Late Night Moon/Finn

he snorted a little. "make them take it off him." he stated crossing his arms. "and then act accordingly, we'll probably have to make a deal so that he does it." Dumbledore admitted shaking his head. "you will be escorted to a private room for now, and locked up until we can decide a fitting punishment for you. i don't want to expel you but i will if that is what it takes."
Narcissa looked a little frightened, tears at the corners of her blistered eyes. "It was me, Lucius! I cast the spell! I am in love with you, but you never spare me a second glance! Then I see him wearing the necklace that should have been mine!" She sobbed, holding her head in her hands. "I just wanted you to love me, Lucius, like I love you!"
Lucius snorted a little. "that necklace was never yours Narcissa." he stated simply. "i gave it to Sirius and someone stole it from him and gave it to you to make you think i liked you. i played along to try and spare your fingers but christ woman." he stated staring at her sighing softly. "you will reverse the effects of the spell." he ordered sternly. "and then your fate will be up to Dumbledore." "please fetch Mister Black." Dumbledore ordered Lucius who nodded and opened his book. 'Sirius, we have the names of your attackers and the person who put the spell on you. can you come up to Dumbledore's office?'
Narcissa stopped crying when she realized her tears weren't having any effect on either male. "I couldn't reverse the spell even if I wanted to, Lucius. Nott never told me the counter-curse." Sirius knocked on the door to Dumbledore's office a few minutes later, hoping that he would be able to get his memories back now.
Lucius smirked a little. "i have the counter curse, and i have nott." he promised handing her the piece of paper as Sirius walked in he watched him, looking worried, blocking the others view of Narcissa for now. "hey, how are you feeling?" he asked softly, worried about his lover. "listen, uhm... about the ring leader..well it's..." he knew their family connections weren't all that strong, but they where still family.
Narcissa took the piece of paper from her, though she was blind. "Lucius, how am I supposed to read this when I can't see anything?" Sirius walked in just as he heard his cousin's voice. "Narcissa... She was behind all this?"
Lucius grimaced a little and glared at her cousin. "yes, she was the one who was morphed into me." he didn't know if she had raped Sirius as well, but he hoped for her sake she hadn't. he read the counter curse aloud and aimed her at sirius. "cast the counter curse. now." he ordered firmly. "or all deals are off."
Sirius turned so he was facing his cousin, tugging at his sleeve in case she tried to attack him again. Narcissa stood in front of her cousin, repeating the spell as Lucius had said it. "I just wanted you to love me, Lucius.. Is that so wrong?" Sirius smiled weakly as his memory returned, moving to hug his lover. "Thank you, Lucius. I should go tell James and Remus that it worked."
he nodded kissing Sirius gently. "you do that." he murmured smiling, looking relieved at his lover. "i have to deal with Narcissa, i'll be in my room once i'm done." he promised winking at him to show that it was the 'secrete' room. "travel safely Mr. Black." he ordered turning back to narcissa. "as agreed, we will not send you to azakaban. and for giving Sirius his memory back i will not expel you either. but you are very ill Miss Black." he stated sternly. "you will be transported to the Saint Mungo's mental ward, where you will be assessed, and helped." Lucius could only smirk, a mental ward was even more humiliating than being expelled.
Sirius hugged him before heading back to the Gryffindor tower. He was happy to have his memories back and couldn't wait to tell his friends just who it was that did all this to him. Narcissa looked toward Dumbledore, her eyes wide though she couldn't see him. "Please professor! I'm not sick!"
Dumbledore sighed. "Narcissa, you changed yourself into Lucius Malfoy and raped the man he loved in an attempt to make him love you, you have probably been stalking him as well, collecting small personal affects from him." now that lucius thought about it, a lot of his things had gone missing over the years. "that is Sick, very sick Narcissa. doctors are already on their way to collect you to help you through this. try not to fight them."
Narcissa fell quiet, lowering her head. There was nothing she could say now to make things better for her. She would go along with whatever the doctors wanted her to do so she could return to Hogwarts quickly. But there was nothing they could do to make her stop loviing the Slytherin prince. Even though he didn't return her feelings, she knew something about their future that the blond didn't.
Dumbledore smiled a little to himself as the men came and took Narcissa with them to go through long sessions of Therapy and psychoanalysis. Lucius chuckled a little and shook his head. "at least she'll be able to get some help." he flipped open the journal and quickly wrote. 'Narcissa's at the hospital, psych ward. she won't be getting out anytime soon.' he hoped anyway.
Sirius paused outside the Fat Lady's portrait when he felt his journal grow warm. Taking it out of his pocket, he smiled and wrote a reply. 'That's great. Maybe now she'll get over this insane obsession she has with you.' Closing the book, he said the password and stepped through after the portrait opened the way. "Remus, James! It worked this time." James looked up from where he was sitting with Lily and smiled. "That's great, Padfoot!"
Lucius sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head. 'i hope so too Siri...i really do. have fun with your freinds tonight, i bet their going to throw a party. i need to go scrub myself down, i feel all dirty for being in the same room with her. i'll talk to you in the morning yeah?'

