Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge was still sleeping when Freya awoke; a testament to how much the previous day's events had worn him out. When she spoke, however, it roused him from his slumber. He opened his eyes and sat up, resting his arms in front of him. He gave a loud yawn as he stretched, and looked to see Freya sitting next to him. She was so beautiful, but words didn't do her justice. Maybe it was the gratitude he had for her, but that didn't matter.

"Miss Chtuhilin, do you mind if I use your shower? I feel like I could use one" he asked; his body still ached a bit, and felt that the hot water from the shower would help him a bit.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Smiling down at the figure beside her, Freya leaned in and felt pleased by how calm he looked now. She sat up once more just before he awoke and gave him a bright smile. She was glad to see that he looked quite well rested. "You're always free to use whatever you like, Forge." She beamed at him, always content and eager for him to use anything in the home. "When you're done, I should have breakfast ready." She patted his arm and slid off the bed, mindful of the end of her nightgown.

    While she wandered the kitchen, getting some general necessities together, she tried to consider what would be best to fix for such an important day. She certainly wanted it to be a large meal, but also appropriate for a celebratory meal of sorts. Tapping her chin, she finally settled on a good idea and set to preparing the meal. She set the table and finished everything, putting the food on serving plates on the table. Nodding in satisfaction, she looked over the table before heading to the room to change. She pushed her straps off her shoulder and let the nightgown slip off her body, stepping out of the pool of fabric at her feet and humming quietly in thought as she peered into her closet.

    Considering she was officially going back to work today - and especially if she wanted to pick up some younger customers - she had to dress the part. She'd already worn lavender and black, so those were out of the question. But she could always appeal to the feminine side of their tastes. Picking out a pastel, rosy dress, she went to her drawer and got out a bra and put it on before pulling the dress on over her head. A thinly-strapped empire dress once more and quite similar to her first dress. It fluttered and wisped about her thighs, though its material was of a silky slip and another, lacy layer. Content with the choice of attire, she headed back to the kitchen, deciding to finish everything else later. For now, it was time to enjoy breakfast with Forge.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge went into the shower as Freya went to the kitchen; he took another pair of jeans with him to change into. Disrobing from his pajama bottoms, he stepped into the shower and turned the water on. It was a bit cold for his liking, so he turned the knob to increase the heat. It didn't come after a few seconds, so he turned it more. It still didn't come, so he finally cranked it all the way. The heat then finally hit him full force; the bathroom steamed up as the hot water made contact with his skin. "Yipe!" he yelped before turning the water down to a more comfortable temperature. He then scrubbed himself; it felt really good to be able to soothe his muscles.

After getting his shower over with, he stepped out and dried himself off. He then put on the underwear pair and pair of jeans that made up his attire. The room was so filled with steam he could barely see; after some fumbling around he finally found the doorknob. Unfortunately, he forgot just how tall he was and banged his head once more into the door-jam. "Not again" Forge grumbled as he ducked under the door to leave the bathroom.

He then made his way into the kitchen; his jaw just about dropped when he saw the breakfast Freya had made. "Miss Chtuhilin, what's the occasion? This looks amazing!"
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Upon realizing Forge's presence and hearing his voice, Freya perked up and turned to him. "Hm? Oh, well I wanted to give you a treat. It's a congratulations for getting a job and getting to go to Shibusen. It's a mini celebration between us." Clapping her hands together gently, she strolled over to his side, her happy demeanor practically giving her a glow. She took his arm and smiled up at him, pressing against him and enjoying his warmth before trying to guide him to the table. "I hope it isn't too much. But who knows how much energy you'll need for orientation and everything in-between." And there wasn't any telling if they'd get any form of a lunch break while at ChupaCabra.

    Finding herself unable to resist flashing him a vibrant smile, she continued to soak in his compliment and hoped that the meal tasted as amazing as it looked. She took a seat at the table and smiled up at him before looking across the spread. For now, she preferred something sweet and light, so she didn't take too much, but she did want to sit and enjoy the meal with him for as long as possible. "Hopefully things will be nice and quiet at ChupaCabra too. Although that might give the girls more reason to become bold when they're not too busy with customers. But it'd be nice if you got to enjoy the club without having to do your job constantly." Giving him a wide, warm smile, she leaned into his arm, clearly more eager and ecstatic about approaching the day than she had been so far.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge looked down as Freya guided him gently to the table; she seemed to be extremely vibrant right now. he then took his seat and piled some food on his plate. He certainly was hungry, and the delicious smell only served to increase his appetite. "It's perfect, Miss Chtuhilin." "Perfect? Oh, give me a break" Forge heard 'Real' Forge say to him mentally. "Just leave me alone!" Forge shouted back as he grimaced slightly. 'Real' Forge just laughed, "Fine, fine, Mr. grumpy. Just saying, she could do a lot better if she TRULY loved you. If she REALLY loved you, she should be rubbing your feet as you ate. Treating you like a king, not like a friend."

Forge grimaced even harder; 'Real' Forge was starting to make him mad. "For your information, Miss Chtuhilin is doing just fine. In fact, I feel she's doing too much." 'Real' Forge groaned, God, hahaha, you are so whipped! Pathetic! But since you enjoy mediocrity, I'll leave you to it. I need to go throw up now." And with that, 'Real' Forge vanished from Forge's mind.

Forge shook his head slightly; he tried to make it look like he was shaking off a small headache. He then responded to Freya's comments regarding Chupacabra, "I wonder what being a bouncer will be like. If it's like throwing that one guy out, it doesn't seem so bad. Though hopefully Boss will be able to explain just what it is I have to do."
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, 'Real' Forge is horrible. But he kinda read my mind. I wonder if Freya should be gently putting the moves on Forge, lol. )

  • Even more pleased with the comment, she giggled softly, looking as happy as she sounded. "I'm so happy to hear that." She began eating, feeling totally at peace and satisfied, though glancing up at Forge, she couldn't help but frown. His grimace made her worry. "Forge? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Putting her fork down, she leaned in and looked up at him, unsure how concerned to be just yet. Perhaps there was something wrong with the meal. If so, she wouldn't mind fixing it. But maybe there was something else? Not that she could think of what it could be.

    As he shook his head, her lips pursed into something not quite a frown, but still not at all relieved. However, since he seemed to be recovered enough and responded to her comment about work, she slowly picked her fork back up, still looking up at him but not as worried. "Well, most of the customers at ChupaCabra are pretty tame, but sometimes people do get out of control or have too much to drink." She couldn't help a small giggle however. "I suppose not. Although it's easy for you. But I'm glad. But I'm sure Boss will be happy to explain more to you. And if it doesn't make sense, I'll clarify everything for you." Smiling up at him, she turned back to her plate, taking a bite and looking content.

