Late Night Moon/Finn

Dumbledore looked startled then. "Mister Black please, i need you to focus now." he pleaded sitting at the end of the book. "do you remember anything? names, faces? anything at all." he had to make sure that the counter-curse was working properly before he could let the other go. the book grew warm in Sirius's hand just half a second after he finished writing. 'no, i couldn't sleep. too worried about you, how are you feeling? any better? has Dumbledore administered the Counter-curse yet? and MUST you call me weasel? your not going to do that in public are you?'
Sirius looked down at the book when he felt it grow warm, chuckling at what Lucius wrote. Sighing, he closed the journal and set it aside to look at Dumbledore. All he wanted was to be released from the infirmary so he could go to his secret hideaway, and if telling the headmaster that the counter-curse worked, then he'd tell the old man what he wanted to hear. "Yes, professor. It worked. Can I go now?"
the man sighed a little and nodded. "alright, you may go." he agreed softly shaking his head. "though i have my doubts i am certain that if i don't release you, you'll just sneak out later." he offered the other a small smile and stood up. "oh, and here, this was left for you." he stated handing Sirius a small parcel wrapped in simple brown paper and tied with a string, it said 'to Sirius from Weasel' on it. "you have been excused from lessons for the week, please take the time to rest and recover." and with that he left, leaving Sirius free to open the present.

inside, laying on a velvet cushion was a thin silver band shaped in the form of a snake, it would loop around Sirius's neck, upper arm, or wrist of his choosing and lock in place, only to be removed by Sirius. a small parchment explained what it was. 'The Silver Snake Charm, is a protection charm that will keep you safe from physical attacks by literally, attacking the people trying to harm you, it spits blinding poison into your attackers eyes. i hope that it can keep you safer, and help you feel safer as well.'
Sirius smiled when he read the parchment, taking the small band and putting on his upper arm. He tossed the paper in the trash and grabbed his book to write a message to Lucius. 'Thank you for the charm. I'll never take it off. In answer to your questions earlier: Dumbledore... I guess he's the old man who was here just a minute ago... He said I could leave the infirmary, so that's good I guess. I've been excused from classes for a week to recover. I'll probably spend that time in my secret hiding place. I still can't remember people's names, though I think he did try to perform the countercurse. and you will only be called Weasel in these books.' He closed the book after writing his message, getting up to leave the infirmary.
'i take it the counter curse didn't work after all?' Lucius wrote back, you could practically feel the pain in the words. 'i'm sorry Sirius, i guess i didn't pummel the guy hard enough. i'll try again, if Dumbledore will let me. and yes Dumbledore is the crazy old man with the long white beard. i'm glad you like your gift, i just wanted to make sure you would be safe, since i can't protect own house turned against me, i should have known this day would come. i was always too slytherin for those bastards.' of course Lucius's view of being slytherin, was much more similar to that of Salazars, than of Voldemorts.

Lupin was waiting outside for Sirius, and smiled at him when he saw him. "hey, i thought they would let you out, i was planning a break out if they hadn't. how are you feeling? did the counter curse work?" he asked his head tilted at the other. "i guess not huh.." he muttered softly. "well then i guess i'll reintroduce myself shall i? Remus Lupin, though you mostly call me Moony." he admitted offering Sirius a wide smile, it looked a little forced.
Sirius was reading his journal as he walked out of the infirmary, sighing a bit. He would have to write back later, when he was alone. Looking up, he was a little surprised to see the scrawny boy waiting for him. "Yeah they let me out. I've been given a week free of classes so I can recover." He started walking in the direction of the tower, glancing back over his shoulder. "You are the one who found me, right?"
Remus nodded. "that's good, you could probably use the rest.' he agreed smiling sadly at him. "yeah i found you." he admitted sighing softly. "honestly...i thought you where dead... you weren't breathing, covered in blood." he shuddered violently. "i thought i was going to lose my best friend."
Sirius shivered as he thought back to what had happened. "I thought I was going to die when he had his hands around my throat. Even as he raped me, he was choking me. That's the last thing I remember before waking up in the infirmary."
Remus nodded. "you don't remember who did you?" he asked softly, wondering how terrible that must be, to look straight in the eyes of half a dozen rapists...and not be able to remember a single one of them. Sirius must have been terrified, not knowing who he could trust, who he could go to, what he could do.
Sirius looked over at Remus, shaking his head. "No. I don't remember any of them, except Lucius. The counter-curse should have worked. So why don't I remember anyone yet?"
Lupin sighed a little. "probably because the counter curse was a fake." he admitted shaking his head. "either that or it will come back slowly. Lucius is going to freak out when he realizes it didn't work. he's really worried that your never going to remember anything. that your going to hate him forever." he admitted grimacing a little. "not to mention he's worried someone is going to tell his parents. then the shit is really going to fly."
Sirius sighed as he followed Remus up to the tower. "I don't hate him. I've been writing to him through this journal." He held up the journal he was carrying. "I've already told him that the counter-curse didn't work. I want to see him face to face. Maybe that will help my memory come back."
Remus blinked a little and hesitated. "are you sure that's a good idea? what if you traumatize yourself?" concerned for Sirius, and not all that willing to let him go back to Lucius. but if it would get the others memory back. "be careful alright? don't push yourself too hard..."
Sirius turned to look at Remus, pushing his sleeve up to reveal the band around his upper arm. "This was a gift from Lucius. He had it delivered while I was sleeping a little while ago. It will spit poison at anyone who tries to harm me. I will be fine with him, Remus. But if you want to stay with me when I go see him, I can have him meet us somewhere"
Remus blinked a little looking surprised as he leaned in to examine the snake looking amazed. "wow, that's amazing!" he murmured moving to touch the silver, jerking back when the long loops squirmed like it was adjusting itself more firmly onto Sirius's arm so that it couldn't be removed. "well, i feel much better about you wandering around now." he admitted smiling a little relaxing a bit. "do you want me to go with you or would you rather go alone?"
Sirius lowered his sleeve, chuckling a bit. "I think I am the only one who can take it off." He smiled, reaching to pat Remus' shoulder. "I really want to face him alone, but if you'll feel more comfortable joining me you can." He opened his journal to write. 'Weasel, I want to see you. Where are you?'
Lupin set his hand on Sirius's shoulder and gave him a comforting squeeze. "if you want to face him alone, then you should face him alone." he chirped softly shaking his head a little. "i'm certain that you can protect yourself, amnesia or not." he offered the other a small hesitant, almost heartbroken smile and vanished down the hall.

