Late Night Moon/Finn

Peter was back and looking terrified as he reported the horrible prank that the slytherins where pulling. it would humiliate everyone! and with the headmaster once being a slytherin, none of them would get into any trouble. "what are we going to do!?" peter demanded once they had filled in Sirius.
((I thought Dumbledore was the Headmaster, and he was in Gryffindor I believe))

Sirius smirked, sitting in a chair by the fireplace. "We could just have the house-elves switch the food that would normally be put on the Gryffindor table with what the Slytherins would be getting. I'll have to let Lucius know ahead of time though."
oh nuts, thats right! XDD sorry i wa thinking TOM, not Remus and James XP my bad ignore that.)

Peter turned to stare at Sirius blinking a little. "why do we need to warn Lucius?" he demanded Remus sighing with avvrigation. "we might as well tell them Sirius." he stated looking incredably annoyed. "Sirius and Lucius made a deal, that if we stopped fucking with him, he'd do everything in his power to stop the slytherins from fucking with us. he has tests you know and he finds 'petty disagrements' a waste of his 'valuable time' so me and Sirius agreed." Lupin admitted staring at James. waiting for him to start screaming in rage or something. "we didn't tell you because we knew you'd freak out."
James turned to look at Sirius, rage in his eyes. "No! You will not tell any of the Slytherins. Let Lucius eat the food along the rest of his housemates! He knew about this prank, and didn't bother to tell me what it was, so he can suffer."

Sirius glanced over at Remus, thankful the werewolf kept the real truth a secret. "Can you get me that diary now? I want to read it and find that thing I mentioned to you earlier."
Remus lifted a hand. "but James, Lucius DID warn you about the prank, even just doing that could get him in a great deal of trouble with his house. think about that James, not even Lucius Malfoy is safe from the wrath of his own house." he stated getting to his feet. "come on Sirius, lets leave the hypocrite to sulk. i am warning Lucius whether he wants me to or not." he flashed the other a violent, almost full moon smirk. "and i'd like to see him try and stop me."
Sirius got to his feet, nodding to Remus. "Thank you Remus." He headed out through the portrait hole, waiting outside in the corridor for the werewolf. "I really shouldn't be taking you to his private hiding place, but he does need to be warned. Why don't you go get the diary, and I'll meet you in the library after I am done talking with Lucius."
Lupin nodded and offered the other a smile. "i'm just surprised he warned James of all people." he admitted shaking his head. "i mean, i know Lucius is insane but that's just crazy." he admitted chuckling a little. "ah well, you go on ahead, i'll catch you up in our secrete place alright? be careful." he ordered smiling a little at him before heading down the hallway so he could slip into the Dorms without anyone noticing him.

