Rise of the Demon Forge: A Hidden Danger? (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(WOO! 11 pages! We're doin' good! Lol, I know, I know, pretty bad being excited about this :p)

Soul nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be" before taking Maka's hand into his own. His body then started glowing before rapidly into a gigantic scythe. Forge noticed several features about this scythe; what looked like a giant eye rested at the part where the blade and staff connected, with its perimeter framed in gold. There were also three zig-zag red lines atthe end of the very sharp blade. Forge gulped nervously; this thing looked like it could easily cut him in two. "Quit blubbering, you big pussy! "Can I help it if I'm nervous? Or scared?" "Yes, but you just choose not to."

Once Forge calmed down a bit, he finally said, "So that's what you look like, Soul. I wonder if I can do that." "Don't even think about it 'Real' Forge warned him; however Forge chose to ignore once more. Maybe if he focused on doing to his body what he did to his hand earlier today, he could achieve the same result. Doing that, he felt his skin harden, but then he felt his whole body contort into a grotesque series of shapes; pain then shot through every inch of his body before painful metal spikes erupted all over him, dripping blood. He couldn't even cry out in pain; his whole body was frozen stiff, as the pain continued to course through him, intensifying with every passing second. "Forge!" Soul yelled in his Weapon form, before asking "Maka, what the hell just happened?" Most everyone else just stood there frozen, not really sure what to do.

"What did I tell you, idiot? Your body wasn't designed for a full-fledged Transformation, that's why I said not to" "I'm sorry, I thought you were just trying to confuse me again" "Yeah well maybe next time you'll listen. Now hold still and calm down." As Forge's breathing slowed, the metal spikes slowly retracted one by one; almost like his body was repairing itself.

(Hehehe, well, guess Forge can't do a full Weapon Transform, huh?)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Yaya! Haha, I didn't even realize we hit eleven pages until I saw your comment and looked at the pg. number. )

  • Giving Forge a cool smile, Maka hefted Soul to lean him against her shoulder, nodding at the much taller male. Soul was quite impressive, and she was glad that Forge was interested so far. Although when he mentioned doing it too, a bad feeling shot through her, earlier thoughts and doubts quickly swirling about her mind. From they'd seen and understood so far, maybe that wasn't such a great idea. But Forge was trying it before any of them could protest otherwise - not that she was sure if anyone else would have protested as much.

    Wincing with terror etching itself across her face slowly, Maka cringed. She felt terrible for Forge. It was worse than she could have possibly imagined. "My doubts being confirmed..." Whispering under her breath to Soul, she watched as Forge somehow... Started fixing himself up. She'd give him a moment to retract those spikes before approaching and checking on him. If it shocked everyone, she could only guess how Forge felt and what his own internal reaction could be. It was a shame really, but considering how his abilities worked, he was also quite fortunate. Well, aside from this one situation.

    Taking a small step forward, Maka tilted her head forward slightly as she watched Forge with a concerned gaze. "Forge... Are you alright?"
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

As the spikes continued to retract, Forge felt the pain in his body lessen. "Ah! Oo! Ngh! Can't you do this a bit faster, please?" Forge asked 'Real' Forge, who simply replied, "I could, but you need to learn that when I say don't do something, it's a bad idea." "I thought I was just your 'vessel' or whatever you called it, so why did you tell me not to? If I'm not important to you, why bother at all?" "It's like I said, kid. Your well-being is critical to my survival, so I have to give something of a damn about you. But don't mistake this as being friends, we're just partners. That's it."

As the final spike retracted, Forge collapsed to his knees, breathing hard; there was a small, semi-dried puddle of blood around him. He heard Maka ask if he was alright; in truth he wasn't, but he said simply "I'll be alright. Sorry about the mess. Guess we know not to do that again." He then gave a weak chuckle after this; Black Star just rolled his eyes, shook his head and grumbled fairly audibly, "Oh brother, give me a break".
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do with Freya. Since Blair is getting a stalker character, I won't give her one of those, but I don't know if I should throw in some guy who's a bit of a home-wrecker or what... )

  • Watching him collapse before them, Maka took a few quick strides forward and knelt beside him, looking him over carefully. She wouldn't lie and think that he looked well enough given what just happened, but he did seem to be able to keep up some semblance of tolerating the pain very well. "That's right. But it doesn't matter, we have plenty of other things to focus on. Lets take a break to let you recover. We'll go over what we should discuss with you first..." Trailing off, Maka gave him an earnest smile, not bothering to give him a pat or anything considering his condition, and headed off to a different side of the room.

    Releasing Soul, she let him leave his scythe state and clasped her chin contemplatively, obviously becoming lost in thought. It wasn't like it just hurt him to try, but his body had actually rejected that process. Clearly, there was a lot different from Forge and other Demon Weapons. She had known a case or two of weapons being able to wield themselves, but she couldn't remember if that's because they only partially transformed or not. The information would have been incredibly handy about now, but then again... If they still had no one to turn to for actual answers, then the information was of little relevance as well.

    More importantly, they needed to change up their lesson plan now. Helping Forge find out what he could make and how to ensure he didn't hurt himself further was key in her mind. But Forge most likely only knew as much as they did, and that's where the hard part came in.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(I don't see what's wrong with giving Freya a stalker. Though perhaps, and this is just my idea, perhaps there is someone who pretends like he's a man in distress, but in truth, he's just a lazy bum who flatters people with compliments just to get him whatever he wants. Not to mention a lazy pig, lol)

Soul transformed back into his human form, looking at Forge still hunched over, then back at Maka. "So, what do you think we should do now? He obviously can't perform a full-fledged Weapon Transformation, so that's out of the question. Wish this guy came with an instruction manual, man, that would speed things up so much." It wasn't that Soul hated helping someone learn more about themselves, but to work with practically no background knowledge at all seemed like such a huge hassle.