    However, her face fell somewhat as she thought harder. Work. Forge at work with them. She already knew those girls would do something... 'naughty'. But she couldn't just scold them. She probably should tell her Forge more of what to expect. Finishing up the food on her plate, she slowly reached for a glass, taking a sip before looking up at Forge. "Umm, have I told you much about lovers? And... Well, more about seduction? And teasing?" Well, obviously she didn't. But she had to think of some way to approach it.

    She set her glass down, playing with the hem of her dress. "Uhh. You remember how Arisa and Risa sat on and touched you last time? Well, that was part of them trying to seduce and tease you. Of course. But uh, people usually only do that with their lover. Err. Someone who's... Well, like how you have a friend. Except a lover is someone you have a more intimate and often physical relationship with. Lovers can be like a boyfriend or girlfriend, and you're just dating them without it being too serious. But sometimes, just being a lover implies... Er, those intimate things and more. Do you, uh, know much about sex?"

    Practically blushing brightly now, she looked up at him shyly before looking down at the hem of her dress nervously. She couldn't understand why it was suddenly hard to explain. She could do all kinds of more intimate things with her customers, and yet explaining the relationship details to Forge made her shy and nervous. She scooted closer to him, dropping her head but trying to keep her voice at the same level. "Since you work with us now, not only Arisa and Risa but also Blair might try to be more... Intimate with you. Since they'll be trying to tease and seduce you more."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Hehehe, I know. I figure since 'Real' Forge is stuck in a human vessel, he'll try to convince Forge to use people to make his life easier.)

Forge simply stated, "I'm alright, Miss Chtuhilin." He then returned to eating his food, enjoying the taste and variety of flavors it had. "That's good to hear. But what about drinking makes people 'out of control', as you put it? Is it something they drink that makes them that way?"

His mind then drifted to how things would play out at Shibusen. From what Freya had said, there would be a lot of new students there. He wondered how many of them would be Weapons, and how many would be able to wield those Weapons. He then drifted his train of though to wondering if he could wield Weapons as well. Though he saw no real need to if he could already form weapons from his own body.

Forge's mind then came back as he heard Freya ask about his knowledge of seduction; did recall Freya telling him about seduction; though he felt he only had a basic grasp of the concept. "Intimate? Is that a good thing?" he asked, not really sure what the word meant. "Sex? What is sex?" he asked; he wondered if it was related to being intimate with people.

He felt his face flush slightly as he remembered Risa and Arisa laying their hands on his thigh; he only reddened more as he additionally recalled how Blair had sat in his lap. And then Freya had joined in; this made his face look like a fresh-boiled lobster. He felt his face; it was extremely warm. "Umm...Miss Chtuhilin? There was something I wanted to ask. When Risa and Arisa and Blair and you got close to me, my face got really hot. Why is that? Is it normal?"

(I wonder just how intimate Blair would be willing to be with Forge, hehehehehe.)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Hah, he's very cunning. And manipulative, lol. Hehehe, of course, Blair would definitely be willing to be very intimate with him. I actually wonder how intimate it should get. )

  • Tilting her head, she gave a lop-sided smile, shrugging in a casual manner. "Honestly, I guess it's just the way it is. Alcohol plays with people's minds, but drinking is a very interesting habit in and of itself. Some people drink for specific reasons, but even at the club, we are encouraged to serve our customers drinks. It's too complicated for me to fully understand sometimes." There was a sweet but amused and almost wry smile on her lips. She didn't drink much either herself, though there were certain drinks she didn't mind having if certain customers wanted her to drink with them. But she wasn't keen on getting more 'uninhibited' because of the alcohol. Though maybe it was safe to drink more with Forge around. She wouldn't feel so nervous now if a customer asked her to.

    Glacing up at him and away, Freya nodded. "Intimate is very good actually. It shows how close you are. For instance, some friends and especially people who are dating are comfortable enough to hold hands. But there are things you only do with those you're very intimate with and in a stronger relationship with. Sometimes boyfriend and girlfirends kiss, but friends wouldn't usually. And then... There's, uh, more. But tat's beyond just boyfriend and girlfriend even." Perhaps it was because of how close it all hit to home for her that it made her so shy and nervous. After all, if she was having this conversation with anyone else - well, save a particularly symmetric-freak Meister - she would have been going through it like a breeze.

    Looking very shy and blushing more intensely, Freya cupped her cheeks with her hand, dropping the hem of her dress. "W-well... Sex is, a very, very intimate activity. And usually, it's not done with more than one person you're close to. Er, in love with. It can be, but... Oh, well, it's usually associated with reproduction. So, making kids. It involves... Uh, more touching around your thigh and... Uh..!" Blushing madly, Freya steered herself toward answering his other question, preferring to return to that later. "Y-yes?" Looking up at him, she noticed him blushing too, no doubt about what he had went through with Risa and Arisa. "Ohh. Mmmhm." Some sort of giggle yet confirmation, she simply nodded her head in an understanding and knowing manner.

    She twiddled her fingers, but managed to look less shy and more comfortable. "It is, for the circumstance. That's because it's a natural response to how intimate they were being with you. And how much more intimate they would have gotten." She would have been fuming, but she was more thrown off in regards to the matter at the moment. She froze for a second, contemplating what she was about to do. But settling her mind on it, she rested a hand on the edge of her chair and laid the other on his thigh, slowly drawing it forward and stopping just short of the inside. "I-it gives you a kind of weird but good feeling, right?" Licking her lips, Freya looked down at his lap, unable to meet his eyes. "If I go further... Uh, it'd be close to a form of... Sexual intimacy. That's why. Your body responds naturally." Her eyes were slowly narrowing lidding with sudden arousal and yet she was still lost in a shy and nervous place.

    Quickly pulling her hand back, she rested her hands in her lap, looking anywhere but up at him. "Uhh, Arisa and Risa, and Blair too, may not worry about just how intimate they try to be with you. Just so you know..."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol, Freya's such a doll. I love how she trips over herself trying to explain these things to poor Forge)

"So, people drink for a variety of reasons? Huh, interesting." Forge said; he would have to see if he could try some of this 'alcohol' when he got to Chupacabra. He saw a few people there drinking quite a bit; it must have been good. But if doing it a lot made people act like that one guy he threw out, he wasn't sure he should get too into it. Maybe just a small amount at first, to try it. And then, if he liked it, he would try some more.

