. The first thing I'm going to see is if he can create a second weapon simultaneously, that way his combat form will be perfectly symmetrical." Shinigami then clapped his hands together, "Splendid! It seems like it's settled then. Maka, would you kindly go get Forge and bring him back here?"

(Sorry if it seems I'm leaving Kilik, Ox Ford and Kim out of this.......the way I see it, they all got transferred to different continents to work for the different Death Scythes in charge. I'll bring them up a little later on in the story. And feel free to take over Soul if it helps you any.)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Haha, same here, glad it wasn't just me. And that's fine. I wondered about them a little, but I figured it might get confusing to keep up with them too. And alrighty~. )

  • "Indeed, I was wondering if you'd found a partner yet." In truth, Miya had found someone that would serve her purposes perfectly. They could be entirely, mutally beneficial to each other even outside of simply being partners. But it was important for her to keep tabs of Forge, to an extent. If she knew who he was most intimiately involved with, she'd have an easier time making sure things went well for her. With a hand on her hip, she smirked at Naya and Aya who glanced at each other before shrugging.


    "We can."

    The girls simply gave Red and Turk condescending grins before they returned their attention to Forge. They figured that wouldn't be the end of things. Red and Turk were of the annoyingly persistent sort. It'd take one serious type of beating, and probably many of them on top of that, to be rid of them. "Just ignore them."

    "Here, watch it."

    Aya transformed into her weapon mode, becoming a pair of tonfa like morning stars, fitting into Naya's hands. "See?"

    "It's easy." Not that they realized how it wasn't easy for Forge for a specific reason.

    "The situation has been pretty crazy. How does Freya do it..." She muttered the last bit under her breath, wondering exactly what Freya's life at home had been like since Forge had come in. Teaching him was one thing. She couldn't imagine actually living with him. Heck, she already had to live with Kid and Pattie. Then again, she also wouldn't trade the two of them for the world. And perhaps Freya felt the same. "Well, teaching him and keeping an eye on him should help keep the strange down to a minimum." Hopefully.

    As they entered the room and were addressed by Shinigami-sama, Maka felt her lips curve into a smirk crossed with a knowing smile. She was on the same page as Kid and Shinigami-sama then, that was perfect. Then again, maybe there was a case of like father, like son going on there for the both of them. "Eh...! Wait a minute, how did it become about his being symmetrical? I expect that talk from you, but not inserted so casually." Shinigami-sama didn't even pause! Maka simply sighed under her breath. This was the daily routine. To an extent.

    "Sure." Nodding her head, Maka left the room, wearing a small smile as she returned to the orientation area, immediately heading straight to Forge. "Here you are. We need to go, Forge. Shinigami-sama wants to see you."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol, seems like Aya and Naya really are Miya's lackies, hahaha. I wonder what Miya's planning in that pretty little head of hers)

"No I haven't." Forge said, too focused on the situation at hand, to have heard Red shout his threat. He then watched Aya transform into her weapon form. Forge stood there in awe; 'Real' Forge spoke up, "Hah! Don't even waste your time, kid! That pussy shit of needing a Meister is beyond me!" "Beyond me? You're the one in my body! So if anything...Actually, how'd you even get here? Does everyone have a presence like you in their head?" Real Forge chuckled, "Yeah, I guess you could say, though I'm quite a bit more 'pronounced' than almost everyone"

"You should know better than to be surprised. Matter-of-fact, I'm surprised he didn't mention it sooner." Soul said in a playfully mocking tone, mirroring when Maka told him off for face-flooring over Kid's mention of symmetry. He knew this would get under Maka's skin a bit; but hey they were partners, so it was natural for them to take jabs at each other. As he followed Maka back to the orientation room, he looked around with Maka until Forge was spotted, which didn't take more than a second, given the fact that he was a helluva lot taller than any of the other students. Now that Soul thought about, the only who came close to Forge's size besides Shinigami was Sid; he wondered how Sid was handling working in South America.

