Late Night Moon/Finn

he smiled a little and grinned at him brushing his thumb over Sirius's cheek. "mmm i'm glad you came down." he admitted smiling at him. "i've thought of something to tell my parents, and i wanted to run it by you first... so you don't think i'm using you or anything...because that's sort of what i'm going to tell them, among other things. that way you still get to keep your gryffindor freinds and i don't get my ass beat." he admitted chuckling a little.
Sirius sighed, nodding. "You do what you need to, to keep from getting in trouble, Lucius. I don't want to be the cause of you getting beat." He leaned forward, kissing him lightly. "There is one thing that is bothering me though. When Narcissa tried to attack me the last time while looking like you, she brought up the meeting that was supposed to take place between you and me.. How would she have known about it?"
he paused looking baffled. "she what now?" he demanded looking completely horrified. "i don't see how she could!" he looked a little freaked out as he grabbed his journal and flipped it open, looking over his entries scowling little. "i did tell Sev that i was meeting with you, so he could cover for me but i know he never would have told anyone... maybe she overheard us somehow!?....maybe she was bluffing and got lucky? oh hell." he groaned rubbing his scalp, making his hair all messy. "why does everything have to be so complicated!?"
Sirius leaned against Lucius, wishing he'd never brought it up. "Let's not think about her. She's getting the help she needs."
he smiled a little as he shook his head. "sorry.. i forgot she was gone." he admitted. "i'm so used to her trying to fuck me over." he admitted sighing a little as he wrapped his arms around Sirius's hips. "i was thinking of telling my family that i was trying to convert you back into Pure Blood society." he admitted simply. "what do you think?"
Sirius leaned against Lucius, sighing. "That sounds like a good idea, but it might get back to my family and they'll probably try to make me return to the Black home. I'm not going back there, Lucius."
Lucius paused and then grimaced a little. "crap, i didn't think of that." he admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "it's too early for this...or too late.. i don't know which." he stated smiling at him as he gently gripped Sirius's hips and pulled him in tighter, leaning up for a kiss, passionate, but no tongue. not wanting to push his lover.
Sirius broke the kiss after a moment, sighing as he stood up. "I love you, Lucius. But I won't pretend to believe in something just so I can be with you. Maybe it's best we just end things here and now."
Lucius scowled a little. "i wasn't going to ask you to." he whispered softly as he sat up and stared at Sirius. "please, Sirius don't break up with me just because of our families... i love you, i need you!" he pleaded taking the others hand. "please! i know that we can make this work i KNOW we can!"
Sirius bit his lip, looking at Lucius. Seeing the normally calm boy beg was tugging at his heart and he just couldn't hurt him by breaking up with him. "Alright.. But I am going to stay with the Potters during the summer like I always do."
Lucius sighed in relief and tangled his fingers with Sirius's. "i wouldn't expect you to do anything else." he admitted smiling at him softly shaking his head. "i had a thought." he admitted biting his lip. "it's only two years to graduation right? what if we move away after graduation, move in with each other in another country, somewhere our families can't find us, then we can be free, and still use the Floo and Apparation to visit our freinds."
Sirius smiled at him, nodding. "We could do that, but are you really willing to break away from your family?"
he smiled at him and nodded. "i am more than willing, i just have to wait until we graduate." he admitted shaking his head. "and i'll have to get a job because there is no way my family will fund me after i've run off." he pondered and stroked his chin. "i'm their only Heir though, and they can't have anymore so once my dad kicks the bucket i get the family fortune anyway." he admitted with a small snicker. "i wonder if anyone would notice if i poisoned him?"
Without Narcissa around to interfere, the relationship between Sirius and Lucius only deepened, even though they made sure to never be seen together when other students were around. Before either of them even realized it, it was time for them to board the train to return to their respective homes.

The thought of being separated from Lucius was weighing heavily on Sirius' mind, and he was rather quiet as he packed his trunk. The last thing to be placed in the trunk was the journal that Lucius had given him several months before. He had considered just keeping it with him, but couldn't risk losing it if something were to happen.

What none of them realized was that Narcissa had tricked the doctors into believing that she was 'cured' of her love for Lucius, and that she was hiding on the train, waiting for her chance to get back at Sirius for stealing Lucius from her.
Lucius had lingered over their final moments together, sighing heavily as he watched Sirius walking away shaking his head a little. "come on Lucius, get your act together, you can't let people see your emotions." he muttered, firming his face into the usual ice prince mask he wore whenever he was out in public, before grabbing his trunks and heading out to the Train shaking his head again as he brushed off anyone who might try to talk to him, glaring at everyone he could as he settled into his usual completely empty train Car to await his usual long ride home with a small scowl on his face.
Sirius joined his friends in their usual car, but was unusually quiet. A few hours into the ride back to London, he left the room under the pretense that he needed some fresh air but he was really hoping to see Lucius. Only he would never make it very far.