"Then he's useless." they heard Black Star say as he walked towards the pair, "If he's going to hurt himself trying to assume his Weapon form, then what good is he?" Soul just muttered "Here we go again".

Kid then piped up, "Black Star, did it ever occur to you that maybe the reason we're here is to help him discover what he can do? And that one goal might be to help him form Weapons without causing bodily injury?" Soul snickered, "He's got you there, Black Star."

Black Star then shot back, "Well, you can't just coddle him every time he gets a minor cut. He won't learn anything that way. All that'll do is make him weak and even more useless."

As Black Star and Kid continued to banter, Forge was trying to stand up; he felt unusually weak in the legs. After a short while, he finally managed to stand fully upright, though his breathing still felt somewhat labored. "Forge, are you alright? You looked like you sustained a serious injury there." he heard Shinigami ask him.

Forge just responded, "I'll be alright. I don't know what happened there: I tried to do what Soul did, and next thing I know I'm frozen solid. Guess we know not to try that again" Shinigami chuckled, "Well, good to see you're in high spirits. Are you alright to continue?" Forge nodded. Shinigami then asked, "I wonder, Forge. Can you wield other Weapons?" Forge just shook his head, "I'm sorry but I don't know, Shinigami-sama."

Shinigami then clapped his hands together, "Well, I would suggest we try it right away, but given what just happened, I feel it best we should wait." Forge responded softly, "If it's acceptable by you, Shinigami-sama, I would like to try." Spirit then spoke, "Forge, are you sure? Your body just reacted in a very uncharacteristic manner, even for Demon Weapons. I think you should rest a bit more first." Forge smiled and responded, "I appreciate the concern, Spirit, sir, but I think I'll be OK."

Spirit then walked over and gently tapped Maka's shoulder, "Maka, darling, would it be alright if we borrowed Soul for a few minutes? Forge wants to see if he can wield another Demon Weapon."
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, well if Freya came across someone like that, she'd probably be incredibly exasperated with him, incredibly fast. )

  • Hearing Soul talk to her, Maka pulled herself from her thoughts and turned to glance at him, hand falling from her chin for a second before returning to it. "Well, we just focus on what he can do. We know there is a variety of weapons he can form with his body, so we just have him try out other weapons similar to what he's made so far." It seemed like the safest route to her. Trying to have him create weapons the complete opposite of what he had proven capable of making so far wouldn't be of much use, but if they kept to what he could somewhat, they could at least see if the process got too strenuous for his body and have him stop and try something else.

    Of course, Maka didn't even try to butt in once Black Star spoke up, and she merely rolled her eyes and sighed, simply hoping that another argument wouldn't break out. They didn't have time to be bickering with each other. She turned her attention back to Forge as he stood up, looking over him carefully but feeling somewhat relieved and reassured that he was looking better - if just a tiny bit - and able to continue on to some extent. She certainly wouldn't let him push himself just because he wanted to though.

    Looking up to her father as he tapped her, she gave him a shifty, glaring pout from the corner of her but nodded. Soul would be perfect for him to try with. And maybe it could help Forge familiarize himself with a scythe more. That was always an interesting way to go... She'd have to keep that line of thought in mind. Turning to Soul, she gave a small nudge and a smile. "Lets see how you two do together."
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Lol ,yeah she would. But that was just my two cents)
Soul grinned and nodded, "This should definitely be interesting." He saw Spirit sweat-drop as his own daughter glared at him; Soul thought Maka should forgive the man, but that wasn't his place to say. And besides, trying to convince her would be too much trouble. He then made his over to Forge, saying calmly, "Well, big guy, you ready?" Forge nodded in response, "As much as I'll ever be."

Soul then held his hand out; Forge however just stood there, uncertain as to what to do. Soul chuckled, "Don't worry, Forge. My teeth may be sharp, but I won't bite." "Hard, hehe" he continued in thought. Forge reluctantly put his hand in Soul's; the reaction was almost instantaneous. Soul transformed into his Death Scythe form; though that was it, nothing truly remarkable happened. Forge looked up and down the length of Soul's Weapon Form, obviously impressed with his design. "Now what?" Forge asked after about five minutes of examining Soul.

"Ah, man. I thought something cool would happen" he heard Soul say in his head; this Forge jump in surprise and drop him. This made Soul shift back, "Oi, what the heck?" Forge just rubbed the back of his head meekly, "Sorry, I didn't expect you to talk while you were like that." Soul just stood back up and said, "No problem. Let's try it again." They grabbed each other's hands once more, Soul assuming his Scythe form.

"It feels so weird, not like Maka's wavelength at all."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, your wavelength is pretty unusual. It's all distorted and out of pitch, like a badly tuned piano. Not that it's any fault of yours. I can see what Maka meant when she saw a giant blob of static as your soul."

"What? So Maka can see souls too?"

"Yeah. I take it you can also."

"Yes. Question, does everyone have this ability?"

"No. People can sense souls, but not everyone can see them. And even then, people have varying levels of perception. That's about all I know, ask Maka if you have any more questions."

"So, when you say people can 'sense' souls, does that mean you can detect them differently?"

"Indeed. Where Maka sees them with her eyes, I can hear them as musical notes. Which is why I said your wavelength sounded distorted and out of pitch."

"I see. If it's alright with you, Soul, I want to see if I can this Weapon."

"You mean a Scythe?"

"Is that what it's called? Yes, I want to see if I can make a Scythe."

