Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Hehe, thanks! I actually took some inspiration from a very unlikely source, lol. Oh man, haha, this is going to be great. )

  • Watching Forge dash forward, Freya's voice died in her throat as she stepped foward, reaching out to him, but immediately pulled her hand back. It wouldn't do much good for her to do anything now, she may have been getting in the way. Well, that was her initial thought. Gasping softly as her eyes widened and lips parted, she stared in incredulousness as Forge seamlessly formed the gun from before. However, the fact that he froze was not a good sign. She bit her lip, eyes intense before a faint horror and much realization dawned her features. He didn't know how to use a gun.

    She mentally cursed herself, not that she could have anticipated such a thing anyway. Even when he had just caught on, he wasn't even able to follow through. In a terrifying moment where the entire world seemed to slow down, Freya watched as the gun was shattered and suddenly his arm was spewing blood. It was all so unfamiliar. So unpredictable. So horrifying. Watching with her jaw dropping and eyes widening, Freya herself was unable to even make a sound at first, the sounds forming yet choking and dying out in her throat before everything built back up and she cried out his name.

    Barely taking a step toward him, she watched with a pained whimper being choked out as she watch him get kicked into a wall before rushing to his side. "Forge!?" Her hands hovered tentatively over him, afraid to touch for the possibility of infecting, worsening or irritating his arm - or anything else at all.

    "Mmmm. I guess the taste was too much for him. That's too bad. I guess I'll just have to give him the main course later." Breaking out into a low fit of delirious snickers as he let his axe dangle limply in his grasp. Recovering from his quiet yet disturbed cackles, he slowly raised the axe, giving Freya a sickening smirk. "At least you're here to take a little taste for him. Don't go taking too much like he did. I want to make sure you get your fill."

    "You bastard... I'd rather watch you drowning and choking in your own blood."

    Twitching at the corners, his lips seemed agitated in their smirk, amusement clear on his face, but the tenseness saying otherwise. "On second thought, why don't you take enough for the both of you?" Venom seethed from his town as he swung his axe down, clearly prepared to cut straight through Freya - and perhaps even Forge. Any other moment, and she would have darted away, or even thought of something to do to attack or stall him. But Forge was lying there defenseless, and she wasn't about to let this psycho's carelessness nor his thirst for blood get overzealous and let anything happen to Forge if she could stand it.

    She just hated being unable to do anything for either of them in the moment.

  • ( That was pretty intense and scary, poor Forge. ;u; )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge could barely hear the killer talking to Freya; he knew however, that Freya was in danger. This made him angry; the voice continued in a mocking tone, "Well? You gonna let me handle this? Or are you too afraid to save your woman?" This pushed Forge over the edge;he rose extremely quickly from his pained state and blocked the axe; the heavy blade connected with his chest, but didn't so much as scratch it. "What the...How did you.....?" the killer said, unable to believe what he was seeing.

However, this transformation was very different from the clinic; the aura surrounding him was much darker and the marks were a lot brighter and pulsed rythmically. Then, what looked like liquid metal flowed from the lacerations on Forge's right arm, creating a silvery shoulder-length glove before being reabsorbed a few moments later to reveal that his arm had healed completely. Not only that, but the strange metal also formed into heavy-looking gauntlets on his hands, covering for his squared jaw which made it even more pronounced, and finally appearing in small plates all over the remainder of his exposed upper body. The color of his eyes also changed from their normal soft blue to a piercing red, his teeth became jagged and his canines elongated slightly.

Forge, or rather this new Forge, smiled widely, saying in a deeper tone than his normal voice, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Being in this body sucks." The killer simply cocked his head before jumping back and grinning, "Being in this body.....Ah, I see now. Well, this just got more interesting. It still won't change the outcome of this encounter, though." He charged Forge again, swinging his ax down and yelling, "Hope you're hungry. I've got plenty of steel for you!"

This, however, was also met with failure; the blade connected with Forge's neck, but again, didn't leave a scratch. Forge chuckled a bit, then burst out laughing; kind of creepy since his voice deepened so much. "I want you to look at me. I've got plenty of iron of the highest purity, so I don't need your shit quality steel. But you're right about one thing, this outcome won't change. You're going to die; your fate was sealed the moment you faced me." He then moved, far too fast for normal eyes to see; the killer received a gauntlet to the side of the head, sending him flying down a long alleyway before crashing through a brick wall. The wall crumbled on top of him; it wasn't long, however, before the killer emerged, clearly infuriated. Forge couldn't help but smile even more. "Oh, this is going to be fun" he growled before long metal claws burst from the tips of his fingers. Forge let out a throaty, powerful roar as he charged the killer.

(Welcome to Nightmare mode, Stage One *grins evilly* And it's only going to get worse as time goes on)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Forge gets scarier and scarier, and more and more bad ass. Nightmare mode really is a nightmare. Well, for anyone dumb enough to take him on, lawl. )

  • Having braced herself for some kind of impact, Freya was reasonably surprised when none came. Looking up slowly, her eyes widened as she took in Forge blocking the axe and most importantly, his very familiar state. The killer's confusion was well-merited, but it's not like he'd be getting an answer. Realistically, even if Forge hadn't faired too well against him initially, challenging the amnesiac was foolish. Not that the killer knew or could have figured it out. She didn't feel bad for him though. Forge's darker side made her quite nervous however. He never seemed too far off from those he was killing.

