Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Haha, no, it's okay. This conflict proved to be fairly amusing too. >u< )

  • Still sporting a wide smile, Freya nodded and let her mind roam over the possibilities. It had been a while since she had cooked for more than one person, though she did like to get fancy and go all out when cooking for herself. She would enjoy cooking for Forge. She'd be able to test herself and expand her limits, aim for a variety of plates this time. Well, she didn't want to cook too much and overhwelm him or anything, but she'd cook enough.

    Prepared to leave, she audibly gasped and stepped back when the ski-mask wearing man stepped in, surprised at the timing of a robber making an appearance. They really had some luck. If Forge ended up in these kind of circumstances before often, she could see how he had ended up unconscious in such a random spot. She cast a worried glance to the older woman quickly, but gave a comically puzzled frown and a sweatdrop when she noticed the woman calmly smoking her long, thin pipe. "You poor thing, you stumbled into the wrong place." Freya groaned to herself, wishing the woman wouldn't provoke the man. Shehadn't realized both her cohorts were going to provoke him though.

    Flinching slightly, Freya squeaked under her breath when Forge asked what the man was doing. Now she was really worried. Was he going to be in danger? Last time, that other half him awoke. And while it was a scary and yet... Admittedly sexy display, she wasn't sure what she would do if he went unconscious and ended up letting his other half take over again. She did have to wonder though, how he didn't know what lead was. But for some reason, his naivette just made her worried and endeared to him. Maybe they really did need sit down and have a Q&A on various topics.

    However, in no had she expected the man to fire at Forge, and Freya visibly jumped, a sound caught in her throat before she looked confused. "W-wha...?"

    "Ara, I suppose his body isn't so cut for nothing. Freya-chan, you sure can pick 'em."

    "Don't get so carried away right now!" More importantly, the shop was still being robbed. Freya pursed her lips and closed an eye, fists squeezed tight and arms pressed to her chest as she winced and watched the man fire rounds at Forge. He didn't seem at all phased by them at least, so she was glad he wasn't hurt. And good thing he wasn't wearing a shirt, because it'd have quite a few holes in it by now. Dropping her arms to her side with a sigh and shaking her head at the man, Freya looked up at Forge and offered him a withering smile. "He's a criminal. A buffoon of one at that."

    Looking down at the man, she tapped her chin before looking up at Forge again. She couldn't ask him to knock the man out, but she would make sure he learned his lesson. "Hey you, this guy is obviously enough to take you and the gun, so I suggest you beat it and not try something so rash again." She patted Forge's chest confidently, as if she was advertising a champion fighter. "So? What's it going to be? Or... Are you going to try and take on my guy here?" Crossing her arms under her chest, she leered down at the man menacingly. Even if he wasn't afraid of her, he was already afraid of Forge, and she wanted him to know, she would send him on the man - even if she couldn't actually bring herself to.

  • ( I love Forge and his naivette. There's no end to how amusing and adorable he is. x'D )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Ah, some luck indeed. I love how you play the shopkeeper, by the way)

Forge just stood as Freya told the man off for doing something "rash"; he really needed to figure out what these words meant. He was slightly surprised when she patted his chest, but didn't show it. He then looked back down at the robber, wondering what might happen next.

The robber looked up at where Forge was standing; he saw the titan looking down at him. He mistook Forge's gaze of curiosity for one of malice; he stood quickly and shouted, "OK! OK! I'm leaving! You're all a bunch of freaks!" He then ran out the door, dropping the empty gun and screaming his head off. Forge gave Freya a curious look and asked, "Does that happen often?"

He then looked down and saw that the man had dropped his item; he assumed that this was the "gun" Freya said he could take. "So....this is a.....gun, right?" he said as he picked it up, then turned it over in his large hands to inspect it. It had a very shiny silvery finish; he wondered how it worked.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Haha, thank you. She is fun to play~. )

  • A satisfactory grin crossed Freya's lips as she watched the man run out the door. She gave Forge a proud smile, though felt suddenly amused, given how innocent he was and how well the situation had worked out. "No, it doesn't happen often, and it's not supposed. But sometimes, it just does." She patted him on the arm, becoming used to the action and wondered if she should cut down on it. She'd worry about it later though.

    Nodding her head, she looked it over, though briefly noticed how large his hands were and had to refocus her attention on the gun, blushing softly. "That's right. But most people don't carry a guy, so it's best not to make it too known that you have it for now. Well, not that you'd need it." An amused and cheerful smile pulled at the corner of her lips as she looked up at him. She remembered herself and pouted for a second, but let the smile return. She couldn't tell him why he didn't really need the gun, but it was obvious they were no threat to him.

