Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Clasping her hands together and letting her gaze fall to her feet, she tried to make sense further of everything, but perhaps it was best that she left it out of her mind for now. She desperately wanted to get everything figured out for him, but then again, if she got too distressed, she wouldn't be much help anyway. She would simply have to go after the facts later; organize them in her thoughts, take what she knew and start applying things.

    Pausing in her thoughts, Freya looked up at him when she heard him ask a question to himself outloud. "Hm?" She was prepared to ask him to elaborate on what in particular, or if he perhaps meant everything, but she felt concern wash over her once more when he clenched his wrist and soon after as he yelled and even cried. She had nearly cried out herself, shocked and terrified for him. Considering his body and all the mysteries, they could never be too safe about what was going on. "F-Forge! What's wrong!?" One hand flew to rest on his arm while the hovered near his hand, afraid to do anything more and hesitant about anything less.

    Watching his face in a mix of anxiety and terror, her eyes quickly drifted down to his hand and back to his face before they widened and fell to his hand again. He did it. WIthout going unconscious or awakening that other half, he had formed a weapon. She wasn't sure what that meant, or if it was a good thing or not. SHe swallowed heavily, the blood and forming of the gun making her very nervous and very worried. She felt her stomach throwing a fit even. Freya bit her lip as her eyes narrowed and brows knit together when he tried to drop the gun from his palm, but this was already slightly reminiscent of before.

    Sighing as she pulled her hands back to her, she gave his hand and the gun a melancholy look but gathered herself, managing a weak smile. "If it's attached, that's okay. Maybe you can just put our hand in your pocket?" She wished she could figure out how his other form - other self? - had expertly forged and, perhaps reabsorbed, those weapons. She wished she could say something, anything, of use. Her mind was too jumbled to be of much use though. She just wanted everything to be alright, but her thoughts were in too many places to make themselves right.

    "M-maybe someone can tell us how you can control that... Heh. Unless you figure it out on your own." Her eyes travelled from his hand to his face. She looked weary and tired for a second, considering how much this added to what she'd be sorting through later, but she didn't know what to make of anything anymore.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge was still examining the gun when heard Freya suggest that he could put his hand in his pocket; that seemed like a good idea. He didn't want to cause trouble, being the new guy in town and all. So he took Freya's advice and stuck his hand in his pocket; it looked a bit weird having a small lump protrude slightly from just below the hip on his right side. His hand felt uncomfortably tight in the jeans pocket; hell, it was quite a bit bigger than most people's and combined with the bulk of the gun, his hand felt pressed. "Wish I knew how to get rid of this thing" he said, the discomfort and annoyance prevalent in his voice. Still, it was pretty cool to learn that about himself.

He then put the discomfort out of his mind; it was still racing, not just in surprise but in excitement. He then put on a goofy grin and said, "I wonder what else I can make." Sadly, the gun was the only weapon he could think of, and he didn't even know how he did it. Still, it was another thing to add to the growing pile of mysteries surrounding Forge.

His ears perked to Freya's saying of how someone can teach him how to control it; that would be nice. If he could form weapons from his body, he wanted to try and make it less painful. Maybe he was doing it wrong; there had to be something he was missing. "I can try, but I doubt I'll make much progress" he responded with a slight chuckle, trying to bring the gloom out of the situation.

He then stood fully upright and smiled at Freya. "Well, now that that's over, may we continue on to your workplace?" he asked politely
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Watching him pocket his hand and thus the gun, she looked at his pocket, silent and unsure of what to say. It was kind of amusing, and it would probably give some people the wrong idea on a first glance, but it was all that could be done. It was too bad he didn't have a sweater to casually carry over his hand. She could always give him her's... But maybe that would just look funny anyway. Giving him a sympathetic smile, Freya tilted her head, looking somewhat lost in thought. "Maybe we - uh, I - know someone that can teach you." Not that she preferred going to a person like that. She didn't find him as creepy as he generally looked or was perceived to be, but she was no fool to how experimental he was with people. And she would not appreciate him turning Forge into an experiment as well.

    But with Forge wearing such a grin and being so light-hearted about the situation, she found it difficult to remain distraught and couldn't help but give a small grin of her own. She watched him stand and looked up at him, aware all over again of how he towered over most everyone. Her grin quirked into a smile though, and she nodded her head. "Yeah, lets." She gave him another once over and patted his arm, turning to lead them back on their way to ChupaCabra. Well, even if it came with some grim memories and a painful experience, Forge had more to work with to better udnerstand himself and that was progress. SHe'd make sure their day continued well, eventfully or no.

    The walk to ChupaCabra wasn't too short from that spot, and as they neared the front of the hostess club, she sighed and slowed down, coming to a stop at the door. "Okay. This is it." Suddely wearing a serious face, she turned partially and gave Forge a frown before turning to face him completely, placing her hands on his arms. "Remember what I told you about seduction? Well, the ladies here are pros. It's their job to seduce and flirt. Flirting is like seduction, but not as... Forward sometimes. They'll know you're not a customer, but they still might try to flirt with you and seduce you. But it's up to you how to ...Er, decide how to handle it. But if you need me, just give me a nod." She herself nodded slowly, hoping he understood where she was coming from.

    Since he was so innocent, she regretted not being able to properly help or inform him more beforehand, but she wouldn't send him into the wolves' den without some knowledge of the predators first. And she knew how they could be, because she herself worked there as well, of course. And no doubt, she'd have to do her fair share of charming, seducing and flirting with some of the customers... Well, at least Boss couldn't say she hadn't worked at all in the past two days if she came in now and laid on the charm some. Sighing witheringly, she let her hands drop and looked exasperated before gently clapping her cheeks twice and putting on an enticing smile and turning back to the door.

    "Okay, here we go." Opening the door, she stepped in, smiling at the patrons and girls alike before giving a small wave, giggling softly. "I'm back~. Was I missed?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

As Forge followed Freya to where she worked, he couldn't help but wonder what it was like; hopefully the girls she had mentioned would be as friendly as she was. When they neared the place, he saw that it had a large sign reading "Chupacabra", with a bunch of hearts surrounding it. This piqued his curiosity; he stared at the sign until he felt Freya place her hands on his arm. This snapped him out of his gaze and listened as she explained that the ladies would be far better at 'seduction' than she was. He gulped a bit at the seriousness in her voice and the frown on her face; he was suddenly feeling extremely nervous for some odd reason. "A..alright" he said, his nervousness very apparent.

As Freya opened the door, Forge mentally and physically braced himself; he was quite surprised at what he found inside. It was relatively quiet, and after ducking a bit to get under the door, he stepped in. He saw multiple stools and many partitioned sections, containing individual small couches and rounded glass tables. It was predominantly pink in color, featuring numerous pieces with what looked like gold on some parts. He also saw a great number of candles on the many tables and built in along some of the walls. In the small sectioned-off areas, he saw men and women talking. The first two women he saw were both those of medium height; one had short brown, the other had her hair tied up in a bundle on the back of her head. One wore a long-sleeved yellow dress, whilst the other wore a light-blue dress. He also saw another woman sitting at a table with a short man; she was dressed in an outfit of a black-blue dress, detached long sleeves, a short skirt with a white frill and long high-heeled boots that curled upwards at the toes. He could feel everyone's stares; it was making him rather uncomfortable.