He then listened as Freya explained what intimate was to him; it sounded like it was how he felt toward her. "So, intimate is a good thing." His face turned to one of surprise as Freya began stumbling over her words; was sex that sensitive of a subject? Now he felt bad for making her uncomfortable; he didn't mean to make her feel uneasy. He really needed to learn to not ask questions. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable"

His face then reddened even more as Freya touched his thigh; it got so hot he felt like his face would melt right off. At least he was a bit easier knowing that what he was experiencing was normal. "Yes, it feels a bit strange, but when you do it, it feels.....right, I think is the correct word". He then paused for a second as Freya told him that Blair, Risa and Arisa would probably be even more intimate with him. "That's all well and good, but to be honest, Miss Chtuhilin, I'd only want to be truly intimate with you."
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Haha, thanks, I'm glad you think so~. It's a ton of fun to write too, lol. )

  • Nodding her head, she tried to think of a way to comment further on the matter, but decided that it'd simply be best to show him once they got to ChupaCabra. Besides, it'd help to explain how differently alcohol affected people too. The hostess club certainly was good for a great deal of things. Of course, it was also a source of tension and frustration when the girls were concerned. Especially considering lately. Maybe she would need a drink once this day was over with.

    Smiling shyly up at him, she nodded her head before looking away. Looking up at him in surprise however, she shook her head and her hands before playing with the hem of her dress once more, smiling softly. "It can be a little hard to talk about it, but not... Uncomfortable." Well technically, becoming aroused under the circumstances was just a little uncomfortable, but in no way was the subject or discussing it with him actually uncomfortable.

    Blushing and looking up at him, Freya's eyes were wide and round with surprise. In a way, he had just said something she wanted to hear. Scratch that, two things. "O-oh..." Her eyes quickly dropped from his face, but a warm, shy smile slowly slid across her lips. Leaning against him, she closed her eyes, her face burning up and a number of feelings coursing through her, but more than anything, she was content. And smitten, of course. "Me too, actually. If you ever want to understand more... Or have me show you, I'd be glad to." Standing up, she smiled at him before leaning in, pressing a hand gently on his shoulder and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. She pulled back and smiled at him, though let her hand remain on his shoulder as though for support.

    How she managed to keep from melting on the spot was beyond her, but she was simply thankful to have had a chance to explain things better - and take some action. "I don't want you to feel obligated or rushed, but if you want, we can... Umm." Looking away but with a smile, she blushed and brought her other hand up to rest on his other shoulder. "If no one else makes you feel that way, we could be lovers. But only if that's what you feel is right." She wanted to encourage him to pursue other girls if he had an interest in them, but she was beyond happy if he felt that way about her.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

If this was one of those old-time cartoons, Forge's ears would be blowing a hell of a steam column when Freya kissed him. He froze and his eyes went wide. 'Real' Forge decided this would be a perfect time for another entrance, "Awww, is baby embarrassed? Ha! You could have any woman you want and you choose her? Just because she saved your life? You want to know something, Forgie? She didn't do jack shit! That was all me! You used my power to recover! All she did was bring you to a different spot!"This time Forge got a quizzical look on his face, "What are you talking about? Freya helped me get adjusted here. There's still a lot I have to learn, but I'm getting there!" 'Real' Forge chuckled, "Just close your eyes and I'll show you

Forge was quickly getting fed up with this....who or whatever it was. "Why are you even here? Go away!" 'Real' Forge just laughed, "You think I like being stuck in a weakling like you? Bah! I'd rather inhabit one of those Meisters, personally. The one with the three white lines is pretty strong, and he's Shinigami's son. What a combo platter!" "Then go inhabit someone else!" "As much as I'd like to, I can't. And besides, without me, you're nothing. Just a big guy with looks, and not even all that great ones. If you lost your powers, which you STILL haven't even figured out how to use yet without my intervention, that stupid Freya bitch would drop you like a hot tamale!"

Forge froze at this; Freya seemed to return his affection, but who was he to judge her sincerity? Then again, she did have a concerned look on her face quite often. "Yeah, that made you think, didn't it? It's like I said, she only 'likes' you because she's afraid of you. She tries to pass it off as concern so you don't go berserk and kill her."

Forge tried to ignore what 'Real' Forge was saying, yet now he had a gut feeling part of it was true. Was she afraid of him? "You want my advice? Play along for a while, but don't get any more attached than you are now. You deserve more, so take it. But don't tell her off yet, just say 'Miss Chtuhilin, I do care about you. But I think we should take it slow at first'. Draw it out, let her serve you. Even if it's fake, this is still a pretty cozy little gig. Think about what I said."

And with that, 'Real' Forge vanished once more; Forge could immediately tell he'd be back, though. Forge paused for a bit, trying to consider what course of action to take. What if 'Real' Forge was right? Did Freya truly care for him, or was it only because of what he could do? Even then, was her care a facade? In the end, he said, in an exact mirror of 'Real' Forge, "Miss Chtuhilin, I do care about you, but I think we should take it slow at first."

(So much for a good first day XD 'Real' Forge is such a friggin' jerk!)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, he really is. x'D I wonder if he's always going to be that evil to anyone Forge gets close to or if he just doesn't want Forge getting close to Freya? Lol, I can't wait to see what he thinks about the other girls. But poor Forge is so easily manipulated by him, lawl. I feel like 'oh crap, he's going to listen to more and more of what he says...'. x'D )

  • The pause he gave made her tilt her head, wondering if perhaps she had read him wrong, or maybe she did do the wrong thing. She didn't want to bother him with much with his learning everything so slowly. Putting pressure on him was the last thing she wanted to do, or even confusing him further. But when he said what he did, she was hopeful. Maybe she should have thought it over more carefully. Regardless, she just had to tell herself again not to let her feelings cloud her judgement any further. She had to be his friend and guide first and put her feelings second. Or even third. But she could do it for him.

    When he finally responded, she simply smiled and nodded. "You're right. It's best to help you settle in further right now. And... And if..." Biting her lip, she looked down with an expression of a resolved frown yet contorting into a weak smile. "If you maybe find yourself attached to someone else more, well, count on me to help play Cupid!" Pressing a hand to her chest and giving him a wavering yet wide smile, she nodded and looked intent on being of any assistance to him possible. More than anything, his happiness as of the utmost importance to her, and she'd ensure he had it. Whether it was in regaining his memories, learning more about himself or even wooing a girl. Well, ideally in her mind, that would be her, but she was used to playing cupid. Although it sounded a little tragic like that... Er, new train of thought.

