Late Night Moon/Finn

Lucius smirked a little his head tilted. "there is one major difference between you, and my other lovers Sirius black." he stated softly. "they came to me, but you, i had to come to you." he admitted stroking along the others cock panting softly. "you are an obsession, a NEED that i cannot simply fuck and be over with." he stated simply his eyes burning with some strange emotion. "you will never be rid of me Sirius."
Sirius looked away, closing his eyes again as another pleasure-filled moan escaped his lips. He wasn't sure he could believe the other's words, considering the hatred they used to have for each other, and which Sirius still felt. Though that was slowly starting to fade, a fact that made Sirius hate himself even more. "Why should I believe you, Lucius? You've done nothing to show you care."
Lucius chuckled a little. "did you not notice?" he asked softly thrusting into the other. "how all the pranks the Slytherins have been playing on you, stopped for almost two weeks now? Potter, Lupin, Pittegrew, they've all suffered, but you haven't." he pointed out. "i haven't mocked you, or scorned you for weeks, i haven't thrown dungbombs into your common room, i haven't spilled ink on your homework, i haven't added ingredients to your potions." ever statement was accented with a brush to the others prostate, panting softly. "i didn't care, not really, not until recently. i never knew that love and hate where such similar emotions."
Sirius grunted with each thrust Lucius made, trying hard to keep the image of Remus in his mind. "I want you to stop the pranks on my friends, or I'll make sure I'm never in a position that you can get me alone." He was serious about that, knowing it wasn't fair that he was left alone while his friends were still being targeted. "Do that for me, and I'll be yours."
Lucius snickered a little. "somehow i doubt that." he admitted thrusting into the other again panting softly against his neck. "but i will stop the attacks on your freinds the best i can. i only have a limited control you know, i can't stop them all." like the water bomb that had landed on Sirius's head the other day, people tended to slip through but Lucius was always good for his word. and if he promised that the Pranks would slow to one or two a month, if at all, he was good for his word.
Sirius nodded, reaching down to stroke himself as he felt himself get close. "I am getting close, Lucius..."
Lucius groaned softly, moving faster inside of the other panting against the others neck as he nibbled and sucked, not enough to leave a mark, but certainly enough to leave his scent all over Sirius for Lupin to smell. "mmm all mine." Lucius growled smirking to himself. "maybe not now, but you will be."

(i'm babysitting with a bad internet connection, so i'm sorry if i don't post for the next two or three days XP)
Sirius kept stroking himself, matching the speed of Lucius' thrusts. With a loud cry, he came all over his hand. With his other hand, he grabbed hold of Lucius' hair and pulled his head up for a kiss. "Only as long as you keep your word. If I find out you lied to me, Lucius, I will make sure this never happens again."
Lucius chuckled softly running his lips against the others neck, groaning as he arched, spilling into the others ass panting softly his nostrils flaring wide as he moaned at the pleasure, smirking a little at the other. "you got it." he whispered kissing Sirius gently gripping his jaw so that he couldn't pull away. "it will happen again." the blond purred smirking almost victoriously. "whether i keep my promises or not it will happen again." but Lucius malfoy had never broken a promise, because he never promised anything he could not for a fact accomplish. "have fun with Lupin Sirius." Lucius purred giving the others ass a firm smack before he headed out of the empty room to do his own thing.
Sirius remained in the classroom a few minutes longer after Lucius had left, getting his clothes from wherever they had ended up. Once he was dressed, he made his way back to the Gryffindor common room and went back to the secret room Remus had showed him the night before. It wasn't until he had closed the door to the room that he remembered that the werewolf was probably still asleep. Glancing toward the bed, he gave a heavy sigh before going back to the common room and curling up in an armchair.
Sorry about that! >< also i'm on a borrowed comp so i don't have Spell check and will have many spelling errors XP)