'i'm in the dorms. do you want to meet me at my secrete room? that way if you remember, and have an undying desire to bend me over something and fuck the daylights out of me, we have some privacy.' he was trying to tease Sirius, but it was obvious he was very worried about meeting Sirius, uncertain if it was too soon or not.
Sirius smiled at Remus, watching him disappear. Looking at the message in the journal, he smiled and wrote a response. 'I'll meet you in your secret room. I'll be wearing the gift you gave me today, just in case you try to do something to me.'
there was a long pause, probably Lucius trying to get his emotions under control at the accusation and then. 'i'll meet you there....i would never do anything to you, i'll even stand at the other side of the room and let you be as close to the doorway as you want. and i'll leave my wand by the door so you don't even have to worry about me using a spell.' he was going to make sure this was all as comfortable for Sirius as it could be. 'i'll meet you there, i'm already headed down.'
Sirius kept glancing around to make sure no one was following him as he headed to the Slytherin dungeons. He didn't want a repeat of recent events, even though he now had a way of protecting himself. He paused for a moment when he felt his book grow warm, leaning against a wall to write a reply. 'I didn't mean that the way it sounded, Weasel. I still can't remember any names or faces other than yours. I just wish I knew why the counter-curse that old man performed on me didn't work, or if he even did. He woke me up and asked if I remembered anything. I wanted to leave the infirmary, so I told him it worked...'
ther was another pause and then. 'i know you didn't mean it like that, i'm just scared that your pushing yourself too hard...oh and by the way ARE YOU INSANE!? how could you tell Dumbledore that it worked when it didn't!? do you know what could happen if you do that!? now we don't know if the counter curse was a fake or if he just did it wrong! it's a good thing i still have a copy of the spell, you're going to take it with you when you leave and give it to Lupin and have him try.'
Sirius sighed when he read Lucius' message. 'If anything goes wrong as a result of the spell, I'll go back to the infirmary. But I couldn't stay there when my attackers could come back at any time.' He closed the journal, heading down the corridor to the secret room where Lucius was.
there was no response in the journal, and when Sirius entered the room Lucius's wand was laying on the floor, as promised, and he was sitting as far away as he could get without actually leaving the room. he couldn't help but look overjoyed when he saw Sirius. "hey." he muttered softly, smiling at him. "i really wish you would let Lupin put the counter spell on you, do you honestly think that Pomfry would let anyone in the hospital room while you where recovering?"
Sirius stayed near the door, watching Lucius. "I want to do some research on the spell before I let anyone use it on me again. Just to be sure it really will help fix my memory. All we have is the word of whoever you got it from, and if it was one of my attackers, I wouldn't trust anything they say."
Lucius paused and then nodded. "that's probably a good idea." he admitted rubbing the back of his head. "i didn't even think about it being a trap." he paused and then shook his head. "anyway, how are you feeling, you don't hurt anywhere do you?"
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