Forge saw Soul and Maka approach; he instantly felt like there was a solid brick in his stomach and he started sweating profusely. He froze up, "Oh, man! I knew I was in trouble! What do I do? What do I do?" Then Maka spoke the words he never wanted to hear; Shinigami wanted to see him. Soul saw how tensed up Forge was, "Jeez, relax, Forge. It's not like you're in trouble or anything. Shinigami just wants to talk to you about a couple of things." When he saw that Forge didn't believe him, he gave an exasperated sigh and said, "Help me out here, Maka."
Back at Chupacabra, a nerdy-looking male walked into the hostess club, intent on finding a particular worker. He saw her in the back; even though she was already with another patron, he walked up to her and said, "Blair-chan! I have come back for you! Please go out with me!" He had tried several times before to convince the neko to be with him and only him; though he seemed to have little idea as to how fed up she was getting. "Hey buddy, get lost!" the patron she was with shouted; however, the nerdy male would prove to be persistent, "I'm not leaving without Blair-chan!"

It was at this point Boss came over, "Hey, hey, hey! What's going on here!?" He then looked at antagonist, "Tom! What did I tell you about coming in here and bothering my workers?" Tom stood up to Boss, "I don't care! I want Blair-chan!" Boss grimaced; he then showed his impressive strength and picked up Tom by his whole body. He then carried him over to the front door and threw him out. "Jeez, what I wouldn't give to have Forge here right about now."

Tom shouted after he had landed in a pile of garbage bags in a dark back alley, "I'll be back for you, Blair-chan!" "Guess this means I have to go to the next level" he thought; and he knew exactly what he needed to do.

(Time for some foreshadowing....DUN-DUN-DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, they are. They're trustworthy friends that balance being lackeys. Like those people that don't like to lead and then they stumble across the perfect person to lead them. On their path of cunning and deviousness, lawl. She just wants to have Forge by her side at times and be able to influence him a bit. )

  • "Eh! H-hey! I just meant he threw it in there awfully well." Pouting with blush, Maka shot him a glare before pulling out her dictionary threateningly. Of course, she was just teasing him with it, thus she romptly hid it away again and gave him a wry, unamused grin - as amused as she was. Considering how often they poked fun at each other, Maka felt they had a perfectly deep bond. But sometimes she wondered how it was that they were always mocking each other, yet even Tsubaki and Black Star as well as Kid, Pattie and Liz never seemed to mock each other.

    Retrieving Forge somehow didn't come about easy, either. He was so sure he was in trouble, and that was not making their job easy. She sighed heavily and patter Forge on the arm. "Forge, Shinigami-sama has an important matter he wants to speak with you about. If you were in trouble, he'd have no qualms about coming here and saying it. What he wants to talk about is something to help you." She swore Forge was somehow just as stubborn as Soul could be. Considering how docile he usually was, she was surprised to see him so adamant - even if quietly so - about not coming with them. She supposed his worry was valid though.

    Flashing him a smile, she thumbed over her shoulder toward the door and tilted her head. "Come on, lets go. We don't want to keep Shinigami-sama waiting."

  • Perhaps if there wasn't so much alcohol in her system and she wasn't so lost in her little pity party, Freya would have been highly alert about the familiar face that walked in to ChupaCabra at that moment. He was a familiar and returning patron of Blair's, and one she didn't care for much. Not a bad guy, but he certainly rubbed her the wrong way. And it wasn't just the clinginess. But instead of being worried - considering he was a returning customer - she went about hanging over her customers, sobbing and recounting her worries. They were very accomodating of her, so they ended up sniffling and sympathetizing for her, amusingly.

    Well, it was easy for her to get lost in her own little moment until Blair's fanboy decided to interrupt business. Bothering someone when they were with a patron was one thing, but harassing Blair was a different matter entirely. Freya watched with a sudden stillness before glaring sharply, standing slowly but stopping midway and promptly sitting back down. Seems Boss took care of it. It would have been a good time to have Forge around. ...But that thought only sent her on another spree of comical sobbing and more drinking and gushing to her patrons.

    On the otherside of the room, Blair sighed and pouted. "It's so hard being popular. I'm so sorry." She apologized to her patron for the interruption, but she hadn't yet entirely brushed aside the incident. Tom hadn't come in for business. He clearly just wanted to take her away and that was suspicious. She'd have to be alert about him later on. But for now, she was perfectly content to enjoy doting on her customer.

