Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Kid noticed Freya's apprehension to his questions; he truthfully hated making people too uncomfortable, but unfortunately this was a rather serious matter. However, he could be patient if he wanted to, so he waited for Freya to answer. When Freya answered, once again showing discomfort by averting her gaze, he knew that whatever this was made Freya feel insecure in some way.

"I see" Kid said in a flat tone of voice. He knew Freya wasn't one to lie, but he still felt that there was more. "So, what exactly was happening to Forge that made these marks appear?" Depending on Freya's answer, he could begin to deduce what exactly the nature of Forge's change in demeanor.

He then had one last question for Freya, "Just one last question, Freya-san, then I actually have to head back. Have you seen Forge form any other weapons from his body? I only ask because at first it seemed like the gun was the only one he could form, but then when his behaviour shifted, he turned his right hand into what looked like a gauntlet to deal with his bully problem. Have you seen him form anything else?"

At this, what looked to be a nerdy looking male rushed past Freya and Kid carrying what looked like a very expensive bouquet of flowers and something else Kid couldn't identify. "What on earth?" Kid remarked, wondering about why the man was so urgent to get in there; the speed he went almost seemed to rival that of Spirit. He couldn't help but smirk before brushing the thought from his head.

Forge was standing where Boss told him to, looking around the club for potential trouble. Nothing happened yet; 'Real' Forge spoke up again, "Geezus, this job blows. Why don't we cut out for a bit? Go grab a bite?" Luckily Forge was wearing those dark-tinted glasses or people would have seen the biggest amount of confusion in his eyes. "How do you grab an action? You can't grab a bite!" 'Real' Forge groaned, "Good god, you really need to get your shit straight, kid."

It was at this point Forge saw a nerdy-looking man run past him; he seemed to be heading right towards where Blair was sitting. Unfortunately, she was already with someone; Forge didn't exactly know what to do. What Forge didn't know was that this was Blair's most devoted customer. A little too devoted for her liking. "Blair-chan! Look, I bring you gifts! Flowers and a beautiful pearl necklace! Now will you go out with me?" the man said as he reached her table. He had tried gifts before, but they didn't work. Then again, in his mind they weren't as extravagant as the ones he had now.

The patron got a bit flustered, "Dammit, haven't you caused enough trouble today? The lady clearly doesn't want you around here! Beat it!" The man then shouted, "I'm not talking to you!" At this, Boss' voice could be heard, "Ah, Tom! So good you could make it! You know, I'm actually glad you came back, because I have a friend of mine I want you to meet! Oh, Forge! Could you come over here please?" "Forge? Who's...." Tom said, but then turned as he heard a thundering set of footsteps approach him. When he looked up, Tom had never felt so small in his life. "S....so, you're F..F..Forge?" Tom squeaked; he felt like he was going to wet his pants in the shadow of the giant before him. 'Yes" Forge said shortly.

Boss chuckled, "Forge, my dear Tom here has been causing Blair, one of my workers, to be very unhappy. If you would be so kind..." Forge nodded; Tom squeaked as Forge lifted him up and carried him to the front door. "W....wa..wait! I'm sorry, I'll never cause trouble anymore! You don't have to throw me out!" Forge replied, "Sorry, Tom, just doing my job". He then gave a great heave and threw him out, in clear view of Kid and Freya. Kid looked at Forge, "Forge, is that you?" Forge heard the voice and looked down to see Freya and Kid standing next to the entrance. "Ah, Miss Chtuhilin, Kid, hello. How is your talk going?" Kid replied, "Very well, actually. So this is why the boss wanted you here, now it makes sense."

Tom landed in the same pile of garbage he had landed in only a few hours ago; now he was mad. Especially at the man who threw him out. But he was even madder at his Blair-chan; how could she continuously reject him? "Well, if you won't love me willingly..." he said, well out of earshot for anyone to hear him. He had a plan to get Blair to fall for him and only him; though it would take some time to complete.

(Lol, sorry about the false build-up. Now it's EPIC FORESHADOWING TIME!!! DUN-DUN-DUUUUN! Hahaha)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Scratching her cheek thoughtfully, she looked around before looking back at Kid. She couldn't just say they were near deeath situations. That would be saying too much. "He was injured." Well, there was the time that a patron hit Boss and he threw him out, but she still wasn't sure what to think and felt like observing further before saying anything might be best. She nodded slowly at his comment before slowly raising a brow.

    Clearly, she needed another drink. "A gauntlet, huh..." A gauntlet, a gun and... "A shield. Just once, though." Between Forge's other side simply making weapons and Forge himself having to absorb one before making it, Freya wasn't sure what to make of anything. Looking over the facts again, she felt more confused. Being inebriated probably didn't help. She was about to simply sigh and leave before she noticed a familiar nerd rush past. Her jaw dropped as her eyes widened and she turned on her heel, glaring at his form entering the club. There was something less and less right about him and the situation. She didn't like it at all. But then again, there wasn't anything she could do.

    That feeling of uselessness and being unable to do something was something she was coming to despise more and more lately. When did everything become such a mess? Frowning at the thought, she slowly turned back to Kid, not that her gaze lifted from the ground. "That's all, right?" She told herself she wasn't going to drink anymore, but now, the only thing she wanted to do was go back inside and drink more. With or without her patrons. She could do to leave everything behind and indulge herself one day - although that was some sick form of indulgence.

    When Tom was thrown out - again - Freya coolly glared in his direction. She was certain he'd be back again. Or he'd just bug Blair-chan elsewhere. It was a discomforting thought, but Blair could take care of him herself. Or heck, even if he followed her home, Maka and Soul would probably be enough to get him off her back. Not that she realized how wrong she was or how troublesome it was to leave Tom to his thoughts. At this point, Freya was even considering that all the drinking had made her meaner and that she probably wouldn't find anything wrong with Tom any other time. But thinking it over again, she knew that was a lie.