    Eyeing the marks with a frown and knitted brows, Freya's expression dropped as she watched her arm before her lips curved into a deeper frown. Another new trick. She was very glad and very thankful for it, but knowing what he could do was as unsettling as it was comforting. Probbaly because she watched this side exhibit more skill and astounding traits than the Forge she knew. The armor and minor changes in appearance quickly became disorienting as well. Things were most likely going to end well - for them, and by that, well meant safe - but it didn't mean she was any less nervous.

    When he laughed, Freya felt a shiver run down her spine alongside a chill, and she couldn't help but scoot closer to the wall as she clenched her hand against her chest. She was never certain how safe it was around him when he was like this. That laugh was absolutely no help at all. As she watched the two, she went from mildly concerned to downright surprised - and somewhat horrified. The killer himself had flinched from the laugh, feeling put off and even wary, but he wasn't about to lose out on his enjoyment. Even after being hit into a wall, he was already prepared for more, provoked by Forge's new state. "You worthless bug, I'll make you eat my steel all night long." Grating out the words, the killer charged forth as well, keeping his axe low and sliding just in front of Forge, ducking down and raising his axe from below, eager to catch Forge in the chest and impale him.

    In the mean time, realization dawned on Freya, and she quickly looked to the unconscious girl and her last friend, barely conscious and quite - justifiably at that - terrified himself. Turning to the two fights with a frown beofre dashing over to the injured pair and keeping low, Freya knelt beside them, looking them over before hefting the girl onto her back. "Can you walk?" Her tone was sharp and cut through the young man's consciousness, drawing his attention to her.

    "I-I-I do-"

    "Come on!" Pulling at his arm and allowing him to rest some of his strength and balance on her for support, they steadily made their way out of the alley and a little ways down. Setting the girl down, she looked around before pointing the young man toward a small business. "Go in there and get help. Just tell them you were attacked, and two of your friends couldn't survive and that you both need medical assistance." He could barely hear her and nod his head back between all his shaking, but he wobbily stood to his feet and clumsily rushed over to the building. Sighing heavily, Freya gave him and then the girl one last look before running back to the alley, standing in its threshold with wariness on her features. She didn't like being away from Forge's side - even if it was being too over-protective - and in this state, she absolutely dreaded it. She couldn't begin to guess what had transpired even in the short moment she turned her back on them for.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Hehehe, oh, it's going to get a whole lot worse further down the line. You can be assured of that, lol. I will say this, there will be a few occasions when the Nightmare state will fail him.)

Forge was a bit caught by surprise when the killer slid down below; he could only grin at the fool's half-baked plan. When the killer swung his axe up, the blade literally bounced off his chest, causing the killer to stumble back a bit from the recoil. "GAHH! WHY WON'T YOU DIE!?!?!" The killer continued pounding the increasingly dull axe into Forge's body, hoping to find a weakness. Forge just laughed at the moron's futile efforts; his laughing reverberated down every alleyway that was around them. Forge and the killer continued trading blows; glass windows were soon shattered and there were small impact craters everywhere. Not to mention what looked like long, deep claw marks on many parts of the buildings. On a small scale, it looked like all hell had broken loose.

Eventually there came a lull in the fighting. The killer's axe was dented beyond repair; the once-sharp weapon was now nothing more than a glorified paperweight. And whilst he was breathing heavily, Forge was obviously just playing with him. This was evidenced by Forge's level of excitement; he eyed the killer with a look of pure, murderous pleasure. "Aw, tired already? Guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering all you've done is chase weak prey. Am I your first real challenge?"

The killer glared at Forge before swinging the dented hunk of metal that was his pride; the strike, while still fast, lacked power. Forge caught the weapon in his hand before ripping it away from the killer. He then formed his right foot into a hammerhead and kicked the killer through a glass display case. The killer weakly rose and stumbled out; cuts oozed black blood from all over his body. "D.....damn you, you insect" he stuttered out. Forge looked over the axe he had taken, "You know, I'm feelin' a bit light in the head."

Then, in a move that would shock almost anyone, he took a massive bite out of the axe and chewed it for a bit; his expression quickly turned to one of disgust before spitting it out. "Blegh! What the hell was in that crappy steel?" he exclaimed before tossing the weapon aside. The killer stood, shocked. His face then contorted into one of furious rage. "Y..you....BASTARD!!!" Forge grinned, showing off the jagged teeth and elongated canines. "Aw, did I kill your beloved toy? Well, don't worry, you'll be joining it soon enough."

Forge then raised his clawed hands up, assuming a predatory stance. "Keep your eye on the birdie" Forge said in a strangely psychotic, bemused tone. Before the killer could even react, Forge had disappeared; he now appeared behind the killer, his claws positioned to look like he had just cut the man, even though there were no discernible marks. "Too slow" Forge growled bemusedly; the killer's body erupted into a fountain of blood as an immeasurably large number of lacerations appeared on the killer in what looked like the blink of an eye. The killer collapsed, falling face-first into a growing pool of his blood with a sickening splash.