  • ( Hah! That's ironic considering I was thinking of giving Freya some creeper stalker later on. x'D And I thought I was going to have to make her kick some ass. )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Ah, so that's her game. Very interesting. And good god, I didn't realize Freya was so attached to Forge, if she's already crying. Now I really feel bad :( )

Soul listened as Maka tried to convince Forge that there wasn't any trouble. Then she played her ace card - Shinigami was definitely someone you didn't want to have wait for you. While generally he was a good-hearted person, he had things he had to do, and thus he had a fairly strict schedule to keep. This was all the reason Forge needed to go along with them; this caused Forge to stutter out "O..OK" before turning to Miya and her little pack and saying "It was n..nice to meet you. See you around." "Finally" Soul muttered under his breath.

As they went back to the Death Room, Forge was sweating the whole time; 'Real' Forge spoke up again, "Ha, you're in such trouble. They're going to punish you so bad, hehehehehe. Luckily, I won't feel a thing. I would hate to be in your shoes right now." Forge gulped; even he resolved to just get it over with, he couldn't help but feel nervous. He wanted everyone to see that he was a nice guy, or at least he thought he was. But now that looked like it was going to come crashing down. Soul saw how nervous Forge and opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it; Shinigami would be the only one to put his worries to rest.

After what felt like an eternity to Forge, they finally reached the Death Room. Forge stood, looking at Shinigami with evident fear. "Forge, is everything alright?" Shinigami asked upon noticing this; Soul then piped up, "He seems to believe he's in trouble." "Oh, and what for?" "For punching out that bully." Soul responded flatly, getting a bit annoyed at Forge. Shinigami chuckled and turned back to Forge, "Dear boy, why would you be in trouble for that? You were just defending yourself, that's no reason to punish you." At this Forge relaxed, but his face showed confusion; he struck another student, but he wasn't in trouble?

After a small period of silence, Forge spoke "So, then why am I here?" Kid spoke up, "Because, your power is fairly different from other Weapons and Meisters. We discussed this, and if you want, we could be your instructors. The normal classroom just wouldn't suit your needs." Forge cocked his head, "What do you mean?" Soul sighed, "He's saying that going through normal instruction would be a huge waste of time for you. If you let us be your instructors, you'll more have free rein to 'experiment' with your abilities." Shinigami then said, "Well, Forge, does that sound alright?"

Forge didn't know what to say at first; one side of him didn't want to be considered 'different', yet the other told him that if he stayed here and got instructed by Kid, Maka and the others, he'd learn a lot more. So, after some consideration, Forge nodded and said, "Sounds great! When do we start?" "Tomorrow. That's when normal classes start, and besides I need to go ask Freya-san some questions." Kid responded; he then turned to his Weapon partners Liz and Pattie and said flatly, "You two are free to go back to the mansion if you want."

He figured that Liz and Pattie wouldn't want to be anywhere near a place like Chupacabra; he wanted to talk to Freya because she seemed the person who would know about Forge the best. Forge's eyes opened in surprise, "That's right. I work with Miss Chtuhilin now. Boss said don't be late, but then again, he never gave me an exact time to be there, either. Mind if I go with you, Kid?" Kid nodded, "Sure"

(Now might be a good time for Maka to pull Forge aside,lol)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Yep. She's a clever thing, and she knows not to be suffocating, but she still doesn't understand his situation, so she has a certain perception of what she wants already. Lol, and it's mostly the alcohol. Freya probably wouldn't cry over anything except one small thing in her past if it weren't for the alcohol. But once she has her hangover, she's going to be swearing it off again, lol. And oh gosh, 'Real' Forge is such a jerk x'D. I wonder if Forge is ever going to catch onto him. )

  • Pleased to see that she had convinced him to come with them, finally, Maka gave Forge a reassuring smile. As he addressed the girls, she gave them a careful look, remembering what Liz had said. There was certainly some interesting demeanor to them. They were very practiced and cool. That could be pretty unnerving, pretty quick. Miya, Aya and Naya gave Forge curteous nods and smiles, before heading off themselves - for who knew what purpose. Maka simply turned back to Forge, but pouted and nudged Soul slightly. Although she felt for him, she could understand Forge's apprehension.

    "We're back." Entering the Death Room, Maka moved aside so Forge could be the center of attention to Shinigami-sama and all of them. She couldn't help but be amused at the little glossing over Forge believing he was in trouble. But since his doubts were soothed, maybe he'd have an easier time believing them in the future. Crossing her arms, she stood back and let the boys take over, especially since Kid could explain best - although Soul certainly helped clarify.

