Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius put an arm around Remus, nodding. "Yes I do, Moony. I don't expect you to be friends with him, or any of the other Slytherins, and you can do whatever you want to Snivellus, but please at least try to be nice to Lucius. I assure you that he won't be bothering any of us again. Not if he wants things to work out between us." James went looking for Lucius, positive that the slytherin had something to do with Sirius' sudden change in behavior.
Remus sighed a little and shook hiS HEAD. "fine." he grumbled sulking a little more. "i'll be nice to the damn weasel." he growled smirking a littl. "can i call him that in public?"

Lucius was sitting in the library, working on a last minute assighnment a scowl on his face as he worked dilegently at deciphering a phrase in ancient arthimacy sighing a little. "damnit all, this isn't making any sense, athripldgh is not a word!!!"
Sirius chuckled, wondering how Lucius would react to that. "I don't care. He told me I could tell you his secret, but James and Peter are not to find out."

James stalked into the library when he saw Lucius in there, shoving him out of his chair. "What the hell did you do to Sirius?! I saw you walking out of the forest just minutes after him earlier, so I know you did something."
he snorted a little. "they'd have him thrown in azakaban for it, and besides he knows our secrete too, even if we did tattle on him he'd just turn around and bust us too. theres no point in telling James and Peter." he shook his head a little and pouted at Sirius. "can i play pranks on him? just little ones? catch him in a rat trap maybe?"

Lucius fell out of his chair with a grunt and he scowled at the other. "i didn't do anything to that flea bag." he spat glaring at James. "now leave me alone i have to finish my homework while i have the chance." he demanded shoving James out of the way and starting on his homework again. Lucius was practically OCD about his homework, it had to be perfect or he compleatly freaked out. all the houses knew that if you got in the way between Lucius and his homework you had a tendancy to end up as some sort of animal until he was finished.
James sat down in a chair on the other side of the table, glaring at Lucius. "If I ever see you anywhere near my friends, Lucius, I'll make your life a living hell. Do we have an understanding, Malfoy?"

Sirius grinned, nodding. "Just nothing that would cause him physical harm."
Lucius looked up at the other. "i'm probobly the only slythering in this entire school who HASN'T been planning the cruelest prank in the history of Hogwarts to use against you and the other gryffindors." he stated clueing James in to a grand Slytherin scheme. he couldn't outright say what was going on, or risk being ostricized from his house and punished by his father, but he could at least warn the ass hole. "now go away i'm busy." he demanded glaring violently at his homework his head tilted. "i think my teacher is fucking with my head again." he growled ignoring James once more.

Lupin chuckled a little and ubbed his hands together. "excelent, i know just the one to play!" he stated with a rather violent laugh. "he'll be pink for WEEKS!!!"
James glared at Lucius, but got up to go find his friends. If what the prat said is true, then Sirius and Remus were probably the main targets. He had to find them quickly and warn them of the prank that the Slytherins were planning.

Sirius snickered, shaking his head. "Just be careful that he can't trace it back to you."
Remus waved his hand. "oh i'll make sure he knows who did it." he promised snickering a little shaking his head.

Lucius watched the other leave and sighed a little, closing his eyes. how did he warn Sirius about the plan, when by doing so he would procure himself a firm beating? Lucius didn't know what to do..." he ran a hand through his hair and looked back down at his homework and sighed a little slamminghte book closed and heading back to his own secrete room to ponder his own problems.
Sirius nodded, looking into the water. "There is one other thing I want to discuss with you, since you know a few hidden rooms. Do you by any chance know where Godric Gryffindor's private quarters are?"
Lupin blinked and then shook his head. "no, but then i never really looked for it." he admitted. "there is a diary i found by him though, i never bothered to read it. do you want it?" he offered smiling a little at the other. "it can be a private room just for you. everyone needs their privacy now and again."
Sirius laughed, looking over at Lupin. "Lucius said the same thing. He's the one that suggested I look for the rooms. Yes, I would like to see this diary. Let's go get it." He smiled, getting up and heading for the exit.
he grimaced at being told he'd said the same thing as Lucius but got up and followed the other out of the secrete room, scowling as he looked around. "you know, i havn't seen a Slytherin all day...i'm a little worried that their up to something." he admitted shaking his head as he headed to the gryffindor common rooms, he had the diary hidden in under his bed, not the safest hiding place but it was disguised as an ink stain so it was safe enough.
Sirius looked around, nodding. "I haven't either, other than Lucius. It makes me wonder if they are planning something. We should probably be on our guard just in case."