Forge turned around and made his way back to the killer's corpse; he then retracted his claws and made the gauntlets on his hands disappear. He then opened his right and as if to mock the killer posthumously, he formed an exact replica of the killer's axe and used it to slice the man's back open. Forge then reached down and grabbed the man's soul, his mouth in a wide, hungry grin. "Simply delicious" he growled before shoving it greedily into his gaping, slightly drooling maw. He then swallowed audibly; the moment the soul was consumed, Forge's aura, marks, and strange metal coverings disappeared as he returned to his normal self. He looked over his hands and body before saying in a confused tone, "Well, that was....different."

His eyes then widened when he heard someone laugh. "Well, did you enjoy the show?" Forge's face was an expression of curiosity before responding mentally,"Who are you?" This made the voice give a small chuckle before replaying, "Just consider me your friend. I know a lot about you. A LOT......about you, hahahahaha" And with that, Forge felt the presence in his mind vanish.

(Something I forgot to mention about Forge; due to the nature of his power, he can consume metallic objects to increase not only the number of objects he can make, but also to enhance the durability and hardness of his pre-existing weapon forms. However, if the metal is of bad quality or extremely corroded, it can actually make him sick.)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Ohhh~. I feel worried for him now, lol. )

  • With impeccable timing, Freya returned just as the killer finally met his fate, watching with a grimace and a twitch in her brow as he fell into his own blood. She hadn't expected anything better for the fool, but she was surprised by how quick it was. That too was quite expected actually, but it was almost terrifying how easily this other Forge laid waste to those that posed a threat to Forge. She nearly took a step forward as he walked over to the killer, but stopped in her tracks, suddenly leaning against the wall.

    Nearly flinching, she watched anxiously as he sliced the man open in the back and went for the man's soul. It somehow didn't sit right with her to watch him eating such sick, twisted souls, but considering the many mysteries that surrounded Forge, it was something that she simply dropped. Besides, it wasn't as though she'd be able to stop him. He'd probably slice her in two without a second thought. Leaning her head against the wall as Forge returned to normal, Freya frowned and looked away before looking back to his back. He seemed to be in a clearer state of mind this time. She wondered if he remembered everything, or anything at all.

    Frowning softly and stepping forward, Freya approached Forge slow and cautious. Far from wary, but suddenly tired. "Forge?" Stepping just behind him, she raised a hand to rest it on his back. She looked up at him with a concerned pout on her lips and quite evident in her eyes as well. She was starting to get used to their days being action-packed, she just wondered what kind of a pattern was going to be born from it.
First Contact

(Hehehe, and just think, it's only day two of their story together. Things are going to only get worse for Forge (and possibly Freya, but I'll try not to endanger her too often, lol))
Forge was still trying to figure just what happened; he remembered getting foggy in the head, and then everything was a blur. The only things he remembered were suddenly becoming extremely enraged at the impending danger directed toward Freya, and coming to to see that the man who killed those people lying in a pool of his own blood.

Forge then heard Freya speak to him; he turned around to see her looking up at him, the concern heavy in her expression. He let out a breath of relief and embraced her, "Miss Chtuhilin, thank heavens you're alright." He then pulled back and looked her over; there wasn't a scratch on her anywhere from what he could see. He then looked over at the clearly dead man; he may have been an amnesiac, but it didn't take a genius to figure that he was the one who killed him. Still, even though Forge knew deep down the man deserved it, he still felt guilty about taking another person's life. He then looked back down at Freya; he tried to put on a smile to help her not worry so much.

At that moment, Forge heard the voice again; his expression changed to one of surprise as it spoke. "Oh, my. What a lovely little thing; she looks good enough to eat. And her soul, so vibrant and strong. Intoxicating, really." Forge then grimaced, "I don't know who you are, but if you try to hurt Miss Chtuhilin...." but he was then cut off, "You're just lucky I'm incapacitated right now, or I'd make you regret talking to me that way!" Forge clenched his massive hands suddenly and responded, Just go away! I have enough to deal with right now". "Very well, you little worm, but we'll be seeing each other again soon. You can count on that." The voice then cackled as it faded.

Just then Forge felt extremely tired; he also felt full for some odd reason. "Miss Chtuhilin, let's head back, OK? I'm feeling a bit tired."
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Haha, good point. I feel so bad for him. x'D And no worries, she can do for getting roughed up from time to time, lawl. )

  • Considerably surprised by the embrace, Freya's pout shifted into a curious surprise, but a smile slowly tugged at her lips. Well, at least he was okay. She nodded against him and smiled up at him when he pulled back. "I got the other two to safety as well." She wanted to tell him that it was because ensured their safety, but circumstances considered, she wasn't sure if that was the best thing to say. At the moment, anyway. However, watching him looking over the dead body before him, she pondered that perhaps she should say something to put him at some ease and comfort.

    However, he seemed to have it together anyway, giving her a smile. She could only return it, looking fairly pleased even, closing her eyes as she blushed and her lips, though pressed together, pulled into a wide smile somehow more content than if she was beaming at him. She wrapped her arms around one of his and leaned against him. They certainly went through a lot in such short periods of time, but she supposed it was better that they could endure so much. Some would say it was 'building character or something'. She just wanted Forge to be safe in the end.