    "Well, we should get going now. We'll eat and then take care of other stuff. See you later." She smiled at the shopkeep, who gave her a knowing, sultry grin. Freya pouted and headed for the door. "When we get to my place, I'll help get you settled in before starting our meal..."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge followed Freya's example and bade the shopkeeper goodbye. He put the empty gun instinctively into his pocket and walked close behind Freya as they traveled to her residence. He wondered how long it would take him to not just find out how he got here, but also to adjust to this new environment.

There was one thing the shopkeeper said that had Forge a bit puzzled; he walked up next to Freya and asked "Miss Chtuhilin, if you don't mind me asking, there was something that lady back there said. She said my body was 'cut', but I see no injuries."
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • One nice thing about the walk to her place was that it wasn't short. She had actually found the little boutique at first because she was wandering the areas near her home, aquainting herself with whatever conveniences were nearby. She was just fortunate to have had such nice ones. It was also convenient that most anything they would need for Forge was relatively nearby. Aside from clothing, there was a small supermarket, so groceries and small toiletries would also be easily and quickly aquired.

    Looking up to Forge as he walked up to her side, Freya gave him a pleasant smile though her eyes were curious. "Hm?" She was becoming more and more used to the questions. From the start, she hadn't minded answering them and even enjoyed it, but she was now almost becoming eager to see what he would ask next. Though there were the questions that caught her off guard. Like this one. Her lips parted and a small sound died in her throat as she blushed. "Um..." One hand rose to cup her cheek as she looked away before her eyes roamed his body and she let them settled on his face again.

    "You're uhh... Very muscled. Your body is... Great. Toned! You're very fit." She stumbled over herself, trying to appropriately think of a way to answer the question that was understandable, but also without flustering herself. At this point, she realized Forge was too innocent to catch on to any sexual attention or attraction, which spared her a lot actually, but it didn't make her any less flustered. "It's something one says to imply that your body has good muscle definition. Very good..." The last part had been whispered under her breath, casting him a sideways glance.

    "Uhh, well, my house is right here. I can explain more... if you don't understand. But uh, lets get you settled in for now." She gave him a shy smile before digging around her purse and fishing out her key, unlocking the door and stepping inside. Her home was moderately sized, the walls painted in a faint beige and with earth toned furnishings. It was simple but refined in its decor, and there were plants lined on shelves and small, personal touches spotted around. "The bedroom is that way. There's a bathroom beside it, but only the bathroom connected to the room has a shower. We can put your stuff in one of my empty drawers in the room."

    She stepped in and out of the way, allowing him to take it in and content with letting him familiarize himself with it as he pleased, but prepared to take him on a tour if need be.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge stepped into Freya's residence; he liked this feeling. It felt....natural, comfortable, like this was where he was raised. Maybe it was because he had no memories of his previous home, if he had one, but he didn't care. He smiled and said in a gentle voice, "I'm home. Home, such a wonderful word." It was such a relief to him that he could stay here. He explored the house for a bit, then returned to Freya. He then embraced her tightly, saying "Miss Chtuhilin, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me."

Then as if to spoil the tender moment, a few moments later there came a knock on the door; a sharp voice then said in an elevated tone "Freya! This is your boss! I've been running all over this town trying to find you! I came by here earlier, but you were conveniently absent! If you're in there, you better have a damn good reason why you didn't show up today!"

Forge looked down at Freya and asked, "Miss Chtuhilin, is that someone you know?"
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Watching Forge brought a tender smile to Freya's lips, pleased that he looked so comfortable. Warmth filled her and tingling through her when he called it home, and she had to stop herself from getting a little emotional. She was thankful all over again for having stopped to make sure he received help. She set their bag aside, allowing him to roam her home and set her purse down on a shelf. She hadn't expected what would come next when he returned, but she revelled in it.

    Gasping softly, her eyes widened when he embraced her and she blushed. She slowly smiled shyly and returned the embrace. "You don't need to thank you, I'm glad I can help. Thank you for allowing me to help you." As much as she wanted to enjoy the moment, she already recognized that voice that came in, almost as if it was meant to break the moment. She sighed heavily, a wry smile on her lips. "It's the person I work for. Hold on a second. Oh, if you like, you can start putting your stuff away in the drawers." She gestured to the bag before before turning back to him. "But if you like, you can just laze about or look around. As long as you're comfortable." She patted him on the arm before turning to the door.

    Opening and looking directly at her boss, she pouted and crossed her arms under her supple bust. "Boss, really!? You're going to cause a commotion. Besides, you know I'll make up the time and I wouldn't go all day without reporting in for no good reason." She paused and looked around, making sure her neighbors weren't eavesdropping. "Today on the way to work, I tripped over a body. I had the person taken to the physican, Dr. Hoffsteader." She knew her boss would recognize the name of a recurring client at the cabaret club. "Well... Well. Someone came in later, and he... He wasn't human, if you know what I mean. He killed the doctor. Did you hear about the commotion that went on?" She grimaced and looked down, rubbing her arm. "Well, we left and I had to help the stranger since he has amnesia, but I still have to make sure the doctor's body was handled with care and that he's receiving the funeral treatment he asked for." She looked away, not liking where the conversation had went.

