Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius smiled at the response, putting the journal away for later so he could focus on what the teacher was saying.
Dinner came, and ended quickly and as they emptied out into the hallways Lucius began walking towards Sirius a small smile on his face. "hey, how are you feeling?" on his arm the silver band twisted violently, a loud hiss filling the air as the snake reacted to negative air, Lucius was having some pretty dangerous thoughts for the snake to have that kind of effect.
Sirius looked up to see Lucius approaching, smiling. The smile faded though when he felt the snake band on his arm start moving and hissing. He took a step back, knowing that this couldn't really be his lover. "I'm just fine. I was just headed to meet up with my friends, so I'll talk to you later." He turned and started walking away, reaching for his wand just in case he was followed.
the Lucius scowled and reached out, grabbing Sirius's wrist. "hey, whats the hurry i thought we where meeting up today? i just want to..." he was cut off by his own scream as the silver snake reared it's ugly head and spit a good thick stream of greenish yellow into the mans eyes, the fake blond stumbling backwards, a hand on his eyes as he crashed into the the wall, attempting to flee whatever it was that attacked him.
Sirius pulled his hand free just as his charmed band spit venom at his attacker. He wasn't sure how the person knew he was meeting Lucius, unless the real Lucius had told him. So instead of going to meet with him as planned, Sirius went to the Gryffindor common room instead.
Sirius sat down in a chair by the fireplace. "He, or someone looking like him, tried to attack me just a few minutes ago. If I hadn't been wearing the silver band he gave me, he would have hurt me again. But if it wasn't really him, then how did the person know I was going to meet with Lucius tonight?"
Lupin paused frowning a little as he pondered his eyes narrowed a little his head tilted a little. "well it was either really Lucius, or more likely the same person who attacked you. if we wait a few hours i bet you anything the person who was morphed into Lucius will still have red eyes when he turns back into himself. if Lucius has Red eyes tomorrow at breakfast then it was him, if he doesn't, well then it wasn't him." Lupin admitted pausing for a moment. "you should wait to write Lucius until he writes to you first. see what happens..."
Sirius knew that Remus was right. Waiting was the only way to find out who it was that had just tried to attack him. Then it hit him. The person who had tried to attack him couldn't have been Lucius because it was clear he hadn't known about the snake band. If it had really been Lucius, he wouldn't have tried anything. "It wasn't really Lucius, Remus. Lucius gave me the snake band I'm wearing, so he would have known that I would be wearing it. The person who attacked me couldn't have known. I want to have Dumbledore get all the Slytherins together in a couple hours. He'll find my attacker then."
Lupin paused and then nodded. "i'll go get him." he agreed vanishing out the door and pausing glancing at Sirius. "and...just in case it really was Lucius...the other Slytherin's aren't adverse to using Imperio." as he was now well aware. "i have no doubts that they wouldn't hesitate to use it on their own housemate." he admitted before vanishing completely out the door to find Dumbledore, Sirius's book suddenly growing warm as Lucius wrote a message. 'hey is everything alright? i thought you where going to come down after dinner? didn't run into trouble did you!? did someone attack you!? do you need me to come get you?' worried words, concerned words, protective words.
Sirius opened the journal and read the message Lucius had wrote. There was no indication that he was the one responsible for what had just nearly occurred. But still, he couldn't take any chances. 'I'm in my common room, Lucius. How are your eyes'
there was a pause then. 'their silver? uh..their... gosh i don't know should they be something specific? are you alright?" being that Sirius was in the common room Lucius immediately figured out that something was wrong. 'where you attacked again!? threatened!?' Lucius was clearly panicking on the other end of his diary.