"Alright. Just don't hurt yourself." Soul said as he transformed back into his human form. forge was going to try making a scythe, but froze. The only things he remembered making were one-handed weapons, the 'gun' and a gauntlet. "Now how am I going to pull this off?" Forge asked himself.
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Unable to resist chuckling at the scene before her, Maka turned around slightly, trying to muffle her laughter with her hand. She did pity Soul for being dropped, but it was too amusing not to laugh a little. Forge had every right to be surprised too. Nonetheless, they went through the motions once more and without any dropping. Maka had been expectant of either nothing or something extravagant to happen, and she had a few reasons she suspected as much. But really, here data wouldn't mean anything until she saw the girls also transform with Forge.

    As soon as Soul transformed back, she stepped over to his side casually, though kept watch of Forge. She had a guess about what he was trying, and she couldn't say that she was surprised or that she blamed him. Being able to make a scythe would be impressive for him - and trying and especially succeeding to do so would technically mean a lot in regards to what he could figure out of himself and his ability. Tilting her head, maka considered a few things before speaking up in a low voice, clearly somewhat distracted by her thoughts but wanting to share them with their student. "Forge, maybe you should try altering how you think of making and wielding the weapon. A scythe doesn't necessarily have to be used with two hands, and maybe how you make it doesn't need to be so strict." Then again, even trying to change up how he tried to make the scythe work wouldn't change much.

    Fortunately, a scythe was a lot like a gun. It had significantly better performance when used with two hands - and generally meant to be for safety measures - but using just one hand wasn't impossible. However, if Maka had known that Forge had one point created a sledgehammer, even if he wasn't himself at the time, she would have suggested that he try it that way. But now, all she could think was that maybe, the handle was the tricky part and that's where he needed to get creative. Then again, maybe it was just impossible for him to make a scythe. It would still bare some use as far as information went if he wasn't able to.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

Forge nodded as Maka suggested a way to make the scythe; maybe if he broke it up into pieces, and formed it that way it would work out. From there, he would learn how to form the scythe in one fluid motion. "Maka, if it's not too much trouble, could you please wield Soul in his Weapon form? Just so I can observe his form and shape it in my head?"

Soul chuckled and looked at Maka, "Well, Professor, ready to become the world's first Scythe model?" he joked as he held out his hand, waiting for Maka to take it.

Kid and Black Star had long since stopped arguing, watching Forge wield Soul. Black star then broke their uneasy silence, "OK, so all this guy's done so far is make a bunch of spikes pop out out of him and wield Soul. Yeah, he's such a special case." Kid didn't even bother; with any luck, Forge would make the scythe and show Black Star just what it was that made Forge unique.
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Smirking and shrugging her shoulders casually, Maka glanced at Soul before turning her attention back to Forge. "Sure, no problem." It would probably be a great help if he could observe a scythe better, both having it in his hands and from a different perspective. "Heh, very funny. Of course I am." She grinned at Soul, taking his hand and ensuring she held him in a way that Forge would be able to assess him well. It'd be kind of pointless for him to look Soul over again, if he couldn't get the details figured out, after all.

    Peeking over her shoulder at Black Star, Maka smirked cheekily, more amused than bothered by him anymore. He was such a child sometimes. "Ahh, don't be like that Black Star, that's not what makes him a special case anyway. Besides, can you make a bunch of spikes pop out of your body?" She gently teased her friend, giving him a coy smile. His impatience was understandable, considering how slow their progress was. But you couldn't rush hard work. But at least he and Kid weren't engaging each other anymore. Then her patience would run out. And Forge would get to have a free demonstration on how a scythe was wielded; guess who she would volunteer to be deomstrate with her if they had started arguing again.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

"No, because that's a useless 'talent' and I obviously don't the means to perform. Not that I want to." Of course, even Black Star would be lying if he said he wasn't the smallest bit intrigued as to how Forge could have formed those metal spikes in the first place.

As Soul transformed into his Weapon form and was wielded by Maka, Forge looked over the Weapon. The first thing he'd do is try to form the shaft of the Weapon, since that seemed the most straightforward. Focusing on that, he imagined the shaft of his Weapon to be in his hand. Sure enough, the shaft of the Weapon formed painlessly, making it look like he had formed a metal quarter-staff. "OK, now the curved blade" Forge said as shifted to hold the shaft like Maka did, so that he could have a mirror-image to work with.

Now Black Star was interested, "Wait, how did he do that? Where'd that staff come from?" Kid snickered and replied, "Told you it was different." "Well, how the heck was I supposed to know he could do that?" "Because we told you, Black Star." "Well, you didn't say they actually came out of his body!"

"Good god, you take forever!" 'Real' Forge shouted; it felt like hours had passed since his vessel tried to form the scythe. In truth it had only been a few minutes. Forge then responded, "I'm trying to concentrate, please be quiet." "Ugh, you're thinking about it too much. Here, I'll give you this one for free: Just do it like you did with the gauntlet and gun. Imagine it being there and will it into existence. Your body will do the rest." "Really? It's that simple?" "Well duh, moron. You wouldn't exactly be combat-capable if you had to manually construct each weapon. But ignore the various extras on that Weapon's form; your body can't construct those. Like that eye thing, man that creeps me out. Looks like its staring at you." "Why? What will happen?" "It'll be the full Transform all over again. Just imagine its shape and your body will do the rest. But before you do, retract the shaft first." "Thanks! "Don't get all mushy-gushy! I don't want you bawling from pain, it's annoying."