    "I think I'll get back to work now..." Freya barely gave Kid a nod before stumbling back inside and to her spot. Her mood flipped somewhat when she returned, seeing half of her patrons spread out and nearly knocked out. They drank more than she did, after all. She would have to make sure they all got home alright. Supposing she wasn't too far gone herself later. Her ever stoic patron looked her over before blushing and looking away. "W-welcome back..."

    Looking up at him, she sighed and slowly leaned into his side, wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you." The patron tensed up, looking around shiftily before slowly bringing an arm up to rest it across her shoulders. "I need another drink."


    "Just a small one." Looking up at him and batting her doe eyes, he folded under her gaze, even though they both knew that 'just a small one' would be anything but. "Err, right. I'll make sure one gets ordered for you."

    "Mmhm." At least for now she could let the alcohol tell her that it was okay that they didn't do anything more about Tom and that she had nothing to worry about in regards to Forge and whatever was going on. Nope, her life was worry-free and nothing bad ever happened. It was full of just handsome, young patrons and returning customers and lovely co-workers. And now, drinking too.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"So I was right. He can form more than weapon, but I still wonder how many." Kid thought to himself as Freya told him of an instance where Forge formed a shield. That would be an interesting first point to go over, after they discovered how Forge made the weapons in the first place after. "Yeah, that's all" Kid responded. As Freya excused herself, Kid was about to walk away when he realized that he didn't pass along Liz and Pattie's message. "Forge, could you tell Freya-san that Liz and Pattie say hello?" Forge nodded, Kid then said, "See you tomorrow."

As Kid returned to his mansion, he couldn't but feel like he had seen that ability somewhere before. Then it hit him; the only one who came to close to that ability was Chrona. But he had been long since parted from Ragnarok's clutches and paired with Excalibur; Kid didn't know if that was a blessing or a curse. He couldn't stand Excalibur's arrogance, no one could, even if Excalibur was as powerful as he said was.

Kid shook his mind free of the plague that was Excalibur and refocused on Forge's abilities. Of course, Tsubaki had the same trait of being able to change into multiple Weapon forms, but she was a standard Demon Weapon capable of a full transformation. "That's something else we'll try also, see if he can do a full transformation." Kid muttered to himself."

Forge, meanwhile, went to Freya's table and said, "Miss Chtuhilin, Liz and Pattie say hello. Kid wanted me to pass that along." He then stood back up and returned to where Boss had instructed him to stand.

Forge, on the other hand, was wondering why these people were drinking these strange-colored liquids; it almost seemed to make extremely silly. Forge watched as one man walked up to him and started making strange noises while scratching his armpits; he then shouted "Ooga Booga Booga!", much to the delight of the other patrons situated around where Risa and Arisa stationed. They all busted up laughing, before one of them shouted in a gleeful tone, "Oh, come on, Ricky, it's the kid's first day here! Cut him a break! Only after the first week can you make a monkey out of him!" Ricky then stumbled back to where his group was sitting. They all busted up laughing before raising their glasses and shouting, "Huhza!"

Forge just cocked his head in confusion; what on earth just happened? "You gonna sit there and take that? Show those little bitches who's the boss!" "I think they know that 'Boss' is boss around here" There then came a groan from inside Forge's head, "Never mind. Good god you're stupid, let me know when something exciting happens" And with that, 'Real' Forge retreated from Forge's mind, leaving Forge confused as ever.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Barely hearing his comment, Freya nodded and accepted the drink from the waiter who came by just when he did. Perhaps this would be her last drink after all. Drinking her worries away wouldn't solve everything tomorrow morning. What she really needed to do was properly relax and get some rest. Of course, she wouldn't be even more free from her worries, but it was a healthier way to let loose without damaging her body in the process.

    However, it was hard to ignore everything going on in their club. From stalkers rushing in and getting thrown out to the clowns near Risa and Arisa making trouble. Not that the girls themselves were entirely sweet or innocent. They did have their ways of becoming bullies. But it didn't mean that they should have to endure this kind of behavior. Okay, so she couldn't do anything about Tom, but if she sat back now and ignored those fools mocking Forge, she would be annoyed with herself. Or maybe it was the alcohol talking.

    Stumbling to her feet, she quickly found herself and marched over to them. "Eh, Freya-chan?"

    "What are you-?" Turning as they noticed her in their area and approaching the guy that mocked Forge, they turned from their patrons to watch her. Although they mused earlier about actually getting to see her drunk, they were thinking the opposite on the matter now.

    "Hey!" Throwing her foot on a table and leaning forward, she propped her arm on her leg and glared at the men. "That kind of behavior is unacceptable here! It's a bother to other patrons and not attractive to us hostesses! I don't care how much you've drunk already, you either watch your behavior or leave now before you do something to get yourselves thrown out. Am I understood!?" Silence fell over the club as Freya raised her voice, Arisa and Risa frozen in place, clearly astounded by her sudden boldness. Blair watched with a wide, surprised grin, blinking slowly while other patrons tensed up.

    Well she certainly made herself heard. She slowly pulled away, dropping her foot back to the ground and strolling toward her spot once more.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Oo, me-ow. And here I thought Blair was the only one with claws. and I'm surprised Blair hasn't tried anything yet. Or Risa and Arisa for that matter. You'd think Freya being so plastered would present the perfect opportunity XD)
Forge was watching the group with Risa and Arisa laugh and drink their strange-colored liquids; so far this whole bouncer set up seemed pretty tame. Forge wondered just what is it was that these people drank to make them this way. Maybe he would try some. However, as he moved to ask how he might be able to try a small amount, he saw Freya go over to the table and yell at the guys for acting the way they did.