James approached them when he saw them, glancing around. "You two should be careful. I'm not sure if I should believe him or not, but Malfoy said that the rest of the Slytherins are planning on pulling a prank on us."
Remus scowled a little as he spotted james and tilted his head. "why inthe hell would Malfoy warn us!?" he demanded crossing his arms and rubbing his nose. "everythings turning upside down!" he complained glaring at Sirius. "i blame you for this." he grumbled, well aware he couldn't prance Lucius now that the man had warned them, it just wouldn't be fair. "we have to find out what their planning!" he smirked. "someone go get Peter."
James looked over at Sirius. "You go find Peter, Padfoot. We'll wait for you in the common room." He headed through the portrait hole, not waiting for a response.

Sirius rolled his eyes at James, glancing at Remus. "I am the reason Malfoy would warn us. You know that as well as I. I'll get the diary later." He headed back down the stairs to go find Peter, wondering just what the Slytherins were planning, and what he could do to prevent it without getting Lucius in trouble.
Remus grimaced a little. "yeah i know." he grumbled looking vaugly annoyed. "this sucks." he complained shaking his head. "where would Peter be hiding now?" he wondered turning and heading down the hallway, hoping to find the food addicted boy in the kitchen a smirk on his lips as he glanced over at Sirius. "i'm glad your happy though." he admitted shaing his head again before continueing on to try and find their rat.
Sirius nodded, glancing around as they walked toward the kitchens. "Can you go look for Peter without me? If Lucius knows about this alleged prank that the Slytherins are planning, maybe I can get him to tell me about it." He looked at Remus, waiting for an answer.
Remus nodded. "just be careful, we know he won't hurt yuo, but the others won't be so kind. and even Lucius won't be able to help you then." he admitted softly, shaking his head as he continued on to the kitchens to get Peter, who protested the entire way back to the common room.

Lucius was still in Salazar's room, pacing back and forth as he contimplated the best way to go about this, he couldn't just not tell sirius, but if he told it wasn't going to be long before the slytherins realized who tattled and Lucius suffered for it. this was a bad situation, a very bad situation.
After checking the library, Sirius snuck down to the Slytherin dungeons. He kept his wand in his hand, knowing the danger he was in as he moved through the corridors toward Lucius' hiding place. He just hoped he didn't run into any other Slytherins along the way.
Sirius was lucky, the hallways where empty and Lucius was pacing the living room sighing a little. "Sirius!" he chirped brightening before his face fell again and he groaned. "let me guess, you want to know what the slytherins are up to?" he asked scowling a little rubbing the bridge of his nose. "this is so bad... i don't know what to do yet....can you come back when i've decided what to do?"
Sirius put an arm around Lucius, sighing. "I will come back when everyone's gone to sleep. If you aren't here then, I'll return to the Gryffindor tower." Dropping his arm back to his side, he slipped back out and headed back up out of the dungeons.
Lucius looked startled and then he grabbed the others wrist, pulling him back and kissing him hard. "i don't know what to do, but i'll think of something." he promised softly taking a deep breath. "if you can find another way to find out what their up to please use it, because if they find out that i narked...i'll get far worse a beating than my father could ever get..."
Sirius blinked, but kissed Lucius back, pulling back to smile at him. "I think James has a plan to find out what your housemates are planning. He has Remus searching for Peter, so I am sure you will be safe enough." He stole another kiss from Lucius before slipping out.

((what's the prank and when are they going to strike?))
Lucius smiled a little as he kissed him and nodded a little watching the other leave, biting his lip. after all, poisoning every bit of food on the gryffindor tables with laxitives, that was just wrong. fast acting too, anyone with a week...well, control was goingto find themselves crapping their pants, highly uncool, even for Lucius's standards.
Sirius went back up to the Gryffindor common room to see if James found anything out about the prank that the Slytherins were going to pull.
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