    Liz smiled confidently as things were explained to Forge and he agreed. He seemed quite content with the idea. And heck, it'd be a fun, new adventure of sorts for them. She was slightly caught off guard when Kid said he would go question Freya, but it made sense. Getting a feel for Forge and his understanding of things would certainly help them teach him better. Couldn't she just be a part-time tutor though too? Maybe she could ChupaCabra, and they could pay her and -- Okay, so not at all likely. But Liz liked things to be easier.

    "Sure, we'll see you back at the mansion."

    "Have fun!"

    "Ah, don't forget to say hi to Freya-chan and Blair-chan for us."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Forge'll catch on soon enough, but not yet. And it'll be an adventure alright. But will they survive? Nobody knows! MUAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, I just realized we're almost nine pages into the RP. WHOO!)

"Will do" Kid replied as Liz and Pattie headed off; he then turned to Forge and said, 'Coming?" Forge nodded, waved goodbye to everyone and left with Kid. As they walked along, Kid thought that maybe Forge may have some answers well. "So, you're staying with Freya-san? How do you like it?" Forge replied, "Better than anything I could have hoped for. But I think I upset Miss Chtuhilin."

Kid was a bit taken by Forge's formality; he then asked, "Not that it's a bad thing, Forge, but why not call her Freya?" Forge knew the answer, but said it in a solemn tone, "Because I feel I don't have the right to refer to her by first name, not yet. I call everyone by first name because the way they looked at me, it said 'Don't be formal'. Miss Chtuhilin hasn't given me that look yet. For some reason, it's one of the few things that has come back to me since my time awake here." Kid nodded in understanding; he had to respect Forge for being so formal to people. "I can tell by the way you speak, you don't like being informal." Forge shook his head, "I really don't. But their body language tells me to be informal, though I'm not quite sure how I can understand it in hindsight."

Kid then said to Forge, apparently having anticipated Forge's question, "Normally I'd stay far away from Chupacabra, but I need to ask Freya-san some questions of my own. That's why I'm going there with you." Forge nodded, a look of surprise on his face. "Wow, it's like you read my mind." Kid smiled, "Being a Grim Reaper has many advantages". Forge cocked his head, "Grim Reaper?" to which Kid responded, "It's the informal title my father and I share."

They soon arrived at Chupacabra; Kid grimaced slightly. It's not that he hated the workers, but he hated the fact that women would sell themselves like this, like true love meant nothing. Still, he knew it was none of his business and wouldn't even think about trying to preach it. He let people live life their way, and 'reap' the rewards, so to speak. "Forge, could you get Freya for me? I don't really feel like going in there. Too asymmetrical, it's atrocious." Forge completely missed the symmetry argument and nodded; he went inside and started to look to find Freya.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol! Now I'm all worried for them and everything. I was thinking the same too! Lol, and Kid's thinking is ironic, considering Freya has always believed her love life will never go anywhere, even if she believes in and wants true love. )

  • The inside of the hostess club was the same as ever. Except for a particular side where Freya sat with her new... Fan following of sorts. And the number of younger patrons had increased across the club since her earlier trek to retrieve some. Nonetheless, Arisa and Risa sat off to one wall, entertaining their young guests, quite sober themselves but giggling at their increasingly drunk customers. Blair had changed to a new pair of customers, who weren't so far gone themselves, but obviously lost in her coddling and treatment of them.

    And yet, Freya was the one worker who was quite... Tipsy. Although some of her customers had finally hit their limit and had wobbled on home - or who knew where else, a few still sat near her, passing sweet nothings on to her. Not that she was able to pay much mind. She herself had wrapped her arms securely about one of her patron's arms and leaned her head against his shoulder, sighing and looking forlorn. It was hard to say if she looked more like his girlfriend or little sister, just looking at her. But one look at his tense posture and the blush across his face clearly said she was not in little sister territory to him. But perhaps it was because he was sober and so stoic that he was also being quite the gentleman.

    Peeking up, she looked surprised but met Forge's gaze. "Ara, look. It's Forge-kun. Is it time for him to work already?"

    "Freya-san, maybe you should have more water..."