He then heard a loud "FREYA-CHAAAAAAN!" Forge looked back down and saw a man in a suit with bright red hair come flying in his direction. Forge readied himself, thinking it was an enemy, but instead the strange man embraced Freya and said in a rather high-pitched voice "OH, Freya-chan, my lovely angel! I've missed you so much!"

It was not two seconds before Forge heard another voice say, this time in a deeper tone, "Alright, Spirit. Down boy". Forge turned his head to see a rather built man with dark hair wearing a white suit and top hat and black undershirt approach Freya. "Good to see you back, Freya-chan" the man called Spirit then said, trying to regain his composure. The white-suited man then said, "Indeed it is. And I see you brought your little friend. Though maybe I shouldn't call him 'little', hehehe." Forge just stayed quiet, not really getting what was so funny.

"So you must be Freya's mystery man" the dark-haired man said; the poor guy had to crane his neck a bit to look Forge in the eye. The man lifted the hat off his head a bit before putting it back on and saying, "People just call me Boss, and that man who threw himself on Freya is one of more 'enthusiastic' clients, Spirit." At this the red-haired man gave Forge a small wave and said "Hiya". Boss then turned to Forge and asked, "What's your name?" Forge then responded, in a bit of a timid tone, "Forge, Mister Boss." Boss chuckled, "No need for the mister part, Forge."

He then noticed the large lump in Forge's pocket; this made him a bit suspicious. "What are you hiding?" he asked, his tone changing from friendly to serious. Forge gulped; he didn't want to cause trouble and he didn't want these people to think he was a criminal. Boss then said in a more demanding tone, "Pull your hand out, son." Forge nodded and pulled his hand out; to his shock, nothing was there. "Uh...." Forge said, confused. Boss then chuckled, "Oh, hehe. You had me goin' for a second there. I thought maybe you had a gun and were planning to rob the place." Forge gulped and played along, not wanting to get into trouble. Boss didn't know how right he was, but Forge didn't know what happened to the gun. Guns don't just disappear into thin air; did his body reabsorb it?

(Gotta love Soul Eater Wiki. Hope I didn't go too overboard with Spirit and Boss, lol)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Since Stein is Forge's father, I wasn't sure if you wanted them meeting anytime soon or at all, but if you wanted them to or didn't mind, we could have Spirit introduce them. Otherwise, I'll just have Freya ask Spirit to help Forge enroll at DWMA. I think you have Boss perfect and nailed Spirit down exactly. x'D )

  • Not too surprised by the quiet that fell over the place nor everyone's stares being directed at Forge, stood with her smile still in place and took in the club again. She had missed it quite a bit. What did surprise her was that she had gotten attention before Forge did. She half expected the ladies to rush him, but he was safe for now. On the otherhand, she had to deal with a particular someone. Sighing in exasperation, Freya pouted and looked down at the man embracing her.

    "Spirit-kun, I've told you before, Maka-chan wouldn't like you hanging over younger ladies like this." He was as eccentric as ever though. She had missed that too admittedly. Her pout turned into a smile as she watched Boss approach and gave him a nod before turning to Spirit. "It's nice to be back. And pretty surprising, huh?" She was sure no one expected such a tall, built guy to be the one she had found. Tilting her head back to look up at Forge, Freya smile at him as he introduced himself.

    However, she felt herself tense slightly and quickly looked down at Forge's pocket. Leave it to Boss to be so damned obersvant. Freya found herself as confused as Forge was though, and quite surprised. Somehow, he must have reaborsed the gun. He obviously did it unconsciously, but he was awake and aware as himself this time. Stranger and stranger yet. Freya chuckled and looked offened, turning to rest a hand on Forge. "Boss, you should be ashamed. Does this guy look like a criminal to you?" She gave Boss an indignant pout before smiling up at Forge and turning to face Spirit and Boss. "I wanted to make sure he met you guys, but there was a favor I was looking to ask you, Spirit-kun."

    Uncertainty wavered in her for a second for a number of reasons, but a predominant one especially. Franken Stein. He was the basis of her doubts, but it was the many things surrounding him that were the reasons. She figured that better than anyone else, he'd probably be able to figure out something of Forge and help him, but again, she hated to think of what he may try on Forge. And there was the fact that asking Spirit to introduce the two meant torture on his behalf, considering their relationship. But she could opt to ask him to see about getting Forge in the DWMA for now.

    Leaning forward, she repressed a sigh and wrapped her arms around Spirit's neck, pressing her breasts against him and giving him a sweet, sultry smile with her pouty lips. "Nee, Spirit-kun. You won't mind me asking a favor of you, nee~?" She had already decided that she was going to do some work when she got back. She wished she didn't have to put the charms on Spirit, especially after she had been sincere about that scolding earlier. But it was for a good cause, and the sake of Forge. She'd make sure things went just right!
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Boss simply responded to Freya's statement with "A wolf can hide in sheep's clothing, Freya. But you're right, even though this guy looks like he could throw me halfway across Death City." He then chuckled after saying this; Forge however was lost in what was going on, considering that he had the gun and now he lost it. "I have to say though, Freya, I didn't think you'd find a living mountain to hang around you."

Forge wasn't even really paying attention to what else; the large gash where the gun handle was had long since healed, and the scar was quickly disappearing. The strange part was, he didn't feel the gun go back into his hand; did he drop it? He didn't dare look for it, though, as his instinct told him to just let it go. Forge simply stood there, staring at his hand in confusion and uncertainty.

Spirit sulked after Freya scolded him. His voice turned to a somewhat saddened tone, and it wasn't until after Boss responded to Freya's comment about treating Forge like a criminal that he said "My daughter already hates me. But you're right, Freya-chan. But I just can't help myself!" He then felt Freya press herself against his, her voluptuous breasts squished against his chest. He got a perverted grin on his ever-reddening face as he said, "Anything for you, my lovely Freya."

Boss then made a faint cough as if to interrupt their chat. He then said in a professional tone, "Well then, Freya. As long as you're here, let's see you bring in some customers. And as for you, Muscles, just have a seat. I'll let you stay here for free today, but only because you're Freya's guest." He then put his hand to his chin in a thoughtful manner before saying, "Perhaps you'd be interested in working here? Our only bouncer quit yesterday, and given your size, you'd be perfect! Whaddaya say?"

Forge cocked his head quizzically, "Bouncer? What does that mean?" Boss was a bit stunned, but recovered "Bouncer means you take people who are causing trouble and throw their asses out of here." Forge then looked at Freya, unsure of what to do.

