Late Night Moon/Finn

Lupin smiled a little and gently leaned into Sirius, laying his head on the others chest, listening to his heartbeat for a moment. "i know." he admitted softly gently nuzzling him. "but just because you don't hate him, doesn't mean i'm not going to try and keep your heart." he admitted smiling. "so, if he ever hurts you...i'm always going to be there for you."
Sirius nodded, smiling as he looked down at Moony. "This will always be our secret room. No one will ever find out about it. If ever I need to see you, I'll come here." Pressing a kiss to Remus' lips, he slowly got up. "I guess I should go find Lucius and try and fix what I caused."
Remus sighed a little and nodded. "alright." he murmered softly taking Sirius's hand and kissing the others nuckles offering him a small, heartbroken smile. "make sure he treats you well Sirius." he ordered softly. "because i'll kill him otherwise."
Sirius chuckled, nodding. "I don't think he will hurt me. You didn't see the look on his face when I told him to leave me alone today." He pulled away from his now former lover, heading for the door. Before he got there, he stopped and turned to look at Remus. "I know how I can get the necklace back, but I'm going to need your help. I want you to find a way to get Narcissa out near the forest."
Lupin groaned a little and smacked his hand over his eyes. "i cannot beleive i am going to help you get that bastard back in your life." he complained shaking his head as he stood up and reached into the pond, getting his moonstone, settling it into a small pouch. "you do realize once she see's you with it she's going to know what happened."
"Just get her to the forest. I can take care of things from there. You don't need the moonstone for that." He gave Remus a quick hug before heading out to wait in the Forbidden Forest for Narcissa.
Remus snorted a little. "i like to be cautious around the forest." he admitted shaking his head as he rushed off to delever a letter to narcissa, informing her that one of her girlfreinds had BEGGED him. when she reached for the letter, a suspicious look in her eyes he demanded a galleon for the trouble. suspicion gone and off she went right into Sirius's trap, whatever that was.
Sirius was just inside the tree line, in his dog form. When he saw Narcissa approach, he came out of the forest, his eyes on the necklace she was wearing. Once he got close to her, he jumped on her, carefully grabbing the necklace with his mouth before getting off her and running back into the forest. Now he just had to wait to see whether she went to Lucius.
and indead she did (i hope you don't mind me suddenly controlling narcissa ^^; ) she burst into the room practically screaming that sme massive werewolf had attacked her by the forest and stolen the necklace he had give her,clinging to him in terror, practically sobbing.
((no that's fine))

Sirius changed back, putting the necklace in his pocket before heading back up to the castle. Instead of entering the castle, he sat under a tree, watching the main doors. If his plan worked, it wouldn't be long before Lucius came out to find out what his cousin was upset about.
it took longer than expected, almost an hour before Lucius finally came out, trying to calm narcissa from her hysteria, looking incredably annoyed, and exaughsted as he stepped out of the main doors his eyes fixed on the forest with almost a deadly look on his face. it wasn't bad enough that the damn wolf had taken Sirius, but now he was ruining the false happiness that Lucius was trying to bring to himself. he never noticed Sirius sitting under the tree as he stalked towords the forest, intending to find the prankster and beat the shit out of them.
Sirius watched Lucius head toward the forest, getting up to follow him after a moment. As he followed the Slytherin prince, he took the necklace out of his pocket and put it on. "Hey Malfoy! Where are you going? Don't you know it's dangerous to go into the forest?"
Lucius turned and glared at Sirius before he relaxed a little shaking his head. "Narcissa is freaking out about some 'werewolf'." he grumbled turning to poke in the forest again, his wand out as he poked and prodded through the bushes. "she dropped that damn necklace and ordered me to go get it, she wouldn't leave me alone until i promised to get it." he admitted, determined not to hit on Sirius, but anable to bring himself to be rude or cruel.
Sirius moved to stand next to Lucius, chuckling. "You won't find it in there, Lucius. She didn't drop it. It was taken from her by someone." He turned to walk away, leaving Lucius to think about what was just said. He just hoped it didn't take the Slytherin to realize where the necklace is now.
Lucius growled and gritted his teath so hard you could almost hear the teath cracking. "this...isn'...funy Sirius." he growled turning to face the other, his hand out. "give it back, you said you where done with me, now leave me alone." he demanded, his fingers twitching, demanding the necklace back. "i promised to stay out of your life, now stop ruining mine."
Sirius turned to look at Lucius, his face suddenly serious. "It's not meant to be funny, Lucius. The necklace is with the person it was originally meant for, and this is where it will stay. I thought I would be happy to have you out of my life. That was my mistake." Turning back around, he went back into the castle, leaving Lucius by the forest.
Lucius looked confused, but hopefull as he watched Sirius stalk back to the castle, never noticing Lupin sliding through the forest behind him, grabbing the blond and Dragging him into the woods for a good 'heart to heart'. warning Lucius if he EVER hurt Sirius Lucius would pay in blood. needless to say the blond was well terrified by the time he walked into dinner, late no less. half the slytherins leaning in to ask where he'd been. he just shook his head and focused on Sirius from across the room, trying to ask him to wait after dinner so they could talk. Remus never showed up at all, sliding into his secrete room to sulk.
Narcissa leaned against Lucius when he returned, clinging to him. "Did you find my necklace, Lucius? I want it back."

