Late Night Moon/Finn

Snape swallowed thickly. "i don't know." he admitted, his voice hoarse. "i heard some second years gossiping, went to find someone...not even you deserve to be raped, not even Sirius." he closed his eyes, feeling incredibly sore. "got caught by some seventh years... got the shit beat out of me... Lucius found me, brought me here...went to find Sirius..." he sighed a little and drifted off to sleep again.

Lupin scowled as he listened to the story looking back at Sirius. "this is bad..." he muttered softly shaking his head. "Sirius seams to think that Lucius raped him... but if Lucius also found Snape..." "then...there are t..t..two Lucius's?" Peter stammered looking baffled and Remus nodded. "and we can't tell which Lucius was the real Lucius, the one that raped Sirius, or the one that saved Snape..." he groaned a little and flopped into his chair. "we have to tell professor Dumbledore, he can find out who did this..." "or at l..l..least help S..Sirius g..get his m..memories b..back."
((Polyjuice potion only lasts an hour, so I am sure that whoever was masquerading as Lucius has changed back by now. Re-read Chamber of Secrets.))

James glanced over at Remus before turning to Severus. "You know a lot about potions, Sni... Severus... Can you tell me how there can be two Lucius's?" He turned to look at his friend, who had by then turned away from them to try and sleep. "I don't know if Dumbledore can do anything for Sirius, Moony. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. One of us should stay with him though, in case whoever did this comes back for more."
i know it does, Sirius was raped by other six years, one of which was transformed into Lucius. also it lasts Two hours not one. the real Lucius found Snape after he was beaten up by seventh years while Sirius was being raped.. thus, two Lucius's at one time.)

Snape opened his eyes again, struggling to stay awake. "i know a few." he admitted softly. "the most...probable is a polyjuice potion...but i don't think anyone other than me and a few seventh years could make that, it's horridly complicated." he admitted closing his eyes again. "and i try NOT to get in trouble, unlike some." he admitted Lupin rolling his eyes. "James you go look for Dumbledore, Peter you go and look for Lucius Malfoy. i'm going to look through the potions books and find out what the Polyjuice Juice Potion is."
James nodded to Remus, knowing he would probably be the most welcomed by Sirius. "Keep a close on on Padfoot, Moony. He needs to know that we are his friends, even if he doesn't remember." Giving them all a wave, he went to look for the headmaster to talk to him about what had happened to Sirius.
Remus nodded and sat next to Sirius looking worried as he watched his friend sleeping letting out a soft sigh, biting his lip a little. "good luck guys." he stated softly, hoping that someone could fix Sirius, shaking his head a little. when James and peter came back however, Lupin was actually talking to Snape, who was sitting up, half healed and eating a thin soup. "so polyjuice only last's two hours?" "that's right, whoever did this to Sirius has already changed back, " Snape agreed shaking his head, there might be a way to find residue in a person's bloodstream, but i don't know what it might be." he admitted. "unfortunately the Polyjuice potion also replicates DNA, so while the others might be caught by taking samples of Semen from Sirius the leaders semen will only be Lucius's." "well i c..c..couldn't f..f..find Lucius a..anywhere so we c..c..can't ask him a..anything." he admitted looking even more nervous than usual about Snape and lupin getting along in anyway way or form.
James walked over to Remus, glancing down at Sirius. "Dumbledore is going to talk with the rest of the Slytherins to find out who all was responsible." He turned and looked down at Severus. "Do you know where Lucius might spend his time when he wants to be alone? He's got to be somewhere in the castle."
Severus shook his head. "Lucius has his own secrete little hiding place, one that doesn't show up in anyone's Radar." he admitted scowling. "i've tried to find it myself hundreds of times, i've even followed him but he always slips out of view. your just going to have to wait until he stops feeling guilty and comes out." he snorted a little. "he might look like an ice king, but he has the emotional capabilities of a two month old." he admitted shaking his head. "he would have done much better in Huffelpuff." Remus snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "and i already checked the map, he doesn't show up on there." he admitted sighing a little. "he'll come out eventually, i suppose. he's probably afraid he's going to get in trouble."
James clenched his fist, looking down at Sirius. "He should feel guilty! I'm going to kill him when I find him, whether he actually participated in the attack on Padfoot or not!" He turned to look at Remus. "I'm going to start searching for the bastard myself. Stay here with Sirius. Come find me if that weasel ever shows his face here." He walked out, glaring at Severus.
Lupin reached out and grabbed James wrist. "James." he stated sternly his eyes narrowed darkly. "don't you lay even a finger on Malfoy." he demanded a slight snarl to his voice, the werewolf in him coming out. "he did not do this to Sirius, i know he seams like a jackass to a close minded individual like yourself but he's not evil enough to do something like this to anyone, not even you." "Young Remus is correct." Dumbledore informed him gravely. "Mr. Malfoy has been in my office for the last ten minutes, being questioned under the veritiserium. he had nothing to do with Mr. Blacks attack." "w..w..whjat about s..s..snape?" "Mr. Snape has already been questioned and truthfully did try to stop the attack." Dumbledore stated calmly, looking at Sirius and sighing softly. "that this could happen int he halls of hogwarts disturbs me a great deal. the ones responsible will be sent to azakaban. this i assure you.
James pulled his hand free, glaring at Remus. He couldn't believe that someone he had considered a friend would try and stop him from avenging an attack on another of their friends. When he heard Dumbledore, he turned to look at the headmaster. "If Malfoy didn't do this to Sirius, then who did?" It didn't make him feel better to know that to culprits would be sent to the wizard prison, not when his best friend was lying in the hospital wing with no memory of his friends. "Can you do something to help Sirius regain his memory, Professor?"
Dumbledore hessitated and layed his hand gently on Sirius's forehead closing his eyes a little before sighing a little and shaking his head. "i'm sorry, there's little i can do without his permission, and even then i am not skilled enough at mind magic to help him. i would have to call in a profesional. i do have someone who will come in and try but, well there can be no garentee's." "professor." Snape stated suddenly from his bed hessitating a little. "if...i told you the memory charm they used..." "you know it?" "i think so..i've seen the other slytherins using it on...well on.. Mr. Lupin." he admitted looking rather ashamed as Remus looked startled blinking at him. "they use truth spells and imperio on him to get information, and then they modify his memory so he forgets...they do it to a lot of students..."