However, instead of being the predictable assholes, they were the few drunks who knew better to make Freya Chtuhilin mad at them. The one who acted like a monkey in front of Forge then said aloud, "You know, guys, she's right. We shouldn't haze the new guy." He then shouted, "Waiter, a drink for the guardian of this haven! Strongest you have, on me!" The waiter then brought Forge a small glass of amber liquid, "Here you are, sir. Our strongest firewhisky. Guaranteed to, as they say, 'put hair on your chest'."

The man then raised his own glass of liquid, though Forge noticed his was clear, "May he keep the riff-raff out and let the good times roll! Huhza!" The rest of the group shouted "Huhza!" as well and downed their glasses in one swig. Forge looked at the glass in his hand and imitated the men, downing the amber liquid in one gulp.

It burned so bad that he spit it back out and coughed; this made the group laugh hard, but then the ring-leader went up to check on Forge. "Hey buddy, you alright?" he asked. Forge nodded and ceased coughing, "Yes, but what on earth was that foul liquid?" The man blinked in surprise, "Foul liquid? My good man, this is the drink of gods, the divine fluid that every man should have flowing through his veins!"

His group laughed even harder; one even said, "Preach it, brother!" One of the others then looked at his watch, "Oh, man. Guys, I gotta go. I got work tomorrow, and I can't be late again." The others nodded in agreement, muttering that they should get home too.

They all then threw their money down on the table; the apparent ring-leader, the guy who acted like a monkey, then said to Risa and Arisa, "See you next time, ladies" and was the last to leave.

(Forge is a bit on the lightweight side, ain't he? XD)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol~. Definitely not. I'd say they all have claws though. And I figure I'll give Blair more time to shin after everything with Tom. But I was thinking about it with Arisa and Risa, lol. Part of the fun for them is teasing her, but I can see it working out better for them now. )

  • Everything considered, the situation went down incredibly well. Freya may have silenced them all and put a shock in their systems, but it was an interesting show. And there was no more mocking of Forge. Their patrons could be idiots, but at least a good talking to - or scolding in this case - got through to them. Well, most of them. Certain ones just never knew how to give up, but that was a different story. Arisa and Risa sat back and watched Forge drink the firewhisky, unable to resist bursting into giggles at his reaction. It was somewhat expected though.

    "Bye bye!" The two's good-bye's to their customers rang out simultaneously. What with it getting later, fewer customers would be coming in now. And no doubt, that last batch were some of the few left for Risa and Arisa. But that just meant it was the perfect chance for fun! Testing Forge and his reactions was going to become a hobby. It was just too bad that Freya was drunk, but then again, perhaps she'd prove amusing to them in her nearly drunken stupor.

    Grinning at each other, they both got up and tip-toed up to Forge before reach up to pull him down onto their couch. "Forge, you haven't come to visit us!"

    "Don't just give all your attention to Blair-chan and Freya!"

    "We want to have fun too, you know?"

    Risa winked at him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders while Arisa wrapped her arms around his waist. "What do you say, Forge-kun...?"

    "Hmm, do you want to play with us~?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol, oh man. Risa and Arisa strike again! XD)

Forge was watching the group of men leave, curious as to why the one guy acted so strangely; he was caught off-guard when he felt himself getting pulled into a comfortable cushioned seat. "Whoa!" he said as he landed in the couch; he then looked down to see Risa and Arisa hanging on him. "Risa? Arisa? What's going on?"

He got even more uncomfortable when Risa winked and wrapped herself around his broad, chiseled shoulders. And the discomfort only rose when Arisa wrapped her arms around his torso; his body became noticeably tense. "I'm sorry....." he started to say before they asked him if he wanted to play with them. "U...um..sure. I suppose it's alright. W...hat are we going to play?" he choked out, the nervousness heavy in his voice.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Ahh, it was plenty of fun watching Forge get so tense. He just made things so easy. Not to mention hilarious. "Well, why don't we play a special game?"

    "Yeah, something we can't play with anyone else." Their tone was low and tempting, Risa sliding one hand down across his shoulders and chest to rest on his abdomen and Arisa sliding one from his torso and down to his thigh. "You'll really like this game." Risa leaned in, smirking deviously. "And I bet you haven't played it with anyone else..." Of course, who they meant was obvious, and she made herself known quite quickly.

    "Who hasn't played what game with Forge?"

    Freezing up, they tense and let their gaze slowly slide over to the stoic figure standing just inches from them. No. An inch. Her skin nearly brushed against Arisa's. "Ah, Freya-ch-"

    "Be quiet." Risa gulped and looked away, not wanting to get herself in trouble. Freya glare at them and promptly dropped down to straddle Forge's leg, her hands resting on his thigh as well, though for balance in her case. She leaned forward, giving the girls dirty looks. "Don't mind me at all. Go ahead and play." They looked about nervously before giving each other hesitant looks, but nodded knowingly. She was too drunk to pose a threat! It's not as though she would be a threat to their fun. Rather yet, she'd make it even better.

    Risa and Arisa leaned in closer to Forge, their breath brushing across his neck. "Do you still want to play, Forge?" They did feel somewhat awkward with Freya giving them such intense looks though, but it was worth it just to see her's and Forge's reactions.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(O.O Oh shit. Very nicely done)

"A special game?" Forge asked; he could feel the heat in his body rising as Risa's hand came to rest on his stomach and Arisa's hand rested on his thigh. If he weren't wearing those sunglasses, Risa and Arisa would the quickly-wavering apprehension in his eyes. "This game...". But then Freya spoke up; his blood instantly ran cold and he froze. He suddenly felt like he had a done a bad thing. However, it would soon get warmer for dear Forge as Freya straddled one of his thighs; his face turned noticeably red.