    "Well, more importantly, Blair-chan and the girls had ChupaCabra covered most of the day, right? I'll do a double shift tomorrow."

    It wasn't her place to disclose most of the details surrounding Forge, but she knew her boss could be understanding in the right mood, and the loss of a customer in such a way was a grim reality. She had promised the doctor special treatment even... She sighed and looked back to her boss. "I need some time to help the guy I found get settled in, is that okay?" She gave her best sympathetic face, trying to work her boss's weakspot. She didn't mind being grilled, but she hated to take so much time from helping Forge settle in.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Freya's boss stared at Freya; his eyes were cold and unrelenting as Freya tried to get him to quiet down. This, however, changed when Freya mentioned Dr. Hoffsteader; he was one of ChupaCabra's best clients. He always tipped well and drank plenty on his rather frequent vists. And the best part was, the man treated his workers with respect; an admirable quality compared to the majority of sleazeballs who frequented ChupaCabra. He then said in a refined tone, "Ah, yes. Dr. Hoffsteader. A good man, fine man. Gave us plenty of his own money, he did. Always treated you and the others with respect and decency. Hard to find someone like that anymore."

When he heard of Hoffsteader's death, his expression softened even further. He gave a heavy sigh; he rarely showed emotion towards his customers, but Hoffsteader was different. Boss often gave Hoffsteader drinks on the house, and hell, he even invited the good doctor to play cards once in a while. "Yeah, I heard. Some nut job went in and wrecked the place." He then rubbed the back of his head uncomfortably, but he then continued, "Ah, hell. You're a good woman, Freya. Don't worry about working a double shift; business has been a bit slow lately. Blair and the others can manage a day on their own. Take all the time you need, but if you don't mind, I'd like to meet this mystery man of yours." He then gave a small chuckle and said in a joking tone, "Funny thing is, I never saw you as a woman of commitment. Hehehe"

Forge, meanwhile, had gone into the bedroom to put what few articles of clothing he had away.

(BTW, feel free to take over her boss's character if it helps you streamline your post.)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Oh, haha, I saw that just after I finished my post. I think it'll be okay. But if I need to, I can fix it and use him a bit. )

  • She knew that look when she saw it, and was very familiar to those eyes. The Boss was very hard on everyone; and for good reason. He expected the best out of all of them and each and everyone one of them did their best, and remaining so steadfast in his manner was also what ensured their utmost dedication to their jobs. She didn't fault him for a second for being so stern.

    She was relieved when he softened however, and to both of them Dr. Hoffsteader was a great client, someone both of them had a personal affection for. It was a mutual loss. Her boss's words drove home the disappointing reality. She would greatly miss the doctor. She wasn't sure she cared to offer any extra care or services to any else the way she did him, but that was also because he was respectful and decent as her boss mentioned.

    Freya nodded, recalling the scened vividly since it was only so much earlier. If she hadn't have been there, she wouldn't have believed it. She gave her boss a small smile and nodded. "Thanks boss. You know I'll work even harder when I come back." She felt somewhat reassured and uplifted by his presence however, and it helped relieve some of the loss and heaviness of the day. "Oh, I promise you'll meet him. Maybe I can bring him by after he gets settled in." When her boss chuckled however, she gave him a small, questioning smile before getting embarassed. She immediately blushed, looking flustered and shy.

    "B-Boss!" She pouted in a playfully offended manner. Of course, the way she carried herself sometimes, especially in the club, she presented herself as a woman who would seduce men when they asked for, almost stringing them along. She had no particular attachments either. She had only justified his thoughts.

    "A-anyway! It's not like that. H-he doesn't-. Or I... Well, I'll bring him by later!" How many people would tease her about that anyway!? Maybe she left herself open for it! She had to put up her guard. Then again, she couldn't exactly see herself running around seducing men in front of Forge. How would she explain tha to him!? She flushed more just thinking about it. No, she couldn't! If she thought about it, she would start feeling funny and her face would practically be as red as a tomato. "I'm going to finish helping him. I'll call in and keep you updated. Say hi to the girls for me." She waved to her boss and gave him a smile reserved for him and the girls at the club before closing the door and turning back to her home.

    Sighing quietly, she combed her fingers through her hair. "Forge? How is everything? Comfortable? Do you need any help?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

As Forge heard the door close, he also heard Freya ask how things were. He was still trying to figure out where to put things so that he could find them easier. The way the man spoke through the closed door made it sound like she was in trouble. He finished putting his things away, and then changed his clothes; he now wore a new pair of jeans, which to him felt considerably better. He began walking out to meet Freya; unfortunately his height meant the doorjam was a bit small, and he banged his head pretty hard due to lack of paying attention. "Ow" he groaned as he rubbed the spot between his eyes, but shook it off and continued "I'm fine, but I hope I didn't get you into any trouble. That man didn't sound happy."

