Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius gave him a look, shaking his head. "No you can't. Not until I say so. As for meeting, what about down by the forest? We should be safe enough there if we stay near the treeline. Not many students go there, I think."
he snrted a little. "no that won't work. too many slytherins go down there to get high." he admitted crossing his arms pondering the situation. " know one place... but i somehow doubt very much that you will like it." he admitted looking highly amused. Remus wasn't the only person who often vanished from the map, Lucius often did too, not that nyone noticed.
Sirius raised a brow at that. "So you slytherins aren't as pureblooded as you claim?" For some reason, he found that rather amusing. Giving Lucius a look, he raised his brow again. "And where is this secret place that you sometimes go? I would like to see it."
Lucius snorted a little. "Slytherins arent all good Sirius." he admitted. "over two thirds of the people in Slytherin, are abused at home. getting high is the only way they can cope with their terrible lives, and being forced intoa specific mold of how they are to act, behave, and beleive." he admitted shaking his head. "if my father knew i was even talking to you, i would be beaten within an inch of my life, and then 'trained' again." he shuddered a little. "but i never did like followingthe rules." he paused and smiled a little. "Salazar Slytherins personal quarters."
Sirius smirked a bit, leaning against the wall. "And I daresay if my mother knew I was talking to you, I'd be welcomed back into the family with open arms. That would be dreadful." He grew serious for a minute, studying Lucius. "Does he beat you? Why don't you tell someone? Dumbledore should be made aware of what happens to his students." Though Sirius wouldn't tell anyone, without express permission to do so. "I would like to see a founder's private quarters. Lead the way!"
Lucius just laughed. "Dumbledore can't do anything! it's pureblood traditions!!!" he tated simply. "your mother beats you after all doesn't she!? or does she save that for Regulus?" he asked offering Sirius his hand, "it's a bit of a walk, so we're going to have to be carefull, get ready to yank out your wand and pretend to be fighting at a moments notice." he winked at the other. "it could be a game."
Sirius sighed, looking down at the ground. "She beat me when she found out I'd been sorted into Gryffindor and not Slytherin. I'd managed to hide it from her up till Christmas that first year, but I was wearing the robes still when we got off the train at the start of winter break. Regulus is her perfect child, so he would never get hit." Pushing away from the wall, he took his wand out of his back pocket, nodding to Lucius. "Let's go then.. and no more talk about our families."
he nodded a little and turned, heading down to the dungeons his eyes and ears perked for any sign of slytherins. "it's a shame." Lucius admitted shaking his head. "everyone assumes that SLytherin is the house of evil...but the most any of us ever want is to find someone who can love us...and when we finally do we always have to hide it, because of how the world see's us." he sneered a little. "someday, i am going to break this ridiculus veiw everyone has of slytherins!"
Sirius put a hand on Lucius' shoulder, glancing around to make sure no one had followed them. "You can't force someone to love you, Lucius. If it's meant to happen, it will."

(so... are we going to completely alter the story, wherein Lucius and Narcissa never marry?)
i dunno, lol do you want to?^^ we could always have it that Lucius and Narcissa HAVE to get married or Lucius risks the disinheratance from his family or something like an arranged marraige or something?)

Lucius grimaced a little. "well...i sorta already knew that." he admitted smiling at Sirius. "thats why i didn't bother trying." he shrugged again. "some part of me knew you would never accept me as a lover, so i just took what i wanted anyway. not the best of things to do but hey...i'm a slytherin."
((I think it should be an arranged marriage, for the continuation of the Malfoy line and all that..))

