Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius put an arm around Remus. "Calm down, Remus. I can have Lucius explain everything to him. It will be alright, I promise. Just wait here and I'll go talk to Luc about this."
Lupin groaned but nodded sighing softly. "i really fucked up this time... i don't think i've ever done something this stupid. usually this level of stupid is reserved for Peter. maybe James, never me....what is Snape going to think of me!?" he demanded covering his face with his hands. "Dumbledore is going to kill me for this, i just know it..."
Sirius sighed, going back to the dorms to retrieve his journal, writing in it as soon as he'd gotten it. 'Lucius, I need your help. Remus did something that could get him kicked out of school. He's really upset over it, and I don't know what to do'
'He and Snape kind of got together and he bit Severus.. He's really freaking out over it, thinking that Severus will hate him when he finds out that Remus is a werewolf.'
there was a brief pause and then. 'holy shit seriously!? alright tell him to calm down. i'll talk to Severus and let him know whats going on, explain that Lupin is completely freaked out about him hating him and everything, he's less likely to get pissed off if i tell him. i'll lock him in my Prefects dorm during the full moon, just in case. if he doesn't transform, there's no reason to have to tell Dumbledore. if he does transform we can always say that they got into a fight and Lupin bit him then, that way Lupin doesn't get expelled for having sex, and Severus can get the help he needs from Dumbledore.'
'Thank you Lucius. I knew I could count on you to help.' He closed the journal and hurried back to Remus' hideout. Once inside, he sat down next to his friend and pulled him close. "Remus, I just got done talking to Lucius and he's going to explain the situation to Severus. He also said that he would lock Severus in his prefect's dorm during the full moon, just as a precaution. He even has a story made up if Snape transforms on that night."
'i'm glad i could, i'll go and talk to snape now. i'll let you know how it goes when i've finished. i hope everything works out with Remus, he deserves a bit of good luck'.

Remus looked up when Sirius came back in, worry still crossing his face, even though half of the firewhiskey was gone. he wasn't very drunk, but it was enough to make him sway on the spot. "really?.." he asked swallowing thickly. "that's least Snape won't hurt anyone or something..." he sighed and scrubbed his face a little. "he's never going to talk to me again..."
Sirius sat down on the sofa, holding the journal in his lap. "Everything will work out, Remus. Have some faith in Lucius. It's better that he talks to Severus about this anyways."
Remus sighed a little and leaned into Sirius resting his head on the others chest biting his lip a little. "thanks Sirius." he muttered softly, tears in his voice. "your like, the greatest friend ever." he admitted, simply snuggling into Sirius, needing the comfort. "Lucius is such a good man, he'll do such good things for you, you guys make a good couple." he was way too drunk.
Sirius held him close, chuckling a bit at his friend's comments. "Don't tell James I said this, but I think you and Severus would make a good couple too. Though I do hope for your sake that he wasn't infected with lycanthropy. I would hate for you to get kicked out when we only have a year or two left."
Remus looked up and smiled a little. "your not mad that i slept with someone else?" he asked hopefully, needing Sirius's blessing, because at the end of the day, Remus was still in love with Sirius. "i hope Snape doesn't get Lycanthrophy too. Sev doesn't deserve this shit, on top of his already shitty life..."he sighed a little and got to his feet. "i'm going to lay down, i'm, drunk."
Sirius smiled, nodding. "It wouldn't be very fair of me to say you can't sleep with someone else, when I've been sleeping with Lucius. So yeah. It's ok with me if you and Severus pursue a serious relationship." He got up to help Remus to the bed, taking the bottle of firewhiskey away. "I'll stay for a little while longer."
he smiled a little and kissed Sirius on the cheek, it was a little sloppy but that was only to be expected. "your such a good friend." he slurred, flopping onto the bed he had made earlier, he had planned on hiding down there for weeks if he'd had to. maybe now he wouldn't have to. he flopped down and fell asleep almost instantly, and about an hour after Sirius's book grew warm.