    "Yosh, when we finish eating, we can get started to Shibusen! It's too bad we probably won't see Maka-chan or the others. Ah, well, I likely won't." Tapping her chin thoughtfully, she looked rueful, a wry and even amused smile on her lips. "If you see anyone, say hi for me. And no matter what, have fun." Patting his shoulders, she dropped her hands to her sides and proceeded to clean off her plate, humming to herself before setting it on the rack to dry. "I'm going to go get my bag ready. When you're done, I'll wash the dishes." She left the kitchen to get her things together and returned to the living room, dropping her purse by the door and returning to the kitchen. "We can leave whenever you're ready!"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Hehehehehe, that's exactly what's going to happen.)
Forge saw the smile Freya gave him; even for someone of his low emotional comprehension, he felt like it wasn't sincere. Now he felt torn; why did he listen to what 'Real' Forge said? "Jeez, relax, would ya? She still tolerates you, so obviously she isn't going to kick you out yet. I only do it because I care." Forge grimaced as Freya left the kitchen; he could barely finish his food he felt so bad. He set his fork back down and stared at his plate,"Oh, really? Then why do I feel so bad?"

'Real' Forge responded calmly, "Because you got attached. She's just trying to play you for a sucker. I know her type, dear boy, this is what she does for a living. You saw how easily she let go, didn't you? She's only helping you because she can sense how strong you...I mean, we are, since I am the source of your ability. She at first helped you because she wanted to do the right thing, but because these mortals are so blinded by surface perceptions, having you around makes her look good. That, and she's afraid you'll kill her if she makes you mad."

Not wanting to get his vessel pissed at him, he then added, But hey, pal. Listen, you just have to work at it. Take it slow, and you'll win her over." Forge's expression brightened considerably at this, completely unaware of the trickery 'Real' Forge was playing. "You mean it?" 'Real' Forge chuckled at how malleable this boy was; far too easy in his books. But hey, whatever got him what he wanted. "Yeah, but hey, take her advice. Experiment a bit, 'try out the local cuisine' as I like to say. She practically said it herself, didn't she?" Forge nodded excitedly; his mood was significantly improved. If Freya wanted him to see if there was someone he was more 'attached' to, then he'd do it!

Freya returned just in time to see Forge finish his food. "All finished, Miss Chtuhilin!" He stood up and pushed his chair in, saying, "Oh, today's going to be great!"

(Oh, 'try out the local cuisine'. Multiple entendre FTW XD I should be slapped for saying so unbelievably terrible.)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, he does have a way with words. )

  • Giggling at him, she nodded and took the plates and everything from the table, washing and setting them aside. "That's the spirit!" Drying her hands and heading back into the living room, she retrieved her bag and gave him a vibrant smile, "well it's time to go. Lets give it our all." As they left, she clasped her hands behind her back, taking in the Sun and brightness of the day as they headed on to Shibusen. It was a very nice day for new beginnings and returning to familiar things. Maybe nothing would go wrong today! Not that she could have known that there was already plenty going wrong - it wasn't as though she could see inside Forge's mind. But she would be very displeased if she found out. Maybe livid enough to challenge 'real' Forge himself. She wouldn't take lightly to anyone, even some other part of him or someone else inside him messing with his head. But there was no taking action on a matter she was oblivious to.

    Unclasping her hands, she leaned in towards him, raising her hands to wrap them around his arm before smiling sheepishly. "Oh. Uhh, I'm sorry." Dropping her hands, she simply clasped them in front of her and smiled up at him. "I shouldn't do that anymore, huh? I guess I can't be so protective either... Girls might get the wrong idea and not... Hm." Her smile fell a little but she pouted quickly, furrowing her brows and pursing her lips before looking defiant yet irritated and then resolved. "No matter what, I'll support you! If you see a c-cu-cute..." Frowning suddenly, she looked comically crestfallen and sighed. "What I mean is... Tell me how everything goes, and I'll help the best I can." It was a bit of a recurring pattern for Freya to put more of a challenge against herself than was there, and she expected that she would have some trouble in addressing the matter again with Forge, it was hard to escape her nature.

    When she realized how close Kid was to Pattie and Liz, she was proud and pleased at their success, and yet she'd spent some time crying to herself about her own loss and misfortunes. In retrospect, it was all humorous even and silly, but it was perhaps amazing how well she killed any chances she had for jumping the gun on matters. Instead of trying to get closer to Kid and make a move, she resigned herself to being an admirer from afar - maybe too far. And as soon as she had confessed her feelings to Forge, she was encouraging him to date other women. 'I have a serious problem...'

    As they neared Shibusen, she let her gaze drift up and take in the familiar academy. She stared at it for some time before looking to Forge. "All things considered, I'm sure there'll be at least one girl eyeing you. But I hadn't fully taken into consideration how everything might go..." If there was a girl that liked Forge, what if she had a guy that liked her and got jealous? What if he tried to bully Forge? He didn't need to bear two Black Star's! Then again, he'd probably be oblivious to any teasing. Looking quizzical for a second, she tucked the thought away and figured that perhaps, most guys would be too intimidated by Forge's size to do anything. "Well, in any case, all that matters is that you enjoy your time at Shibusen. And who knows, maybe when you get to work, you'll only have to entertain Arisa and Risa rather than throw anyone out. ...Ah, and Blair-chan of course. Feh." Glancing away with a wry smirk, she remembered how fierce of an opponent Blair would be compared to Risa and Arisa combined. Maybe she'd just forget them all and have a good time at work. That would be ideal!

    Stopping just in front of the academy, Freya turned to Forge, smiling up at him. She stepped forward, resting her hands on his arms. "Take care, and if anyone causes any trouble, then I'm sure Shinigami-sama or someone will be able to help you out." 'And if I find out, I'll kick their ass for you too.' Giving his arms a squeeze, she gave him a long stare before pulling away, taking a step back with her hands clenched to her chest. She felt like a mama-bird unable to push the - probably eager as ever - baby out of the nest. Instead of lingering, she gave him a wide, bright smile and pumped her fist. "Have a fun day!" Turning on her heel, she headed toward ChupaCabra, mind already trying to think of anything else. Rather yet, she would focus on how many young, handsome men she could pick up on her way to the club and how she may just have to drown her worries away this one time.

  • ( I'm thinking of Freya bringing in a crowd of younger guys and getting drunk and crying her heart out to them. x'D; I just don't know if I should make them entirely sympathetic to her or make them skeevy. )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(I feel so bad for Freya; she's one of those people I just want to hug and say 'Everything's going to be alright')

Forge followed Freya outside; her mood seemed to be relatively pleasant. Though something about it still seemed off to Forge; he couldn't put his finger on what it was. "Look, don't say anything, or you'll just make it worse." he heard 'Real' Forge say to him. Forge heeded his advice and kept quiet as Freya retreated from trying to wrap her arms around his vessel's own.

'Real' Forge knew just how much of an earful he'd get if Freya became cognizant of his presence; that was something he really didn't feel like dealing with. Then again, he could only smile at the pain he knew he was causing Freya and Forge. He also was pleased with how easy it was to separate those two; he needed to make sure Forge could move about uninhibited, for he was still too weak to go after any of the DWMA Meisters.