After retracting the shaft of the incomplete scythe back into his body, he focused and tried to imagine a plain scythe being in his hand. He then willed it into existence; sure enough it formed in full shape. Though there were several noticeable differences between Soul's Scythe form and Forge's scythe: Unlike Soul, Forge's scythe was fairly bland, possessing no ornate markings or special designs. It only possessed a jet-black coloration along its entire surface. But it definitely looked sharp, though the blade had a slightly lesser degree of curvature than Soul's. Forge smiled at his accomplishment, proud that he was able to make a scythe. "So, Maka, how'd I do?" he asked, wanting to see what she thought.
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Sorry about that. There was an anime convention over the weekend and we got busy with it and some minor problems. )

  • Maka snorted, trying to hold down a chuckle. Black Star said talent as if it was something Forge meant to do to show off. Sometimes she really wondered about him, but she would spare him any further teasing. For now, anyway. "It doesn't look enjoyable for anyone to do." She gave him a smile and a slight cant of the head, pointing out the facts. Clearly, Forge didn't have the tools to perform what he truly meant, and she doubted he actually had the 'tools' to simply force forth a number of spikes.

    Hearing Kid and Black Star quip back and forth, she sighed and shook her head. True they probably could have pointed out before to Black Star some extent of Forge's powers, but it was better for him to simply see it himself. She was certain that even he was fairly impressed by Forge up to this point, but she knew he wouldn't say anything about it or admit it. And she wouldn't push him to. As long as it made him a little more willing to help them teach Forge, she was content. Finally turning her complete attention back to Forge, she watched him complete his scythe.

    She let Soul transform back, crossing an arm across her chest and resting the other elbow over it, cupping her chin with her hand. She wore a pleased smirk and strode forwardly slow and purposeful, looking over the scythe and she nodded her head and finally looked up at Forge to give him a smile. "You did great. That's excellent work, Forge. How does it feel to have made it?" She was sure he was pleased. She would have been. More than anything, she was glad for him. it was a process, but he was learning. And it would do a lot for him.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(That's alright. I've wanted to go to an anime convention for some time now, but sadly there aren't many where I live, and the ones that do happen are when I have school :( Hopefully you had fun and everything worked out)

Forge just smiled; he was glad she approved. More than anything, Forge wanted to prove he could be just like the other students that went to this school. "It feels great, like I'm so much closer to unlocking the true potential of my ability." Black Star couldn't help but groan at how stupid and cheesy that sounded, "OK, so the guy can make a scythe, big whoop. Guarantee you he's no match against me with it." Black Star said in his usual air of confidence. Kid just kept his mouth shut; it was no use trying to persuade Black Star to ease up on Forge.

However, Kid then realized that Forge had another Weapon he could make. "Forge, make the gauntlet you did yesterday" he said; Forge nodded in response and in no time at all, the thick metal glove returned. His hands looked like they were encased in solid iron, except for the fact that he could move his fingers. "Now try to make a second one" Kid continued, and Forge froze. Could he make two weapons at the same time? Well, he was here to find out. He focused on his empty left hand, and sure enough, the gauntlet formed. "Whoa" he said as he looked over the heavy metal weapons.

Kid nodded in thought, "So he can form multiple Weapons." He then turned to Maka, "So, Maka, any ideas on how we should proceed?"

Back at Chupacabra, Boss had everyone gathered around. "OK girls, unfortunately, something rather unfortunate has come up. My dear ma's in the hospital, so I have to leave. I'm leaving for Tennessee in a few hours, so here's what I ask of you all: I need you all to run the club while I'm gone. Not that you don't do it well enough already, but you'll have a few more responsibilities. Nothing major, just things that help keep Chupacabra running smoothly.

"And don't worry, you'll all still be getting be getting paid. Talk to the bartender, as I've left him in charge of the cash flow in this joint. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll try to come back as soon as I can. And listen you four, take it easy on Forge, would ya? I know you all find him cute, but he's our bouncer, so don't cause him too much trouble." He directed this comment mostly at Risa and Arisa, but included Freya and Blair just to be absolutely clear.
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • [ Guhh, sorry I wasn't on for a while. I've been having to drive around two people and have been kinda out of it with the heat. vuv; (So weak, I know, lol.) But I'm going to be managing my time better (and adjusting to the weather!) so hopefully within this week, I shall be on more frequently, etc. ]

  • This was where things started to go south. Maka was sure that was not a good idea, and either Forge, Black Star or both were going to end up hurt. She knew it'd be inevitable at some point, but she didn't anticipate Black Star being this impatient and hot-headed. She should have known. Well, Kid saved them a minor - or patientially major... - scuffle at least. Thank goodness for Kid and his ever quick thinking. And fortunately, nothing more was said from Black Star. For now anyway.

    Smiling in relief as she turned slightly to face Kid, she shrugged a little and furrowed a brow. "Well, we have seen him adjust to form different and multiple weapons, but usage will definitely make a huge difference. To me, it seems like Forge is able to pick up well on how to make a weapon if he studies it a little and has some familiarity with it. But a better question is if use with the weapon comes that easily to him. After all, regardless of what he can make, it'll be of no use to him if he can't wield it well." Of course, power and such of the weapon accounted into that as well, but again, how to use it... And after all, even a weak weapon could become quite formidable when in the right hands.

  • Gathering around Boss, the girls all looked curious and lost, wondering what was going on for such an announcement. They didn't really have anything like this occur, so there was some level of worry and a lot of curiosity between them all. However, the news was fairly depressing. There were sentiments to Boss, hoping his mother would be better and of course the girls telling him that he'd be missed in the mean time. It would certainly be odd not to have him around. They could manage though.

    His closing comment regarding Forge reared some interesting - and expected - reactions. Arisa and Risa looked bemused and already like they were plotting, while Blair just looked more mischievious than usual but just as amiable. Freya on the otherhand blushed and smiled in an odd fashion, trying not to laugh nervously. In a case like this, was she as guilty as Arisa and Risa? It's not like she hit on Forge in public or teased him like the other girls. But she too was swayed by him and... Well, anyway, entirely different situations. "Yes sir, Boss."

    "You can count on us."

    "Blair-chan will be good while you're away~!"