    Opening her eyes slowly and looking up at him, Freya gave him a content but questioning look. "Hm? Of course. A lot happened, we should probably rest. I'll fix dinner real quick while you relax." She'd be sure to treat him out to a meal yet, but all things considered, it was probably for the best that they turn into tonight. She hated to see what other trouble they could get into. Besides, the sooner they got home and turned in, the closer he would be to actually starting off at Shibusen. It was probably for the best that she would be spending that time at work. Maybe her clients could provide ample distraction so she wouldn't worry over him all day long until he got to ChupaCabra as well. Or that was what she was hoping at least.

  • ( When his nightmare mode says good enough to eat, I somehow feel like he means it as close to literally as possible. And I feel sorry for Freya, lol. >u< )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol, don't worry. He can take it. Especially in the more advanced stages of Nightmare mode, hehehe)

Forge couldn't help but smile as well; Freya made him feel so......right. As they traveled back to Freya's home, Forge couldn't help but ponder: Who was that talking to him in his head? Should he tell Freya about the voice? IT sounded so ....different from when he went back to the spot where Freya found him. This one, unlike the others, was crystal clear; the weird part was, the presence he felt whenever it spoke felt like it was a part of him. His mind then flashed back to what the voice said only a few moments ago; that it was indeed a part of him.

His mind was abuzz with questions about what had transpired today; however, he would save those for tomorrow. As they went inside, Forge looked at Freya and asked, "Miss Chtuhilin, do you mind if I sit down?" He felt it was only polite to ask; he was living at her expense after all.

(I think that the next day should be the orientation for new arrivals at Shibusen. Lol, I can see it now; mostly little kids looking up at big, scary-looking Forge, even though he's a softie at heart.)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Hehe, alrighty. Those will be interesting moments to get to~. And alrighty, sounds good to me. And I can picture that clearly, lol. )

  • During the walk back home, Freya considered a number of matters, but she wouldn't push any of them. Forge would most likely inquire or tell her of what he felt was necessary. She hoped everything was fine though. As thankful as she was for that other half of him so easily dispatching threats, she felt uncertain about what it could mean for Forge. Nonetheless, she simply brushed everything aside as they entered their home, finally getting to the residence.

    Peeking up at Forge, she perked up curiously as he looked down at her. "Of course not! Here, get comfortable Forge. I'll have dinner ready in a little while." She doted on him quite a bit, but it felt perfectly natural to. She made sure he was comfortable before heading to the kitchen, quickly setting to have everything prepared and start on dinner. It was a shame he didn't get to have a meal out somewhere, but that just meant she would have to top her last meal with this one to make up for that.

    She didn't take long in fixing everything, though it was a slightly smaller portion than last time. "It's been a long day. I wish we had more time to go over things, but there will always be later." Sighing in a wistful manner under her breath, she set the table before announcing that dinner was ready. "By the way Forge, is there anything you wanted to explain or go over? I'm sorry I left so much out before." She hated to think of what other trouble she'd bring home for not explaining things. No doubt Black Star would be the fun to harass him if he did come off to naive or unknowing on a number of subjects. She almost wanted to go with him and ensure Maka was around to brandish a dictionary on the boisterous youth should it come to that, but she couldn't play mom like that. Even if she wanted to.

    "It'll be a little lonely without you at ChupaCabra." Funny how even such a short time could change things so much. "But I hope you'll have a lot of fun at Shibusen."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge sat down as Freya scooted off to the kitchen; she really was a great woman. Forge felt kind of guilty that he didn't really do anything for her in return; sure, he tried to protect her, but in the end it just made her give him that worried look over and over again.

When Freya told Forge that dinner was ready, he got up and sat himself down. He then heard Freya ask him if there was anything he wanted to have explained; he had a few questions, and he supposed it wouldn't hurt to try and figure out what some of these expressions meant.

Taking a deep breath, Forge was about to ask his questions when Freya said that it would be lonely without him. Forge smiled and said soothingly, "Miss Chtuhilin, I won't be gone forever. Like you said, I have a job there now. So, you and I can still see each other." He then said, "Speaking of Shibusen, I was wondering something, the way those two women transformed and went into Kid's hands. Are they 'Demon Weapons' as well? And what exactly is a Demon Weapon?" Forge decided to ask this first and foremost; it seemed to be a central thing for those who went to this Academy.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Awww, poor Forge. He's so sweet and considerate~. Freya is going to have to find a way to show him how important he is to her too. )

  • Sighing softly, Freya felt her lips tug into a wide smile. Although it was touched by a hint of something melancholy, she still looked quite pleased with his remark. "You're right." She was glad he was so calm and capable of soothing her worries and doubts. She'd probably be a ball of frayed nerves and concerns if it he didn't know just the right thing to say. "That's right, Pattie-chan and Liz-chan are demon weapons. But it's okay to just say Weapons instead in most cases." Sitting across from him, she crossed her hands on the table and looked away distantly, but with a thoughtful smile on her lips.