What was going on, Forge had no idea whatsoever. All he knew was that his body was reacting in a very unfamiliar fashion; the strange part was, part of it felt good. Really good. The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention when Risa and Arisa's breath brushed past him, causing his body to shiver slightly. "Why am I feeling this way?". He paused at the women's question. He struggled to find an answer, his body freezing up with tension. Part of him felt it was wrong to continue, the other wanted to see what this 'game' was.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, thanks. )

  • Watching Forge the whole time was probably more fun than it should have been, it was only a shame they didn't have a good look at his eyes to get a better sense of his reactions. But body language - and actual language and voice - said quite enough. When he turned red upon Freya streaddling his though, both Risa and Arisa wondered if it was because of the action or the person - or perhaps both. If it were any other moment, they would test it to see, but for now? Fun was to be had.

    "Don't worry, Forge-chan. You don't have to respond."

    "You body is doing all the talking for you."

    The two grinned impishly, Risa letting her hand drop further to play with the clasp os his jeans and Arisa's hand running dangerousy close to the inside of his thigh. Freya simply pouted and scooted closer up his thigh, now resting both hands on both thighs. Risa and Arisa were both humored and unnerved by her. But she wasn't offering any protest - and nor was Forge. "Nee, Forge, are you enjoying it so far? Maybe we should go someplace better and have some real fun?" Risa whispered into one ear, leaning close as Arisa leaned in as well and whispered into his other ear. "Maybe you would like us to show you something that someone hasn't shown you?"

    Even better than usual, their teasing was much better with Freya drunk. Maybe they'd start spiking all of her drinks or something. However, there was a minor flaw to their plan.

    "Mmmn-!" Arching their brows and turning their heads to look at Freya, they both leaned back quickly, though didn't bother to move their hands, as Freya lunged forward. "NO! You perverts! Quit it!" She threw her hands around Forge's, her breasts squished against his face and straddling him just over his groin. Arisa was feeling more awkward what with her hand pressed under Freya's leg. "I- I won't allow t-this!" She hiccuped and suddenly, slowly leaned her cheek against the top of Forge's head.

    Moaning unevenly, she pressed further against him but leaned her head back. "Maybe I'll just go home. I don't feel well. I can't bother." Or that's what she said anyway, but she wasn't moving. "Aww, don't go Freya-chan. It's your chance to play too!"

    "You can even be the one to unzip Forge~!"

    Whether they were teasing or harassing her at this point was uncertain, as well as how serious they were. But they were obviously enjoying themselves at her expense.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Sorry in advance. But the temptation was too great, lol)

Forge just sat in silence; he felt like his body was paralyzed. When Risa's and Arisa' hands moved closer to his privates, his whole body started to feel like it would spontaneously burst into flame. And it didn't help that Freya decided to move closer as well and put both of her hands on his hands. Forge was in the situation that most men and teenage boys would consider 'the luckiest'; though he himself had no idea of that.

He didn't even say a word as Risa and Arisa asked if he was enjoying it. As Forge was going to respond, he turned his head to be suddenly met with Freya's ample bosom pressed against his face, which in turn grew even hotter. His face was now the color of a freshly-cooked lobster; he heard Freya say she 'won't allow this'. Now Forge was a bit confused; did this upset Freya somehow? If so, he would stop this immediately. However, as he was to voice his protest, Freya pressed herself tighter against him, acting as an effective silencer.

However, no amount of amnesia can override basic primal instinct; a bulge began to form in his pants. Forge wondered why this was happening; his sensitivity seemed to skyrocket. However, his new found pleasure was short when Freya said she wasn't feeling well. He pried his face from Freya's breasts, "Miss Chtuhilin, if you don't feel well, do you want to go home?"

'Real' Forge voiced a protest of his own, "What are you doing, fool? Leave that stupid fuck! Go for the gold!" Forge grimaced, "No! Miss Chuthilin isn't well! I need to get her home!"

(Ha, strike three!)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, I keep thinking, 'lucky you Forge!'. And then I kinda feel bad for him. x'D; )

  • Behind that pair of breasts, Forge's face going red like a lobster was not lost on Arisa and Risa. Next time the girl was sober, they'd really have fun with the both of them. No doubt, they'd be able to push the limits of what Freya would allow - or could watch, anyway - and what they could get her to do. These two left themselves just so open. The amount and variety of fun to be had with them was astounding.

    Freya herself wasn't feeling much like they were all having a blast. Although her curiosity was piqued by the bulge she felt pressing against her. She could figure out what it was, obviously. And given his situation, it was obvious. But she simply couldn't wrap her mind around it entirely. She just knew now that Arisa and Risa were way more dangerous than she gave them credit for. In her mind, teasing so much that Forge grew a bulge was terrible. She would have to watch them more often. Well, or least make sure they didn't do such things in public.

    Leaning back, she looked down at Forge, looking lost and doe-eyed. "...I don't know." She barely mumbled it under her breath, feeling increasingly uncertain. She couldn't go against her word, but watching Risa and Arisa tempt Forge spurred her into action. If she was sober, how much would she have allowed... Then again, she wouldn't have been straddling his lap or pushing her breasts in his face, even unconsciously. Considering their moment earlier that day, she would be afraid to touch him at all if she was sober.

    "I... I hate you guys!" Freya's eyes nrrowed carefully as she sniffled, and Risa and Arisa felt something even more dangerous than themselves oncoming. Tears. It had been rather silly when Freya sobbed and poured her heart out. But if she cried now, they didn't know what they'd do. "Don't be like that, Freya-chan."

    "Besides, don't you want to be the one to unzip Forge~?"

    "O-oi, don't tease he-"

    "I WILL!" Sliding down his body somewhat before stumbling to the floor, she placed her hands on his thighs and leaned forward, carefully bringing a hand up to undo his zipper. However, her head lolled and her hand paused before she simply fell forward, collapsing into his lap. Staring wide eyed - and with bated breath - Arisa and Risa gulped and slowly looked up at Forge. "W-well, Forge, uh, you still want to play the game?"