Sirius let out a sigh of relief when he read the message. "Someone did try to attack me, looking like you. Thankfully, I was wearing the band you gave me. Stay where you are and I'll come to you." He closed the journal and left a note for Remus saying that he had gone to see Lucius.
the book grew warm. 'No! stay in the common room! if someone tried to attack you their probably going to try again. if they where hit by the venom than the area around their eyes will be very red and very blistered, they'll even be blind for three or four hours. where did they attack you? i'll go and find them and drag them up to dumbledore while he still looks like me...assuming that he is a male anyway. then if nothing else we can hold him for illegal use of a forbidden potion. then we can question them about attacking you, and even about the previous attack. so just stay put alright? i don't want them to try again.'
Sirius was just about to leave the tower when he felt the book grow warm. Opening it up, he read the message before writing his own. 'It was on the staircase leading down to the Slytherin dungeons. He or she might still be there. But please be careful, Lucius. I don't want you to get hurt because of me.'
'don't worry Sirius, i won't let anything happen, to either of us.' and then he headed down the stairs catching the fake Lucius. it was a great shock to anyone heading down the hallway to see Lucius dragging down a badly wounded...well, Lucius up to Dubmledore's office, where a veritiserum was waiting.
The fake Lucius struggled the entire way to the headmaster's office. She knew she'd been found out, but she wasn't going to give up on making Lucius love her. She would just have to find another way to make the blond fall in love with her, since making Sirius hate him wasn't working.
he shoved her along, smirking as he saw the violent red blisters around the impostors eyes, pleased that the pendant worked as well as it did, knocking on Dumbledore's door, interrupting Remus and Dumbledore's conversation. "this person tried to attack Sirius sir, as you can see from the red eyes." "my, there appears to be Two of you Mr. Malfoy." "indeed there is sir."
She could hear the conversation even though she couldn't see. "Lucius please just let me go. I didn't do anything!"
Lucius laughed a little poking her sore eyes. "your blistered up face says otherwise." he stated shoving her down into a chair as he watched her turning back to Dumbledore. "this is what happens when someone tries to attack or harm someone who is wearing the protection charm i gave to Sirius." "i see, Miss Black (i think that's Narcissa's original last name anyway) do you have anything to say in your defense?"
(You are correct.)

Narcissa yelped and swatted at Lucius' hand when he poked her eyes. "I'm not telling either of you anything until I speak with my family's lawyers."
Lucius laughed a little and shook his head. "don't try Narcissa. you've already been caught using a Polyjuice, transformed into ME of all people." he stated crossing his arms. "that alone is enough to send you to azakaban for a year, or at the very least. get you expelled." "Mister Malfoy is correct Miss Black. you are in a great deal of trouble, and it looks like your also in a great deal of pain. it would be a great deal better for you to simply tell us what we want to know." "after all." Lucius continued. "even if we torture you, who are the authorities going to beleive? a Straight A student like myself, Heir to one of the most prestigious, well founded, and high functioning Family and the Headmaster, or a second rate, cut throat slut like yourself?"
Narcissa started crying when they said she could go to Azkaban for what she had done. She didn't want to end up in that horrid place when all she had been trying to do was get Lucius to love her. "I wanted you to love me, Lucius. When I saw Sirius, my own cousin, wearing the necklace that I had lost in the forest after being attacked, I just couldn't take it anymore." She 'looked' toward Dumbledore. "Please, headmaster! Don't send me to Azkaban!"
he snorted and glared at her. "you had Sirius RAPED because you wanted me to love you!?" he demanded, sounding horrified as Dumbledore made a small pondering noise. "if you name the rest of the attackers, i will see fit to leave your name off the list of the attackers. you will be spared azakaban." Dumbledore promised, Lucius snarled darkly his eyes narrowed at the woman who had become obsessed with him. "and i want to know who put the amnesia curse on Sirius." he ordered with a growl. as long as Sirius's attackers where caught and imprisoned, Lucius was willing to let Narcissa go...for now.
Narcissa wasn't sure she could believe them, but it was either tell them what they wanted to know or be taken to Azkaban. She told them the names of the boys involved in the attack on Sirius. "What are you going to do to the person who cast the spell on Sirius?" She had been the one to do that, but she wanted to be sure she would be safe before she said anything further.
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