    "Weapons are people with the ability to completely transform into a weapon, like the guns. If you remember Soul, the one with the white hair and jagged teeth, he can transform into a scythe. However, there are those that can transform into more than one general weapon. For instance, Tsubaki can transform into a variety of ninja weapons." She slowly turned her attention back to him. For a moment, she pouted and looked up before smiling and looking to him once more. "Meisters like Kid, Maka-chan and Black Star wield weapons. You're a special case since you don't need a meister to wield you. That's very rare." Of course, it also served to pose more questions, but it was a convenience.

    Frowning yet allowing it to pull into a partial smile, Freya looked down and served herself, playing with the food on the plate and humming out a short sigh under her breath. "Sorry I don't know much more about that though. I'm not even sure how much Shinigami-sama can say. But I guess that's why he might be a bit more useful. But in the mean time, you'll still learn a lot in general about Weapons, Meisters and souls. Supposing all goes well and smooth."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Hehe, thanks. I kind of ripped off Goku's personality traits for Forge, seeing as they suit him the best in my mind.)

"So just Weapons, eh? How interesting. And Soul and Tsubaki are Weapons as well.....I would have never guessed that. But, that just shows how much I have to learn." Forge then picked at the food on his plate; for some reason, he didn't feel that hungry. Truth be told, he still felt bad for killing someone, even if it was well-deserved. "Let it go, he deserved it" Forge said to himself in order to try and calm himself down. After a few moments, he came to terms with it by telling himself that he had protected Freya from danger, and that's what mattered most. For Forge, he would gladly throw himself between her and any danger that might have come her way. This cheered him up immensely and magically restored his appetite, causing to resume normal eating.

Another question then popped into his head, so he stopped eating for a few seconds and asked, "I was also wondering something. When this 'Professor Stein' was mentioned, everyone I saw today seemed to have different opinions of him. I also noticed that you got uncomfortable when he was mentioned. May I ask why?"
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Haha, it fit well~. )

  • Nodding her head idly, Freya ate slowly at her meal, but with a content face. It was very nice to be back home and relaxing. She was tired before but still looking forward to enjoying the night further if Forge was, but now that they were home? It was of the utmost pleasure. However, Freya slowed down further in her eating as she watched Forge, suddenly aware of how he wasn't eating. She recalled his appetite last time after everything had happened, so she almost immediately felt concern welling up.

    Pulling into a pouty frown, her lips pursed together as she watched him, her eyes lingering on him before drifting down to his plate. Whatever had been going through his mind seemed to be resolve though, as he quickly regained his appetite. Momentarily confused but increasingly happy that all seemed well, Freya smiled and continued eating as well. If he was content, so was she. Returning to the meal with her mood at peace once more, she sighed in a wistful but pleasant manner.

    Well, until Stein was brought up. She paused with her fork raised and lips parted before slowly closing her mouth and leaning back. "Professor Stein... Is truly brilliant. And I think he's quite devoted to Shibusen and everyone. But he..." Pursing her lips tighter and looking down, Freya shot her plate a frustrated glare before her expression evened out. "He makes me worry. About him and everyone else around him. But realistically speaking, he's probably one of the safest people to be around." Turning back to Forge, Freya wore a bright though slightly uneasy smile. "It'd be great if you could meet him and he could help you."

    And she would be the first one to commend Stein and offer him her eternal gratitude if he could help Forge with the things the rest of them couldn't. But she wasn't sure she entirely felt that he could answer all of the questions surrounding Forge without turning him into a personal experiment. And that made her very uncomfortable. For the most part, because it would technically be practical. But it didn't mean she liked the thought of it. But she had faith in Professor Stein. As did everyone else. She'd just have to remind him how much she trusted and adored him and all of the faith she placed in him when he returned. How much, indeed.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge couldn't help but wonder if he could do a full transformation; so far the only weapon he remembered creating was the gun he had stolen from the criminal. He was also insanely curious as to why his body absorbed the gun like it did. He had so many questions, not just about Death City, but also about himself. It kind of aggravated him that he had these traits and no idea how it all worked. But still, hopefully Shinigami and the others would be able to help him figure these things out. Forge could now see why going there would be a good idea; if some could do what he did, they would be the best people to ask for advice.

It kind of bothered him that this 'Stein' worried Freya so much; it seemed to Forge that Stein was both respected and feared. Still, Freya did say that he was one of the safest people to be around. And it obviously made her uneasy talking about it, so he decided to drop it. "Shinigami said that tomorrow was the 'general orientation'. Will there be more students joining the Academy tomorrow? That'll be interesting to see."

With that, Forge finished his food and got up to go wash his plate. However, he realized that he could also take Freya's if she was finished. He stopped next to her and asked, "Miss Chtuhilin, are you finished? Would you like me to wash your plate for you?"

(Hehe, the orientation should prove to be very interesting.......I wonder what will happen.)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Hehe, indeed~. I'm very interested in how it will go. )

  • Watching him with a slowly widening smile and a twinkle in her eye, Freya nodded once, her fork pressed between her lips before she pulled it away and set it down. "Shibusen does tend to get quite a group of new students, and the general orientation will be a good chance to make some new friends and observe more." It did sound interesting. She wished she could be there to see it, but she could wait until he got to ChupaCabra to hear all about it. She just hoped that everything went as smooth and easily as possible.