(Imagine if Forge worked at Chupacabra XD)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Hah! Forge working at Chupacabra would be so amusing! And I hope I handled the girls okay. I'll try and get a better grasp of them all. I had to reference the manga and anime equally for Risa and Arisa, but from what I remember and see of Blair from the anime, she seems to know how and enjoy teasing people in just the right way. )

  • Nodding slowly, she took Boss's point into consideration of course, but someone like Forge being a robber? The only way he'd rob someone was unwillingly and without realizing. He would have to be manipulated into it. She glanced at him, though he didn't seem too tuned into the convresation, but that was just fine. She smiled at him before turning her attention back to Boss. "I didn't think so either. It's been surprise after surprise with him." She tilted her head and scratched her cheek, looking sheepish. Of all the surprises, she really wasn't at liberty to share one of them. And it was probably for the best at the time.

    However, she did feel quite comforted being here at ChupaCabra. Especially with Spirit leaving himself so open to her advances and wishes. She always knew where to go to make her day better if something went wrong. "Aww, thank you Spirit. I know I can count on you. I really need help making sure Forge gets enrolled at DWMA. You can help that, right~?" Her voice hushed as her tone took on a sultrier quality and her voice practically dripped with honey as she pressed closer to him. Well, she was at work, so she may as well do her job and ensure things work out. When Boss coughed, she winked at Spirit and pulled back slowly, but planted a hand on her hip and saluted him. "Yessir!" She let her hands drop back to her sides before turning on her heel, prepared to draw in some customers before turning back around quickly, jaw dropped.

    She clicked her tongue and looked caught between a tough place before she chuckled nervously. "Boss, don't be so pushy about it. He's a recovering amnesiac, remember? Before you decide if you really want him, you should give him a trial run or something." It could either be a great fortune or huge mess having Forge work at the club. Or heck, some lovechild of both. But it would be nice to have him nearby. Pouting and looking away, Freya sighed as she sincerely considered it before turning once more. "I'm going out to get some customers. Don't you dare harass him while I'm gone!" Although Freya answered to Boss without question, she was a force to be reckoned with and feared when she started on a warpath.

    Turning and preparing to leave for a while, she looked over her shoulder and waved at Forge, giving him a sweet and comforting smile before stepping out. She was already intent on not being out for long, and it became obvious why. Three pairs of eyes had practically waited for her to leave before any of the girls pounced. But with Freya gone? Well, they could have their fun without being scolded by her, of course! Almost immediately, Arisa and Risa were off of their stools, across the room and plopping down on the couch on either side of Forge.

    "Ehh, so handsome. Where did Freya find someone like you?"

    "Are you going to start being a customer and our bouncer? So chaming."

    Giving Forge seductive smiles, Risa and Arisa leaned in to him one wrapping her arms around one of his arms while the other wrapped her arms loosely around her torso, their breasts pushing against his body and knees just touching his. "Freya is so lucky to have you as company."

    "How long have you known each other for? How close are you?"

    "Have you guys done anything naughty together? Like sleep. To.Ge.Ther~?" Risa's tone was sultry and voice low as she asked the question, and soon after her and Arisa were giggling mischieviously.

    "Hey, does it feel good?" Leaning closer against him, Arisa gave Forge a wink and sultry smile as she pressed herself closer. How much of it was them simply having their fun or treating him a customer was questionable, but they seemed to be enjoying it. Blair herself had sat watching Freya and Forge since they entered, curious and interested. She could already read Freya like an open book when it came to him. Obviously concerned and doting, and quite protective. Forge on the otherhand, seemed so innocent. She was sure that even Arisa and Risa's teasings would mostly go over his head. He didn't bat an eye at Freya or any of the girls' attire after all. It meant he was either that well composed or simply that innocent, and considering his mannerisms, he was indeed quite innocent.

    She hummed quietly and watched with growing intrigue, eager to say how he'd react to Risa and Arisa while planning her own attack. Of course, she intended to wait until Freya returned so she could make sure to tease Forge and her co-worker. It just wouldn't be any fun if she didn't get to see the look on Freya's face when another woman was pressing herself against the young man.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Are you kidding? I love it! You handled Blair and the others perfectly. I can't wait till Blair makes her move, THAT should be interesting XD Poor Forge, he won't have a clue, lol)

Spirit chuckled as Freya imposed her request and said "Oh, is that all? No sweat. I'll have to talk with Shinigami-sama about it, but I'm sure he'll be more than willing to let him in." He then walked out, waving good-bye to everyone as he departed the club.

As Freya left, Forge took a seat on one of the couches. He hoped that she wouldn't be gone long; this place made him feel oddly uncomfortable, though he couldn't say why if his life depended on it. Then, he saw the blue and yellow-dressed women sit on either side of him and ask him a series of questions. He heard it, the word 'handsome'. That meant they thought he looked good, right? Well, he thought they were beautiful, but he wasn't to call them call them cute, pretty or beautiful. This was his chance to test out what Freya had told him so far. He then said rather straightforwardly "You're both beautiful as well, and Miss Chtuhilin found me, according to what she saw, under a blanket. I guess I was abandoned or something." At that something popped into his head; did he even have parents?

However, that was quickly shoved out when they pressed themselves harder against him and started asking how long him and Freya had been together and if they had done anything 'naughty', which completely threw him off guard. He responded, "I've only known Miss Chtuhilin for a day, but she's been wonderful towards me. We have slept in the same room, but for some odd reason, she insisted on sleeping on the floor. I thought for sure that she should take her bed, but....I'm still trying to figure things out. There's a lot I still don't understand." That last sentence probably should have been avoided, but unfortunately, Forge was too naive to learn to mince words.

He then answered question about feeling good; maybe he should carry a notepad or something. "I'm not quite sure what you mean" he said, unsure as to what it was she was doing. Another thing then popped into his head; he didn't know their names and hadn't even bothered until now to try and get them. He grinned sheepishly and said, "I apologize, but I don't know either of your names."
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Oh, I'm glad! And I am so eager to see how Forge is going to react to everything! Haha, the poor guy. )

  • Hands clasped behind her back, Freya idled around the outside of the club, smiling to herself. It was nice that Spirit had readily agreed to help Forge enroll at DWMA, and glad that he felt Shinigami-sama would be willing. She held quite a respect and fondness for Shinigami-sama herself, so she would have been fairly disappointed and personally hurt if he didn't let Forge enroll. Well, that was one worry aside. Now she just had to focus on work. And wait fortune she had, a perfectly potential customer just strolled by. "Ara, sir, you like would could relax a minute~?" She was already on the job.

    It was too bad Freya was missing it but a good things she was working quick. She mostly likely would have given Risa and Arisa the punishment and scolding of a lifetime for questioning Forge the way they did. The two were very eager to see how Forge would respond. As it was, they were a bit disappointed he wasn't having a physical reaction of any sort to their bodies or gestures, but they were sure they'd enjoy anything he had to offer response-wise. Well, they thought so anyway.

    Both girls froze for a second at his comment, blinking up at him before looking at each other. His honest, straight-forward answer gave them pause, and they had almost missed the compliment even before pulling themselves together. "Aha, thank you so much, you're very handsome yourself. It's such an honor." Well, that was strike one, but they wouldn't be discouraged yet! They enjoyed every second of their teasing Spirit-kun and other customers, they were certain they'd be able tot ease him some.

    At this point, Risa and Arisa were just simply offended.

    "EH!? She slept on the floor!?"