He then held up his old pair of ragged, blood-stained jeans and asked her, "What do I do with these?"

(Sorry for the short post, but I don't know what else to put)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Oh, no, it's a good length. And poor Forge. x'D )

  • She lifted her gaze and smiled when she saw him approach, though winced and rushed to his side. "Are you alright?" She reached a hand up to his forehead, touching it delicately before letting her hand fall to her side.

    When she heard him mention her possibly being in trouble, she smiled knowingly at him, becoming accustomed to his worrying over others. His kindness was endless. "No, don't worry. I'm not in any trouble at all. The boss was mad, but he understands. Um... He wants me to meet you at some time." She blushed and looked away, playing with a few strands of her hair. "But it doesn't have to be soon. Or anything." She gave him a small smile, though she could barely look him in the eye.

    When he held up the jeans, she was glad for the change in topic and tapped her chin. She had somewhat forgotten about them, or what to do with them anyway. They could be fixed up a little, and tattered was a typical look for jeans. However, the blood would take some work in getting out. She gave them another once over before looking up at him. "Well, if you're attached to them or feel like keeping them might give you an answer eventually, you should hold on to them. I can get the blood out for you. But if you don't want them, we'll just throw them away." He had plenty of bottoms as it were, and they could always get more if those weren't enough.

    "Oh, I'm so sorry! I haven't even started cooking. Let me go get dinner prepped." She gave him a grin, walking past him to head into her room, shedding the sweater that had covered her arms and a portion of her bust and pulling a hairclip off her desk. She let it rest between her lips as she returned to the living room, working her hair so she could pin it up and took the pin from her mouth, sliding it in. "You can venture around the house more if you like, but if you want to talk, you're welcome to join me in the kitchen." She gave him a smile from near the kitchen door and swung it open, heading in.

    She took a moment to think, considering the fact that he probably hadn't eaten in a while, so she could cook quite a bit. And who knows, maybe with a varied taste palette, he might remember something about a meal he had before he was left in that spot, and it might bring on more memories. Well, she felt plenty could bring on more memories, but maybe they wouldn't. She paused from rummaging through her pantry and refrigerator, wondering why the more...brutal half of him knew his name. Sighing softly, she brushed the thought aside for the moment and went back to gathering everything and getting it started. For now, she could worry about feeding them and making sure they got adjusted. After all, she would adjust to living with someone.

    Amidst her work, Freya began to hum before she froze and realization dawned on her. Where would he sleep!? Well, her bed was big enough to share. And he deserved it most right now. But maybe she should sleep on the couch instead. Or maybe he needed her close? She could get a comforter laid out nicely and some pillows and sleep near the bed on the floor of her room. Groaning softly, she blushed and shook her head. "I-I'll just think of it later..." No point in letting dinner burn over it.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge breathed a sigh of relief as Freya told him she wasn't in trouble; the last thing he wanted to do was cause trouble for her. Though the events of today would suggest otherwise. He was however, curious to meet this "Boss".

Forge saw no reason to hold on to the ragged cloth; they didn't seem to hold anything valuable in them, except for the gun he took after the robber dropped it. But that was on the drawer-cabinet in the bedroom, so he simply said "I have no use for them anymore, so I guess we can throw them out." Freya then said something about making dinner; Forge started to tell Freya not to do too much before she was already off and away.

He followed Freya into the kitchen and sat down in a chair; he rested his relatively massive forearms on the table. He looked down at his body, examining his hands, legs, etc.; everyone else seemed to be quite a bit smaller than he was. Ever since he woke up, he felt....different. Not just in his body, but he also saw things that he didn't want to bother Freya with. He saw little orbs of energy floating inside people; he could even see one in Freya's chest. He then looked down to see of he had one; however, instead of a neat sphere, his seemed to be a formless....he didn't know what to call it. His curiosity got the better of him, and he asked, "Miss Chtuhilin....I was wondering something. Ever since the clinic, I've seen these floating balls of energy inside people. And I was wondering, what exactly are they?" He, of course, had a million questions about some of the things he'd seen today, but he tried to ask the ones he felt were truly important.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Nodding idly, she collected the jeans from him, folding them up and setting them inside the trash in the kitchen. She had somewhat expected him to keep them, but it was good that he was comfortable enough about throwing them away. Freya gave him a smile, pleased that he joined her in the kitchen. Although she felt it would be fine for him to aquaint himself more with their home, she figured he probably had more questions. And she could use a distraction from her thoughts.