    Peeking at him over her shoulder, she perked up and looked down at her plate. "Eh? Ah, yes I am. Thank you, Forge." Giving him a vibrant smile, she handed him her plate, silverware sitting atop it and slowly stood up, stretching before leaning against the table. "I guess I'll go dig out my pajamas for tonight. Forge, I hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to share the bed with you tonight. My makeshift bed was surpisingly comfortable, but it's been such a long day." She felt that a long, hot bath and falling onto a soft but firm mattress were two of the best things in the world after a long day to help one find peace. Right after eating a good meal. And a couple of other things.

    "It'll be interesting to actually get back to work. I suppose I'll have all those new customers. Maybe I should pull in more." Pouting yet looking contemplative, she fiddled with a few strands of hair, idly playing with it between two fingers as she looked off into the distance. It was probably a good thing that Forge would be at Shibusen first too. It gave Freya ample time to drill it into Arisa and Risa that certain activities were not appropriate to try or do to their new bouncer. Not that her motherly scoldings and watchful glare would do much, most likely. Blair would be the worst offender by far though. It didn't at all help that the cat was so unpredictable.

    Sighing in annoyance, she waved the thought off before turning to Forge and smiling. "Are you still very tired? I had a hard time sleeping be- Er. Before anything exciting." Strolling out of the kitchen, she began disrobing, not at all wasting time between getting her pajamas out and getting her shower. Well, she had only worked to unclasp and remove her bra, but she looked quite prepared to practically skip into the bathroom nude and eager to feel the water washing away the lingering tension in her muscles. Just the thought of it was enough to make her swoon.

    "Maybe on the way to Shibusen, we can go over some other things. Social things." Hushing somewhat at the last part, her tone was rueful and yet in a light-hearted way. Simply put, Freya wanted Forge to be as comfortable as possible around others. But she couldn't teach him everything in such a short amount of time. Maybe she should start making flash cards or something.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Me foresee a couple of guys who are jealous of Forge's physique, couple of ladies who are shallow trying to seduce him, a good portion avoiding him like the plague, and the rest treating him normally. Lawl, I can't wait to see Freya drill Risa and Arisa, that's going to be hilarious)

Forge smiled as he took Freya's plate; he felt even more excited than ever. There were going to be more people like him there, ones who could transform their bodies into weapons. Though he still wasn't sure if he could fully transform himself like Liz and Pattie could, but he had plenty of time, in his eyes, to learn about his strange traits and try to recover the lost memories of his past. He wondered what he was like before now.

He didn't stop pondering his past identity until Freya asked if he didn't mind sharing the bed; he didn't see any logical reason to mind. It was hers, after all, and he was grateful that she let him use it. "I don't mind at all, Miss Chtuhilin." He then wondered what the place Chupacabra was like; what did Risa and Arisa and Blair do there? Forge would know once he got there, but still he was curious.

Forge finished washing his and Freya's plates; he remembered what Miss Chtuhilin did and set them in the drying rack next to the sink. "I do feel pretty tired. Sleep will definitely feel nice." He then heard Freya say something about going over things; that would be a huge help. "That sounds excellent, Miss Chtuhilin. I'll happily take anything you can teach me."

(Luckily, Black Star won't be there to give Forge a hard time. He and Tsubaki will be on a mission in Southeast Asia. Funny how after six years he STILL hasn't got one hundred evil souls to make Tsubaki a Death Scythe XD)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( I can definitely see that. Poor Forge, lol. Hehe, and Freya is going to have to be pretty hard on them. Not that they won't be any less exasperating when Forge does get to ChupaCabra again. )

  • Nodding enthusiastically, obviously pleased with his admission, Freya's pace picked up. If he was fine with sharing a bed, even more reason to be eager to actually get to bed. Besides, a night of proper beauty sleep would do her a ton of good for work tomorrow. Although she enjoyed having plenty of older customers, she realized how rare it was to have younger customers. If she managed to look extremely impressive tomorrow, maybe she could snag one or two. She had seen Risa and Arisa advertising to a younger crowd. Though that crowd seemed particularly younger. Maybe she could get them to pull in some young, handsome faces too. Well, she could worry about it tomorrow. As it was, she had someone fitting that description with her now, and it was important to remember that.

    Smiling up at him, Freya looked cheeky and knowing. "Mm. Getting your rest early will be much better for you tomorrow. Especially with everything that went on today. It'll be good for your body to catch a break." He had been through quite a lot. Giving him a soft smile, Freya nodded and turned to her dresser as she entered her room. She pulled a couple of somethings from a drawer and waved at Forge as she left to the bathroom. She put the clothing on the counter and pulled out a fluffy towel and washcloth, setting them aside as she turned on the shower and finished undressing before stepping in.

    Practically melting under the water beating down on her, she sighed contentedly and finally set to washing up, taking her time and enjoying it before rinsing and stepping out. She stood there for a moment, simply feeling content for having finally had her shower, but grabbed her towel and dried off before wrapping it around herself loosely and fishing out an extra bottle of lotion from under the sink. She didn't take as much time to put on the lotion or dress, but it almost seemed that way before she finally emerged from the bathroom, clad in a simple, short nightgown. Freya seemed to have stuck with her earlier theme and chose a black babydoll. It didn't have many of the frills and lace as the other pieces, but it was very fortunate in the display of skin and curve hugging. And it was very, very comfortable for her.