    Her patron awkwardly brought one hand from its clenched position on the edge of his knee and slowly pushed her water closer to her. "Oh, right." She leaned in closer to him to support herself as she leaned forward, grabbing the glass and drinking it down. She sighed heavily once she finished the cup - perhaps too much in one gulp - and set the glass down. "Ah, it's so warm. I need to lose my sweater."

    "W-Wait, please!" Frantically his hands flew to his face, covering most of it and in some form of an attempt to cover his eyes, though he ended up peeking through anyway as she slowly removed her sweater. "M-maybe... I'll take off tomorrow. Because I won't feel well. W-why didn't Boss stop me...?" As dazed as she was, she seemed to retain quite a bit of her logic. Then again, that was probably important for once who was so logical to even be so when she was getting drunk.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol, everything's going to get pretty crazy pretty soon. Especially when things really get rolling)

Forge saw Freya and went over to her little place; she didn't look alright. "Ummm....Miss Chtuhilin, are you alright?" Forge asked worriedly. He saw the man sitting with her was covering his face, though he couldn't see that he was peeking through his fingers. "What's wrong, Miss Chtuhilin? Why won't you feel well?" But then Forge realized what eh came in for, "Miss Chtuhilin, Kid is waiting outside for you. He wants to talk to you about something."

Meanwhile, Kid sat outside; he forgot to ask why Forge decided to work there. Though, he could just ask Freya when she came out; he had no idea what kind of state she was in though. He did figure, however, that Freya had some form of hand in getting him employed there.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Indeed. x'D )

  • Freya sat in her seat, looking uncomfortable and awkward before slowly looking up at Forge. She pressed the back of her hand to her forehead before literally dropping it back into her lap. "I-I'll be fine. Don't doubt me..." Her somehow trouble face suddenly became a very childish pout. "Because I drank too much of course! I feel it... I'm just going to cry." Although she seemed like she very could start sobbing, she perked up, arching a brow and looking at Forge in confusion. "K-Kid-kun? I can't let him see me like this... Not I really will cry."

    "Freya-chan, don't cry!"

    "We're here for you!"

    "We'll tell him to leave!"

    Looking at her patrons, turning her head this way and that, Freya shook her head with a sniffle. "It'll be okay. I did this myself, so I gotta f-face it." Freya wobbily stood to her feet, but quickly gestured to someone and received a glass of water, promptly drinking it down. She wasn't as alert as when Tom came in demanding Blair since she had drunk more since then, but she hadn't lost herself entirely. Sighing and pressing a hand to her cheek, she steadily made her way to the door, opening it slowly and stepping outside.

    "K-Kid-kun, you wanted to see me...?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge just watched as Freya stumbled out; it killed him inside to see the woman he truly loved in such a state. "Poor girl" Forge heard Boss say, "whatever's happened to her really tore her up. That's the bad part of being drunk, you tend to spill your guts for the rest of the world to hear. And my, she was singin' some sad blues."

Boss then turned to look at Forge, saying with a small grin, "Could've used ya earlier. But no worries, this ol' dog's still got his bite, hehehe." When his joke was met with a blank expression by Forge, he coughed in a face-saving fashion and said, "Uh, never mind that. Let me explain how the bouncer gig works." He pointed to a small corner near the front of the club, "You stand over there; that spot has the best view of the whole shebang. Basically, all you have to do is watch things to make sure nothing goes wrong. If that's too much, just remember it like this: Keep the workers safe and happy. If the workers are safe and happy, the customers will be happy. Got it?"

Forge nodded, but then asked, "So, what do I have to watch for?" Boss replied, "The usual things we get: drunken morons, violent people, violent drunks, etc. Basically, anyone that's causing the workers to be uncomfortable is to be removed immediately. Understand?" Forge nodded, thinking he got it. "Now, one last thing. Be right back." Forge watched with great curiosity as Boss went into some back room before coming back out with a pair of dark-tinted Aviator glasses. "Here, try these on. Put 'em over your eyes."

Forge looked over the strange set of coverings, he then slipped the extensions so that they fit into the nooks of his ears. Boss gave a small chuckle, "Hot damn, boy, if I was a woman, I'd date ya a in a heartbeat!" Forge just paused for a few seconds, "Um....OK?" Boss just sighed, "Jo-Jack would've gotten it. But hey, don't worry, you'll learn all my catchy phrases soon enough. Now, help me keep an eye on this place. We've got customers." Forge then spoke up, "So why am I wearing these?" Boss turned and said in a hushed tone, "Helps keep the workers happy." Forge nodded and assumed his post, ready for whatever trouble may come through the door.