    "Hmm?" Freya kept her eyes focused on the food she was cooking, but her attention was perfectly balanced on the food and Forge. Of course, if his question required her full attention, she would gladly give it. "Ah." That was interesting, but not too surprising, all things considered. She put a lid on a few things and turned other before turning around and walking to the table, taking a seat next to him. "That's amazing. You can see souls. There's an academy where some people can probably help you understand that. Actually one of our clients is a famous person associated with the academy." She folded her hands in her lap and crossed her legs, tilting her head. She wondered for a second about his other half and his ability to form weapons, and how it all factored into his ability to see souls. What was the cause of what?

    She perked up and looked back to the stove and oven, getting up to finish with some of the food, arranging it on a counter before going through the cabinets and pulling out dishes for them. Forge was full of mysteries. She was beginning to have as many questions as he most likely had.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"Souls...." Forge said in a low, whispering tone; that word sounded so familiar. He felt like he had heard it before; like it was an integral part of his existence. His attention snapped back to reality when he heard Freya mention an academy to help him understand his ability to see souls. His ears then perked when she also mentioned that one of her clients was associated with the academy.

As Freya stood up to go check on the food, Forge asked "Clients? For what? Can I meet him?" he asked, unsure of what she meant, but at the same time interested. If this person was associated with this academy, perhaps he could finally get some real answers. "I wonder.....if they'll be able to help me" he said in a low tone. In any case, he had a new goal: Get into this academy and use whatever resources they had to find out where he came from. And if there were others like him, hopefully he could gain their assistance as well.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Freezing on the spot, Freya blushed and gave Forge a nervous smile. "Uhh. He's a client at the club." Would she have to explain what a hostess club was to him? Maybe not. "Of course. When we go for you to meet Boss, you can meet him as well. I'm sure he'll be able to help you out." She set the dishes on the table, collecting silverware and setting it beside them before turning back to the food, turning everything off and arranging it on serving platters. She gave him a forlorn look, but a smile took over as she turned back to the food.

    Considering the mysteries behind him, she wasn't sure how smart it was to get him mixed up with Shibusen, but she was positive he would learn a lot, of course. The risks were worth it, she supposed. She set the platters on the tray and went to fridge, grabbing two different kinds of drinks and setting them on the table with a pair of glasses she grabbed. "Maybe we'll go tomorrow or the day after. The sooner the better after all, right?" Smiling down at him, she took the seat opposite of him and stretched, her hands high above her head before sighing contentedly and clapping her hands together. "Okay, everything is ready! Eat as much as you like."

    Uncapping one of the bottles, she poured him a drink, figuring she'd fill it with the other when he was done with that glass, before setting the glass aside and serving herself as well. It truly was nice to have someone to eat with. She could get used to the company. Then again, she had to remember she wanted to help him, but not be overbearing. She'd just allow herself to enjoy it while it lasted. She took a bite out of a cooler dish, savoring the taste and leaning back lazily in her seat. "Oh, is there anything else you wanted to ask? About anything? I suppose there are some things I may not be able to answer, but we can always find it together if that's the case." Flashing him a sweet smile, she leaned forward momentarily to let her fork hover over her plate, twirling her fork before settling on something and leaning back once more to enjoy the taste.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge took Freya's word and started digging in, literally. In no time flat, he cleared out one whole dish of food. He was hungrier than he thought. When he heard Freya ask if there was anything he wanted to ask, he paused; his mouth was full. So he swallowed and stared thoughtfully at the ceiling, before asking "There was one thing I was wondering. What exactly is this place called? This city, I mean. Does it have a name?"

He tried to limit his questions to those he felt important; if he asked her everything he had on his mind, she'd be able to write an anthology. He realized that most of what he needed to know would come later. But there was also one thing on his mind, something that bugged him. "Miss Chtuhilin, I was also wondering something else. Back at the clinic, I remember that man who attacked you hit me with some object. It caused one of the walls to fall on top of me. One thing I want to know is, how did I get out of the pile of wall pieces? Did you pull me out?"
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( By the way, did you want her to tell him everything about him forging the weapons, etc.? Or wait a little while more? )

  • Leaning in once more, except not to pick something from her plate, Freya looked at the cleared off plate with wide eyes, fork pressed between her smiling lips. She was quite glad she had cooked a lot. Perhaps she could fix more. Or maybe go start on a dessert. Her mind had suddenly flashed to a typical scenario found in certain shows and comics, an 'ecchi' scene. But it amused her more than anything, and while she considered teasing Forge with it, she was positive it would go right over his head. Well, maybe she could try a little. Just to see his response. Well, after she answered his questions and finished the dessert, of course.

    She picked some more food off her plate, eating quickly before pushing away to busy herself across the kitchen again, going through things, turning things on and preparing stuff. She nodded her head idly, mixing something together. "It does. It's called Death City. Does that spark anything in your memory?" She dipped her finger lightly in a mix, licking it before smiling in satisfaction and putting some things in the oven and others in the freezer. Although she had a spring in her step, it quickly left when he asked that question.

