Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius took the book, sitting down on the ground to read it. He looked over at Remus after a minute, narrowing his eyes a bit. "No you cannot beat the shit out of him. He said he was planning on skipping dinner anyways, and right now, he's working on a present for me." He smirked at Remus, looking back down at the diary to see if he could find any clues to Godric's former living quarters.
Remus sulked a little and chuckled a little. "i can't imagine how hard this is for him." he admitted yawning a little shaking his head. "thats alright, when we graduate houses fall away and you guys can date for real." Remus was being unusually helpful, of course he did want Sirius to be happy, and so far the other did look rather happier than he had in months. Remus could only be happy for the man he loved. "whats he making you?" he asked, just to be an ass snickering a little. the diary only mentioned the rooms once,'behind a mirror on the way up to the gryffindor common room' there where only two mirrors, it would be easy to find.
Sirius closed the book after reading the clue left, looking over at Remus as he stood up again. "He didn't say, but I imagine I'll find out soon. Right now though, we have a room to find. Come on. The diary says it's behind a mirror on the way up to the Gryffindor common rooms, so it shouldn't be that hard to find."
Remus chuckled a little and shook his head. "alright, i'm coming." he agreed rolling his eyes. "i thought you wanted it to be a room just for you?" he teased looking amused as he followed Sirius to the stairs rolling his eyes. "i should make you find it all on your own." he teased grinning a little as he looked around checking to make sure no one was around as they came to the first mirror. "does it say how to get in?"
Sirius opened the book again to read further, glancing at Remus. "Well once we find it, I could just perform a memory charm on you so you forget. That way it will still be my own private hideaway." Laughing, he looked back at the book and started reading from where he left off.
Remus hesitated, looking a little nervous about being Charmed. "well...just be careful about it." he muttered hesitantly, "it says here that it's fake wall." Remus stated looking up. "so i guess we just walk through." he slid the mirror out of the way and thrust his hand forward, wincing as his hand slid through. clearly he had been expecting pain.
Sirius laughed, stepping through. "It's just like the wall at the train station, Remus." Stepping further into the room, he looked around, surprised at how clean it was, even after centuries of being hidden.
the room was all done up in reds and golds, a small layer of dust was over everything but all in all it was very organized, uncluttered, and very spacious, Remus whistling in surprise as he looked around. "want m to help you clean up before you modify my memory?"
Sirius glanced at Remus, shaking his head. "No I think I can manage it myself." He went back out into the hallway, waiting for Remus. He'd have to cast the memory charm out there, or Remus would be able to find it again, not to mention he'd be confused as to where he was.
Remus grinned and followed him out. "make sure to erase your mentioning where it was hidden as well." he ordered swallowing thickly, nervous, but trusting Sirius completely as he closed his eyes, waiting for his memory to be erased patiently. he'd always wondered what it would be like.
Sirius took out his wand, uttering the words for the charm as he pointed it at Remus. Lowering his wand, he smiled. "Did it work?"
Remus went sort of misty eyed and blinked at the other rather stupidly. "did what work?" he asked sluggishly before rubbing his eyes and groaning. "i have a headache." he admitted. "what where we talking about?" he asked looking around completely baffled. "weren't we just in the secrete room? i am so confused." he whined tromping up the stairs. "i gotta lay down."
Sirius followed him, glad that the charm had worked without any major side effects. "Maybe you were sleep walking, Remus"
Remus paused and then. "yeah that might be it." he agreed rubbing his eyes. "i'm going back to bed then." he decided flashing the other a grin. "be careful being out this late, with the slytherin's up to no good, their going to be overly careful about others walking the halls. i'm going to sneak into the kitchens in the morning and ask the elves to swap the food." he admitted before turning and heading back up the stairs to go to bed.
Sirius watched him head back up to the common, smiling. He had his secret hideaway, which still needed some dusting. Turning, he moved the mirror and stepped through the wall into his private place. After spending an hour cleaning, he left the quarters to go see what kind of present Lucius was making for him.
Lucius was still in his own little room, muttering softly and prodding something with his wand grinning a bit as the something let off a small squelching sound just as Sirius stepped in. "yes! it worked! i can't beleive it actually worked!" Lucius chirped looking oh so proud of himself, even though there was no one there, at least not that he was aware of. "SIRIUS!" Lucius squawked, startled as he took sight of the other, practically falling over in his startlement. "you scared the magic right out of me!" he complained a hand to his heart, half afraid he was having a heart attack. "you have GOT to knock or something!" he admitted starting to chuckle a little now that he was over his fright. "your just in time, i finished your present....i think." he hadn't had time to test it yet.
Sirius laughed at the thought, walking over to give Lucius a kiss. "I honestly can't picture you without magic, living as a muggle. But yeah. I'll knock next time and risk alerting my presence to any of your housemates." He looked at the contraption behind Lucius. "What is that?"
Lucius snorted a little and pulled away from the table, picking up two books. "two way journals." he admitted smiling as he handed Sirius one. "flip it open to the first page." he ordered doing the same with his and picking up the quill that was laying in there. "you don't need ink for these, the ink is already in the book." he admitted grinning a bit as he started writing, the words he wrote appeared in the book that Sirius was holding. 'everything i write in my book, you can see, and vice versa. so we can talk to each other in class, or when we can't get away from our houses.'
Sirius opened his book to the page Lucius had indicated, writing a reply in his book. 'And what if someone gets a hold of either book while the other is being written in?' Even though it was unlikely, there was still the chance that someone could find one of the books and hide it from its owner.
there was a pause and then. "dammit! i didn't think of that!" Lucius admitted snapping his book shut. "ok so they still need a few details worked out...but it's the thought that counts right?" he asked smiling a little his head tilted. "unless maybe i cast a charm on them to make them look like simple books? like, only you and i could see through the glamor...there are spells for that." Lucius admitted flipping through his charms book again, he wanted to try.
Sirius laughed, sitting down next to Lucius and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I really like the gift, Lucius. Thank you." He closed his book and set it on the floor next to him. "It was easier than I thought to find the private quarters of Godric Gryffindor, though he was a hell of a lot neater than Salazar Slytherin."
he laughed a little and nodded. "i don't doubt." he admitted smiling a little at the other. "i was hoping you would." he admitted picking up the books his head tilted. "because, this way, we could even stay in contact over the summer, without getting caught sending letters." he admitted grinning lightly at the other his head tilted.
Sirius nodded, smiling. "And no one would be the wiser. Thank you for the journal, Lucius. I'll have to think of something appropriate to give to you." He was quiet for a moment as he thought of something he could give to Lucius that would mean something. With a smirk on his face, he got up and moved to lay on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt. "I have the perfect thing for you."
Lucius grinned at him. "you don't have to give me anything." he protested smiling as he turned back tot he journals his head tilted a little before he paused and turned back to Sirius looking puzzled for a moment. "what would that...oh." he paused and then smirked a bit tilting his head a little. ":are you sure?" he asked smirking as he loosened his school tie, wondering of Sirius would let him tie him up. he doubted it, but he could give it a try right?
Sirius nodded as he undid his tie, smirking a bit as he turned to tie one end to the headboard. "Give me your tie, Lucius." It seemed that he had the same idea, though he wouldn't ever let it get out that he liked being tied up.
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