    "Why would she pass up an opportunity like that!?"

    It truly boggled their minds. Freya was such a darned goody-goody. But this meant more fun for them anyway. Their eyes widened and practically sparkled as they considered Forge's last words. "Hmm. A lot you don't understand?" Arisa rested her head against his chest while Risa lied her head against his arm. "Well, I'm sure there's plenty we can teach you. What don't you know~?" They grinned at each other before giving him promiscuous smiles. "I'm Arisa," leaning in while Risa leaned in as well, "and I'm Risa." They leaned back slightly only to each rest a hand on oen of his thighs. "We'll get very familiar with each other and teach you everything we know. Just as us anytime." Blair shook her head as she smiled knowlingly at the two.

    At that moment, the door slammed wide open with Freya in the doorway, two men doting on her from either side while she linked arms with one and pressed against him while a handful of others trailed behind, obviously smitten. "Mommy's back! Have you guys been good?"

    Risa and Arisa were off of Forge and back to the other side of the room comically fast, just as soon as the door slammed open. Freya's cute, sweet look slipped for a second as she glanced suspiciously at Risa and Arisa, the sweet promise of many a death threat on her face. But she quickly covered it up, satisfied that all seemed well. "Boss, I brought back some great customers." She winked and turned to face her group of admirers. She released the arm of the one she had attached herself to and crossed her arms under her breasts, leaning forward and bending at the waist, creating an appropriately provocative image.

    "Why don't you all get comfortabled so us ladies can show you our hospitality?" Her tone took on a deeper, sultry quality and she licked her lips, causing the men to explode with excitement and rush to set themselves in various places across the club. Freya gave an amused smile and sound of satisfaction before straightening up, though she blushed as she patted the hem of her dress on her backside, realizing how temporarily exposed she was. But no use worrying now. More importantly...

    "Forge, how was- AHH!"

    In the time Freya took to get her customers to sit around the club and straighten herself out, Blair had left her perch and planted herself right in Forge's lip, breasts pressed close to his face with her arms wrapped loosely about his shoulders. "-And I'm Blair, Forge. You can count on me to help you. I might even be more help than Freya is." She gave him a smile and winked at him then turned to Freya. Who was of course, fuming.

    "Blair-chan, what in the world are you doing!?" Freya was at Forge's side in a second, fists clenched tightly and pulled against her breasts as she loomed beside the two. "Getting comfortable with Forge~?"

    "NO! That is not how you get comfortable!"

    "Don't you want to get comfortable with him like that?"

    Before Freya could offer anymore protest to Blair, she was caught off-guard by the girl's inquiry and snapped out of her fuming, blinking quickly as a blush came over her face and her lips parted. "W-w-what? I-!" Suddenly stepping back as though she'd been struck and clenching her hands against her chest, she stared wide-eyed at Blair and Forge before she focused her gaze on him and suddenly felt dizzy. It took her a second to compose herself and catch on.


    Risa and Arisa had watched the exchange, going from wondering if it would be Blair's last day at ChupaCabra to believing Freya had been one-upped and back to wondering who exactly was in control in this situation. Well, Forge seemed most in control, technically. "I'm perfectly comfortable as I am with Forge. But if I need to-!" Nuding Blair aside she sat on the other half of Forge's lap and pressed herself against him, hands and breasts pressed against his chest. "-I know how to share!"

    "Ohhh! What a surprise! I thought she would fight for him!"

    "Here she is sharing! We should have made our move after all!"

    "Just stay where you two are!" She pointed a very offensive and dangerous finger at the girls as she snapped at them before turning herself back to Blair. "I'm all caught up to your teasing now. Besides, you're not the first to do so. More importantly, we have customers, Blair-chan, time to work." Like a mom, she put a hand on her hip and let the other point away. Blair smiled contently at her and nodded, obviously pleased and amused. "Yes, ma'am." She saluted and hopped off Forge's lap but turned to look at them again. "Ah, but, it's not as though this is the end, nyaa~." She struck a cute pose and scampered off to attend to a couple of patrons, leaving Freya to blush and pout.

    Leave it to a cat to want to tease further. She remembered herself and blinked before looking at Forge, slowly and shyly pressing herself against him again and wrapping her arms around his shoulders before an idea struck her. She smiled at him, amused and curious. "Forge, did Arisa and Risa touch you like this too? Do you like it?" She figured the two had undoubtedly hung all over him, though she could only imagine how. Perhaps she would have to address the finer points of male and female relationships. And more, of course... Wasn't there a video out there or something she could just pop in and leave all the work to? She certainly couldn't give the job to Arisa, Risa and Blair. Forge would come out as some sexual deviant who could woo any woman or something ridiculous like that. Which was actually an amusing image, but one that sent a shiver down her spine.

    "A-ahh! Sorry..." She quickly released her hold of him and leaned away, folding her hands in her lap with a blush and looking down before she blushed more and jumped out of his lap. "Oh goodness!" She pressed a hand on her chest, ready to apologize again before she realized he probably didn't even understand why she was sorry or so embarassed. She'd have to make sure to teach him sooner than later.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(*chuckles* So, Freya knows how to share, eh? lol, I can see that taking on a rather erotic meaning further down the line XD. Oh and here comes Forge's trial run at being a bouncer lol)

Forge was a bit taken aback at the two's reaction to him telling about Freya sleeping on the floor; it seemed to him, however, that they were in agreement that something wasn't right about Freya sleeping on the floor. He was about to answer Risa and Arisa's questions about what he didn't understand when he saw them place their hands on his thighs; this caused his face to redden slightly and his body to shiver a bit, but he didn't know why.

Forge then saw that Freya had come back; she was being followed by a bunch of men, though she seemed to know that they were there. Is this what she did for work? Seemed odd, but if that's what she did, far be it from him to worry about it. "Nice job, Freya!" Forge heard Boss shout.

However, Forge's view was soon obstructed as the woman in the purple-dress situated herself on his lap and put her arms around his broad shoulders. "Umm......hi" he said a bit nervously as Blair introduced herself; the way she sat on his lap made his face even redder. Why was he feeling so strange? Was it because Blair had herself right on top of him?

He then heard Freya demand what Blair was doing, and the subsequent banter about 'being able to share'. Forge was feeling a bit overwhelmed. He then jumped a bit when Freya snapped at Risa and Arisa; now he was a bit scared. He hoped he never made her mad like this. However, that all seemed to change when Freya asked if Risa and Arisa asked if they had touched him like she was doing. "N...no, Risa...or was it Arisa......just hugged my arms and chest, but then they put their hands on my legs."

He was however, a bit taken when Freya apologized; now he was really confused. When she started turning red in the face, he wondered if Freya felt the same way he did.

However, his questions would have to wait; a surly looking man seemed to be having an argument with a man behind the table where drinks were served. Forge overheard bits and pieces, something about going over his limit. Then he heard the word 'bullshit'; another new one for Forge.

Boss quickly picked up on this and approached the belligerent man. "Oi, you! I won't have you causing trouble in here! Beat it!" Boss shouted, to which the other responded, "Fuck you, midget!" Boss' face turned beet red; if there was one button that should never be pushed, it was the height one. "Alright, pal! You're out of here!" Boss then tried to grab the man, but quickly received a punch to the face, causing him to fall backwards.