    The other girls turned to look at Freya, faces surprised, before she jumped and let out a string of tense, awkward laughter. "Oh! Of course! I'll take care of it!"

    "...Sometimes I wonder about who is the worst of us..."

    "She is kinda suspicious at times, huh?"

  • ( Oh! And I'll get a PM together with some ideas for a second RP and what not. Erm, well, if you're still okay with a second. I don't know if it'll be too much or okay since you have two other RPs now. x'D; But just tell me whenever you're interested and feel comfortable. )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Ah, don't sweat it. The break has given me plenty of time to plot *grins evilly* You have my condolences on the weather, I personally can't stand the heat. But anyway, don't worry about absences. RL comes first, and taking a break IMHO leads to better RP material in the long run. And I think I smell trouble for Forge at Chupacabra, lol)

Kid nodded, "Indeed, familiarity with a Weapon is an important factor. However, I think that once we discover the extent of Forge's abilities, we can move on to actual Weapons training, get him used to using Weapons in combat. Of course, to train him in every Weapon form he could possibly make would be prohibitively time-consuming. However, we can at least get him comfortable with several Weapon forms, then he can learn the rest on his own." Kid then rubbed the spot between his eyes, "With a normal Weapon, it's easy to instruct them. This, however, has a surprising number of variables. Can't say it isn't enjoyable, though." Black Star decided on a well-timed interjection, "Speak for yourself. If we're not going to fight, can I just go? I have missions I need to do."

Shinigami started to say something, but Kid cut him off politely, "Father, if Black Star wishes to leave, I think we should let him. He's seen what Forge can do, and for the moment, that's all that matters." "FINALLY." Black Star breathed out, but Kid added, "However, once we do get into combat training, I expect you to be here." Black Star couldn't help but crack his knuckles, "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss that for the world! Come on, Tsubaki! We have souls to collect!"

As Black Star left the room, Shinigami asked his son, "Are you sure that was wise, son?" Kid nodded, "I wanted Black Star here today to see that Forge was a special case, and it worked. I could tell he was intrigued, much as he tried to hide it. And with him gone, the lessons will go a bit more smoothly." Of course, with Black Star gone, Kid couldn't see what Tsubaki's reaction with Forge might be. But that was something they could leave for another time. Kid then realized something; after a quick headcount, with Black Star gone, the number of people in the room was eight! He could help but smile, "Ah, yes, such a lovely number." he said.

He then looked up at Forge, "So, Forge, was there anything else you wanted to try and make?" Forge responded, "What else is there?" Kid chuckled, "Many things, my friend. More than you could possibly imagine." He then looked back at Maka, "Well, Maka, looks like we'll be needing to make a trip to the library." Soul groaned, "Seriously?" "Kid smiled, "Yes, but it's almost time to go, so we'll save it for tomorrow. And I believe Forge has a job to get to. So off you go, Forge." Forge's eyes widened in realization, he had to get to Chupacabra and fast. "Goodbye, everyone! See you tomorrow!" he said as he ran out of the door.

Boss couldn't help but notice the myriad of reactions he was getting; Risa, Arisa and Blair were to be expected. They were always up to something. But Freya was.....out of it. Had she fallen for the bouncer? Nah, had to be superficial. The Freya Chtuhilin he knew wouldn't get bogged down in a relationship like that.

And yet, he still entertained the possibility. Like his pa told him when he was younger, 'Son, there's an ass for every seat and one day you'll find yours'. He still hadn't found his ass yet, but then again, he didn't really pay it any mind. He was surrounded by beautiful women all the time, and the manager of the most luxurious (and only) cabaret club in Death City. It was amazing how many people came here just to talk and drink, throwing away a good part of their earnings on such frivolities.

"Well then, I have to get home and finish packing. So, I'll see you around girls. Don't cause too much trouble now." Though he expected nothing short of chaos with those four; like he said, they were always up to something.

(Sorry for not giving Freya a lot of opportunity here. I'm trying to get her more involved in the story, and I have a few ideas, but they don't occur until some time later in the story. Speaking of ideas, I'll be sending a PM with an updated timeline. Also, feel free to send me a PM with your ideas on the mecha RP. I'm interested in seeing it.)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • ( Lol, uh oh. I feel bad for the characters if you were plotting. And I hate the heat. I enjoyed the weather today to a point, but it was sad when I felt like I had to shut everything off, haha. And sorry, I should be throwing Freya in more myself, but I have a hard time thinking of how to fit her in. But I'll get on top of it yet~! And speaking of on top, the girls have a lot planned for poor Forge today. x'D )

  • Conceding a point, and trusting in Kid's sense, Maka nodded with a smile. She figured he would have something figured out and they'd be able to help Forge along better, though how they would progress did leave her curious. Black Star's little interruption proved to be quite timely, but Maka could only smirk at him, looking amused and almost like an exasperated sibling. He was such a handful at times. She could understand his wanting to leave though. He'd seen what he needed to. And there wasn't any point in keeping him and furthering the chances of trouble at this point.

    Waving to Tsubaki as she smiled good-naturedly and in a fashion quite typical of her, Maka watched her head off after Black Star, not missing a beat of how prepared he looked for future practice. Fighting practice. She witheld a sigh, but just barely. Exasperated sibling, indeed. Once things returned to calmly once more, she turned to Kid, smiling and looking quite pleased. "Sounds good!" Of course, Soul didn't too excited, but she couldn't blame him. "You could probably use time at the library." She nudged him gently, chuckling behind a hand she pressed to her lips.