    Feeling herself freeze up, she looked down in a stirring of guilt and nervousness. "The rubble... Fell from around your body." She wanted to be as honest as possible without giving everything away. Or should she have? Was it right to keep it from him? Maybe he wouldn't be at all phased by the information. But it was likely that he would have more questions, and she really wouldn't be able to answer them. And she wasn't sure if they were good questions to ask those at DWMA...

    "I didn't pull you out. But it was a weird moment." Clutching her shirt, she turned around, giving him a fragile smile. "I'll explain it all to you later though. Is that okay?" Well, she also had to consider how she was going to tell him. How would she explain something like that? Sighing, she jumped before opening the oven and pulling out the food, arranging it on another tray before getting the others out of the freezer and arranging them on the same plate.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Hmmm....I'm not entirely sure. It's up to you, I'm OK with whatever. Though, and this is just my thought, she could leave out the whole "going brutal" part and just tell him that he formed some weapons from his body.)

When she mentioned that the place was called Death City, he cocked his head in puzzlement. "That's an interesting name for a city." he said. After repeating the name several times in his head, he got nothing. "No, it doesn't sound familiar. But it feels like I've been here. Not here, in this house, well...I mean, I am in this house...where am I going with this?" He then recovered, saying "I guess what I'm trying to say is even though I have no memories of this city except for those of today, I feel like I've been here before. Am I making any sense?"

Forge saw Freya freeze up when asked about what happened at the clinic; what could have happened? She then asked if she could tell him later; was what happened really that bad? He saw that the doctor had died; then a horrible thought came into his mind. "Miss Chtuhilin? Is everything alright? You seem....hesitant. Did I do something at the clinic? I didn't kill the doctor....did I?" He looked down as he thought this through, his eyes darting all over the place; he couldn't have killed the doctor, but then again, he DID have blood on his pants. No, Freya wouldn't be this nice to him if he had. But still, what if she was afraid of him and only played along to keep herself alive?
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Alrighty. That's a good idea! I'll go with that~. )

  • Chuckling softly, she nodded her head in agreement. "It is, a little. But it makes sense, in a way." She wiped her hands and looked over the desserts, feeling satisfied. She really was making a banquent for them at this rate, but it did help soothe her nerves and relax her. And seeing how hungry he was, she was glad to prepare so much. Turning to look at him once more, she giggled quietly at his small tangent before he got back on track. "You're making perfect sense. Maybe it's Deja Vu. When we go around the city tomorrow, maybe you'll remember more." She wondered what kind of memories, if any, returning to the spot she found him at would bring.

    It almost made her a tad nervous, but as long as his memories were pleasant enough, he could recall them all. She hoped he would. And she sincerely hoped that they would be good memories. She didn't know to expect, what with the circumstances of how she found him and how he had changed in the clinic. Biting her lip, her mind wandered over how to tell him, before she gasped and looked panicked, shaking her head and dashing to his side, her hands immediately pressing themselves to his arm. "No! No no! It was nothing like that!" One hand lifted from his arm, pressing itself against her heart. Well, she could provide him some of the details. He deserved to know and it was his right.

    "Well, shortly after you were buried under that rubble... Well. You... Woke up. More like you just stood it from it. But you didn't seem aware... Ah, you had red marks on you too, and you forged weapons on your own. A shield, gauntlet and a hammer. I don't understand how or why." Looking down at him, Freya looked forlorn for a second before patting his arm and sighing. "I'm sure we'll be able to figure everything out though. I'm certain of it." No matter where they had to get the answers...

    Returning to the counter, she took the plate of desserts and brought them to the table, about to set them down before she remembered herself. Well, she was meaning to tease him, but she was sure he wouldn't get it. It might help lighten the mood though. Leaning over him, she squeezed her arms against her breasts, almost spilling them out of her top and let her gaze meet Forge's. A sultry, inviting smile was on her lips and a seductive look in her eyes. Dropping her tone, Freya scooted closer to Forge, the plate of desserts presented to him right below her breasts.

    "Nee, Forge. Would you rather have dessert? Or me?" Tilting her head coyly, she leaned closer to him, letting the side of a breast press gently against his arm. Most men would have been more focused on her - her cleavage specifically - than the dessert, but she didn't know what to expect of him. Then again, it was part of the reason she was teasing him. It wouldn't hurt to test his understanding of the more adult side of things.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Now Forge was really confused; he was relieved that he didn't kill the doctor, but what did Freya mean when she said he forged weapons on his own? He didn't even know what a shield was, or a gauntlet or hammer for that matter. And red marks? These explanations just begged more questions, but it was a bit much for him to handle.

