Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius closed the journal, sighing. "Asking a professor might be the best idea. We can go talk to one tomorrow at breakfast if you want." He didn't like that someone might know about him and Lucius, and he needed to figure out who was threatening Remus so they could be stopped.
Remus scowled a little and rubbed his head again sighing a little and shaking his head. "i wish this damn headache would go away." he admitted with a grumble, Peter bouncing into the room with a small grin as he looked around bounding over to Remus and Sirius. "well, did you do it? switch the food!?" he demanded wiggling excitedly Remus pausing and then looking horrified. "i....i don't remember!" he admitted jerking to his feet. "shit!"
Sirius glanced at the clock above the fireplace. "They are probably just getting ready to serve the food now. We should get to the dining hall and see. But until we can be sure which table the compromised food is on, we can't eat any of it." He looked pointedly at Peter when he said that.

((I'm assuming it's dinner time))
Peter sulked a little and pouted his lips a little. "but...oh fine..." "we should probably warn all the griffindors too..." "...but Moony we already did that." Peter pointed out looking confused. "remember? in case one of the slytherins where to switch them back?" Remus looked a little puzzled and then groaned a little. "i need to lay down again." he groaned getting to his feet and heading for the dorms again rubbing his eyes, Peter looking confused. "is Moony sick Padfoot?"
Sirius watched Remus head back up to the dorms, sighing. "I'm sure he'll be just fine, Wormtail. We have more important things to worry about right now, so let's just leave him be." After giving the staircase another glance, he headed out through the portrait hole and down to the dining hall.
Peter hesitated a little and then sighed a little following after Sirius into the dining hall where everything had already been served. neither the slytherins nor the gryffindors where eating, both sides glaring furiously at each other as they waited to see who would suffer from the prank, Peter looking nervously from one side to the other. "so...we don't know who's getting pranked" he demanded looking up at Sirius looking over at the Slytherins and then at the Gryffondors again biting his lip. "no ones eating..."
Sirius thought it strange that the Slytherins weren't eating, almost as if someone had informed them that the food had been switched. "Serves the Slytherins right for trying to prank us. Let's go back Wormtail. There's nothing we can do now."
Peter nodded and shook his head a little. "i bet that bastard Malfoy warned them." he grumbled sulking a little as he sighed a little and turned away from the dinner. "i'm going to get some food from the kitchens, i'll bring something for Remus too, since he's not feeling well." he decided. "want me to get you anything?" he never noticed the looked that Sirius was getting from a few of the slytherins.
Sirius sighed, shaking his head. He knew that Lucius wouldn't have done that, and he knew that his housemates wouldn't believe him if he tried to tell them what a good person Malfoy really was. "Yeah. Get me something too. I'll meet you back in the tower." He turned to leave, not noticing the looks he was getting from the Slytherin table either as he was trying to figure out who was behind whatever was wrong with Remus.
the slytherin's smirked and got to their feet, following after Sirius, two of them grabbing him from behind, a hand over his mouth, another over his eyes as two people grabbed his wrists, and another two grabbed his ankles, carrying him to someplace, someplace quiet and empty, and soundproof as well. they released him without warning, letting him drop tot he ground as a small chuckle filled the air. a very familiar chuckle, Lucius's chuckle. "so good of you to join us Sirius." he purred, standing in front of his lover with a wicked gleam in his eyes, the other slytherins snickering viciously. this, was not good.
Sirius struggled as he was carried to wherever the Slytherins were taking him, worried about what they would be doing to him. When they finally let him go, he looked around with wide eyes when he heard the voice of his lover. "Lucius.. Tell them to let me go. They'll listen to you." He was a little worried about the look in Lucius' eyes, but he knew there was little chance of him escaping with so many Slytherins around him.
Lucius smirked and shook his head. "i can't do that Sirius." he growled licking his lips as he grabbed the others ankle and yanked him towards him. "did you honestly think, that i could ever love you?" he demanded running his hand up the others leg before grinding the heal of his fist painfully into his cock. "did you ever think that my affection towards you was real? your just a stupid blood traitor griffindor." he spat the other slytherin's snickering, one of them reaching down and ripping open Sirius's shirt, another working at the others pants, trying to yank them down forcefully the others laughing, one grabbing a thick handful of Sirius's hair, forcing his head out of the way as he bit down on the soft flesh of his neck, sucking hard. another was running his hands along the others chest, pinching his nipples painfully, twisting and pulling without mercy. this was very, very bad for Sirius.
Sirius kicked out at his attackers, glaring at Lucius. "I should have known you would betray me, Lucius. And to think I accepted the gift you gave me earlier! Well you can have it back!" He stopped fighting after a minute, closing his eyes as he let the Slytherins do as they pleased. He would make sure he never let himself be tricked by Lucius again.