Kid couldn't help but feel a small twinge of pity as Freya finally came out; however, he didn't let it show. "Yes, but first, Freya-san, I have to say that you don't look well at all. Is everything alright?" It was clear that she was intoxicated; this was further evidenced by the heavy stench of alcohol in her breath as she talked. Her eyes were also a bit puffy and red; it looked like she had been crying.

He then cleared his throat and said, "Freya-san, you're the only person who is closest to Forge, so there are a couple of questions I want to ask. I didn't he would remember much, given his amnesia. So I was wondering if there was anything you could tell me."
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Tilting her head curiously, Freya perked up in surprise before looking sheepish and awkward. "I-it's because I went overboard... I'll be fine. ...Thank you. Kid-kun." It did feel good to know that he was worried about her, but then again, she attributed that to his entirely polite and kind demeanor. Of course, that was one of the reasons she fell for him. She wasn't sure if it was ironic or not at the moment now. Although it was curious that he was here at all. Even slightly inebriated, she knew that much was weird.

    "Uhh, is everything okay? You don't normally come this way..." She hoped nothing bad had happened with Forge or anyone at the academy, especially any of the Spartoi members.

    However, when he spoke up again, she leaned forward curiously and anxious, wanting to be reassured that all was well. "O-oh. I see." She was perplexed as to why he was inquiring further about Forge, but it did feel natural. Although she wondered the purpose behind it. "I'll tell you anything I know, Kid-kun. I suppose there isn't too much I can say in general. You guys know that he forms weapons differently, right? Mm. There's that. Uhhh..." It seemed like her mind was a blank now. Then again, she couldn't just go spilling everything about Forge. Certain things just couldn't be said. Alcohol or no, she knew that much as well. But she did want to be of help to Kid.

    "He doesn't understand much about Meisters and Demon Weapons, Kishin or any of that. Sometimes, I'm a little surprised by what he does or doesn't know actually. But he learns fast. Mmmm." Nodding her head a few times matter-of-factly, she peered at Kid before blsuhing and looking away.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"Except for a few small difficulties, everything is well." Kid said shortly, then continued, "I only came by this way because I wanted to ask if there was anything...unusual about Forge. Aside from the unique weapon formation ability, that is." He was thinking Freya would have an explanation, he then continued more so, "I only ask because Forge got into a small scuffle with a pair of students who tried to prove they were tougher than he was. At first they got a few good shots in, then something happened. Forge...changed, I think the right word is for it. He became noticeably more aggressive, and finished them off with a single hit."

He paused for a second, trying to see of there was anything else out of the ordinary; he then remembered the strange marks all over his body. "One other thing, Freya-san. When Forge's shift in demeanor occurred, some strange, bright red marks appeared over his body. In the shape of lightning bolts, it looked like. Do you know anything about those?"
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Now wringing her hands anxiously, Freya seriously hoped that these 'small difficulties' were truly just that. She felt herself tense up when Kid mentioned there being anything unusual, and she felt cornered. She couldn't endanger Forge, and she didn't know how much was safe to say. Then again, it was probably more of a shock to learn that yet again he tapped into that darker side. He had been knocked unconscious nearly or seriously injured before though. What exactly happened at Shibusen!? She almost doubted suggesting that he go there.

    Her stomach proceeded to knot up and flip about viciously, and she knew it wasn't the alcohol at work. Groaning quietly, she pressed a hand to her forehead and shook her head. Well, the students clearly had it coming, but she didn't wish any fate on anyone that the monstrous side of him saw fit to deliver. The sex appeal of it was quickly draining and becoming replaced with a notable apprehension. That darker, stronger side would be his undoing. Forge had done a lot to protect her so far. It was her turn to protect him; she couldn't allow him to keep channeling whatever part of him that was and relying on it.

    Biting her lip, Freya looked away uneasily, feeling her stomach abusing her still. "I've seen them before, but I don't really understand them..." Her voice was soft and weak, and she couldn't look Kid in the eye. True enough, she didn't understand. She just knew that things weren't right when those marks appeared, and that whenever he shifted in personality, it wouldn't end well for someone else.
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