As they traveled along, Forge wondered how this would all pan out; he was curious as to what kinds of weapons the students could transform into. Not to mention the people who wielded them. Moreover, how did people select who their partner or partners were going to be? Was it just a free-for-all, or did friends/family pick each other as weapon/meister partnerships. He resolved on finding out when he got there.

He heard Freya's comment about only having to entertain Arisa, Risa and Blair when he arrived to work at Chupacabra. He flushed a bit; he wondered if those three were doing to do to him what they did yesterday. It made him feel a bit uncomfortable, but it also felt good, kind of like how Freya described it.

Forge then said in response to Freya's statement, "I will. You take care as well. I'll see you after this is over." He tried to voice it so that its underlying message was even though he wanted to take things slow, he still cared very deeply about her. He then turned and began his long climb up the DWMA's staircase; it wasn't long before he reached the top, only slightly out of breath. "Good to see you made it." Forge heard a familiar voice say. He turned to see none other than Kid standing at the entrance.

"Come on in, most of the new students have arrived." Kid then led Forge down a series of hallways until they arrived at what appeared at the threshold of what appeared to be a large entrance hall. The room was packed; Forge noticed that the each of the students in here had what looked like a sticker on their clothes; some of them said 'Weapon', whilst the others said 'Meister'. However, Forge easily towered over all of them.

Kid closed his eyes and said monotonously with a small smirk of satisfaction "Impressive, isn't it? Kids from all over the world come here to enroll and hone their skills." Forge nodded; he noticed that Soul, Maka, Black, and the black-haired woman he was with were missing.

"Umm, Kid?" Kid looked up at Forge, "Yes?" "There seems to be few missing people" Kid chuckled, "Oh, that's no big deal. Maka and Soul are aiding in an investigation into a fairly destructive fight that occurred last night, and Black Star and Tsubaki are out on assignment." He paused for a second, And when you get back, Black Star, I'll get you back for this."

He then continued, "Those two won't be back for a while, but Maka and Soul should return shortly. They found three bodies; one was beheaded, and the other two were cut up pretty bad and surrounded by massive pools of dried-up blood. They identified one of them; ironically, it was someone on Father's list. He called himself Guille the Executioner; I guess because he wielded a large axe." Forge gulped nervously; was this the same guy that tried to hurt Freya last evening?

Kid just smiled though and said, "But let's forget about that. The orientation should start soon. By that time, all of the new students should have arrived." Forge and Kid then mad their way into the room; nearly everyone Forge got close to backed off, obviously frightened by his size. "You see? People are scared of you! A big guy like you always has power! Now lord it over these runts!" Forge grimaced again, No. That's not how I do things."

Elsewhere, in Death City, a small was looking over the scene where Forge and Freya were only last evening. Men and women armed with standard issue assault rifles and clad in green paramilitary uniforms, the kanji for 'Death' embroidered into the backs of their uniform tops, patrolled the area whilst other men and women looked over the scene for clues.

Maka and Soul had arrived to look for soul energy residue; so far, though their search turned up nothing. But obviously Guille hadn't cut himself up; they wanted to find out who did though. Upon giving the area a once-over, Soul gave a long, drawn-out whistle. He made special note of the trios of slash-marks and impact craters.

Not to mention the several glass store-fronts that had been shattered. He then chuckled, "Look at this mess. It was a regular warzone when this went down. Whoever took on ol' Guille must have been even crazier than he was."

He then meandered on up to where Guille's corpse was; a few of the soldiers saluted before parting to grant him access. "No need to be so formal, fellas." "Yes, sir" they said unanimously before departing to continue patrols. He then sighed; he cringed as he looked Guille's corpse. It was so badly mangled it was almost unidentifiable. Almost. "Man, I've seen some brutal things, but this is pretty bad. At least it was well-deserved." He then grimaced, showing his jagged teeth. "Sick bastard, always wanting to 'feed people his steel'. He then turned to Maka, "So, what's your take, Maka? who could have done this?"

(Uh-oh, Forge is in trouble XD Feel free to take over Kid, some of the students and the soldiers if it helps streamline your post.)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Awww~. I kind of feel like I'm bullying her actually, but she's a tough cookie so she'll be okay. She's going to get drunk in the next post or two anyway, so she won't be too melancholy for long. x'D )

  • On the path before her was freedom. Freedom from stress and worries. On the path before her were plenty of handsome young men for the picking. She didn't have to wait until she got to ChupaCabra to actually work. Besides, a hostess's job was never over - which wasn't true, but it was easy to be the job at all times. Freya stepped near a building fixing her hair and dusting off the hem of the skrit to her dress before flashing her reflection a coy, perfect smile and headed toward a group of the young men. It wasn't as though the street was just lined with them, as there were parents and older people out about on whatever business they had amongst the many establishments, but groups and pairs of perfect potential clients were scattered about the area. This morning was all kinds of lucky.

    "Excuse me?"

    Turning from their conversation, to shoot the intruder a glare, their eyes widened and jaws dropped slightly as they were met the most lovely sight of bountiful cleavage. Leaning over beside one of them to be at about eye level with the seated guy, Freya's hands were planted on her legs and she wore a woeful smile, her doe eyes only putting them further under whatever spell had caught them. "I noticed you guys hanging out and I thought I'd suggest the place I work. It's the cabaret club do-"

    "Please show us the way!"

    As she straightened up to turn and point in the direction, they jumped to their feet, bodies tense and eager. She was clearly surprised, but recovered and smiled with a giggle. "Well, great. Just come with me." Stepping up to one of them, she leaned against him and smiled, just short of batting her eyelashes. "I hope you'll really like it. It'd be great to have more returning customers." Nodding idly while staring down at the young woman, they gave her long stares, quite entranced and very content - and perhaps intent. She was glad to see she hadn't lost her touch. She guided the young man to the club, and in no time, Arisa, Risa and Blair had pounced on them and snatched them up. Freya simply watched with an amused smile before reporting in to Boss and preparing to head out to bring in more of the young men. She did want some of her own to entertain, after all.

    Just as she turned on her heel though, she paused and decided to pull Risa and Arisa aside and make note of a relevant matter. Said matter of course being Forge. Since he made his position clear just that morning, she had no place to actually berate Risa and Arisa now. Instead she looked inquisitve and quite quizzical before settling on a decision and addressing them. "Don't tease Forge unless you're serious about him. He's not a toy." Placing her hands on her hips and looking much like a stern mother and teacher scolding her young students, Arisa and Risa blinked at her in surprise before gathering the wits to respond. "Freya-chan..." "You're really serious, aren't you?"

    "Yes, I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

    "We mean about Forge."