    "We can go in the back where it's private."

    Freya simply mumbled incoherently under her breath.

  • ( By the way, whenever you're ready for Forge and Freya to return home, I'll have her really hit her limit. And if you want Risa and Arisa to get more bold, now or in a later scene, I can do that~. )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(lol, poor Forge. His body and mind are saying two different things. I think we should have Risa and Arisa go REALLY bold later on)

Forge just sat in silence as Freya looked down at him with those big, indigo eyes in a sense of being lost; his heart practically melted. He could barely hear her response; was this what being drunk was like? Forge told himself that he would never become like this, and that he would try to convince Freya to not do it again.

His eyes widened his surprise when Freya shouted that she hated 'you guys'; Forge almost thought she included him in that statement. Though perhaps she did hate him a bit. However, his worries were somewhat alleviated when Risa and Arisa spoke up. What did they mean by 'unzipping' him though? That was the second time they had mentioned that; though its meaning quickly became clear when Freya slid down and brought her hand to the zipper of his jeans. The bulge in his pants became even larger; Forge then became surprised when Freya fell into his lap. He wasn't sure what to do; that was until they asked if he wanted to keep playing. No, he needed to get Freya home.

Forge took some surprising initiative and scooped Freya into his muscular arms. "Sorry, Risa, Arisa, but Miss Chtuhilin doesn't look well at all. I think it's best if I took her home. Though perhaps we could play it some other time." He was curious as to where this game was going, but making sure Freya was well overrode the strange feelings he was experiencing with concern for Freya's well-being. "I'll see you tomorrow" he said; he assumed that he was going to come back tomorrow after school to resume his duty as a bouncer.

As he made his way back to Freya's house, he couldn't help but wonder about the strange 'game' Risa and Arisa wanted to play; was the objective to make him feel strange and uncomfortable? Because if so, they had most certainly won. But he then shook the thought from his mind, and focused on bringing Freya back home so she could rest. "Ugh, you spineless jellyfish! I told you, she doesn't even love you! Why are you trying so hard?!?" "Because Miss Chtuhilin has shown more compassion towards me over the past three days than most other people. She's taught me a lot, and been there when I needed something. You know what, I don't want to 'experiment', as you put it. I want to be Miss Chtuhilin's.....lover, as she called it. I'll do whatever she wants to have her be my lover in return."

'Real' Forge couldn't believe what he was hearing; his plan was now falling to pieces. If his vessel confined himself to one woman and one woman only, his mobility would be severely restricted. Unfortunately, 'Real' Forge lacked the ability to synthesize memories, so that was out of the question. "You don't get it, do you? If you confine yourself, you're losing the chance to build meaningful relationships with other women. What about that Miya girl? She seemed to be in to you." Though 'Real' Forge knew better, he didn't pass that on to Forge. Like the old saying goes: Takes one to know one. She was a user, a manipulator, just like 'Real' Forge. "She's cute, but Miss Chtuhilin is beautiful. In every way imaginable. I want to prove my love for her, I just need to think of a way to do it. Besides, I'm sure we can still be friends."

Forge was discounting tonight, however; he saw Freya drink that foul amber liquid, and he put it together that it was a behavior-altering fluid. 'Real' Forge couldn't help but chuckle at Forge ; this fool was walking himself into a relationship death trap. "You know what, you're right. Tell you what, I'll leave you alone for a while. See you around." Forge was left confused as 'Real' Forge vanished yet again; why the sudden change of heart? Forge let it go, too concerned about Freya to worry about that perceived triviality.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Not that she was that alert before collapsing, but it was hard for even Freya herself to miss the fact that Forge's bulge had gotten larger yet again. Risa's and Arisa's eyes were bulging at that point, though they also wore wide, dumbfounded smirks. The entire situation was so beyond them and their expectations, but never were they more excited and content. This was their best day at work ever. It was too bad Forge didn't show up before. There was all kinds of entertainment to be had with him around! Well, it was being cut short today. Then again, they probably should have been more serious about Freya's welfare.

    Softly mumbling under her breath when Forge scooped her into his arms, Freya leaned into him unconsciously, seeking the support and warmth of his strong body. "Ehhh. Right."

    "We'll postpone the game until later."

    "It'll be even more fun."

    Supposing Freya was sober and still wary of them. Since she had done that much tonight, they were certain they could urge and even manipulate her into doing more. Not that they wouldn't be having some fun as well. They'd just have to find a way to convince Forge and Freya into going to the back room with them. It was too bad Forge had school. If he got there early in the morning, they'd have perfect time to play around. They'd just have to plot out some other way. On top of that, they had to find a way to start spiking some of Freya's drinks. Their jobs sure were hard work.

  • ( By the way, did you want something with the four of them next time Arisa and Risa get more bold? Or just those three? )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Wow, those two are pretty devious little things, hehehe.)
After a small period of walking while carrying Freya, he finally reached her place of residence. "Man, what a day" Forge breathed out. Reaching for the key in his back pocket, he pulled it out and inserted it into the lock of the door. After unlocking it, he proceeded inside to her bedroom. Laying Freya down gently, he looked at her, the worry and concern evident in his expression. Even though Freya wasn't conscious, he couldn't help but bask in her radiant beauty.

"I'm sorry, Miss Chtuhilin. I've been such a burden on you. I'll fix it all, make your life the way it was before I showed up." Even though Freya had drank some of that amber liquid, firewhisky, the man at Chupacabra called it, Forge couldn't help but feel that Freya was in this state because of him. The sun had long since descended; now, only pure moonlight was showered throughout the moon. "Miss Chtuhilin" he whispered softly, "is there anything I can do for you?" She obviously wasn't well, and Forge would do whatever he could to make her better, back to her normal self.