    "Hmmm. That was perfect. I just can't wait to fall asleep now." Falling onto the bed on her stomach, Freya slowly kicked her feet, propping herself up slightly with her elbow on the bed and chin on her hand. "I can't wait to hear about how the orientation will go for you too. I hope it'll be fun." Well, there was bound to be something off-putting, but she hoped it was a far more pleasant experience for him than anything. She was sure Shibusen would be a great place for him to understand himself and learn more.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(With how much Risa and Arisa were hanging all over Forge the first time, I can definitely see them not letting up. Especially since he barely reacted to their teasing until they touched near his privates XD.)

Forge changed while Freya was in the shower; if he wasn't so tired he could easily have stayed up the rest of the night. He wondered what his time at Shibusen would be like; everyone he had met there seemed so knowledgeable and friendly. How the new arrivals would react to him would be one of the many surprises he would encounter during his time there. When Freya returned, he got into bed as well, content on being able to sleep. Freya was definitely right; he really needed to get some rest. The bed gave a familiar creaking under his weight as he slid into the bed.

"I'll be sure to tell you every last detail." he said as he laid his head on the pillow. Sleep began to overtake him and soon his eyes began to droop shut. It was only before he passed out that he muttered, "Good night, Miss Chtuhilin" And with that the big, lovable amensiac known as Forge passed once more into the world of dreams. Tomorrow would prove to be very eventful indeed.

(Hehe, oh, how eventful indeed. A day of discovery it shall be)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Lol, I'm not even sure if they're teasing, him, Freya or just trying to have fun anymore. Or all of the above. )

  • As she lied down, Freya watched him get in the bed as well, smiling up at him. Hearing the bed creak under his weight was somewhat amusing. Considering the sturdiness of her bed, it was like a testament to his size. And she amused herself with the thought that it was somehow related to his ability as well. "I look forward to it." Although smile, her smile was warm as any other. "Good night, Forge." Leaning over, she gently pressed her lips to his forehead before lying on her side, resting her head on her pillow and being met with sleep shortly after as well.

    Her day wouldn't be nearly as exciting as his, but she was quite in need of some calm in her life again. And even in that short period of time, she missed lounging around the hostess club, entertaining their many guests. Before, she didn't give herself much space to be teased either, as compared to the few things she always had to tease Arisa and Risa with. But now? Well, she certainly expected them to gloat and Blair to prove quite a challenge. But it was all part of the fondness she had for her job and her co-workers. Even when at odds, they were fond of each other. Well, to some extent at least. And with Forge in the picture now, Freya was certain they'd have quite a bit of bonding to do tomorrow. And she could only look forward to it.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Time for another meeting of the minds. This will be one of many 'dream' sequences he has, thus all dialogue and actions will occur in his head)
As Forge slept, he suddenly found himself inside a dark, depressingly sparse room. "What on earth?" Forge said aloud as he looked around; it was grey. Everywhere. In the center of the strange room, there was a single metallic cube with a metal cylinder on either side of it. "Well, well, well.......the brat returns." Forge heard someone saying in a deep, gruff tone of voice. "Who's there?" Forge said, readying himself. "Hehehehe, that's cute. But calm down, I can't hurt you even if I wanted to. And believe me, that's something to write home about. Oh, wait, you don't have a natural home, hahahahah"

Forge ignored the voice and shouted demandingly, "who's there?!" The voice sighed and replied, "Ugh..fine." With that, a figure appeared. Forge couldn't believe what he saw; it looked almost exactly like. There were, however, several key differences. The figure's hair was blacker than pitch, his eyes red as rubies, his jagged teethed revealed in a demented grimace, his skin grey and covered in the same marks Forge had seen only once before. "Like what you see, you big oaf?"

"Who are you?" Forge asked, not really sure what to make of all this. His double face-palmed as he replied, "I thought we went over this, moron. Let me say it slowly.....I. AM. YOU. Didya get all that?" Forge cocked his head quizzically; this made his double only angrier. "Egh.....for God's sake, you are about as sharp as a butter knife, you know that?" Forge replied, "But a butter knife's not that sharp."

His double clenched his hands and said through gritted teeth, "That's the poi.....Ah, forget it." Forge said after an awkward silence, "So.....who are you?" The double looked up and glared at Forge, "You want to know who I am? I AM THE REAL FORGE! YOU STOLE MY NAME!" Forge recoiled at this; what did he mean? "Wha..." Forge started to say, but then was cut off, "DON'T EVEN START! I AM THE REASON YOU CAN FORM THOSE WEAPONS! YOU ARE NOTHING!" The figure then stopped shouting; his breathing was heavy and animalistic.

"I didn't mean....." Forge said, but then 'Real' Forge cut him off, "Just forget it. You're lucky I'm trapped in here." 'Real' Forge then walked up to Forge and put his face so close they were almost touching noses. "You want to know something? That woman you love? She despises you, she fears you. She may pretend to love you back, but she couldn't give two shits about you. And truth be told, her soul could really give you a nice boost." Forge cocked his head; 'Real' Forge then snapped his fingers, causing the scene from earlier this evening to pop up. "You want to see what happened after that weak piece of shit kicked your ass?" He snapped his fingers, causing it to play. Forge watched in silence as the battle played out; it eventually ended with Forge killing the man. "Well, not bad, right? That's MY power in action; you're just lucky I need a body to inhabit. but soon, oh soon, I can dispose of you. Oh, and if you tell that bitch about our little meeting, I'll slit her throat and feast on her innards. So keep quiet." Forge shouted back, "I'll never let you hurt her!"