Sirius kept glancing over at the Slytherin table at dinner, wondering why Lucius was late. When the blond finally entered, he gave a little wave before starting to eat. After he was done, he left to go talk to Remus, having noticed the werewolf's absence from the table.
Lucius shook his head. "no i didn't," he stated simply taking a bite of his food. "i got dragged into the forest by a werewolf. thanks for your concern for my fricken saftey." he shot Narcissa a glare. "what am i to you anyway? a pretty baubel to hang off your arm? someone who can give you the things you want until you find someone a little more rich than me? forget it Narcissa i can't do this. i'm sorry but i just can't date someone who's so shalow as yuo, try Crabbe, he's rich and he'll be your perfect slave even." he flashed her a smirk. "but we will never work. also for the five hundred and twenty third time. I'M GAY! you CRAZY PSYCHOPATH!" he roared, feeling ever so satisfied with himself as he stalked away from her.

Remus was sitting in the room witht eh pond, reading a book by the light of the moonstone, looking rather saisfied with himself. he had Lucius's promise that he wouldn't hurt Sirius and woulodn't try to keep them apart. and he had the assurance that he could slaughter the bond if the man did hurt Sirius. yes Lupin was pleased, heartbroken, but pleased.
Narcissa just stared at him, her face a mix of pain and disbelief at his sudden change. Lowering her head, she got up and walked out, heading for the forest to search for the necklace herself.

Sirius sat down next to Remus, taking his hand. "Thank you for your help. Lucius was upset at first that I took the necklace back from Narcissa, but I think everything will work out between us." Smiling, he pressed a light kiss to Moony's forehead. "I'm sure you will find someone who loves you. Just don't give up."
Lucius smiled a little and shook his head a little ignoring everyone staring at him as he headed out to wait at the stairway, hoping to catch Sirius before he went up the the gryffindor tower.

"it's no problem, Lucius and i had a good long chat too." he admitted flipping a page in his book. "we've reached an understanding with eachother." he promised smiling at Sirius. "as long as your happy, i can be too."
Sirius smiled, getting up again to leave the secret room. "Thanks for your help." He walked out, glancing over when he noticed Lucius in the stairwell. "We will need to set up a few rules if I am going to be with you, Lucius. One, we will only meet in private. James wouldn't understand if he were to find out."
Lucius snorted a little. "no offense to you but James is a jackass." he popinted out looking amused. "but i can handle that." he admitted crossing his arms watching the other looking almost, wary. "what made you change your mind?" he asked cautiously. "Remus said that you felt i just a guilt trip? i won't date you if thats all it is. i want it to be honest feelings." which was kind of strange considering how this all started.
Sirius didn't answer right away, as he had felt guilty when he'd seen the look of hurt on the blond's face. "I won't lie to you, Malfoy. I did feel guilty, but we can start as friends and see where things go from there. You can't force me into anything I don't want to do. Understood?"
Lucius actually pouted a little at Sirius. "so i can't grab you without warning and thorw you over a table and ravish you anymore?" he demanded looking every bit the spoilt brat he was. "fine." he grumbled sulking a little. "so what would you suggest then? because i don't really knwo anywere where we could meet where someone won't walk in on us."
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