(Hmmmm, I honestly don't know. Maybe just having three of them go at it at first, then have Freya barge in? You know, something along the lines of, "What the hell is going on in here?!" Just my thought.)
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Haha, of course. And that sounds perfect~. )

  • Barely stirring as she was set down, Freya sighed and turned on her side, nestling into the bed. Even in this state, her body recognized the comforts of home, and somehow, she simply felt... Better. In some place in the back of her mind, she was already telling, repeating and chanting to herself to get drunk never again. Back to swearing off alcohol. The emotional rollercoaster and behavior simply wasn't worth it. Nor were the stomach aches or dull pain. Or maybe that was her body's way of tell her that she was a dumbass. She agreed. And never would she be such an idiot again. She wouldn't do it to herself nor endure Forge to see her like that again.

    With the other person of subject at hand, his voice drew her out of her hazy land between conscious and unconscious. Slowly pushing herself up, she eyed him tiredly before looking down at herself. "Can you help me undress?" She really only needed her dress off. She was used to sleeping comfortably in her udnerwear, and she could simply snuggle up under the covers and be set to fall asleep once her dress was off. She pulled at the hem, bundling it up at her hips, but not quite yet drawing the strength to pull it off over her head. Of course, that was when she looked up at Forge, looking lost and helpless.

    She would have to make it up to him for getting drunk and being so useless. Once she recovered properly, she'd start protecting him and being of more use to him. But then again, that was after she got out of this dress and got some shut eye. She couldn't even care that her hair was somewhat dishevelled or take the time to comb it out before going to bed. She'd simply fall out and awake refreshed and renewed. Okay, that was a lie. Most likely, she'd awake feeling not particular fresh, with a minor or killer headache and fairly angry at herself. But she'd be all the wiser. And just maybe, getting drunk was worth it a little to have been so bold.

    Then again, it probably wouldn't hurt to learn to be that bold to an extent without the alcohol. Tomorrow was a new day and a good time to start practicing though.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"Of course" Forge said uninhibitedly; his strange feelings from earlier died away long before they reached Freya's residence. OF course, he would prove to be extremely clumsy when it came to women's clothing; it took a bit for him to figure it out, but he finally managed to slide it off over her head. This only left Freya in her underwear; seeing more of her made Forge redden a bit in the face. "Stop feeling this way" he said to himself internally; he had somehow managed to convince himself that he was the cause of Freya being this way.

After he had helped get rid of the dress, he looked around for where to put it. Forge then settled on having it draped over the edge of the bed; he ran his large hands over the delicate fabric to help smooth it out. When that was done, he felt like he needed to address an issue. An important one, well to him it was. Making his way back to the side of the bed where Freya was, he knelt down beside, but couldn't bring himself to look her in the eye. His own voice was heavy with self-loathing and guilt, "Miss Chtuhilin.....about tonight, I just want to know. I haven't known you for very long, but you acted in a very different manner than normal. Over these past three days, I felt like I've grown closer to you. I want you to tell me, and please be honest........was I the one that caused it?"
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Thankful that he obliged, she didn't mind the struggle to get out of the dress, but she was relieved when it was off and they didn't have to fight with it anymore. She silently watched him drape and smooth out her dress, somehow feeling very warm and pleased because of it. Perhaps it was how gentle and meticulous he was about it. Forge was full of surprises, as always. But generally, they did prove to be good ones - whether amusing or... sweet.

    She turned her head, following his movement as he knelt beside the bed. She scooted closer, letting her legs fall over the side, her feet brushing against the carpet and her hands limp in her lap. She barely picked up on the tone in his voice, but even then, it was cause for concern for her. The implication was obvious with his question as well. He must have felt so guilty. Freya pouted mournfully, feeling bad that he felt that way. Scooting further and nearly tumbling off the bed, she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her face against his.

    Leaning into him, she pulled back slightly to look into his face, even if he was unable to meet her gaze so far. "Forge, you're not at fault at all. Even before you came in, my life was ...Different. But you made it better. I'm glad. Even if that was your fault, I would endure any amount of suffering if I could have you by my side." She may have been fairly drunk, but she wasn't too stupid. Well, all the water before, getting some of the off behavior out of her system and the resting had helped. Nonetheless, she leaned her cheek against his, blinking slowly. "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you tomorrow. Besides, I love you. I don't want you to feel bad." She leaned back, looking somewhat dazed but sincere.

    With their faces so near, she stared at him for a second before leaning in and slowly closing her eyes, whether she missed or hit her mark, she simply pressed a small kiss to the corner of his lips before pulling back, eyes fluttering open. She sighed and gave him a sleepy look, tugging gently at his shoulders. "Lets go to bed. We'll sleep and it'll be better in the morning. I need you." What she meant was that she needed a human pillow, but even if she explained, whether or not Forge understood was another matter. It didn't dawn on her for a second to explain anything further though. She just want to cuddle up against him and fall asleep, warm and cozy like.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge knelt in silence, waiting for Freya's answer. He wasn't sure what to expect; though what happened next came straight out of left field in his eyes. He froze as Freya wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He was at a loss for words as Freya explained that he wasn't at fault for what happened, that her life had been different even before he had come into the picture. His heart seemed to skip a couple of beats when she said that she indeed loved him though.

If Forge hadn't been so tired, he would have leaped for joy at Freya's admission. She loved him, she loved him! That was the best news he had heard all night. His face then returned from happy to a happy-but-pleasantly-surprised expression after she planted her lips on the corner of his own. "Indeed it shall, Miss Chtuhilin" he said quietly as he crawled into bed next to her. A big yet gentle smile was plastered on his face as his weary head made contact with the pillows.
RE:ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • The shift back to Forge's usual demeanor was a quite welcome one, and in her sleepy state, she was simply put at ease to see such a pleasant face - one that suited him. It was like it said that it was okay for her to rest now. After all, she wouldn't catch any sleep if he was upset. She simply wouldn't allow it. She smiled and lied down as he crawled into bed next to her, and she promptly wrapped herself around his body loose and casually. All was just right now.