Lucius was still in Slytherin's chambers scowling a little at the ceiling as he contemplated his life, and if it was worth living. he wanted to change, but if he did he would have nowhere to go, he only had his father and other Slytherin's. he couldn't go live with Sirius, he lived with James most of the time, and James would never let Lucius into his house. he was stuck no matter what he chose. a hellish life on the side of 'good' and a hellish life on the side of 'evil'. it just wasn't fair.
Sirius shook his head. "You are wrong, Remus. Lucius is not insane. I think he told James about the prank, knowing that James would try and stop it. He was trying to protect me the only way he could, at the risk of his own safety." He sighed, heading down to Slytherin's private quarters, taking his wand out as he got closer.
Remus chuckled a little and nodded. "i know, but i can't just forgive him." he admitted shaking his head. "i mean, the guy shoved my head in the loo." he complained. "AND he bit me!" he grinned a little. "but can be nice to him for you, just don't ever become freinds with Snivelus, i will NEVER forgive you if you become freinds with snivilus."
Sirius made a face at the thought of being friends with Snivellus. "I'd rather shove my own head in a loo before I stop tormenting him!" He continued toward the entrance to Lucius' secret hideaway, slipping inside when he felt it was safe to do so. "Lucius?"
Lucius was laying on the couch, twirling his wand as he pondered his life and looked up when Sirius entered, a grin spreading across his lips, so overjoyed to see Sirius it was almost sad. "hey! did you find out?" he asked looking worried. "you did didn't you? i hope so because i don't think i can tell you, if my house finds out then i'm up for an ass whopping, prefect or not."
Sirius sat down next to him, nodding. "Peter told us about what they were planning, and we're going to make sure it backfires on them. That is why I am here. I don't want you to come to the great hall for dinner tonight. I can bring you something later so you don't go hungry."
he nodded. "i was planning on skipping anyway." he admitted running a hand through his hair. "hopefully they'll think the house elves just screwed up, or accidentally told one of the griffindors or something." he admitted smiling a little at Sirius. "i'm Glad James was smart enough to take my warning." he admitted softly. "he's an ass, but he's a paranoid ass. oh, sorry i forgot i'm not supposed to make fun of your freinds anymore." he admitted shaking his head. "does that count?"
Sirius chuckled, leaning over to kiss Lucius. "I'll let it slide this time, since you did warn us about the prank. Just don't expect to get away with it every time."
Sirius gives him a look. "I'm being serious here, Lucius. I don't want to have to choose between you and them."
Lucius smiled a little. "i would never ask you to do that." he promised gently tugging the others ear. "ever, if you HAD to choose, you damn well better pick your freinds." he stated sternly, looking almost lonely himself. "i might not like them, but they are loyal to you, they love you. they would do anything for you, people like that are hard to come by."
Sirius smiled, swatting at the hand tugging his ear. "Like you needed to tell me that! I would have chosen them over you if I ever had to. But you would do anything for me too."
Lucius smiled a little and gently tucked Sirius's hair behind his ear. "unfortunately...i wouldn't be able to do anything for you." he admitted sounding deeply regretful. "no matter what i do, i'm backed into a corner... if anyone where to find out about this, about us..." he sighed a little and turned away from Sirius his eyes fixed on the floor. "i love you more than i have ever loved anything....and i can't even express it the way i would roses, fancy dinners..." he scrubbed at his eyes a little. "i don't know how you could even give me a chance, when i can't even give you everything you deserve."
Sirius leaned back, laughing. "I don't know what it is about me that makes me so attractive. You are in love with me. Moony is in love with me." He looks over at Lucius, placing a hand on the man's cheek. "You can do all those things." He waved a hand around the room. "You and I are the only ones who know about this room, right?"
Lucius scowled at the mention of Remus. "i guess we do have something in common." he admitted smiling a little. "besides who could not love you? your kind, and loyal, brave enough to go against your entire family but smart enough not to pick fights you know you won't win. i bet your even romantic when you want to be." he teased smiling a little. "your like...the perfect man." he admitted looking around the room. "and yes, you and i are the only ones that know about this place..." he perked, suddenly understanding. "i could throw you special dinners here, and leave presents for you." he snapped his fingers. "i have the perfect idea for a gift!" he stated grinning a little. "i'll start working on it right away." he decided nodding a bit.
Sirius grinned at Lucius, getting up. "And no one will ever find out about us." He leaned down to give the Slytherin a kiss. "I am supposed to meet Moony now. He's going to help me find Godric Gryffindor's private quarters. It's funny though. When I asked him about it, he said the same thing you did. That I could use it for my own private hideaway. You two have so much in common. It's too bad you can't be friends." He turned, heading for the door. "I'll see you later, Lucius."
Lucius grimaced a little. "i don't think we CAN be freinds, you know how opposites are supposed to attract? yeah well people who are the same as each other have a tendency to try and slaughter each other." he admitted flashing his lover a smirk. "we could be civil if we had to but i highly doubt were going to ever be freinds." he chuckled a little. "you go find your personal quarters and have fun, i'm going to get started on your present."
Sirius smiled at him again, slipping out and heading up to Remus' secret place. He couldn't wait to get his hands on that diary, wanting to find the secret living quarters of Godric Gryffindor. It would be so nice to have a place to hide when he wanted to be alone. "Remus? Do you have it?"
Lupin nodded and handed him a very old book. "be very careful with it." he warned. "it's falling apart." he admitted grinning a little. "how did warning Lucius go?" he asked his head tilted. "did he try anything? can i beat the shit out of him now?" he asked looking rather hopeful. maybe Lucius was right, they were the type of people to hold grudges, they could be civil...for Sirius's sake, but anything beyond that they where completely incapable.
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