Freya then started acting weird; she was wearing a strange expression on her face. And her body language was just as strange; she started pressing her chest bumps against his large arm. Was she trying to tell him something? Then came the weirdest question of all: if he wanted to have dessert or her. "Miss Chtuhilin......what's going on?" he asked, making his naivete blindingly obvious.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • Watching him made it ahrd to keep it together, but when he asked her what was going on, she giggled softly, standing up and setting the plate of desserts on the table. "Well, I was trying to see how you would handle being seduced. I underestimated you, it seems." Shaking her head, she rested a hand on his arm and smiled. Of course, a thought finally dawned on her and her smile was still quite apparent, but now mingled with a sort of lostness. "I guess, there will be women coming on to you though. You're going to be walking around topless, and you are very handsome and well-muscled. I wonder if I should..." Did she want to dare explaining sex, the human body and all it entailed?

    No, no she couldn't! Maybe she could just pull out a book and... Or the TV? She was at a loss. "Oh, gee. Well..." Blushing suddenly, she let both hands cup her cheeks as she looked down at him. "Nevermind for now. I suppose it's a good thing if it none of that bothers you at all." Well, it would help to inquire a bit.

    "Say, Forge, what do you think of women? And does my dressing like this mean anything to you?" Leaning over again, she pointed to her cleavage, not that it was the only thing practically exposed. But thankfully, her backside was not turned to him, or even the slightest bend at the hip would reveal everything. It would mean no difference to him, but she felt terribly embarassed about him seeing her panties. Then again, he'd probably see more - of wother women, of course! - considering they might practically throw themselves at him.

    She was just a little worried. But he could handle himself, and he was unphased entirely by her attempt to provoke his more... 'carnal' side. "Uhh. I guess if you needed an explanation, I could give one. But you do seem okay with everything." There was a relieved, satisfied sigh she gave, smiling down at him. "After we eat, we can get ready for bed and get some rest. We'll have a long day ahead of ourselves tomorrow." She gave his arm another pat, her smile a little more cheerful and relaxed now. Well, Forge did help heep her on her toes. He was more fun to have around each second. She just wished she could be of more help to him. Then again, maybe tomorrow would yield better results.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Forge won't have an easy time adjusting, will he? XD)

"Seduced?" Forge asked, his head cocked curiously; what did she mean by that? And women coming on to him, what on earth did that mean? She then said he was 'handsome'; he then said, "Handsome? Is that a good thing?"

He then answered her first question, "I don't know. You and that other woman, the one in the clothes place, are the only two I've met. But, so far, women seem to be very caring and generous."

He wasn't quite sure what Freya meant when she asked him about how she dressed; he just figured people dressed differently. He shook his head and answered honestly, "Not really, Miss Chtuhilin. Though I'm not sure you mean by 'dressing like this'. Is that form of dress for a special occasion?"

She then mentioned rest; yes, rest would be good. Hopefully, the next day would help get him one step closer to finding out who he was.
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Haha, no, I don't think so. x'D But it does make things a lot of fun. ♥ )

  • Already had she lost him. He didn't understand seduced either. Well, she knew as much, but hearing him repeat it questioningly drove the fact home further. But he was endearing as ever. Smilingly at him with amusement in her eyes, she pulled a chair beside his and nodded her head. "Handsome is very good. It's a compliment that people say to men to mean they look good. Of course, women can be handsome to, but that's a mor detailed matter." She wouldn't know how to get into cool women who were handsome and cute boys that were pretty. But pretty could be good to teach. "Oh, and pretty is a compliment to girls. It means they look good, but cute works too. Usually, younger girls are cute and older girls are pretty. But if you think a girl or woman is very pretty, you call her beautiful."

    Freya had to admit, it was fun teaching Forge certain things. She hated not having answers to everything, but what she could share knowledge of fun to give to him. "Hmm, what else..." Tapping her chin, she let her eyes drift up before grinning lop-sided. "I would teach you sexy, but that would require everything else. We can... Wait for all that." She gave him an amused smile, wondering how that would go over. She was quite touched that she and the shopkeep had given him such a good impression of women. "A lot of women will be very caring and generous of you. But eventually, you'll have to be conscious that they may be so for different reasons than the shopkeep and myself." She meant physical reasons, of course. And it wasn't a bad thing, but it could spell trouble if he went unaware for too long.

    Tilting her head, she wondered how to explain her dress. Then again, even he was more comfortable topless, so some of the dynamic would be lost on him. Looking down at herself, she casually laid her hands on her breasts before looking back up at him, shyness, humor and nervousness all mingling together in her eyes and smile. "Uh, my breasts, they're pretty exposed. Usually, women cover them up. If they leave them exposed a lot or completely, it's not a normal way of dress. It usually means they like special attention, or there's another purpose." Or they wanted to be sexy, but she still couldn't get to that.