Remus was insead still sleeping, he always slept in on saterdays and got very annoyed and grouchy if he was woken for any reason other than an emergancy. as far as anyone knew the only person who had ever woken Remus safley had been Sirius. he moved into the common room after about ten minuts, yawning as he looked around for Sirius and smiledat him before frowning. " ok?"
Sirius was curled up in the armchair, his arms wrapped around himself. Thankfully, the common room was empty, as the rest of the students were out enjoying the nice day. He didn't hear Remus come in until he heard the werewolf speaking. Glancing up, he shook his head. "No... I was going to bring you some breakfast, but..." He trailed off, turning to stare into the fire. "He won't stop..." What made it worse was that Sirius wasn't even sure he wanted Lucius to stop, not that he was going to tell Moony that.
Remus blinked looking horrified and he moved before the words had a chance to enrage him, gathering Sirius into his arms and holding him close, gently kissing the others neck. "i'm sorry Sirius, i'm so sorry." he murmured gently nuzzling him, holding him, trying to comfort him. "i'm so sorry, i should have been there to protect you..."
Sirius let Remus hold him, wondering what was wrong with him that would have him enjoying the things that the Slytherin had done to him. "It's not your fault, Moony. Maybe it's mine. I don't know..."
Remus growled and gripped Sirius's chin gently and tapped his nose like he was a bad dog. "never ever say that! it is NEVER your fault!" he growled gently nuzzling Sirius again trying to comfort his Animagus freind. "it's not your fault, it is NEVER your fault!"
Sirius swatted at Remus' hand, glaring at him. "I know my Animagus form is that of a dog, but don't treat me like one." He sighed, closing his eyes and snuggling into his friend. "If it isn't my fault, then why do I keep letting him do that to me?"
Remus bit his lip and he gently kissed the others nose in way of apology sighing softly. "well..i suppose it's just your natural instincts coming through. you might be human but with your animagis form you also have that animal side of you...that side see's Lucius as a dominant Male, worthy of mating you, while your human side see's him as a git and a rapist." he shrugged a little. "i have the same problem sometimes, it get's worse the closer to the full moon i get, but even on the new moon, well it's still there."
Sirius sighed again, looking down at the floor. "Can we just spend the rest of the day here, away from everyone else? I don't want to chance running into him again. We can still go to dinner in Hogsmeade, but I just want to hide out here till then."
he smiled and nodded gently nibbling at Sirius's ear. "come on." he stated softly standing up kissing the other gently. "go down to the secrete room. i'll go out and get us some breakfast, and then i wan't to show you something." he admitted smiling a little his head tilted a little. "sound ok to you?"
Sirius stood, placing a kiss to Remus' cheeks. "I'll be waiting for you. Don't take too long." He headed for the secret room, flopping down on the bed.
Remus didn't take long at all, in less than ten minutes he was down in the room with two plates heeping full of both of their favorite breakfast items and desserts. he handed Sirius his plate and smiled lightly at him. "eat up." he chirped, still trying to cheer Sirius up. he was rather worried about his freind, and maybe someday lover.
Sirius sat up when Remus entered the room, taking a tray from him. "Thanks. I was trying to surprise you with breakfast in bed when Lucius caught up with me earlier, so I hadn't been able to eat anything." He started eating, occasionally glancing over at Remus. "You said before you left that you wanted to show me something. What is it?"
Remus smiled at him. "finish eating first, and then i'll show you." he stated calmly taking a bite of his breakfast humming softly. "but you can't tell ANyONE what i'm about to show you...alright?" he ordered looking strangly serious. Remus was rarley actually serius about anything.
Sirius nods with a smile, wondering what Remus wanted to show him. When he was done eating, he set the tray aside and got up from the bed and sat next to his friend. "I swear I will not tell a single soul about whatever it is you want me to see."
Remus smiled a little and bit his lip taking the others hand and leading him to a door in the room that led down a long hallway. "liten...sirius you know how on the full moon i'm, and stuff?" he asked softly leading the way down the long damp hallway pausing at another door, which was so damp it had long rivulettes of water running down it. "well i found something that lets me turn into my were form, while still keeping my human mind."
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