'Real' Forge grimaced, his jagged teeth pressed firmly, "You realize how stupid you sound, right? She's only being nice to you so that when the shit hits the fan, she'll be one of the few left alive. Face it, she's USING you. Just kill her and be done with it." Forge pushed 'Real' Forge back, saying, "I don't care. I'll never let any harm befall her. From anyone." Forge shook his head, "I'd never do anything to harm her." 'Real' Forge couldn't help but chuckle; this boy was such an idiot.

Externally, Forge tossed and turned; the red marks returned, pulsating faster and more brightly. He moaned and groaned in his sleep as he and his inner darkness bantered.

(lol, his dark side is such an asshole XD)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( He is a serious jerkass. x'D But it's so much fun to read, lol. )

  • After sleep had befallen her, Freya had a calm, smooth slumber. Perhaps it was the absence of any dreams, or simply the need in her body to be on her bed again or the length and weariness of the day, but she was out like a light. For a while, anyway. At some point in her sleep, she felt something amiss and slowly pulled out of her sleep, eyes focusing on the figure beside her. Quickly sitting up - albeit a bit wobbly - Freya looked at Forge in surprise and concern. Slowly she scooted closer to his side, leaning closer and watching him worriedly, unsure how to wake him.

    Uncertain if his unrest was caused by a nightmare or perhaps even a memory coming to him in his sleep - which probably could equal a nightmare - or anything else, she bit her lip before gently shaking one of his shoulders. "Forge? Forge! Wake up!" Although urgent, her tone was still quiet, obviously unable to escape her worry. She didn't know what to think of those red marks at the moment, but it was a source of trouble. They usually meant he was channeling or becoming that darker side of himself. What was going on?
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge and 'Real' Forge were still arguing when Freya's voice resonated from within the room; 'Real' Forge smiled and said in a much calmer tone, "Well, guess that's my cue. But before I go, here's something for you." 'Real' Forge's eyes then started glowing bright white; a series of images came forth as he cackled evilly. They were nightmarish scenes; people being butchered, blood spraying everywhere.

All of this made Forge's eyes shoot open in reality; his breathing was quick and scared, his chest was rising and falling at a rapid rate. Was it just a dream? It had to be. His breathing, though still rapid, began to slow down. He turned his head to see Freya looking at him with yet another look of concern. Still, if it wasn't a dream, he couldn't risk having 'Real' Forge hurt her. So he said to help put her mind at ease "Sorry, Miss Chtuhilin. I had a nightmare, that's all."
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Nearly jumping in surprise when he abruptly woke up, Frya gasped and tensed up, though relaxed slowly but a second later. It was unsettling to see him in such a state, she wondered what was going on. Although he said it was a nightmare, she wasn't sure how comforted she was by it. She scooted closer, gently stroking his hair. "Are you alright now? Are you going to be able to sleep again? Do you want me to get you anything?" Her lips pulled into a small frown as she leaned in, looking him intently in the face. She was looking for any sign of weariness or discomfort, but she figured - or at least hoped - that he would tell her if anything was wrong.

    Biting her lip, Freya managed to look less concerned, but still apprehensive. She hoped he would at least be able to get in some good sleep tonight. But it made her nervous knowing he'd had a nightmare. She wasn't sure if she wanted to figure out what it could have been about. But as long as he was okay now, she could slowly feel comforted with the fact. "If there's anything wrong, I'll do what I can."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge blushed slightly as Freya stroked his hair; he instantly relaxed. "I'm fine now, Miss Chtuhilin. Thank you, I'm sorry for making you worried." With that his body became significantly less tensed. "You've already done so much, Miss Chtuhilin. I couldn't ask you for anything more. I'll be alright."

He smiled warmly to help Freya relax, and said softly, "Good night again, Miss Chtuhilin." With that his eyes closed and he would sleep soundly the rest of the night until morning.

(Sorry for the short posts.)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • As she watched Forge, she became vaguely aware of his blush and couldn't help a small blush of her own. It was quite a relief to see him relax as well. She did feel some comfort now, and most of her apprehension left when he spoke. Giving him a soft smile, she shook her head slowly. "I don't mind at all." She would gladly do anything he asked, but since he seemed content enough, she was fine with leaving everything as it was for now.

    His smile was comforting and had somehow melted her a bit even. She returned it easily and nodded. "Good night, Forge. Sweet dreams." She sat for a moment, watching him sleep to be sure that he would have a peaceful rest before lying down herself and falling to sleep once more as well. Once more, morning rolled around and Freya woke slow and pleasantly. Stretching contentedly as she sat up, she smiled and leaned back, resting her weight on her hands. It felt good to wake up in her bed again. Maybe they should share it more often.

    "I suppose I'll get started on breakfast." The sooner they could get going, the sooner he could get to Shibusen and start his day.
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