    At least Soul was spared of having to go to the library today. Well, unless she dragged him there - not that she planned to. Waving leisurely to Forge as he left, she smirked and mused over what a life he was leading. Attending Shibusen while working at Chupacabra. And being an amnesian and staying with a stranger. Albeit, a very helpful stranger. Maka wondered for a second how different things would be if perhaps Kid or even Black Star had been the one to stumble over Forge first. Would Kid have gotten stuck over symmetry and been much use? Well, maybe some things never changed...

  • Once more, a chorus of varied farewells rang out as Boss announced his departure and headed off. Freya mused about how it was a shame that Forge would just miss home, but they could fill him in at least. Her and the bartender that is. She wasn't sure if she trusted the other girls to help fill him in... She wasn't so unaware, after all. And now with Boss gone... Well, all hell could break loose. She had no doubt that two girls in particular were already prepared to make some trouble. Even watching them return to their customers now, she was sure there was something off. But better not to question it. Not until Forge arrive, anyway. They'd reveal themselves when he stepped through the doors. Of that she was certain.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Oh trust me, I have some good stuff planned. But don't worry, nothing too bad will happen to any of them (except Forge, and maybe Freya to a smaller degree). And now I worry for Forge (in a good way), those girls are quite the devious little things!)

As Forge made his way to Chupacabra, a lot of things were going through his head, from Miya and her friends laughing at his misunderstanding of the term 'four-way' to Kid's mention of having to form a lot of weapons. He paused for a moment to look over himself; he wondered just how he came to possess this ability. 'Real' Forge had mentioned a 'she' earlier, he wondered who this 'she' was. Then he remembered: 'Of all the humans she had to put me with, she had to stick me with you'.

"Forget it, kid. I ain't telling you shit." he then heard 'Real' Forge say to him; Forge just responded, "Why not? It could valuable information as to who I was." 'Real' Forge just shot back, "I said forget it. You want THAT info, you'll have to find it yourself." With that, 'Real' Forge retreated back into the dark recesses of Forge's psyche.

And now with nothing else to ponder except for how Freya was doing, he made his way to Chupacabra. Arriving on scene in a matter of minutes, he went in and said, "Hey, Boss, sorry I'm late, lessons went......" but cut off as he saw Boss nowhere at all. "Boss?" he said in a confused tone, wondering where he might have gone.
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • As everyone slowly returned to work, it didn't take long for Forge to arrive. For the sake of everything peaceful and wholesome, nothing serious or silly broke out, and no one had sprung over to his side. Well, except Freya. Who was beside him in seconds. But perhaps that's why none of the other girls did jump him. Well, why Arisa and Risa didn't. But whether or not they had actually considered it would never be found out. Clutching his arm right as she reached his side, Freya pouted and gave the girls solid stares, not that any of them even turned their direction. But again, probably for good reason...

    Not even turning from eyeing the other girls, Freya pressed closer to Forge and greeted him without skipping a beat. "Welcome back, Forge. Boss had to leave early. He'll be out of town for a little while, I'm sorry that you missed him." Thinking that she'd seen Arisa and Risa start to face them, Freya quickly shot them icy glares and whatever they were planning to say or do died right then and there. For the moment, Freya was sure. Finally looking up to the bouncer, Freya gave him an exuberant smile and patted his arm. "But don't worry, things will pretty much be like normal." Which may or may not have been a good thing.

    Slowly walking over to her area - and lack of customers, some of which were preparing to head out for the day actually, she gave Forge a look from over her shoulder and waved. "You just relax and do your job. We'll tell Boss what a great job you do when he gets back." Freya was greeted by her enamored customers when she returned to her side of the club and wasted no time in returning the warm welcome.

    With her somewhat out of the way however, Risa and Arisa felt comfortable to move in. They did want to tease Forge a bit, and definitely pick on their co-worker, but they didn't want to get laid into for trying to have fun. Getting scolded was inevitable, but better not to have their heads bitten off before they actually got to the fun. As they said their byes to their customers, walking them to the door, they stopped where Forge was, effectively abandoning their customers and remaining by his side, but waving and smiling just as perky.

    Turning to face him as every last patron left, the two both attached themselves to one of his arms before slowly trying to guide him to a room in the back. "Well, if it isn't Forge. It's about time you got here."

    "Too bad you missed Boss, but at least we have something nice to give you."

    "Since this is a private matter, we'll just go back here."

    "Don't want to cause a commotion, after all."

    Now that they had their prey, might as well play the game.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Oh, man. Now I'm really nervous for Forge. I wonder what those two little vixens are scheming, lol)

Forge started a bit when Freya practically materialized next to him; sometimes her speed amazed him. "Boss is out of town? I wonder what made him do that?" Forge wondered to himself. As Freya went to go sit and talk with her usual gaggle of customers, Forge just watched over Chupacabra, keeping an eye out for any trouble that sprout up, as was his duty.

The day passed by pretty quickly; many of the clients were leaving fairly early. Forge didn't pay this any mind, as none of them caused trouble. "Hmmm, no trouble today. That's pretty good." "Well, no shit, Goliath. It's pretty easy for people to be civil when they have a six-foot-plus, heavily-muscled gorilla keeping an eye. Damn it, why do you have to be so big? No one wants to cause trouble when you're around." Forge just ignored him; he was getting better and better at learning when to respond to his inner voice. Still, he was curious as to the meanings of the things it said sometimes. But it seemed less than willing to want to help him understand, so he'd ask Freya when he had a free moment, which looked to be now.

However, his plans would come to a halt, as Risa and Arisa soon latched themselves to his sides. "Something nice? What is it?" Forge asked naively as they led him somewhere. 'Real' Forge chuckled as he envisioned what was possibly going to happen, "Don't resist, idiot. They're gonna treat you real good." "Really? What are they going to do?" Another chuckle, and then "Oh, I think it's one of those things you have to experience for yourself. But trust me, you'll love it."
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • The two witches grinned in a saccharine manner, a painfully obvious attempt to cover up how mischievious they planned on being. They didn't say much at first, pondering ways to run around his question and guide him to their web without getting in trouble or being suspicious. It was easy work with someone like Forge though.

