Late Night Moon/Finn

a week had passed, and no one had seen Sirius save for brief glimpses, James and Remus at least knew he was ok, thanks to Lucius passing along messages from his conversations in the journal. Lucius had spend at least an hour every day with the slimebag who had raped Sirius, and he was actually starting to get somewhere. Remus had offered to rape the fucker, but Lucius refused to let the angry werewolf do that. over the week Snape had been unusually un cruel to Remus, and Remus had stopped James from picking on him, sometimes resorting to physical measures, but any time he was questioned he just sputtered and stuttered and complained that he DIDN'T like the slytherin! even though it was obvious he did. now Remus was waiting for Sirius on the steps to their first class, hoping that the other was going to be alright.
Sirius wished he could hide out in his secret place forever, but he knew he had to go to class now that his free week was up. Even though he still didn't remember anyone, he wasn't going to let that stop him from getting over what happened. He had the house-elves get his books from the dorm, then headed for class. He also had his journal with him, in case Lucius wanted to contact him.
Remus smiled as he met up with Sirius. "hey stranger." he chirped, keeping his voice low. "how are you feeling?" he asked curiously, looking worried. "Lucius told us that you where doing alright but..." he sighed a little. "Dumbledore said that if you can't handle the classes to go to him, and he'd let you have another week off." he looked the other over. "try not to push yourself too hard alright?"
Sirius gave Remus a weak smile, nodding as they walked to class. "I'll see how today goes before I decide whether or not to go talk to Dumbledore. Did Lucius tell you what we found out about the spell Dumbledore tried on me week ago?"
he grimaced but nodded. "yeah, he didn't want to but i made him." he admitted glancing at Sirius. "don't worry, Lucius has been working with the one we do have, he'll start talking and we'll catch the others, you'll get your memories back. and i'm looking up every memory modification that i can find, i'm sure there's a loophole in there somewhere..."
Sirius sighed, looking over at Remus. "We have to find the person who cast the memory spell on me and make him cast the counter-curse." He entered the classroom, stopping when he saw James waving at him and Remus. He glanced over at the werewolf, a little uncertain. "Are you sure it's okay for me to sit with you?"
Lupin gave him a funny look. "of course it is, why wouldn't it be?" he demanded his head tilted. "we're all best freinds." he promised grinning at him as he took him gently by the wrist and led him into the classroom and sat him down at the table in front of James turning to grin at the man. "did you do that homework assignment?" he demanded, Peter, who was sitting next to James flinched. "we had an assignment!?" "..yeah...he assigned it two weeks ago, recall?" "no!" Peter complained sticking his lower lip out in a pout, Lupin snorting a little.
Sirius sat down next to Remus, glancing back over his shoulder. "I haven't done the assignment either..." James gave Peter a look. "that's what you get for not paying attention in class, Wormtail."
Lupin chuckled a little. "you have every right to have not done the assignment." he stated patting Sirius on the shoulder. "Peter is just an idiot." "hey!" "well, it's true." "that doesn't mean you have to say so!" Peter complained making Lupin laugh a little.
Sirius laughed at the joking between the three, smiling a bit. James grinned, slapping Peter on the back. "Remus is right. You are an idiot."
Peter sulked a little but laughed right along with them as Remus grinned at Sirius. "hey, before i forget, do you want some help catching up with your homework later? i'll even let you cheat off me for once." "you don't let ME cheat off you!" Peter whined Remus rolling his eyes. "you aren't ill." he stated sternly. everyone had been told that Sirius had come down with an illness, and that's why he'd missed class, only the people who attacked Sirius knew differently.
Sirius looked over at Remus, nodding. "Thanks. I have a lot of work to catch up on from the past week." He didn't know what the other students had been told, but he wasn't going to ask either. As far as he was concerned, he just wanted to forget the whole nightmare, and to remember his friends.
Remus grinned at him and nodded. "i'd be more than glad to give you a hand. i'm sure Weasel would be glad to help you too. i still can't beleive you like him." Lupin complained, pouting a little. "he looks like a girl."
Lupin blinked looking startled before nodding. "alright, sorry i didn't know." he muttered before offering the other a sly grin. "you know i heard that Weasels actually make very playful, but loyal pets." he admitted grinning a little. "like a ferret almost." if that was a compliment, it was a terrible one. "are you meeting with him tonight? you should take your school work with you if you do, make him be helpful, he's better at potions than i am, he'll be able to help you better."
Sirius just laughed, taking out his journal to write to Lucius 'Hey Weasel... Remus just compared you to a pet..' He looked over at his friend, nodding. "I was thinking of going to see him after dinner tonight, though I still don't feel completely comfortable around him."
he chuckled a little and nodded. "that's understandable." he admitted sighing softly shaking his head. "still, you have the best protection out there." he admitted offering the other a small grin. "i can guarantee Lucius will be attacked by that trinket if he ever tried to hurt you. which he never will, i've never seen a man risk so much for someone he liked." 'he called me a what now? a pet? i am no ones pet! maybe yours. i could wear cute little weasel ears and a tail and crawl around on all fours for you. i'll even get a leash and collar'
Sirius nodded, rubbing his arm where the silver band should have been. It was then that he remembered leaving it in his secret hideaway. "I'll have to go get it after class.. I left it where I've been hiding."
Lupin gaped at him, his eyes wide. "you idiot! you shouldn't take it off, not even in your hideout! someone could easily attack you when your defenseless." his voice had lowered to a hushed whisper, making sure no one but them could hear what Lupin was saying, not even James and peter behind them. "be very careful when you go back alright? and keep your wand out and ready."
Sirius sighed, nodding. "I'll be fine, as long as I stick close to you and your friends. At lunch time, we can sneak off to the kitchens, and I can ask one of the house-elves to retrieve the band from my hideout."
Lupin blinked looking startled a sad look crossing his face right after. "Siri...James and Peter are your freinds too." he stated softly looking a little heartbroken again. "you go to James house every and James have been freinds since your first year in school..." he shook his head a little. "before that never mind, i'll hang with you until we get to the kitchens at the very least, but don't take off your band again alright? if the house elves know where it is...then someone else could find it too."
Sirius sighed, glancing back over his shoulder at James and Peter. "I'm sorry.. I hope the person who cast that spell on me is found soon so I can get my memories back. It must really be hard on you all that I don't remember you." James just smiled at him. "It's ok, Sirius.. You'll get your memory back before long. If Malfoy doesn't find the person soon, I'll start hexing every Slytherin I see till I get answers from one of them."
Peter nodded furiously. "and i'll help him!" he agreed beaming brightly Lupin chuckling a little and glancing at Sirius. "were all in it with you Siri, were gonna help you anyway we can. and the first making all three of you dumb-wits pay attention tot he teacher." Remus stated Sternly offering them all a scholarly glare making peter giggle furiously into his hands.
James snickered at the look on Remus' face, but turned his attention to the teacher. Sirius only half-paid attention, writing a message to Lucius in the journal he carried with him. 'I want to see you tonight after dinner. Do you think we can meet up in your hideout?'
Remus glared at the snickering but turned his attention back to the teacher and paid close attention, pretending not to notice that Sirius wasn't. Lucius's response took a moment, probably paying attention to his own classes. 'of course. i'll have the elves bring up some butterbeer.' Lucius wrote back, the man refused to admit that he had an addiction to butterbeer, completely refused!
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