    "Good night, Forge..." She mumbled out the words, pressing her face into his arm as she leaned into and pressed against his body in any way possible, needing the warmth and comfort - needing him by her side. Morning wouldn't be that far off, and while she was going to wake up with a terrible headache, she could at least be thankful that she had had warm, intimate moments with him plenty of times that night, and she would wake up to him the next morning. In all, even if she was going to have a hangover, she could find comfort and solace for having Forge in her presence.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(lol, time for another dream sequence.)
As Freya pressed herself against, Forge relaxed even more. This moment couldn't get any better. He would enjoy waking up to Freya in the morning. He also couldn't wait until classes started tomorrow; if Soul was right, he'd have more 'free rein', as he said, to experiment and find out more about his powers.

As Forge drifted off into sleep, 'Real' Forge decided it was time for Forge to pay him a visit. Forge opened his eyes to find himself back inside the gun-metal gray room. This place looked so bleak, depressing. It crushed him just to even be here. "What the....?" Forge said; 'Real' Forge reappeared. "Like the lack of decor? Feels so good, you know? So full of nothing....oh wait, not anymore because SOMEONE wants to have something!" Forge recoiled at this; he then said, "Why were you so nice to me earlier?" 'Real' Forge chuckled, "Boy, I wasn't being nice to you. I was trying to make myself scarce to get away from that puke-fest." Forge cocked his head and was about to ask, but 'Real' Forge cut him off, "Don't ask. You know, you could do with some lessons in slang. Make you a bit more tolerable. To me, that is." Forge was growing more confused with 'Real' Forge's behavior. "So.....did you want something?" Forge asked.

'Real' Forge then smiled, "Yes.......I wanted to show you something." 'Real' Forge snapped his fingers, causing an image to form in mid-air. "Since we are one in the same, I feel we should know more about each other. Which in this case, means knowing more about you. I am going to show you something, though I'm not sure how you'll take it." He only pretended to care about Forge;he was saving this as one of his last resort measures to get rid of Freya, but he had nothing else at the moment.

He could see the potential skirmish with Miya in the immediate future if Miya saw Forge with another woman. However, he wanted to avoid that headache in retrospect; there were too many powerful souls around for him to cause a whole lot of trouble. Luckily, most of the times he had been called, it was out of self-defense and protection. So no one could blame his vessel if people got hurt.

Giving a wide, jagged-toothy smile, he played the image. Forge looked on in amazement as he recognized the memory; it was when Freya found him and brought him to Doctor Hoffsteader's clinic. "If you don't mind, I'm going to skip the boring parts" 'Real' Forge said coolly before spinning his index finger in a circle; this made the memory speed to a certain point before 'Real' Forge snapped his fingers to resume normal playback. It was now at the point where Forge had gone out of the room to see of Freya was alright. "Hehe, this is gonna get good."

Forge watched his memory; everything from getting knocked into the wall and reawakening was new to him. And when the final blow came down on his enemy's head, 'Real' Forge burst out laughing. "Oh that....that was just beautiful. If I had any sympathy left, I'd cry. Hahahaha". Forge just sat there, shocked; it had revealed to him a truth he should have seen, but did not pay attention to: He had killed the man at the clinic who attacked Freya. "Seems like your beloved 'Miss Chtuhilin' kept something from you. What'd I tell ya?" Forge shook his head; it wasn't just the fact he killed someone, but Freya hadn't told him about it. "Why....why would she keep that from me?" 'Real' Forge sighed and shook his head before replying, "I told you, she's afraid of you. She toys with you because you've become attached, and she's trying to keep her fear in check by stringing you along like some witless moron."

Forge shook his head; this duplicate of him was clearly lying. "You're wrong. Miss Chtuhilin does care about me " "OPEN YOUR EYES, YOU IDIOT!" 'Real' Forge shouted, "She's using you. You are nothing more than her oversized plaything." Forge retaliated, "YOU'RE WRONG! I LOVE MISS CHTUHILIN! AND SHE LOVES ME!" They both stared at each other, the determination unwavering in either of their eyes, their expressions locked in a murderous grimace. Outside, the morning sun was beginning to crest over the horizon; Forge, however, would not react as he was still in his dream state.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • ( Lol, how ironic. I was going to have Freya want to tell him about that soon. )

  • When the Sun began a slow ascent over the horizon, peeking across at its own pace, many residents of Death City began awaking with it. Freya herself had hummed quietly under her breath, pressing closer to a very familiar warmth that she was attached to before slowly pulling back, eyes fluttering open before she sat up. She winced and moaned under her breath, rubbing her forehead. She had brought it on herself, but she still wasn't happy about it. Sighing witheringly, she turned around a little and smiled down at Forge, her headache not as bothersome now.

    Her memories of the other day - the other night - were fair enough. And she certainly remembered what she'd said to him. She only wished she could be more eloquent about it, but he seemed content with her words last night, and as long as he understood and felt happy, she was happy. Leaning in, she kissed his cheek and sat up, scooting off the bed to head to the bathroom and her medicine cabinet. She rarely kept most medicine in there, but a particular type of medicine was at home there. It's not like she had to use it often either, or much at all, but she knew anything and everything was handy to have around.

    And how handy it had come to be indeed. Rubbing her forehead as she downed the prescribed dosage, she put the medicine back up and returned to her room. It helped her feel a bit better, but she'd still suffer for her mistake for the rest of the day. But that was just as well. Plopping back on the bed, she looked off in the distance before turning to Forge. For a second, she wasn't if she should wake him or not, but he did have school. Crawling over to him, she looked him over carefully before leaning in. "Forge? It's time to wake up." Her voice was soft and quiet, barely above a whisper and she gently nudged him.