"why int he bloody hell!!!" Lupin roared looking enraged at Snape who flinched. "look, i don';t have freinds." he spat, suddenly hateful. "you people ruin my life every moment of every day simply because i exist! and yet i'm here helping you because i feel obligated, even though doing so almost killed me because my own house beat the shit out of me for the effort! so why don't you take you 'bloody hell' and shove it up your ass!" that had Lupin stunned into silence his eyes wide at Snape, who usually just took the abuse silently. Dumbledore was even staring at Snape, startled and surprised as the 'Greasy haired git' laid down, rolled over, and hid underneath his blankets.
Sirius woke up when he heard the yelling, turning over to look at everyone gathered in the infirmary. "Would you all keep it down? In case none of you had noticed, I was trying to rest over here. If that student there tried to get me help, then just leave him be! Yelling at him won't solve anything." He followed Severus' example after that and pulled the covers over his head so he could go back to sleep.

James looked from Severus to Sirius, nodding. "We should let them rest, and hope that whoever Dumbledore has coming can really help Sirius regain his memory."
Lupin continued to gape at Severus looking a mix of completely pissed and astonished. "he yelled at me!" he protested Peter chuckling nervously as he carefully tugged Lupin out of the room. no one ever yelled at Lupin, ever, it just, wasn't done, he usually looked too sweet to actually yell at, and everyone knew he was liable to start swinging if being sweet didn't work. "he Yelled at me!" Lupin complained turning stunned eyes to James. "did you SEE that!?" too astonished to do anything else as Dumbledore chuckled a little and helped usher Lupin out of the room. "please be a little more cautious with your temper Remus, the full moon is getting close, and i don't want you to maul a student.' he warned looking amused as he headed to his office to call in the auror team and a specialty healer.
James helped usher Remus from the infirmary. "We were all there, Moony. But you yelled too, and Sirius is right. Yelling isn't going to do anything to help him. We just have to put faith in Dumbledore that the healer he's bringing in can fix Padfoot's memory. In the meantime, we'll just have to make sure you remain calm till after the full moon."
Remus snarled a little his eyes narrowing. "i don't wanna be calm!" he practically yelled before slumping and sighing, sulking a little as he walked next to his two freinds, calm once more looking rather annoyed. "besides how calm would YOU be if you found out the reason you've been having blackouts is because people have been forcing you to tell information, and then erasing your memory of it?" he demanded looking highly pissed, of course he had every right to be pissed. "the slytherins better fucking hope they stay the hell out of my way." he snarled his eyes narrowed darkly. "i'm going to start studying up ways to counter the memory modification charms."
James turned to glare at Remus, wanting nothing more than to slap some sense into the werewolf. But as it was so close to the full moon, he knew better than to push Moony too far. "I'm angry about all this too, Remus, but there is little we can do right now. I will help you to counter those memory charms, but please don't do anything that could get you in trouble."
Remus sighed a little and rubbed his head, shaking it a little. "no... i won't do anything." he promised sounding defeated, sounding tired. "i'm going to go back and sit with Sirius." he decided sighing softly looking back at the hospital wing with fear in his eyes. "i don't want him to forget me." he admitted, sounding so wistful it was hard not to know that Lupin fancied himself in love with Sirius. he turned and headed back into the hospital wing without a response from James or Peter, the Rat looking horror struck. "Remus isn't doing so good about all d..don't think he feels guilty too you?"
