Late Night Moon/Finn

'Sirius' moved off Lucius' lap, having noticed the look of pain that had crossed his face. "She did, but she has since accepted me back into the family. We can be together at least, Lucius. She has even forgiven me for being sorted into Gryffindor." She lifted his shirt to get a better look at his injuries. "You should have Madam Pomfrey take a look at that when we get to school. It looks like it must really hurt."
Lucius grimaced as Sirius lifted his shirt, his side was a mess of black and blue, he gave his lover a funny look though when he didn't raise a fuss. he brushed it off as having guessed wrong and nodded. "i intend to." he admitted grimacing a little. "my father was very displeased with me this time." he admitted lowering his shirt back down. "your taking it better than i expected." he admitted looking amused. "'c'mere n give me a kiss." he ordered holding out his arm. "come sit with me while we have the chance, i don't think we will when we get into school." it was always so hectic and busy.
'Sirius' leaned against him, taking a sip from the bottle she kept in the pocket of her robes. "He will have no reason to beat you over our relationship now that I have been accepted back into the family."
he smiled a little and wrapped his arm around Sirius's shoulder, holding him close and closing his eyes. "i still can't beleive you would sacrifice yourself like that." he admitted softly, sounding amazed and loving as he kissed Sirius's forehead. "thank you, but i don't want you to have to hide who you are..are you really sure that you want to do this?" he asked looking worried. "i mean...what about your freinds?"
'Sirius' chuckled, running a hand through Lucius' hair. "I would do anything to be with you, Lucius. Even if it meant returning to a life I hate." That seems to be just the opposite of what Sirius had said nearly a year ago, but would Lucius realize that? "Yes, my love. I want to do this, so that I can be with you."
Lucius gave him a funny look, his eyes narrowed a little. "that's not what you said last year... Sirius did something happen?" he demanded looking worried, tangling his fingers into Sirius's looking intensely worried stroking his cheek gently. "i guess it doesn't matter." he murmured kissing Sirius's forehead, "as long as your sure i suppose." uncertain, but unwilling to question his lover after so long apart.
'Sirius' chuckled, holding Lucius close. She was finally going to have what should have been hers from the beginning. She kissed him back, nodding. "I am sure, Lucius. No one can keep us apart now, not even my cousin."
he smiled and laid his head on Sirius's shoulder sighing softly. "it's nice to hear you say that." he admitted, holding him close. "we'll meet up tonight then? the usual place?" he asked kissing Sirius's neck, giving him a gentle nibble. "i wanna do so many naughty things to you." he teased chuckling a little.
'Sirius' wrapped her arms around him, nodding. "Sure... the usual place... I'll be there waiting." She just had to find out where Sirius and Lucius would meet. Maybe she could get that information from James and Remus.
he smiled a little and kissed his lovers forehead. "mmm i missed you." he muttered smiling as he pulled Sirius into his lap and held him closley kissing along his neck. "i think we should have a nice romantic dinner tonight." he decided smiling. "i'll get the room all set up with candles, and all your favorite foods, and we can have roses and some nice music. what do you think of that?"
She nodded, smiling. "I can't wait, Lucius. Tonight will be the beginning of our future, just as it should have been."
he smiled a little and kissed his lovers forehead as he snuggled into him. "alright, i'll see you tonight then." he murmured as the Train came to a stop, kissing his hand. "i need to go see madam Pomfry before the crowds get too bad, i won't be able to handle anyone bumping into me." he admitted sighing softly as he stood up and headed out before the rest of the students decided to get off their lazy asses, apparating with a loud CRACK to the edge of the castle boundaries heading straight into the healing wing to get healed.
She took another sip from her bottle before going to rejoin Remus and James. She wasn't sure how she was going to find out where Sirius and Lucius usually went to be alone, but she had to do it fast if she was going to continue fooling him into thinking that she was her cousin.
Lupin was scowling as he settled onto his usual place at the table biting his lip hard. "i don't like this James i really don't." he grumbled biting his lip a little shaking his head. "something is very wrong with Sirius." he glanced over at the Slytherin Table and met Snape's gaze offering the man a cheerful wink so that 'the greasy haired git' wouldn't worry.
James looked over at Remus, nodding. "I agree. Something is definitely wrong here. It's like he's a different person than the Sirius we knew at the start of summer."
he nodded chewing on his nails. "you don't think Lucius did something to him?" he asked blinking at James hesitating a little. "no, not Lucius." he muttered looking around and scowling a little. "where is Lucius anyway? and Sirius too i don't see him anywhere..." they must have been kissing somewhere. "crap, i really wanted to talk to Sirius before he went and saw Lucius...i doubt that blond dunce is going to realize that Sirius is acting funny."
'Sirius' joined the two at the table a few minutes later, glancing across the room at Lucius. Her plan was going perfectly, or so she thought. She had Lucius completely fooled into thinking that she was Sirius, but the looks she was getting from Remus and James told her they were getting suspicious. "Sorry I'm late guys. Lucius went to the infirmary as soon as we got off the train and I went to see him."
Lupin paused, looking startled. "infirmary? why?" Lupin asked staring wide eyed at 'Sirius' his head tilted. "did he get into a fight or something!?" for now, they would act as if nothing was wrong, Lupin would anyway there was no telling what James would do.
'Sirius' started eating, glancing over at Remus. "His father beat him really bad over the summer. I saw his injuries when I went to see him on the train." James thought it was odd that Sirius was so calm when his lover was laid up in the infirmary, but there was little he could do until he had a chance to speak with the headmaster.
James also scowled a little, but instead of protesting the others unusual attitude he focused on the other weird thing. "Lucius gets beaten by his father? i didn't know that, how bad is it? he's not hurt too badly is he?"
'Sirius' looked over at Remus, nodding. "Obviously, Remus. That's part of the reason I chose to return home, to keep him safe from his father's wrath."
Lupin looked startled at the explanation and relaxed a little. "that must have been hard for you, dealing with your family." he reached over and gently squeezed Sirius's shoulder. "if you need to talk i'm always here ok?"
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