  • ( I just had a particular thought... 'Real' Forge basically sees everything Forge sees, and so he tries to disappear when things get lovey dovey? So... When Forge has sex or there are some ecchi scenes, does he just hang around and enjoy them? x'D; )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Indeed. 'Real' Forge is trying his damnedest to separate these two. Talk about fighting a losing battle XD)
As Forge and his counterpart continued to argue, the sun was almost completely over the horizon. "Good god, I don't know why I even try! You are fucking pathetic!" "Why are you trying so hard to make me not love Miss Chtuhilin?" "Because, she got you into Shibusen! That's why! Her role is over! Now dump her ass and move on!" Forge paused at this, "What? What are you saying?" 'Real' Forge's eyes widened; he realized he'd said too much. "Fuck, just forget it. Go enjoy your stupid woman."They then heard Freya's voice echo in the room; 'Real' Forge then said, "Well, go on. She's waitin' for ya. Now get outta here." And with that, Forge was ejected back to reality.

Forge's eyes slowly opened; his vision seemed to be a bit darker than usual. He put a hand to his face and realized that he was still wearing those strange eye coverings. "Guess I forgot to take them off" Forge said softly as he sat up; the moment he did take them off, the bright sunlight assaulted his corneas. He winced a bit, looking away from the window to let his eyes adjust. "Guess I shouldn't wear these for very long." He then turned to see Freya looking at him; she definitely seemed to be a bit brighter than before. The images that played in that strange, metal room had Forge a bit on edge; why would Freya keep that a secret? Was it because of something he did? When he saw what he perceived to be himself, he couldn't believe it. Forge didn't sound like....Forge. He sounded closer to something like ''Real' Forge.

He took a deep breath; he could feel that this question was going to be a tough one to ask, but it was one that needed to be asked. "Miss Chtuhilin, I had a strange.....I don't what to call it. Vision? Dream? It was back to when I awoke at Doctor Hoffsteader's place. That man, with the big hammer, I want to know.......was I the one that killed him?" He wanted to see if Freya would verify whether or not 'Real' Forge was lying to him.

(Haha, yep. 'Real' Forge hates all 'that romantic crap', as he would put it. He's more a 'Wham, bam, thank you ma'am' type. However, that doesn't mean he won't watch a good hot steamy sex scene or a scene like Risa and Arisa were doing to Forge.)
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

  • Relief washed over her when Forge awoke, and a small grin tugged at her lips when he turned away from the Sun assaulting his eyes. She got off the bed and went to the window, turning her blinds the other way to dim the light. "Better?" Returning to the bed, she opted to sit on the edge beside him. Considering she'd have to get up and start breakfast soon and get ready for work, it was probably best that she didn't go scooting around on the bed so comfortably anyway.

    As Forge spoke up, she leaned in and tilted her head before gasping softly and leaning away, mild surprise on her face. Sighing as she closed her eyes, she dropped her head slightly. Sometimes, she really wondered what was going on his head. Before, she wasn't sure how she'd explain something like this to him, but maybe it was for the best that he asked now. Opening her eyes to look down at him, she got more comfortable, frowning and looking away before returning her attention to him.

    Folding her hands in her lap, she gave him a calm, even look. "Forge, when you woke up, you were so sweet and... Innocent, I suppose. You still are. But what happened... Isn't the first time. Back then, when he knocked you into the wall, I assume you blacked out. I didn't know what happened, but then you came up from the rubble, but you were different. You were... Brutal and just not like yourself. And you did kill that man. It happened just last time too." Sighing as she finished up, she looked down at her hands with a concerned frown.

    Taking a moment, she shook her head before looking... Perplexed, perhaps. "I didn't want to tell you before, because I didn't want you to feel hurt or traumatized or react badly. But maybe I should have said something. I told myself I was trying to protect you, but maybe it isn't my place to decide what would and wouldn't be protecting you if it's in regards to your own life." Looking forlorn, she wrung her hands before pulling them apart and out of her lap, letting them rest on other side of her. "I'm sorry, Forge."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge listened as Freya recounted what happened; it matched exactly with what 'Real' Forge had shown him. So he did kill the man who tried to hurt Freya. At first he felt a bit hurt that she kept such a vital piece of information from; however, when she explained her reason for doing so, his hurt went away and was replaced with happiness. That she cared that much about him convinced Forge Freya was the one for him.

Besides, he wasn't exactly innocent from keeping a secret either; he still hadn't told her that some strange being was present in his mind. Though that was due to 'Real' Forge threatening to kill her; that was a risk he would not allow himself to take. At least not until he could guarantee her safety, then he'd gladly tell her anything. However, that day would have to wait. 'Real' Forge, in Forge's eyes, was far too great of a threat. "And if you tell anyone else about me, I'll kill that bitch Freya. So keep your mouth shut about me." 'Real' Forge threatened at that moment. Great, now he couldn't even tell the people who might have been able to help him.

Smiling as she apologized, Forge embraced Freya, his muscled arms wrapped around her like a protective shield, "Miss Chtuhilin, you need not apologize. In truth, I probably wouldn't have believed you. The fact that you cared so much for my sake, it means a lot to me. Thank you." He then pulled back and looked down at her square in the eyes with his large hands resting on her shoulders, "I know I've said this already, but you're the best thing that's happened to me in the past three days I've been here."

'Real' Forge then decided to make gagging sounds before saying, "Oh....oh god, gag me with a motherfucking spoon. Oh, this...this is just painful, too painful to watch. And I thought I was the master of torture. This is just unfair, oh god. If you'll excuse me, I think I need to go ahead and vomit to death. Dear god, that was just the worst."
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