Narcissa was hiding in another empty compartment, watching the other students as they walk past the door. When she sees Sirius walk past, she casts a charm to knock him out and drags him into the compartment, covering him with a blanket to hide him until everyone else was off the train.
and soon everyone was, Lucius was one of the last off, dreading going home and facing his hell of a Father, well aware he was going to be beaten severely for helping send Narcissa to the mental hospital , not to mention for being with Sirius, even if it was only rumors. he sighed a little and ran his hand through his hair before he finally stepped off hte train and looked around, hoping to see Sirius one last time before he had to go home.
James got off the train with Remus and Peter, wondering where Sirius was as well. It was odd to him that their friend had seemingly disappeared. "I bet Lucius had something to do with it, Remus."

Narcissa dragged the unconscious form of her cousin to the end of the train where she could get them both off without anyone noticing.
the weeks went by quickly, though not nearly quickly enough for Sirius, who was beaten several times by his father doing a great many things. hanging out with the wrong people, talking to the wrong people, talking the wrong way, slouching when he was sitting, betraying Narcissa, everything that he could beat his son for. Lucius was sitting on the train with a troubled look in his eyes. he didn't know how he could hide the multitudes of bruises from Sirius, he couldn't just avoid the other, and it hurt too much to move in certain ways so he couldn't just pretend that he was tired. he wasn't sure what to do, he didn't want to worry Sirius, but he couldn't hide from the other...he was stuck.
Narcissa was sitting in a compartment with James and Remus, disguised as her cousin, who was still locked in the basement of the Black family home. Only she knew he was there, unless one were to count the house-elf that was in charge of taking care of him. James thought it strange that Sirius hadn't been seen all summer, when they usually lived together. "Sirius, what happened to you this summer?" 'Sirius' looked over at James. "I decided to move back in with my family." Getting up, she walked out of the compartment and went to find an empty one to sit in for the rest of the train ride.
Lupin gaped after Sirius his eyes wide and horrified as he watched Sirius leave. "fucking hell! that bitch of his mother did something to him!" Lupin roared leaping to his feet. "we have to go get him!, we need to tell Dumbledore! she has him under the impirius i KNOW she does!" he was freaking out.

the only empty car available had a certain sleeping Blond in it, Lucius breathing softly as he rested, dreaming of finally getting to be with Sirius again, mumbling softly under his breath as if he could sense Sirius nearby when Narcissa stepped into view of him. it was her chance to get all alone with Lucius.
James shook his head. He knew something was up, but he didn't think it had anything to do with Sirius' mother. "We'll talk to Dumbledore as soon as we get to Hogwarts. Maybe he can figure out what is going on."

Narcissa couldn't believe her luck at finding Lucius in a compartment by himself. She slipped inside and shut the door before sitting next to him in the seat. "Lucius.. Wake up"
Lupin bit his lip but nodded and settled back into his seat fidgeting nervously, he'd wanted to tell Sirius about him and Severus spending their vacation together, but with him acting strangely he didn't dare. not yet.

Lucius groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes. "yes? Sirius!" he chirped his face brightening a little. "hey, how was your vacation?" he asked grinning as he dragged his lover down by the tie for a kiss, sighing softly. "damn i missed you." he admitted smiling a little. "my parents where particularly displeased with me so i'm sorry i couldn't write, i didn't dare."
'Sirius' smirked as she was pulled down for a kiss. "My vacation went well. I decided I really want to be with you so I moved back into the Black home. Mother accepted me back, though I think she is still a little suspicious that I changed my mind so easily."
Lucius twitched, looking surprised as he stared at him. "you moved back into your mothers house?" he demanded wide eyed. "are you sure that's a smart idea Siri?" he asked looking worried as he ran his thumb over the others face. "she won't beat you or anything?" he asked, more worried about making sure that Sirius was safe than about reminding himself not to twist. he hissed in pain closing his eyes and gripping his cracked rib right after he had moved to pull Sirius into his lap, a look of pain crossing his features before he forced his face calm once more. he wasn't stupid enough to think that Sirius hadn't seen that.
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