This in turn made Forge upset, nigh, angry. That man just punched a friend, and it was one of Freya's friends, which only aggravated the situation. Forge immediately stood and shouted, "How dare you punch a friend of Freya and mine!"

The man turned to Forge, surprised at his height for a second, but then retorted, "You wanna go, tough guy?" He then walked quickly up to Forge and planted a hard fist into Forge's jaw, making Forge reel a bit. The man, however, held his hand in pain and said, "Jesus fucking christ, your mama feed you enough 'roids?"

The man, however, underestimated the gravity of his mistake. Now Forge was pissed; the red marks returned, pulsing a bright red. However, he would not switch to his other half that he didn't even know existed yet, but his instinct to protect drove his actions. Before anyone could do anything, Forge grabbed the man by the throat with one massive hand and lifted him off the ground. He then said in a sadistic tone, "You made one mistake by hurting a friend, you made another by trying to hurt me. I won't let you hurt anyone else. Boss said get out, so you're out." Forge then carried the man to the door and threw him, causing him to land with a loud crash against some randomly-placed garbage cans.

Naturally, this made everyone stop dead and stare; some of the new-patrons dropped whatever drinks they were holding, causing little instances of breaking glass to resonate throughout the room. Even Boss was staring at Forge. He then turned to Freya and said, "Well, Freya. Guess you got the trial run you suggested, hehehe".

(The way I see it with Forge, he only started getting aroused because of Blair's 'forwardness'. And I only did it because..well...they were on his crotch and yeah, you see where I'm going)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • [ Haha, she says so. x'D We'll have to see when the time comes! (But I'm so sure she would if it made Forge happy, lol.) Haha, I'm looking forward to this! ]

  • Naturally, Freya gave Boss an 'okay' with her fingers, winking at him. She wouldn't do anything less than a stellar job. Arisa and Risa may have had an easier time seducing people than she did naturally, but when she let loose a little, she got the job done just fine. Of course, loose applied to strangers. It was a different situation entirely when it came to someone she was fond of and had an atttraction to even. But she should have seen and sensed it. Well, of course she did. She expected it. But the blush on Forge's face was a tell-tale sign. She had pressed her breast again him last night and he hadn't so much as batted an eye. For him to blush now meant Risa and Arisa had certainly tested his, er, limits.

    Blair certainly hadn't helped, that damned cunning cat. It was a shame that Freya felt such an attachment to her. She would have been able to actually get mad at least. But she knew the girls well and felt some kinship for each of them, so she couldn't be too surprised or at all gneuinely peeved, even if she was frustrated. Forge had confimed her suspicions though. That was dangerously close territory and she hadn't actually predicted that they would get there so soon. That was terribly bold of them. Then again, she was feeling bold herself... It did feel nice to press herself against Forge. He was awfully warm and comfortable. And since he didn't mind, context and circumstances considered, maybe she should consider it more often. But it only made her more embarassed and blush harder thinking it.

    She didn't have time to push the thought away herself, for the circumstances wasted not a second in doing it for her. She tilted her head back, suddenly aware of an argument and turned to face the parties involved. Crossing her arms, she shot a glare at the offending man. A hint of concern washed over her as Boss approached, knowing he was capable of handling himself but still not liking the hostility before her. She bit her lip as the man went to territory that Boss hated, before she gasped and stepped forward. "Boss!"

    Just a second passed before she made an attempt to go to Boss's side before Freya flinched, nearly jumping out of her skin and looked up at Forge with wide eyes and mouth wide open. That was a side she hadn't seen to him. But it was also the closest he got to that other half of his. She didn't know if she should have been nervous or relieved. Taking a step back as the man walked over, Freya watched nervously and on edge, unsure if she should intervene. Honestly, she was way more scared of Forge and not at all concerned with the other man. He had yet to direct any hint of a threat at her, but she didn't know what was going on anymore.

    Another gasp escaped her lips as the man punched Forge, he had even reeled back somewhat. Biting her lip, she stepped forward nervously but froze as those familiar marks made themselves known. Freya's mind raced as she prayed and hoped he would not go to that other side and end up killing the guy. She felt a shiver race down her spine and goosebumps rise at Forge's tone as he addressed the man and threw him out. The sound of glasses breaking made her jump and she pulled herself together, turning and watching everyone else's reaction.

    Freya felt a twitch in her brow as she turned to Boss, a dry and nervous chuckle escaping her lips as she looked at him uneasily before smiling weakly. Another mystery added to the list. Walking shakily to Forge, she place a hand on his arm and tilted her head, swallowing a lump in her throat before she spoke up. "Forge, are you okay? How is your jaw?" She was too nervous to reach up and touch his face, but that didn't stop her from being concerned about him. If Boss was able to make witty comments, she knew he was fine. But he also didn't a more... Violent half she had to worry about.

    "Well... At least you can decide if you want to work here or not." Another chuckle, faint but not as nervous and surprisingly sincere, she gave him a small, worried smile.

  • ( Haha, poor Forge. They're not going to make it any easier on him either. And he's such a bad ass. Now Risa and Arisa are really going to be trying to flirt and seduce him. x'D )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Haha, same here.)
Meanwhile, while all of this was going on, Spirit and Shinigami were talking about letting Forge into the DWMA. Spirit was giving his opinion of the situation, "The guy looks strong, and with the rising number of evil humans running around, we could use the extra manpower. Talented as Spartoi is, they can't be everywhere at once, Shinigami-sama".

Shinigami then put a blocky finger to the bottom of his mask and quickly replied, "Why, yes, I believe you're right. I wonder, is he a Weapon or a Meister?" Spirit shook his head before responding, "I'm not sure, but he's strong. I can say that much. We could always test him." Shinigami then said after some thinking, "Hmm....Another one with an ambiguous quality. How interesting. Very well, we'll admit him in. But first, we'll need Maka, Black Star and my son to come down to help determine what he is." Spirit nodded and said, "Alright, well, I'll go tell the new guy he's been accepted!" He then made his way out of the Death Room and back to the caberet club he loved so much.
Back at Chupacabra, Forge was watching the man he just threw out intently. The man was unconscious against the dented trash cans, but Forge waited to see if he was going to get up. He didn't want to cause trouble, but he didn't want people causing trouble for those he cared about either.

He heard Freya ask if he was okay. Forge immediately calmed down; the marks faded from his body. He turned to freya and smiled, saying "I'm alright." He then looked over to Boss, walked over and helped Boss to his feet. "Are you alright, Boss?" Forge asked, seeing a small bruise on Boss's face. Boss laughed, "I'm alright, kid. Takes more than that to put me down for good." Forge could still feel everyone staring at him; did he do something wrong? "Umm...did I do a bad thing?" he asked in general, to which Boss said "Bad? No way! That was bouncing at its finest right there! The whole 'getting a rash' bit was a tad overkill, but hey, the way you threw that guy out was textbook! Come on, people! Show this guy some encouragement!" Boss then started clapping hard; he was soon joined by several others, and a few of those offered their own words of encouragement as well. Boss then turned to Forge and asked, "So, you wanna work here? We could use the help." Forge thought about it for a moment and then said, "I'd be happy to."