James watched Remus go back into the hospital wing, sighing softly. "I think he has feelings for Padfoot, Peter. You go on back to the tower. I'm going to see if I can find Lucius. I want to hear from him myself that he had nothing to do with the attack on Sirius." Even though Dumbledore had said that Lucius was questioned under the Veritaserum, there were ways around that.
Peter grimaced a little and shook his head. "this i..isn't going to end well." he muttered softly under his breath as he scampered away, leaving James free to find Lucius. the man wasn't hard to find, he was staggering down the stairs, his pupils wide, still suffering the side effects of the veritaserum.he even looked as if he would still be forced to tell the truth, though surely Dumbledore would never have allowed Lucius to wander the halls still under it's effects? unless he had snuck out? the blond paused when he caught sight of James and stood there, as if waiting for him to move, even though James wasn't in the way.
James spotted the blond as he came down the stairs. Growling a bit, he walked over to Lucius and grabbed the front of his school robes. "I want the names of everyone who was involved with the attack on Sirius!" He had originally gone looking for the Slytherin prince to get revenge, but after seeing him still under the effects of the Veritaserum he just couldn't bring himself to hit the boy. "Also, I want you to stay away from him."
Lucius paused then. "the only one i know is Nott." he admitted slurring a little. "i was going to go and find him, and then beat him, because he hurt Sirius, and no one hurts Sirius, not after i told them not to hurt Sirius." he stated blinking slowly. "only they did hurt Sirius, so now they have to pay for that, only i don;t know who's involved so i have to go find Nott and beat him up to find out who was involved, and then i have to find the others that where involved and beat them up too..." he was rambling, a few drops too many it seamed.
James shoved Lucius against the wall, snarling. "My best friend is lying in a bed in the hospital wing with no memory of anyone except you, Malfoy! For some reason, he thinks you are the one who put him there! Now I don't know what you would have to do with the attack on him, but I don't want you anywhere near him." Clenching his fist, he raised it as though to punch Lucius but then stopped and let his hand drop when he remembered Remus' words to him. "Sirius didn't deserve what happened to him, and I know you are in some way responsible for it, even if you weren't a participant."
Lucius nodded. "i'm sure it's my fault." he admitted rubbign his face, the Veritaserum starting to wear off. "i'm just not sure yet.. unless they found out, but i don't see how they could have found out unless Remus tattled, but Remus doesn't tattle and certainly not to Sytherins." he babbled shaking his head. "i finally get what i want and they take it away from me! well no one takes what i want away from me! not even me!" he raved shoving James out of the way and stalking down the stairs, when normally he would have been bitching about James ruining his favorite robes, he simply ignored the other and continued on his search for Nott.
James went after Lucius, trying to stop him. "Remus wouldn't have willingly told anyone if he was asked not to. Maybe you should go see your buddy Severus and ask him what he knows. He had quite an interesting story to tell about how your Housemates know things they shouldn't." He moved to stand in Lucius' path, staring at him. "I want to know what you want from Sirius, Malfoy. If you truly care about him, tell me now."
Lucius stared at James for a long moment and then. "i don't care about him." he stated sternly. "i love him." he admitted swallowing thickly. "that's why all of this is my fault." he admitted a strange sort of...well, feeling had crossed Lucius's face. and Lucius never showed emotiuon, any emotion...ever. "i want, whatever will make Sirius happy. i never thought someone would find out that i was trying to seduce Sirius, least of all you. but with the slytherins knowing about it... there's no point in trying to keep it a secrete anymore." he sighed a little and closed his eyes. "i have to make this right...any way that i can."
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