Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius nodded, smirking. "I can't wait till lunch then. This is going to be so great. But I believe you promised me a game of wizard's chess first?"
Lupin laughed and nodded taking Sirius's hand and transfigured two of the chairs into plush armchairs so they could be comfortable while they played, pulling out his old and battered wizards set and setting it on the table, the pieces over dramatically crying out that they where FREE! it sounded like it had been a while since Lupin had played chess.
Sirius snickered, looking at the old chess set. "When was the last time you played, Moony? I'm sure if they had legs, your pieces would all be running off the table."
he laughed a little and shook his head. "well...James was the last person i played with soo...not in a while." he admitted grinning as he gently lifted each piece off the table and onto the board so they wouldn't bitch at him for being 'a brute.' and grinned at Sirius. "do you want white, or black?"
he grinned and nodded, as he allowed Sirius to take the first move, playing at the same level as his lover, ending the game in a stale mate the pieces cheering, jeering, and demanding a rematch. the black queen was particularly hostile declaring that Sirius was cheating several times. "sorry, it's my mothers old set, and she always accuses people of cheating when things don't go her way." Remus admitted looking amused as his black queen called Sirius a rat faced lying good for nothing. "behave you." Remus demanded tipping the queen over.
Sirius used to play wizard's chess with Regulus all the time, before he was disowned for not following his family's ideals of pureblood supremacy, and was pretty good despite not having played for a while. Looking at the black queen, he laughed at her accusations. "I don't cheat, especially when playing with friends." He looked back up at Remus, leaning back. "So.. Another game, or shall we go down to lunch now?"
he grinned brightly and nodded. "sure am!" he chirped, ordering a house elf to deliver the package, making sure the little thing understood that it was from Lucius to Narcissa before he took his lovers hand and headed for the portrait again so they could get to lunch on time settling into the Gryffindor tables, Lucius already sitting and eating his eyes immediately fixed on Sirius a small smirk tugging his lips as he watched him.
Sirius sat between Remus and James, his hand still entwined with his lover's as he looked across the room. He couldn't wait to see what will happen when Narcissa opens the box that just appeared in front of her.

Narcissa had just started to eat, but stopped when she saw a jewelry box with her name on it, as well as Lucius'. Opening it up, she gave a small squeak of surprise before looking over at the blond Slytherin. "Oh Lucius! It's so lovely!" Taking the necklace out of the box, she unfastened it and put it on.
Remus snickered a little as he watched narcissa, Lucius's face going from confused to completely mortified. "what!? where did you get that!?" his eyes fixed on Sirius's from across the room, he actually looked almost...hurt. throwing it away was one thing, but giving it to his female stalker was just cruel. "Narcissa i did not give that to you." Lucius stated standing up before she could latch onto him. "you have been deserved, i am afraid i am in love with someone else, your going to have to find another to obsess over." he stated before stalking from the room, Lupin's mouth hanging open. "...that...didn't go as planned..." he had never expected Lucius to publicly humiliate both himself and narcissa like that, not to mention publicly declaring his love, even if he never named names.
Narcissa looked hurt at Lucius' outburst, standing up and running out of the great hall in tears.

Sirius felt a pang of regret, seeing the look on his cousin's face. "I should go talk to her, Remus.. I never thought Lucius would humiliate her like that over a necklace." He got up, going to see if he could find where Narcissa had run off to.
Lucius hadn't even looked back. it was less the necklace, and more the fact that Lucius had been telling Narcissa no at least once a week for the last three years, it had been the last straw tonight, Lucius was a very patient man, but even he couldn't handle three years of turning down the same woman over and over again, especially when he had informed her at least three dozen times that he was gay.

"alright Sirius, be careful ok? you know how she gets when she's upset. she might try to hex you." his eyes darted over to where Lucius had vanished. "and don't forget other dangers lurking about." he warned cryptically offering his lover a smile and a small peck on the cheek for luck.
Sirius gave Remus a kiss back before leaving the great hall. He had no idea where his cousin would have gone, but he had to find her before someone else found him. He had seen the look on Lucius' face before the Slytherin had left the hall, and he was a little worried about what would happen if he were caught by himself.

Narcissa had gone back to the Slytherin common room, knowing there wouldn't be anyone else there as everyone was at lunch.
Lucius was suddenly in front of Sirius without any warning at all, his silver gray eyes fixed on the dog before him, it was an angry look, the look of someone who had been betrayed, he made no motion to step any closer to Sirius, and said no words. he just stared at the other with those intense silver eyes, like a parent waiting for a child to admit breaking a rule.
Sirius stopped when he saw Lucius appear in front of him, taking a quick step backwards. "L... Lucius..." He glanced toward the doors to the great hall, trying to figure if he could make it to them before Lucius did something. "I figured you would have gone back to your House dungeons."
the Slytherin's eyes narrowed. "i know you don't like me, but that was just cruel Sirius." he stated sternly looking more hurt than angry. "i have been trying to get that woman off my back and away from my pants for THREE YEARS!" he spat, advancing on the other. "and then you give her the present i searched for three days, to make it perfect for you." yeah, Lucius was definitely taking this personally. "if you didn't want anything to do with me, you should have just told me to go away, i do everything you tell me to don't i!? well!? tell me now! tell me to leave you alone, to never bother you again! tell me you want me out of your life!" he demanded, hurt growing with every word as he stared at Sirius, waiting for the dog to say the words, to tell Lucius to leave, to end any chance the two had together.
Sirius narrowed his eyes at Lucius, taking a step toward him. "I have told you I wasn't interested, Lucius! That didn't stop you from forcing yourself on me. Not once.. but twice! So why would I believe anything you tell me now! You are not that different than Narcissa, and I wanted you to see that. That's why I gave her the necklace." He took another step toward Lucius, now standing just inches away. "Just go away Lucius. I don't love you."
Lucius swallowed thickly and nodded. "so be it." he whispered softly turning and walking away from Sirius, heading past him and into the stairs that led into the Slytherin dorms, a strange sort of Aura hanging about the once proud Slytherin... an aura that often hung around Snivellus, depression, despair, self loathing. it was almost as if Sirius had broken the Slytherin Prince.
Sirius watched him walk away, wondering why it hurt to see the slytherin so hurt. Instead of going back into the Great Hall, he headed back to the Gryffindor Tower to think.
Remus would find Sirius there almost a half an hour, looking breathless and worried. "THERE you are! i was worried!" he admitted letting out a long sigh. "you are NEVER going to guess what just happened!!! Lucius malfoy apologized to Narcissa, and asked her out on a date!" he looked rather victorious. "isn't that great!? he finally gave up on you!"
Sirius was sitting by the pond in their secret room, staring into the water. He glanced up, a look of surprise on his face and maybe a little bit of pain mixed in. "He did? That's great news, Moony."
Sirius turned to look at the water again, reaching a hand in and watching the ripples. "He gave up. I should be happy about it, Remus. So why aren't I?" He looked back up at his lover. "What is wrong with me that I can't be happy that he is finally going to leave me alone?"
Remus blinked a little his head tilted as he stared at Sirius, biting his lip a little. "i...i don't know.." he admitted softly running a hand through his hair. " don't hate him as much as you think you do?" he could feel his own heart breaking, but as a muggle writer once said, 'if you love it, let it go.'
Sirius reached up to caress Remus' cheek. "I never meant to hurt you, Moony. But maybe you are right. I have to get that necklace back from Narcissa somehow. He spent three days searching for it, and I really hurt him by giving it to her."
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