It was at this time that everyone was clapping that Spirit returned; he wondered what was going on, but he had a good idea. "Boy, news travels fast" he said. Everyone stopped as soon as Spirit entered; a Deathscythe's presence in a crowded area was usually not a good sign. Forge turned around and saw the same red-haired man who threw himself at Freya. "Hello again, Mister Spirit." Spirit simply stated, "The mister part isn't necessary, Forge. But I do have good news" "Oh?" Forge asked, wondering what this news was. Spirit nodded and continued, "Congratulations, you've been accepted into the Death Weapon and Meister Academy."

Now Forge was torn; he couldn't be in two places at once. He wanted to work here with everyone he knew, but at the same time, this academy could teach him a lot about himself. He was about to say something when Boss stepped in, "Hey, Spirit. My guy wants to work here. He can't be in both places at once." Spirit then said, "well, that's fine, but what if he comes here after his schooling is finished?" Boss stopped and pondered for a second before responding, "Alright, that sounds fair. Forge, what do you think?" Forge nodded in agreement, "I think that can work."

(Oh, man. I wonder what those two will try next, lol)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • One good sign that Forge calming down and those marks disappearing. Freya wasn't sure what to make of any of that, but she was glad the intensity and moment was over. Nodding slowly, she watched him walk over to Boss and sighed quietly as one hand rose to grasp her arm, leaning her weight to one side. Boss and Forge were alright, and the guy was quite literally tossed out, so that was what counted. All things considered, she couldn't understand why she still felt so nervous.

    At the least, Forge had not only been complimented but applauded. It was always a good thing if Boss was impressed. She couldn't bring herself to join in on the applause, distracted by her thoughts about his marks before she looked up and caught Boss asking him about working again, immediately jolting her from her thoughts. She actually wasn't too surprised that he had agreed, and she simply sighed once more as she let her arms drop to her sides. Since he had experience Arisa, Risa and Blair finally, she wasn't as worried. But in reality, that meant nothing. It was most likely a good thing that he'd be working there too.

    They'd have his protection and she would be comfortable knowing that she could watch over him while he was there. Freya didn't like the thought of him involved in more violent situations though. She could hope that from then on, no one else would get involved before he had to intervene at least. But she could only smile weakly, knowing their luck. Turning to face Spirit as he returned, Freya silently watched him and felt another feeling flood her. She realized she wouldn't be able to be with him when he was at school. And the thought made her nervous. But maybe everything would be fine. After all, there weren't people like Risa and Arisa there, right? Her stomach knotted up and pained her with just the thought of it. She groaned to herself as she tried to figure out the best way to educate him about sex asap.

    Unfortunately for Freya, she spent too much time caught up in her thoughts to recall that the particularly fearsome duo was still in the same building and with renewed fervor. Risa and Arisa made their way over to Forge, each attaching themselves to one of his arms and pressed themselves against him. "Mmm, Forge-kun was so brave and strong. I got weak in the knees just watching." Risa tugged on him slightly, giving him a sultry smile, just as Arisa did. "I was so impressed, I still feel my heart racing just thinking about it." Already the two were on plan two.

    "Nee, Forge, why don't you come sit over here with us~?"

    "I think there are lots of things we can teach you."

    "And we would love to tell you about how we make you feel."

    What ripe, sweet pickings. Blair watched Forge's moment of victory and celebration turn into a moment of being prey once more. He was so perfectly vulnerable. And so was Freya. She was very tempted to return to teasing both of them again, but Freya was too invested her thoughts, no doubt worrying herself to death, and Risa and Arisa did seem to be enjoying putting the moves on Forge. Maybe she'd watch how far they would combat his innocence and then decide when to butt in. She had to beat Freya to it though, that much was certain.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge was a bit surprised when people started clapping; he assumed that meant he did something acceptable. Moreover, it seemed to make people like him. While there were the few that looked at Forge with fright and suspicion, most of them seemed to look at him like he was a normal guy; that was what he wanted, normalcy.

Spirit then said to Forge as everyone started to calm down a bit, "Well, when you're done, have Freya bring you to Shinigami-sama. He can explain more about what it is you need to do." He then turned to Freya and said, "Freya-chan, if you want to stay with Forge while Shinigami-sama explains everything, that's fine. But I really have to run, there are some things I have to do." And with that he departed the building.

Forge was then caught by surprise when Risa and Arisa pressed themselves against him again; he still had no clue why they did this. Were they trying to get his attention? However, it would fail ultimately because Forge took one look at Freya and his face fell; she didn't look happy. At all. This in turn made him unhappy, so he said to Risa and Arisa, "I'm sorry, Risa, Arisa, but can it wait?" He then gently pulled himself free of their grips and made his way over to Freya.

Getting to his knee, he looked Freya in the eye, trying to see what was wrong. "Miss Chtuhilin? Is everything alright? You don't look well" he asked, the concern and worry heavy in his voice. He wanted Freya to be happy, so it made him quite sad to her like this. He hadn't known her for very long, but he felt like Freya was the only woman who truly understood him, and he wanted to make sure that she was as happy and comfortable as possible.

(Hehe, strike two for Risa and Arisa)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Haha, they're going to keep going until they get their third strike. They're just going to start pacing themselves. x'D )

  • Hearing her name, Freya managed to pull herself from her thoughts long enough to hear out Spirit and nod her head slowly. Ah, he was tormenting her further. "See you later, Spirit-kun." She gave him a wave and turned back slowly, trying not to let her thoughts bring on further torment. It was nice that she would get to hang around while Shinigami-sama spoke to Forge, but she couldn't be by his side twenty-four-seven. But she would simply have to get used to it.

    She didn't have a second to return to her thoughts before she realized Forge was approaching her. She realized a very defeated but amused looking Arisa and Risa in the background - she automatically figured they had been up to something - and watched Forge kneel in front of her. Freya felt herself frown before she clapped her cheeks, squeezing her eyes shut and slowly opening them, giving Forge a small smile. Sighing softly, she leaned and patted him awkwardly before leaning in and giving him a hug.

    "You get to go to school and learn more about yourself, and you have a job!" Her tone was both congratulatory and laced with a hint of sorrow. "I'm so happy for you and proud. ...But I'm going to miss being attached to your side." Tears comically welled up in her eyes before she planted her face in her hands and pulled them away, pouting a bit. "I got attached you instead of the other way around. I'm sorry for being dependent on you." Tilting her head, her smile returned, wider than before. "I just have to faith in you and teach you what I can about others in the time we have. I shouldn't worry so much."

    A forlorn look started to take over her features before she perked up, looking surprised and then smiling cheekily as she leaned forward and ruffled his hair. "I kept thinking, 'he's too tall for me to reach his hair, but now you're finally at my height level'." She seemed to be considerably cheered up after getting everything off her chest and mussing up his hair a bit. She took another sigh and rested her hands on his forearms. "We'll go meet Shinigami-sama when you're ready. You'll like, he's very nice and considerate."