    "Well if we tell you, it'd ruin the surprise."

    "You'll really love it though. It's a special treat we only even give to our best customers."

    Leading Forge into the backroom, the shut the door and gestured to a couch nearby, set up in a small seating area. "Why don't you get comfortable there Forge? We'll take care of the rest."

    "Just relax and sit back, and we'll show you the nice treat."

    Smiling mischieviously, their eyes glinted as they neared the couch, standing on either side and working out in their minds how to have their fun. And fast.

  • ( Wow, that is painfully short. ;A; But the posts will be longer again in the next one or two. ^u^; )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(lol, it's fine. Leaves more to the imagination)

Forge wasn't really sure what was going on as Risa and Arisa led him into the back room; however, so far it seemed alright enough to have no reaction. Still, it was killing him not knowing what was going on; he was in the dark on so many things, that more secrets just made him nervous and excited at the same time. "If you screw this up, I swear I'll fucking kill you. Just relax and let them do all the work. You'll be in the mile high club in no time." 'Real' Forge said to his vessel.

Forge just sat down on the couch that the ladies had pointed out; he could feel his nervousness and excitement growing with each passing minute. Having no experience in places like this made him wonder just what their surprise was; though if it was for their very best customers only, it must be a pretty great thing. "I'm glad you consider me on the same level as your very best customers" Forge said with a small smile, happy that he was becoming more accepted with each passing day.
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Sharing a nervous and wavering giggle between the two of them, they gave him stale smiles before plopping down beside him. It's not that he was technically on the same level of their customers, after all, they appreciated their customers but they only had more fun with the ones that were dedicated and, well... Easier to play with. Forge was just easy to tease and play with as well. Maybe it was the same level at a point. Then again, quite different circumsstances.

    Wrapping their arms around his once more, they leaned in and pressed their bodies against his. "Since we don't have anymore customers right now, we'll just take our time and have fun together."

    "No interruptions will make this a lot more fun."

    The two grinned at Forge deviously, their hands gliding up and down his arms as they spoke, though slowly began straying. Although they had kept their straying hands across his chest for a little while, mindlessly chattering away to distract him, they slowly wandered down to carress his thighs. "-And that's why hoste-cabaret clubs are important." Not that Arisa had actually explained anything. But it didn't matter. She and Risa would make sure that when they were done with Forge, he'd hardly remember anything. Well, except flashes of a darn good time.

    Finally gliding over his lap, their hands slipped inside his thighs, rubbing generously and slowly. "It feels great, doesn't it?" Risa squeezed herself closer to him, smiling deviously into Forge's face. She and Arisa chuckled impishly and smirked, leaning in further as one their hand reach toward his zipper. Both were so invested in teasing and having fun with the bouncer, neither noticed a slow and eeriie creaking from the door. Matter-of-fact, it was probably why they were so caught off guard in the next moment.

    All at once, the door slammed open and looming dangerously in the door stood Freya. And a very mischievious Blair a ways behind her, shooting Risa and Arisa very unsympathetic leers before scampering off. Risa and Arisa nearly jumped off out of their skins, attaching themselves to Forge and holding on for dear life. Freya hadn't said a word though, and the door slowly crept closed behind her. "What's all this now?"


    "When did-"

    "SHUSH UP!"

    All attempts at talking, excuses and reasoning ended right there. "What the hell do you two think you're doing..." Unsure if they were even supposed to answer, considering what just happened, they simply sat there, flustered for a second before batting their lashes and letting their hands draw back down to Forge's lap and rubbing him most inappropriately once more. "Having fun?" Their innocent tone didn't help them at all.


    "What? Did you mumble something?"

    "If you're saying something Freya-"

    "I'm going to murder you two!"

    Arisa and Risa shrieked mindlessly, eyes wide and terrified smiles on their faces. Needless to say, they were fairly unsettled. Especially since Freya was rushing the three of them. The two witches practically jumped off of Forge, standing back defensively and even more surprised when Freya practically fell on Forge. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders though, and her legs found themselves on either side of his lap, letting her press herself against him completely.

    "W-what are you-"

    "Get out!"


    "I said... GETOUT!"

    "Yes ma'am!"

    They didn't need to be told twice. And they didn't care much if she had wrapped herself around Forge. No longer could they underestimate her clearly. Once the door slammed behind them, Freya sighed flatly, looking exhuasted as her shoulders slumped. "Really, I just can't keep my eyes off them. Even more trouble since Boss is gone..." If Arisa and Risa had seen Freya's instantaneous recovery, they probably wouldn't have dashed out and realized she had put up a sufficient act, but if they felt concerned enough this time about her being a threat to their livelihood, maybe she could monitor them better in the future. And not just in regards to Forge.

    Quickly remembering herself and the position, Freya perked up, blushing and looking flustered as she looked up at Forge. "O-oh! I'm so sorry! Uh! I didn't mean-! Ahhh. A-are you okay?" Biting her lip gently and looking into his eyes sheepishly, laced with concern and worry, Freya unconsciously pressed herself against him once more, her arms sliding down his shoulders so her hands could rest on them.

  • ( I considered letting them go further, but I figured I'd let Freya take care of the rest, lol. )
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

(Hahaha, when I read your post, the first thing that came to mind was: BUSTED! lol)
After Risa and Arisa sat back down on either side of him, Forge could feel his body heat begin to rise; it was just like the previous night. Except they seemed to prolong the time it took for their hands to finally reach his well-cut thighs.