Lucius snickered darkly. "of course i betrayed you, i never even liked you." he pointed out looking breifly confused about the present mention a smirk on his lips. "oh go ahead and keep it, it can be a precious memory." he purred at the other snickering darkly as several hands worked on completely unclothing Sirius and molesting him, hands stroking his most intimate parts as Lucius snickered and gripped the others ass. "your such a tight little fuck too." he growled running his tongue along Sirius's neck, "i'll teach you, to trust a slytherin."
Sirius noticed the confused look on the face of 'Lucius' at the mention of his gift and knew immediately it wasn't really him. "Tell me Lucius. What is it that you gave me?" He started fighting back, not wanting to give these slytherins the satisfaction of beating him. "Who are you really?"
the fake Lucius scowled at having been caught and then snickered darkly shaking his head. "it doesn't matter who i am." he stated gripping Sirius's dick hard licking his lips. "what matters, is that i am going to rape you, looking, smelling, tasting, BEING your lover Lucius." he growled smirking as he unzipped his pants and gave himself a few strokes to make sure he was nice and hard. "and then all my freinds are gonna have their turn at you, and every time you think of Lucius, all your going to feel is shame for letting me rape you wearing his face, for being such a whore as you let countless slytherin's mount you again and again until your spent and unconscious." he snickered as he pushed himself roughly into Sirius, no doubt ripping the tender flesh there. "oooh yes, such a tight little fuck toy."
Sirius tried desperately to shove the fake Lucius off him, only to end up being held down by the other Slytherins in the room. When he felt something warm leak out of his ass, he knew he was going to be in a hell of a lot of pain by the time this was over if he wasn't unconscious by then. "I'm not a whore, and I'm not going to let you get away with this. As soon as I am able, I'll go to Dumbledore and tell him what you did!" He would just have to find out who it was that was disguised as Lucius first.
they all laughed. "you think Dumbledore will help you? you think he CAN!?" he demanded moaning as he thrust harder into Sirius. "whats to say we don't just modify your memory, and make you think the only one who raped you was Lucius?" the others snickered. "whats to say we even leave him capable of speech after this?" "oh there's an idea, we could cut open his throat and ditch him in hogsmead." the Fake Lucius chirped laughing as he gripped one of Sirius's nipples and twisted it violently. "scream for me bitch, scream!"
Sirius glared up at the fake Lucius, clenching his mouth shut. He wasn't going to give any of them the satisfaction of hearing him scream. He may not be able to fight them off, but he wasn't going to give in to them completely either.
the Fake Lucius laughed as he rode Sirius mercilessly, finishing off while still inside and backing off to let another have a turn, this slytherin had a thing for biting, and Sirius was soon covered in bleeding bite marks, which was followed by bruised ass cheeks, as the next continuously spanked him while he raped Sirius. again and again they mounted Sirius, beating him in-between, covering him in bruises and marks, trying to get him to scream as they raped him over and over until one of them wrapped his hands tightly around Sirius's neck, choking the breath out of him as he raped him, filling his overly abused hole without mercy as he choked Sirius until the man passed out.
Despite his vow to keep quiet as the abuse progressed, Sirius found himself unable to stay quiet. His screams soon filled the room, and unless they had cast silencing charns, they would probably be heard throughout the castle. When he felt the hands around his throat, he struggled harder to get free but soon his body went completely limp as he passed out from lack of oxygen.
when he woke up he was laying in the hospital wing with a concerned Lupin hovering over him, James and Peter standing not far behind looking terrified beyond all belief...and wierded right the hell out by the fact that Severus Snape was laying in the next bed over covered in bruises that normally Lupin gave him, only worse. "Sirius, Mate...are you with us?" Lupin asked softly gently touching Sirius's face. "i'm so relieved your alive! i almost didn't beleive Snivilus when he told us what happened but..." he shook his head glancing over at Snape, who was sleeping off his own injuries. the only problem was...where was Lucius?
Sirius cringed when Remus touched him, turning over onto his side. "Don't touch me... I don't even know you. Leave me alone." His body was still sore from the abuse he had suffered and he was wondering how it was that he was still alive. He looked confused at the mention of Snivellus, almost as if he didn't know who the person was.
Remus gasped looking shocked as he pulled away from Sirius looking horrified, Severus looking over, weakly muttering something, Remus looking over at James before heading over to Snape and leaning down so he could hear what he was saying. "Sirius it's us! your best f..f..freinds!" Peter protested looking horrified. "Sirius how c..c..can you not remember us!?" he demanded looking stricken Remus sighing a little. "it's probably a spell." he stated, faintly red from whatever Snape had said, the man falling back to sleep. "look, Sirius can you tell us what you remember?"
James walked over to Snape, wanting to hear what he was trying to say. "Who did this to him, Snivellus? Who hurt Sirius?" He knew it was unlikely that he'd get any answers, but he had to try.

Sirius laid back down, staring up at the ceiling. "Lucius.. a bunch of people raping me.. I can't remember who though.."
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