    "Oh. Well, it's a serious matter."

    "Hmm. We'll let that answer slide for now." "But you won't get away next time."

    She merely gave the two an unreadable but hardly pleasant look from the corner of her eye before heading back out. She didn't even feel like trying to talk to Blair on the matter. Now she really needed to find some customers to enjoy herself with. If she was lucky, she'd find someone with the finances and desire for a paid date. She could probably use the extra pay too. The more she had, the more was present to indulge herself and Forge. And indulgences would be very nice right now.

  • Looking over the scene before her, Maka stood with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face. She had to carefully observe the scene before she could allow herself to say anything or even form an opinion or a judgement, but there were plenty of points of interest abound. And plenty missing to the mystery. "Mmm." Nodding gravely at Soul's comment, she cupped her chin thoughtfully as her eyes narrowed. Running over facts, she tried to think of what was evident, certain possibilities and any other connections. It was quite intriguing that this was the second murder of a deadly threat that had targetted and harmed innocent people. And again, it was a quick and almost brutal but clean death - so to speak.

    "I don't know... But we know they're not just strong. They has skill. Precision. We don't see any other blood except the victims' and Guille's. They didn't go after the witnesses that remained either. That may not make the suspect a moral person necessarily, but they clearly may have some questionable traits and intentions." It was highly doubtful that they were some justice seeker or protector of the weak. There had to be another common element somewhere as well. Maka believed that their suspect never approached either killer intentionally. Or at least not with the knowledge of their identity and actively seeking them out. And yet, they not only challenged a seemingly dangerous and weapon-wielding person, but bested them. They were either very confident, or really stupid. She was hoping it was the form however. Either way, they were certainly brave. But she doubted that this would be the last case like this, especially with the rise of evil humans.

    Glancing at Soul, Maka gave him a resolved smile as she turned slightly. "One thing is for sure, after the next case or two, we should have ourselves an answer."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

As Forge moved about the room, more and more of the new arrivals stared at him. "Just ignore them, Forge." he heard Kid say, "we don't get many people of your size around here." Even though Forge wanted to ignore them, their stares burned holes in his body; even though he was so big, he felt incredibly small.

Just then, Spirit came out and said, "Everyone may I have your attention please? I'd like to introduce the headmaster of this school, Shinigami-sama." Shinigami then made his entrance; nothing grand, he just walked in. Many of the students looked in shock and amazement at the larger-than-life headmaster. Shinigami looked around the room before revealing his blocky hands and placing them together in front of his oddly-shaped body. He ten spoke in his seemingly uncharacteristic child-like tone, "Hello, new students. It's so good to see you all. This year promises to be exciting. I'm sure you all know why you're here, but I'll clarify one thing: The purpose of this Academy is to train you and your partner/partners in the ways of Kishin hunting. After everyone has found their partners, you will be assigned to a classroom, where you will learn the valuable aspects of truly being a Weapon/Meister team. Now, everyone. Go on, mingle! Find your ideal partner!"

He then turned to Spirit and said, "My deepest apologies, Deathscythe, but could you take charge? I need to meet with the investigation teams regarding those urgent matters we've discussed." Spirit replied, "Of course, Shinigami-sama." "I love seeing these fresh young faces, but I can't wait to go see Blair-chan and the others!"

With that, the crowd dispersed; students began talking to each other, trying to see if they were compatible with each other. "If you'll excuse me, Forge, I have to wander around, making sure nobody gets out of hand. Feel free to mingle and get to know the other students. One of us will find you later." Before Forge could ask for clarification, Kid disappeared into the throngs of people. "Now what?" Forge said, unsure of what to do.

Two fairly skinny boys soon approached Forge; they were snickering the whole time they walked towards him. Forge just looked at them quizzically,; the one on the left, dressed in a plain white shirt and black cargo shorts, "Hey, look, Turk. We got ourselves a human skyscraper." Turk, who was dressed in a black hoodie and denim shorts, then replied "You ain't kiddin' there, Red. Hey, Tiny, you might wanna duck, or a plane'll crash into ya!" They both then burst out laughing.

Forge all the while was just plain confused. Forge looked around confusedly before pointing to himself and saying, "Are you talking to me?" This made Red and Turk stop laughing. "No, we're talking to the invisible unicorn behind you!" Turk shouted; this made them bust up in laughter again before high-fiveing each other.

Soul chuckled and made a jab, knowing full well what she meant, "Precision, huh? Did you see the claw marks all over the place? Not to mention the craters and broken windows? These two were going at like rabid wolverines. I'd hardly call that precise. If you ask me, the guy who snuffed Guille was just toying with him." He then smiled wide, "In the next case or two, eh? You sound pretty sure about that."

Just then he remembered the orientation; they should be going. "Hey, Maka. We should be getting back, The orientation's gong to start soon. I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they see Forge. Hahaha"
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Once Shinigami-sama stepped into the room, their utmost attention was directed at him. But once all was said and done, once again it was impossible to ignore another particular presence in the room. His height was the one thing that lent to that, after all, he didn't seem intimidating otherwise, but it was enough for everyone else apparently. But not for Miya and her group. They watched Forge with admiring, suggestive smirks and slowly made their way over to him.

    "Hey, get lost already."

    "That jealous behavior is way uncute. You're not going to get very far."

    "No one wants to be bothered with immature punks like you."

    Miya and her pair of friends wasted no time in laying into Red and Turk, obviously unimpressed by the pair and clearly finding them to be a nuisance. Miya turned to Forge, crossing an arm across her chest and propping her elbow on her hand while the other hand lay beneath the layer of hair falling across her shoulder. "Don't pay those little pests any mind. Rather yet, I'm sure you're looking for a partner, right? Maybe I can help you." Her tone oozed with interest and a certain provocative manner while her friends flanked her, giving him small smirks.

    While no one else had made a move to approach the growing group yet, Red and Turk nor Miya and her friends' actions were lost on others. Namely, the two different girls watching them. One standing a good distance away, arms crossed and looking very displeased while the other watched on mopily. Already, Forge had no short supply of admirers - or at least those with an interest in him. But it balanced out his still somehow growing number of rivals at least.

  • Crossing her arms and smirking slyly at Soul, Maka leaned toward him with her eyes anrrowed dangerously yet in a teasing manner.

    "I'm going to 'hardly call that precise' you with a Maka Chop."

    Nonetheless, she uncrossed her arms and took a step forward, not looking as snarky or quite as playful, but still wearing something of a smile. "He was clearly playing around though. But he knew what he was doing." Putting her hands on her hips, she turned slightly to give him a confident smirk. "That's right." Turning back to the scene, she gave it a few knowing looks. "I'm sure he'll leae plenty more clues for us."