Sirius moved to stand in front of Lucius, turning to look at him. "That's where you made your mistake, assuming I wouldn't accept you as a lover. If you had just talked to me instead of forcing me like you did, I might have been more willing to try this with you, and other people wouldn't have gotten hurt in the process."
Lucius grimaced a little and ndded. "well, i never claimed to be a SMART slytherin." he admitted sheeipishly. "in all honesty i'm a selfish, spoiled brat who usually doesn't care who's feelings i trample as long as i get what i want." he admitted rubbing the back of his head. "but for some reason when it comes to you.. i feel guiltier than all hell about raping you, twice for that fact, and even helping in breaking Remus's heart." he growled a little and shook his head. "god Sirius your making me...NICE!" he complained flashing the other a small smile. Sirius really WAS turning him into a decent person. and sirius didn't even have to do anything!
Sirius thought it was interesting that Lucius never mentioned Narcissa, chuckling. "Lucius, I don't want you to change.. Well not completely. Just follow the rules I set for our relationship." He glanced around again as they reached the Slytherin dungeons. "How much further is it to Salazar Slytherin's quarters?"
he grinned at the other. "just down here." he admitted ducking past the portrait that led into the Slytherin common room and headed down an expanse of dark hallway that most people never noticed or bothered going down, pulling a tapestry away from the wall and grinning at Sirius almost playfully before he slid through the wall like one might at the platform to get onto the train. inside was a VERY plushy room, filled with only the most comfortable, and expensive things. it was like a little apartment, private bath and everything. "what do you think?" he asked grinning as he flopped down onto a griffin down stuffed couch.
Sirius followed him through the wall, looking around. "Looks amazingly clean for a place that no one really knows about." He sits down next to Lucius on the couch, grinning. "I wonder if the other founders had rooms this nice'
Lucius cuckled. "it was a disaster when i found it." he admitted. "Salazar was a compleate slob!" he admitted chuckling a little. "it took me months to clean this place." he admitted flinging his arm around Sirius's shoulder. "maybe we should try to find them? it can't be any more difficult than finding this one right?"
Sirius grinned at Lucius, looking around again. "You couldn't have gotten the house-elves to clean it up?" Glancing at the blond, he nodded. "I imagine they would all be somewhere near each House's common rooms. Which one did you want to start with? Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?"
he chuckled a little "why not gryffindor?" he asked grinning a little his head tilted a little before pausing. "well, house elves are chatty little creatures, can't eep their lipsshut, i didn't want to risk anyone finding this place." he admitted smiling a little.
Sirius chuckled, leaning against Lucius. "I'll have to see if I can find it, and once I do I'll show it to you. Alright?" He wondered if Remus knew where Godric Gryffindor's private quarters were, making a note to ask the next time he saw the werewolf.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "nah, you keep it for yourself." he chiroped grnning a little. "you need a private hideaway too you know." he promised grinning a little. "i have my own room in the slytherin dorms so i can get all the privacy i need there."
Sirius smiled, looking at Lucius. "You aren't as bad as everyone thinks. Though I won't tell anyone." He frowned a bit, glancing toward the door as he realized in which part of the castle they were in. "Is there another way out of here? I don't want to run into any of your housemates when I leave. Though I could stay here till everyone is in bed, then head back up to the tower."
he nodded. "there is another way out." he admitted. "but it leads into the forest." he admitted grimacing."i totally didn't think of that." he admitted shaking his head. "don't you have an invisibility cloak?" he asked frowning a little biting his lip. "well, i suppose they will be in bed soon, theres an earlier cerfew for slytherins, our head of house is insane."
Sirius laughed, looking at Lucius. "You forget who you are talking to. Where's the other exit? I can change on the way towards the forest. The creatures there won't bother me if I'm in my animagus form."
he blinked a little. "they won't!?" he demanded looking hocjed,. "well hell i'll go with you." he decided smirking at the other. "something tells me your going to find my animagus form ALL too amusing." he admitted winking at the other. "thats how i knew what was going on with you and, what was it, 'prongs? wormtail? and Moony?" he chuckled a little. "i still can't beleive Lupin never tried to eat me." he admitted running a hand through his hair.
Sirius just stared at him. "I thought me, James, and Peter were the only ones who were animagi. So no one told you about us?"
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