    "Oh, my top is really short too. You can see most of my legs. Most women usually don't dress like that either. It's no much a special occasion, so much as it is a special way." Letting her hands drop to the hem of her top, she played with it before looking back at him. "Oh! And usually, guys don't go topless, but you're allowed to anyway. Topless men is more normal than topless women, for specific reasons." She hoped that explanation sufficed now, and she simply patted his chest with a relaxed smile. She would simply have to fill him in on everything else as they went.

    Sighing and leaning back in her chair, she stretched her arms just above her head before pausing. "It really has been a long day." Sitting up abruptly, she rested her hands on the edge of the seat and leaned toward him. "We should go get ready for bed now. "You can take a shower first. I'll get everything ready for us. How does that sound?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(I see things getting very 'fun' very quickly. *Wink wink nudge nudge*)

Forge nodded in understanding as Freya explained what the word handsome; his head was starting to spin from how much Freya had told him. He had always wanted to tell Freya was something, but the actual word had eluded him for no fault of his own. But when Freya said the word itself, it resonated well with him. "So, do I say you are cute, pretty or beautiful?" he asked shamelessly, trying to figure out how and when to use the words Freya described and tell her what he thought she looked like.

Though he was a bit lost on why the word 'sexy' was so special, he decided to save that for another time; if Freya felt it was important for him to learn it right now, she would tell him. However, the whole discussion on her dress kind of threw him for a loop; however, he felt satisfied with her explanation and accepted it as a fact of life. Women didn't expose their chests for reasons unknown to him, and men could walk around with their chests exposed all they wanted.

When she said he could take a shower, he asked her "What's a shower? Could you show me where that is?"

(God, playing Forge is hard. Actually, the amnesia isn't hard; it's making him not be a complete moron that's difficult)
RE:ch. O1 | Where to Begin...

  • ( Hehe, agreed! *grin wink wink nudge* )

  • Caught off-guard by the question, Freya froze, eyes widened somewhat with her lips parted. Ah, and then she felt it. She was sure of it. She was blushing. "O-oh..." Looking away from him quickly, she shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before smiling shyly back at him. "W-well, I suppose it depends. If you like the way I look and find me good looking, you could use pretty. But if... If you think pretty isn't enough, then there's beautiful. Ah. I guess if you think neither fit, cute is good."

    She paused before looking at her lap and back up at him. "Actually, sometimes, someone can be cute, pretty or beautiful depending on the moment. But really, they're up to you to decide." Her smile widening, reflecting a warmth and sincerity she felt suited the talk. Beauty was indeed subjective, and she felt it best to tell him as it were that it was up to him to decide in the end. "Maybe tomorrow once you hear people using the words, you might understand them better." Experience helped as well.

    Feeling her composure returning, her eyes bulged as she turned back to him. "W-wha!? Uh, of course." This was new. "You know how to shower though, right? Clean yourself up and everything?" Well, she supposed she could teach him how to work it, though it made her blush just thinking about it. Standing up slowly, she gave him a nervous smile. "Here, I'll show you where the shower is." Forge had a way of making everything interesting. She exited the kitchen and went to the bathroom in her room, pulling the curtains across shower, putting it on display for Forge. "Well, it's easy to work. You just push this, and the water comes on. Push it part way, and the water comes out slow, all the way, and it comes out heavy"

    Leaning over the edge, she pushed the nob, water trickling out relatively slowly and steady before she pushed it all the way and immediately allowing the water to gush out. "If you turn this up here, you can control how hot or cold it is." She pointed to a dial just above the water, turning it this way and that. Glancing over her shoulder, she peeked at him curiously. "Does that all make sense?" She hoped so. She gravved her bodywash, flipping it open. "You put this on your washcloth and wash yourself with it, and rinse when you're done. If you want to use something else for your hair, there's bottles back there. Just put a little on your hair, massage through and rinse that too." Giving him a perky smile, she felt confident that her guidance was helpful, though her smile faltered slightly. "Uh, was that too much at once? Um, if you need help, just call for me." She blushed and looked everywhere but at him for a brief second.

    Setting the bodywash back on its the little shelf-unit attached to the shower head, she turned to the cabinet on the wall, opening it and retrieving a towel and washcloth, setting them on top of the counter. "You wash with this little one, and when you feel clean enough, just use this to dry. I'll get your clothes ready for you to change into, okay?" Tilting her head, she smiled up at him, hoping he understood everything for the most part. "Okay, I'm going to go clean the kitchen and get our stuff ready for bed, but remember, just call if you need help." Checking over everything, she turned back to Forge, giving a small nod and a smile before leaving the bathroom, allowing him to aquaint himself with the shower and washing himself.

  • ( Haha! I can only imagine. He comes off as the perfect amount of clueless, hilarious and cute to me though. )
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