'i talked to Sev, he was pretty pissed but he's calmed down. he's worried about Lupin, seams to think that your friend is going to do something stupid, he's agreed to the cover story, and he's agreed to stay in my room during the full moon. i'll be telling the rest of my house that he's ill. he says that he still wants to keep seeing Lupin, Lycanthropy or not so that's good news for Lupin at least.'
Sirius had been waiting for news from Lucius, smiling when he finally got it. 'Thanks Lucius. You can stay in the room with him, and if he starts to change, I want you to change into your weasel form. It will help to keep him calm during the full moon if he changes. I'll let Remus know that Severus is not mad at him.' He closed the journal and shook Remus awake. "Hey I have good news for you Moony."
there was a pause then. 'he won't try to eat me? i am rather small you know... of course there is a mouse hole, i could always escape through there if i had to. alright i'll stay with him during the full moon, thanks for the tip. tell Remus that i wish him and Sev the best of luck.' the werewolf groaned piteously when he was shaken awake, his eyes fluttering open as he blinked taking a long sigh. "wussit? 's Severus infected? 'm i getting chucked out?" so pessimistic.
Sirius laughed at Lucius' concerns, writing back. 'Peter is even smaller when in his animagus form, and he's never been eaten. But then again, James and I are always there too. If you want, I can join the two of you on the full moon.' He looked over at Remus, shaking his head. 'I said good news, Remus. Lucius told Severus about your condition, and though he was mad about it at first, he still wants to start a relationship with you. Malfoy is going to lock Snape up in his private dorm on the night of the full moon as a precaution, and if he does change, we'll figure out what to do then."
'no, i think you should stay with Remus on the night of the full moon, if Severus does transform it's probably going to take a lot of effort to keep the two separated. according to this book...i checked out a book on werewolves from the library, werewolves are very territorial, and will either try to kill each other, or will form a pack with one dominant over the other. i'd really hate for them to get together only to rip each other to shreds.'

Lupin blinked at him and then smiled, looking relieved. "oh that's so good." he stated with a sigh. "i was certain he was going to try and kill me for this. i'm glad that Lucius is so smart, he's" he admitted still rather tired, he babbled when he was tired and being hung over didn't help. "i'm going to go find him and apologize."
Sirius set the journal to one side after reading Lucius' message. "Of course he is. But you need to rest now and get that liquor out of your system. I'll stay with you till you wake up."
he groaned and nodded, flopping back down onto the bed to go back to sleep sighing softly, relieved that Snape wasn't pissed at him.

when he woke in the morning the first thing he did was hug Sirius hard. "thank you so much, i don't know what i would do without you! your the greatest friend i could ever have!"
Sirius had fallen asleep in the chair, jumping when he felt Remus' arms around him. He was still a little jumpy from being attacked, but it wasn't so bad now that he had his memories back. "I'm just glad I could help you, Remus. I'm going to go see Lucius now. I'll see you later." Grabbing his journal, he left to head to Lucius' secret room.
he sniffed and smiled brightly at him. "i'm going to go find Sev." he admitted grinning at him before vanishing out the door.

Lucius was laying in one of the chairs, asleep and looking ever so adorable with his mouth hanging open, a book about werewolves laying open on his chest. he must have fallen asleep reading. he was so cute.
Sirius quietly walked over to Lucius, taking the book off his chest and straddling his waist. "Hey sleepyhead, wake up."
Lucius grunted as Sirius settled onto his lap. "nng Narcissa get the fuck off." he groaned rubbing his eyes. "how the hell did you get into the Boys dorms?" he blinked sleepily at Sirius, his pissed look vanishing into one of glee. "well, your a MUCH better surprise." he purred leaning forward and nuzzling Sirius's neck. "what time is it?"
Sirius would have been offended at being called by his cousin's name, if he didn't already know that she was locked away in a mental hospital at the moment. "I honestly have no idea. I just know I wanted to come see you when I woke up."
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