Lupin cheered gleefully and wrapped his arms tightly around him. "that's wonderful!!! hey i need to Talk to you in private later think you could spare a few minutes before bed?" he asked looking rather..uncertain.
Sirius smiled, hugging Remus back. "Sure, moony. Let me go change and then we can talk." He headed up to the boys' dormitory, writing in his journal. 'So you don't want to see me tonight?'
Remus looked relieved and then nodded. "sure thing, thanks Siri." he murmured winking at him and heading for the exit, showing he wanted to meet int he secrete room. 'i'd love to see you, i just wasn't sure if you wanted to after seeing who it was know, i thought you might want some time to yourself.'
'I'll come see you in the morning then. Moony wants to talk to me, then I'll probably go to bed.' He hid the journal under his mattress before leaving the dorm and headed for Remus' secret hideout. He would have taken it with him, but he did want some time to himself and he wasn't going to get that if he and Lucius were constantly writing to each other.
'alright, sleep well. i'm going to sleep in my secrete room so if you need me for anything feel free to come down, or write in your book, i'll keep it with me.' Lucius promised.

Remus was sitting in his secrete room when Sirius came down, and he was already nursing a drink. "i'm so fucked." he groaned to himself, shaking his head. "so, so fucked...."
Sirius entered his friend's secret room, sitting down in one of the chairs. "What did you want to talk to me about, Moony?"
Sirius sighed a little and set the glass down so he could scrub his face hard. "i did something bad Sirius, i mean reaaally bad." he admitted biting his lip hard. "i sort of...tumbled someone the other night, and..uhm, well it's close to the full moon again and...oh fucking hell... Sirius i BIT him.. i bit him while we where having sex and i think i might have infected him...and i don't know what to do!"
Sirius frowned a bit when he heard that Remus had been with someone else. It shouldn't have bothered him since he was seeing Lucius, but for some reason it did. Even more so because of the risk of infection. "Calm down, Moony.. Who was it? I am sure if we go to Dumbledore and explain what happened, he might be able to offer a solution."
he blushed hard and looked away from Sirius, looking almost...ashamed? as he mumbled something about 'greasy git' and 'seduction' and finally. '...snape...'. Remus had tumbled SNAPE!? after all that bitching about how he hated him!? well, no one was perfect. "i'm sorry Sirius! i still love you i just.... christ i was so frustrated, and you couldn't remember...and i was so worried and Snape was... he was all NICE to me and just happened..."
Sirius blinked at Remus, then started laughing. "So I'm not the only one to fall for a Slytherin. We'll just have to see what happens to Snivellus at the full moon and if he changes into a werewolf, we'll go to Dumbledore about what had happened."
Lupin shook his head. "Sirius... Snape doesn't realize i'm a werewolf! i have to tell him BEFORE the full moon somehow, because if i don't, and he's infected....and he changes, he'll hurt a shit load of people... and if i tell Dumbledore he'll expel me for having sex in school! i can't go home permanently, they'll kill me! but if i tell Snape HE'LL kill me!!!" he groaned and tucked his head into his knees, tangling his fingers in his hair. "and...and i think i..i might really like him..."
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