    "Hm? Oh, right. Lets go." Turning around and strolling to his side in a few short steps, she sighed and raised her arms as though she were about to shrug. "Gosh, you're just getting all kinds of entertainment at his expense. Hopefully no one decides to be like Black Star and wants to challenge him just to look cool. Then again... I have an earful for him! Working at ChupaCabra!" First Blair, then him too! Of course, she knew Freya-chan did, but at least she was opposed to her father's indecent behavior! Blair only encouraged and used it while Forge... Well, he was so painfully innocent, she couldn't see him actively trying to encourage or discourage it, but it was the fact of the matter!

  • As usual, work went quite well for Freya. Considering she managed to pull in one group of young men to ChupaCabra, it was no surprise that she soon returned with more. However, these new youths were apparently assorted and scattered from the area, and she clearly had every intention of keeping them to herself. She brought her patrons over to a corner, ordering their drinks and food for them when requested and found herself prepared to take the challenge head on when they asked her to drink with her.

    What a challenge it became. They were drunk long before she was, well, the ones who did drink which were all but one or two anyway, but once Freya began getting rosy in the cheeks it was clear that the alcohol was taking relevant effect on her. She took turns leaning into them, hugging their arms and pressing her bosom against them as she chatted with them before moving on to detail her current woes to them. Arisa and Risa had remained mostly busy with their own clients, but at an in-between moment, they watched on with mostly blank expressions, though both were fairly surprised and amazed.

    "She not only drank, but she got drunk."

    "I didn't know she had it in her."

    "I don't know if she's going to have more in her."


    "Ehhh! What a naughty thing to say!"

    "Hehe, isn't it~? Hmm, maybe we should watch carefully."

    "Yeah, after all, we wouldn't want to miss anything."

    Well, if anything, it was good for Freya that she wouldn't have counted on them anyways for support and to watch her for her own safety. But even while drunk, she had some sense about her to not feed into their twisted sense of entertainment too much.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Ooo, very nicely done. This is going to be.....'interesting', hehehehe.)

Forge was about to introduce himself, as he learned was proper conduct when meeting new people, but then was interrupted by the newcomers Red and Turk. "Teh! Jealous? Of ol 'Jolly Green Giant? Baby, me and my pal Red here could dance circles around this guy." Turk interjected as he flexed his arms; he had a good bit of muscle tone, but nowhere near the levels of Forge.

Red then stepped up, "You see, the human beanstalk here's nothin' but a chump. Ain't that right, Sasquatch?" Forge was standing with an increasingly perplexed expression growing on his face: 'Human beanstalk?' 'Chump?' And what the heck was a 'Sasquatch'? These were words and expressions he had not heard before; man, what he wouldn't give for Freya to be here to help clarify these things.

Turk interjected once more, "So, how about you ladies help us get to know you better, eh? My new pal and I here can show a time you'd never forget." Red added after a small chuckle, "Yeah, I'm sure that we could get real close. Once you get past our awesome looks, you'll find we're pretty normal, fun-lovin' guys."

Meanwhile, Kid was watching this take place from the sidelines, along with his weapon partners Liz and Pattie. Their remarks regarding Forge's size were rather pathetic; at least Forge didn't seemed to be phased by them. But given his situation with amnesia, it wasn't too surprising. "I think we better keep an eye on Forge. He seems to be a magnet for trouble."

Soul traveled with Maka back to the DWMA. "Maka, give the guy a break. If anything, the new Boss offered him a job there. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they made him a bouncer or something. With how big he is, most people will think twice before causing trouble. I know I would, and I'm a Death Scythe."

Soul knew better though; once Maka had her mind set on something, it was damn near impossible to change her mind. Trying to find Chrona all those years ago was proof enough of that.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • "Don't be so cocky, if you have something to prove, take it somewhere else."

    "Little boys like you two should check their manners before even considering yourslves worthy of our time."

    "The closest we care to get to you is putting you in your place."

    The girls gave them disdainful stares, already annoyed by their cocky, obnoxious behavior but even more fed up with all the jokes at Forge's expense. They didn't have that great if an opinion on bullies, obviously. "Now, get lost before we get rid of you." Miya sneered at the pair while her friend addressed them before turning back to Forge. "You don't seem bothered at all. I guess they're just a pair of self-conscious brats to you, huh?" Although she had perceived him as mature and perfectly on to them, Miya wouldn't be at all put off by Forge when she learned how wrong she was. Stepping to his side, she leaned against him gently, smiling up at him.

    From another side of the room, Liz and Pattie watched on with Kid. Liz watched on with a wry expression, disbelief written all over her face. "Seriously. It's like someone put a beacon on him that just pulls in all the wrong people." First Black Star, now those two. Even the girls that approached him felt... Suspect? Unsavory? She didn't have the word. But thinking it over, she tilted her head thoughtfully with a finger pressed to her chin. They hadn't been pulled into him, but he had found them by Freya's guidance. And considering she found him, maybe he wasn't entirely unlucky, especially since they were watching over him.

    Having part of Spartoi interested and watching his back was very lucky and fortunate. She wondered if Freya was able to help keep trouble off of Forge's back. Not that Liz could have known how much trouble actually found them anyway. Well for now, what really mattered was making sure that things didn't get out of control. If anything Liz could point out how asymmetrical something about Turk and, or, Red was and that situation would be done in a second.

  • Sighing in a very defiant manner, Maka whipped her head away from Soul, pretending to be indignant. However, she turned back and simply pursed her lips. "You're missing the point, Soul." Well, maybe there wasn't a point. But that still meant someone else she knew was working at that place that her father frequented! But maybe this was for the best... Maybe she could convince Forge to start throwing her father out of there. But no, she wanted to know that he left of his own will. But it didn't hurt to discuss the matter with Forge.

    "Lets just get back to the academy for now. We can think of how to bring down ChupaCabra later." Shifting the purpose of the talk from Forge to the club itself and its demise - at their hands - was plain curious. But she had done it. "Lets see how Forge does too. Then again, I can't see him needing a partner. Can he have one? How would that work if he doesn't fully transform?" Glacing at Soul, her face was quizzical and torn. She wasn't even sure if Forge knew how to wield any weapons on his own. "I hope his abilities won't be a downfall for him." And yet, they were already proving to be considering 'real' Forge and the many situations they'd gotten themselves into so far.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"Oh, come on, ladies. Don't be like that...." Red started, but Turk put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, dude, let's bounce." He then gave the trio a wink before saying, "See ya around, beautiful." He then looked up at Forge and said, "Catch ya later, skyscraper." Red and Turk just chuckled like a couple of morons as they wandered off back into the throngs of the new arrivals. Unfortunately for Forge, he was left as confused as ever; what just happened?