    Dropping her hands from his arms, she tapped her chin before smiling down at him. "We were going to go out to eat for lunch, but it's already past that time. Instead, lets go out to eat for dinner in celebration of everything that happened today." And a lot certainly had happened. Between memories, being enrolled and a new school, there was quite a bit to celebrate. And Freya felt that Forge deserved something nice. "But I suppose once we get back home... I need to consider what and how to teach you..." She took a moment to smile nervously, already imaging how awkward that might be on her part. Well, Arisa and Risa had gave her a good starting point to use at least for his own experiences with them.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Awww, I feel so bad for Freya. She seems to like him a lot)

Back at the DWMA, Shinigami was talking with Black Star and Tsubaki, Soul and Maka, and his son Death the Kid and his weapon partners Liz and Pattie. "So, what'd we get called here for, Father?" Kid asked; Shinigami then said "Well, we have a new student coming to this school. And since you kids are some of the best we have, I figured it would only be practical to give you some teaching practice. I called you here for this task because this one seems to be rather unusual. I need your help in determining the nature of his powers."

Black Star groaned, "Aw, man. You're sticking us with the new meat?" "Ah, come on, Black Star. He won't be that bad." Soul retorted; in fact, it's be cool to see what this kid's got. If he was unusual enough to warrant a determination session of just what he was, then he had to be fairly unique."

Kid spoke up again, "Not that I mind, but why not have him attend the yearly opening session where Weapons and Meisters meet?" He was answered by another voice, "I can answer that". The group turned their heads to see Spirit approaching them. "Ah good, you're back, Deathscythe. So, did you find anything out?" Spirit shook his head, "No, I still have no idea what his power is, other than sheer brute strength. He did seem rather enthused about coming here though."

Black Star piped up again, "Well, I already have that covered. So that guy doesn't have to come here, we don't need any more people." Spirit turned to Black Star and said in a scolding tone, "Black Star, you know that's not true. Spartoi can't be everywhere at once, and the number of evil humans popping up is on the rise, not to mention the crime that's hitting this city. We need every bit of manpower we can get, for both local and international enforcement."

Kid then asked, "Deathscythe, sir. If I may ask, what does he look like?" At this Spirit grinned, "I think I'll leave that as a surprise. And trust me, it'll be a big one."
Forge was a bit taken aback as Freya hugged him; though he supposed she felt the same way. He returned the embrace, saying "Miss Chtuhilin, I may learn more about myself, but you saved my life and taught me so much about this place. Words alone cannot express my gratitude, and besides, if you work here, I'll still be able to see you quite often." His heart felt heavy, but he didn't know why. Then he realized it; he was attached to her. Just as she said she was attached to him. He smiled wide and said, "I'm attached to you as well, Miss Chtuhilin. You were the one that brought me here and made sure I was well. It is because of you that I am here. I will do everything I can to make sure you are happy."

She then mentioned going out to dinner; he was feeling rather hungry. But that could wait; he wanted to meet this "Shinigami-sama". He was curious as to who it be; the name seemed to ring a bell. Though he wasn't sure where he heard it.

Forge then nodded as Freya said she would teach him; he would gladly listen. "I'm sure whatever it is, it will be incredibly useful." he said as honestly as possible.

(lol, I just thought of something. I think Maka would instantly have a negative opinion of Forge because he's going to work at Chupacabra, where her father frequents).
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( She is very attached to him. She's gotten used to him and is feeling protective and dependent now. I kinda feel like I'm bullying her actually because of it. )

  • It took a great deal of effort on her part not to get too emotional when he returned the embrace. On top of that, she was quite touched by his words. She was comforted by the embrace and his though, allowing her own reassurances to quell her worries as well. Just because he had classes didn't mean she would have to worry about him too much. And even if he was working a relatively violent job at the club, she knew she could trust in him to be alright. She didn't want to have reason to believe she'd ever have to worry about that other half surfacing around everyone, but she was simply prone to worrying as it was.

    Her lips pulled into a tight line before pursing slightly and quirking at the corners. "Thank you, Forge. I'm going to make sure that you're happy too." No matter what, of course. Freya felt herself smile in a lop-sided and bemused way at his response, but simply chuckled. "It... It'll be useful. But. Well, I guess we'll just see how it goes." She was almost tempted to ask someone for help on the matter, but she certainly didn't trust anyone here. But no matter the circumstances, she would teach Forge about-! Well... Intimacy.

    "Well, maybe we should get started over to meet Shinigami-sama. The sooner he explains everything, the sooner we can head to dinner. A-and, get home and start your lesson..." She blushed and looked away awkwardly, wearing a smile. Looking around Forge, Freya waved to Boss and the girls. "Hey Boss, we're going to take off now. We'll see you tomorrow for work. You all be good!" Arisa and Risa gave Freya naughty smile for a second, but she pouted and shot them scolding glances to which they giggled and wave, earning a warm smile and wave. She looked to Blair who gave her a teasing smile on the otherhand and winked. Her wave to Blair was less enthused, but the bakeneko knew that Freya felt just as strong as she did for Blair as she did Boss and the others.

    Turning back to Forge after good-byes were done, she smiled and patted his arm before heading out of the club, rubbing her cheek shyly before stretching and clutching her hands to her chest. "Starting now, I have to be a mature girl again! I won't worry you by getting so emotional or stressed again." Nodding triumphantly, she dropped her hands to her side and gently cupped her cheeks with her hands, looking to the ground with a sheepish smile. "I wonder if we'll see Death-kun... He's really handsome and cool. He's nice like Shinigami-sama." She stared off dreamily for a second before snapping back to reality and laughing in embarassment. "Ah, but the others are nice too. Even if one of them is terribly cocky. You'll like the kids." Although she called them that, she wasn't too much older than them herself. It was perhaps the sense of maternal nature and older sister habits and feelings she had in regards to them for the most part.

    "I am sad that we'll have less time together in the day and a little worried, but I am glad to know that you'll at least have peers like them around you."

  • ( Haha, that would be amusing. Poor Forge. Disliked by association. x'D )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Heh, wait till you see what I have in store for Forge later down the line *grins* For some reason, I see Risa and Arisa flat out jumping Forge later in the story XD)

"Alright, Forge, Freya! You two better not be late!" Boss shouted with a small grin. Forge waved good-bye as he followed Freya out the club. He was excited to get to meet this "Shinigami-sama" and the others. He hoped that they would be able to help him figure just what it was he could do. She also mentioned a "Death-kun"; he wondered who that could be.

Forge was a bit puzzled when Freya said that one of the kids was a bit cocky; he then asked her "Ummm....what does cocky mean? Is that a bad thing?"

He then responded to Freya's comment, "Please, Miss Chtuhilin, don't worry about me or be sad. I don't like seeing you anything less than the happiest you can be." To many others, it would the corniest thing in the world to leave their mouths; with Forge, though, it was his honest feeling. He didn't want Freya to be unhappy; she had been the one to bring him back and help get him re-situated. She deserved to be happy in his eyes.