When they started rubbing the inside of his thighs so sensually, he could feel his phallus starting to get hard, creating a noticeable bulge in his jeans. As their rubbing continued, with one of the girl's reaching towards his zipper, the bulge grew in size; it was almost like the zipper was being pushed towards her hand, his member begging for release. Forge could only offer a weak nod when Risa asked if it felt good. "See? What'd I tell ya? Terrific, ain't it?" Is it supposed to feel this good? "Oh, kid, it's only going to get better. Trust me."

However, 'Real' Forge's mind would soon change when Freya practically busted down the door. "Grrrr........Stupid bitch. Figures SHE'D be the one to crash the party." Forge just froze, Risa and Arisa's hands continuing to rub him as they tried to sweet-talk their way out. 'Real' Forge couldn't help but notice the fire in her eyes, "Oh, she's feisty. Maybe she's not so bad after all." However, Forge's eyes widened in surprise when Freya bull-rushed them; his surprise and body heat grew when she threw herself on top of him, straddling the now softball-sized bulge in his jeans, which now pressed into her own groin rather firmly. 'Real' Forge just chuckled, "Oh, my. Maybe I was wrong about her. Seems like she doesn't know how to share, or maybe, doesn't want to."

When Freya asked if he was alright, Forge was taken aback at the lack of anger she directed at him. "Idiot, she's not mad at you. She just wants you to herself, the selfish little weasel. Hey, you should ask her if Risa and Arisa can come in and join the party." Somehow, Forge knew that would be a bad idea, so he ignored that and focused on the woman he loved that had pressed herself against him more firmly than ever. His eyes couldn't help but wander over the ample cleavage pressed against his broad chest, which only served to increase the size of the bulge in his pants that little bit more. He then looked into Freya's eyes as he responded meekly, "I...I'm fine, Miss Chtuhilin. My body, though, it feels....so warm. But it's a good kind of warm.....am I making sense?"

(lol @ 'Real' Forge, trying to get with as many women as possible)
RE: ch. O2 | Enter the DWMA

  • Needless to say, Freya was quite effected by the situation as well. Realizing that Forge's bulge was pressing against her had indeed aroused her, though aside from the lust and heat, she also felt uncertain and confused. Admittedly, she was torn about sharing Forge. She technically didn't mind, but she didn't want Arisa and Risa going around and just having fun with him to be messing with him. But there was also the fact that she did want him. But she didn't want to feel like she was taking advantage of him. His body didn't seem like it'd disagree with anything she would try though. But the body was a different matter than the mind and heart.

    As his eyes wandered, her's followed his and didn't miss the direction they went. Her own eyes looked away as her blush deepened on her face. She managed to bite back a gasp when his bulge grew, but she was looking just as meek as he sounded now. "O-okay. I'm glad. ..." Blinking and looking around, she slowly met his gaze and nodded. "Yeah. You are. Perfect sense..." More confusion. Pent-up arousal wasn't fun to deal with. But she didn't know if she'd be able to explain this all to him properly and feel comfortable doing what she was about to try. "Forge... I want to, um, make it better for you.." She slowly rocked her hips against his, meaning to emphasize that she'd take care of his hard on.

    Slowly standing up, she knelt before him and looked up at him shyly before averting her eyes quickly. "U-um, if you don't want me to do something or go any further, just say so." She unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans, swallowing thickly. Maybe she had bitten off more than she could chew, but she was intent on ensuring his pleasure. Besides, she didn't want him to have to walk out of the room or the club with a huge bulge in his pants. She could always tell him one of those "automatic arousal killer" things, but she felt like she owed it to him to give him something worthwhile.

    "I... haven't explained many specific things about sex, have I? Like blowjobs..." Her face practically heated up, and she still couldn't meet his gaze. But she did look intent, nonetheless. Her hans rested just inside his thighs, close to his bulge, and even her lips hovered tantalizingly close. Freya was uncertain of how much to say or explain, or if she even wanted to say or explain any of it before she did it. Licking her lips, she finally managed to look into his face and his eyes, a hint of a shy pout on her lips and still blushing madly. Well, whether or not she explained at all or whenever, she would indefinitely show him better than she would tell him.
RE: Soul Eater RP (Razgriz x HeartCatch)

As Freya's groin rocked against the bulge, Forge felt his own face flush furiously and jolts of pleasure shoot up his spine. He then let out a slow, low moan, telling Freya that he was indeed enjoying this. "Well, it only took two other women trying to fuck your brains out, but it looks like she's finally yours. Now order that bitch around, show her who's the boss." "I won't make Miss Chtuhilin do anything she doesn't want to." "Whatever, at least now you're finally getting some action. Took you long enough, moron." Forge's breathing became heavier as Freya continued to grind herself against him, increasing the amount of pleasure he felt.

As soon as Freya stood up, Forge was about to ask if everything was alright when Freya knelt down in front of him. At first he was wondering what she as going to do, when she told him to stop her if anything felt strange or unwanted. Well, in truth everything that was happening felt strange, but Forge felt like he wanted it, so he just nodded in understanding. When she unclasped and unzipped him, the raging hard-on he had was finally given some freedom; though it was still covered by the black boxers he wore underneath. From the size of the bulge, one would estimate its length at at least eleven inches. It twitched and throbbed with anticipation at what was to come, and a small wet spot from the precum he was leaking could be barely seen on the fabric at the front of the outline of the head.

Forge knew next to nothing about sex, which meant he lacked the understanding of the term 'blowjob'. He could feel Freya's breath against his erect member even through the fabric of his boxers. It was a weird moment for Forge, the woman he fell for with her head between his muscular thighs, while keeping her hands around his hard-on. "I'm not exactly sure what a 'blowjob' is, Miss Chtuhilin. But if it's with you, I don't mind at all." he said quietly
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