Forge then heard the woman speak at him; he looked to see a rather...cute? Yeah, that sounded right.....face smiling up at him. "I....guess? I'm not really sure about what just happened though. I have...what'd they call it.....amnesia, I think." He then said, "My apologies, but I didn't catch your name. I'm Forge."

Kid breathed a small sigh of relief; he'd rather not have things go too wrong now. Later in the year would be more acceptable. "Well, one potential disaster averted." He then heard a, "Hey, Kid, what'd we miss?" Kid turned his head to see Soul and Maka approach them. "Not much, just a couple of Black Stars trying to prove they're tougher to Forge. It's like everyone thinks Forge is this tough, scary guy just because of how big he is."

Soul chuckled, "Yeah, that's about what I expect from the newcomers. How'd he handle it?" Kid replied, "Pretty well, though I think the majority of that comes from his apparent lack of understanding of the modern language. Still pretty funny to see those idiots flounder though."

He then turned his head to Maka, "So, any new discoveries on who took care of Guille the Executioner? Didn't see the scene myself, but I heard it was pretty bad."
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Oh, those other two girls were interested in Forge too. But both were hesitant to approach and Turk, Red and then Miya and her friends popping up made it a no go. I'm going to bring both of them in at different times soonish~. One is the ice queen/tsundere type though and the other is a softy. her and Freya are going to get along amusingly. )

  • The other two girls watched them go, hands on their hips and giving them condescending frowns. Miya huffed indignantly and turned her attention back to Forge, not having much interest to spare in Turk and Red aside from getting rid of them. She was surprised to hear that he didn't know what just occured. Her brows rose slowly with the new information. "Oh, that's terrible. Well then, I'd be glad to help you out." She fluttered her lashes at him and leaned closer. "Oh, my name is Miya. Very pleased to make your acquaintance, Forge. I'm sure we'll be great friends."

    Maka sighed as she shook her head. It was inevitable that some kids wanted to prove themselves and were ballsy enough to challenge Forge. She just wished she could have seen them failt to insult him and pose any threat against him. "It's not really all that surprising. But they'll learn." And as long as they didn't go around causing any serious trouble, they wouldn't get their butts kicked too bad. Although Maka did feel bad for Forge in his lack of understanding so many modern ideas and the language, it certainly paid off - for him at least. Maybe if they all helped Freya get him better adjusted, he could learn quicker. But in the end, he seemed to be better off with minimal understanding... Ironic and amusing.

    Nodding her head, Maka crossed her arms. "It was pretty graphic. But there's not much new. I'm thinking there's a connection to it and the case at the doctor's office. There's always too much damage as well as the one dead being some sort of murderer." Piecing everything together and solving it would be tough, but she was sure they could do it. She was devoted to solving it.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Ah, I see. That should be fun. Hehe, I wonder how Maka will react when she discovers it's Forge offing the killers, lawl. Oh and don't Turk and Red to be gone. They'll come back for Forge...with a (very thick-headed) vengenance)

"That's very kind of you, Miya. I hope we can be friends, too" At this Forge saw the other women Miya was with. "I'm sorry, I got so caught up in what happened. May I ask your names?" He saw that one of them had a 'Weapon' sticker, whilst the other had a 'Meister'. "So you two are a team?"

Kid relaxed a bit; Forge seemed to be getting along better now. He then scanned the room; so far nothing out of the ordinary was taking place. Mostly it was the various new students displaying their Weapon forms and being wielded by Meisters. Mostly it was bladed weapons; a few seemed to be able to transform into firearm-style and kinetic-force types. Kid noticed that Liz was staring at the women hanging around Forge rather intently. "Liz? Is everything alright?" he asked; usually when Liz looked at someone like that, he knew she felt something off about them.

Soul then looked over at Maka and said with a grin, "Well, aren't you going to give him that earful, Maka?" Kid snapped to attention, "What?" Soul shook his head and said, "I'll let Maka tell you." Kid looked at Maka, "What did Forge do, Maka?"
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, she's probably going to be like 'bouncer at a club and murderer or murderers!?'. Haha, that's going to be interesting. )

  • She was quite pleased with how everything was progressing. Although she did wonder how Forge had made it there and seemingly well off if he had amnesia. Not that she would find out so soon that he was living with someone who was helping him. A woman at that. One that worked in a hostess club - or rather yet, the hostess club of Death City. As Forge addressed her friends, she turned her coy smile to them. They exchanged glances before giving him small smirks.

    "I'm Aya."

    "And I'm Naya."

    They nodded and smiled at each other. "We don't have to go looking for a partner since there won't be one better for us anywhere out there."

    "Ehh. Well. I guess. It's not wrong." Scratching the back of her head with a wry smile, Liz shrugged before turning to Kid. "It's just that, those girls are awfully intent. Even though that girl should be looking for a partner, she immediately went up to Forge and he's not wearing a sticker. It's just a little weird to me." Considering they willing talked back to a couple of punks for Forge too and seemed comfortable with hanging around, Liz wasn't sure what to make of them or the situation. But it's not as though they set off warning alarms or anything.

    Maka grinned darkly when Soul mentioned that earful. "Heh. Darn right. I wasn't going to in front of those girls, but maybe I can get rid of them and do it." Ah, but she didn't need Kid finding out about it. Although she wondered if he knew that Forge worked at ChupaCabra. She whipped around to pout at Soul when he left it to her to inform Kid. "Well, it's not what he did. But more what he does. He works at ChupaCabra with Freya and Blair..." She kept the pouty, looking playfully offended. "I'm going to lay into him about it. Or make sure he understand to throw out my father on occasion."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Yes, yes it will.)
"Good to meet you, Aya, Naya" Forge said, acknowledging them in turn. "So, since you're a Weapon/Meister team, can you give me some tips? You know, on Weapon Transformation and such? This is all kind of new to me." He figured that asking an actual Weapon about these things seemed the most logical thing to do.

"I see" Kid said shortly; the reason they that Forge was brought into the orientation was to kind of get a feel for the general student population. Helped him get used to being in large groups; who knows he may have to work with some of them later down the line. But if it was going to be trouble, which Kid saw as very likely given recent events, perhaps in hindsight it wasn't the best course of action.

"So, Forge works at Chupacabra? Huh, not the place I expected him to end up." Kid said flatly. "Maka, I know how you feel about your father and his 'undesirable' activities, but do you really think that you're going to solve anything by giving an amnesiac unnecessary grief, which he probably won't understand anyway, or by having said amnesiac unjustifiably throw your father from a place he frequents? Granted, I don't approve of Deathscythe-san's outings either, I'm just saying."

(Sorry, but this has to be said. Maka = Burned)
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