(Heh, glad you found it amusing. )
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( I'm starting to worry for Forge now too! Haha, and they're definitely working their way there. x'D )

  • Tilting her head as she looked at Forge, Freya took a thoughtful expression, a hint of a pouty frown on her lips as a brow furrowed. "Hmm. Well, yeah. Some people are confident, which is good. But then there are people that are beyond confident, and they're called cocky, because it gets... Obnoxious? Hm, I'll have to think a better description. But in a way, they think they're better than others rather than just thinking they're capable enough to get things done." Nodding slowly, she tapped her chin before looking at Forge with an amused grin. "Does that make much sense?" She was going to have start figuring out better ways to describe things.

    She felt his words tug at her heart and clasped her hands, trying not to look too touched or emotional. "Thank you Forge..." She was a bit protective of him, but somehow, he managed to make her feel like the one being protected. And he was the innocent one of the two of them. Looking at him once more with a small but warm smile, she unclasped her hands and let them rest at her sides. "I want you to be at your happiest too." Blushing and looking away shyly, she took a few steps forward to his side and wrapped her arms loosely around one of his.

    Looking up at him with a content smile she leaned her head against his arm and felt more at peace. "Come on, lets get you to Shinigami-sama. You made progress and had a flashback, and maybe you'll be able to learn something about yourself too. It may be too early, but it doesn't hurt to be a little hopeful." And she had every bit of her hope and faith lying in everything going well for him.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge nodded as Freya explained what being cocky meant; if you were sure of your own ability, wouldn't that be all that matters? Not to mention that being like that just seemed downright rude.

Forge smiled as Freya wrapped her arms around his own; he was already happy and it showed. As they walked along, Forge say a large building ahead. It towered over the rest of the city; what looked like giant-sized versions of the candles Forge saw at Chupacabra seemed to stick out from the central hub, which looked like a skull. And it wasn't until Forge looked up that he saw a bright yellow....something....that seemed to stretch out forever.

"Miss Chtuhilin, what is that place?" Forge asked as he pointed towards the large building; he had a hunch it was the Academy, but he wanted to make sure.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Smiling as Forge pointed toward their destination, she looked up at him with a knowing smile. "It's the academy. Impressive, isn't it?" Letting her previous worries and anxieties slide away, Freya allowed her eagerness of Forge's chance to perk up her mood. This was the best opportunity that could come to him. In the end, it would be good for him to form more relationships and contact with others, and finally getting the hang of his abilities would make a huge difference too.

    More than anything though, she just hoped that everything went smoothly. She knew everyone was nice, but they also had their quirks... Well, if anthing went wrong, she would find out anyway. And she would fix it. Immiedately. But she wasn't going to let herself get anxious over scenarios that hadn't happened. Just remain optimistic and hopeful. "I'm sure Shinigama-sama will introduce you to everyone while he explains things. It may be hard understanding everything, and I'm sorry I couldn't teach you more before we went to the academy, but I'll be sure to give you a make-up lesson."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge stared at the massive building; it was huge. Bigger than anything he could have possibly imagined. "So this is the academy. Wow, very impressive." he said, obviously in awe of not only its size, but how grand it looked. Obviously people who went here had some talents; he just hoped that no one would find him too weird. Forge then heard freya say she was sorry; he smiled back and said "It's alright. Everything will work out."

As they approached, however, Forge noticed something; there was an enormous staircase leading up to what he presumed to be the entrance. "Wow, that's a lot of stairs" Forge said in a surprised tone. He figured that this was where he had to go, so he turned to Freya and said, "Well, shall we go?" He then started making his way up the massive staircase.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Nodding with a proud smile, Freya stared at the Academy before looking back up at Forge. "It's pretty standard inside, but still quite nice. But the students and faculty are what really make it." Of course the academy was a very nice building, but its real draw indeed lied primarily with everyone's different charms and attributes. Nodding once more, she was reassured by his comfort and confidence. He was right, everything would work out, and all would be fine.

    Glancing up at the stairs, Forge and then back at the stairs, a lop-sided grin on her lips. "It'll be a work-out and preliminary exam all in one?" The words were offered in a form of playful jest, and in a way, to make it feel like the stairs weren't as imposing as they seemed. But they certainly wouldn't pose much of a problem for either of them. Following closely behind him, Freya let one of her arms drop to her side, but let the other remain loosely attached to his.

    She had to wonder how things would go with meeting Shinigami-sama. Considering Forge's abilities, Freya wasn't sure if all would progress smoothly or with some bumps in the road, but she was sure it'd all be worth it regardless.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(WOO! Just one more after this! :p Yeah, I know, pretty bad being excited for making it to 100 posts)

Back in the Death Room, Maka, Black Star, Kid, and their respective weapon partners were still waiting for this new guy. "Man, how long do we have to wait for this guy? I bet he's a weakling, why are we even wasting our time." "Black Star, it's not just about physical strength. And besides, you can't really say anything about him." Kid snapped, showing his respectful side. Black Star sneered and shot back, "Well, if he's having this much trouble getting here, he's obviously someone who gets lost easily."

Shinigami sighed and said in a calm tone, "Settle down, everyone. I'm going to send Deathscythe out to go find them, so they should be here shortly." Shinigami turned to Spirit and nodded; Spirit returned it and left the Death Room.
Forge made his way up the monstrous staircase; even as he walked up it, the staircase didn't seem to get any shorter. However, he wasn't out of breath yet; it was definitely getting harder having to lug himself up to the top, even though it didn't show. After a while of walking up it, they finally made it to the top. Forge chuckled as he turned around; he could see quite a bit more of Death City from up here. "Wow, look at it. You can see everything from up here!" Forge said excitedly, his simplicity of enjoyment showing.

"Ah, good, you made it. Ironically, I was just sent out to find the two of you" a familiar voice said; Forge turned around to see that Spirit had appeared from out of a large entrance. "Hello, Forge." he said before walking up to Freya and grasping her hand, "And hello to you, my darling Freya-chan".
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Not at all, I'm excited too~! And I can't wait for Forge to meet everyone. x'D )

  • Quite familiar with the staircase, Freya wasn't too bothered by it, but it did always leave her with some hint of a nagging feeling. More like a bothersome nag than the worrisome type, though. But she and Forge held up, even if it took some time, and reaching the top was worth it for far more than the obvious reasons. A warm smile curved on her lips as she watched Forge before looking out over the city. She was pleased that he could enjoy so much, and so easily. It paid to have such a free spirit in this world. She hoped he would be able to retain it to some respect, even after recalling his memories.

    Perking up, she looked around Forge and smiled calmly at the familair and somewhat expected face. "It's nice to see you again too, Spirit-kun." She gave him an amused and teasingly exasperated smile. "You just behave yourself for Maka's sake." She waggled a finger at him with a point, playing a hint of the mom role and lightly scolding him in a playful manner. Nonetheless, she was quick to give him her composed smile once more. "I suppose the wait got a bit tedious if you were sent to look for us. Is everyone there already? U-uh... Including Kid-kun...?" Blushing and looking away, she smiled shyly before turning her gaze back to Spirit, a hopeful look in her eyes.
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