Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius tossed the necklace into a trashcan before entering the Great Hall. "I don't know why he's so obsessed with me, but it's really starting to frighten me. I don't want to ask everyone about it, but someone has to have seen who put those on my bed."
he shook his head. "not if it was a houself." he pointed out sighing. "their very good at remaining hidden." he admitted sighing a little. "well hopefully he'll get tired of it eventually...Lucius isn't exactlypatient, and he get's bored, no offense to you." he muttered sheepishly before dragging out the necklace and handing it over to Sirius. "sell it." he chirped smirking. "at least then your getting something out of all this."
Sirius gave him a look. "Gee... thanks... Now I'm boring." He took the necklace back, putting it in his pocket. "Next time we got to Hogsmeade, I'll sell it." He walked over to the Gryffindor table, trying to ignore the blond watching them.
Remus laughed a little and leaned over, whispering in the others ear so that his lips tickled the flesh. "you are NEVER boring my freind." he teased grinning as Lucius watched them, blowing the blond a kiss, Lucius just smirking a little to himself as he continued to stare at them. the promis Lucius had agreed to was already showing, James and Pittigrew where both bruisless and untormented, and pittigrew was looking rather baffled about it. "th..they mu..must be p..p..planning somethign b..big if their leaving us a..a..alone..."
James glared across the room at Lucius, turning to look at his friends. "Wormtail, if they aren't bothering us anymore, there must be a reason for it. Moony, Padfoot.. Do either of you know what's going on with Malfoy?" Sirius looked across to Lucius, reaching for Remus' hand. "Maybe he got tired of tormenting us, James..."
scowled over at the table and shook his head. "i don't have a clue." he lied sitting downand shaking his head. "it doesn't matter, for now lets just relax while we can." he grumped Peter whimpering nervously. "but... but what if they catch us off gaurd! what if their doing something illegal!? what iff..." he was silenced by Lupin, shoving a breadrool into the mans face. "Peter, your babbling again." "...thorry."
Sirius smirked at Lucius, holding Remus' hand above the table where anyone could see. "They won't be bothering us anymore. I have made sure of that." At least he hoped that Lucius would keep his promise. James looked at his two friends suspiciously, wondering what they were hiding. "Moony, can I talk to you after we finish eating?"
Remus smiled a little t the other and held his hand back blinking at James, hessitating a moment glancing at Sirius before nodding. "sure James." he decided glancing at Sirius and glaring at him as feircly as he could. "i just don't trust him." he grumbled sourly sulking a little as he grabbed a breadroll and nibbled on it, trying to act nonchalant and normal.
Sirius picked at his food, having lost his appetite. "I'm going to go back to the common room. Come get me when you are done talking with James, Moony. You know where I'll be." He got up, slipping out of the great hall.
Moony nodded turning to James and quirking an eyebrow befre motioning to the empty classroom that connected to the dining hall, standing up and heading in there, unaware of Luciu standing as wel, intending to cut Sirius off.

"whats up James?" Remus asked looking a little annoyed about the distraction. "nothing wrong is it?"
James followed Remus into the empty classroom. "What is going on between you and Sirius, and what does it have to do with Malfoy? And don't say nothing. I saw the way Padfoot looked over at the Slytherin table before he left."

Sirius was standing on the stairs, waiting for them to move back so he could continue on to the Gryffindor common room.
Remus shook his head. "me and Sirius, i guess." he admitted sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "and i don't know anything about the slytherins." he lied, Lupin had always been a good liar. "i'll ask him tonight, see if he'll spill but somehow, i doubt it."

Lucius chuckled as he apeared right behind Sirius. "no bodygaurd?" he teased his eyes gleaming with amusment as he apeared right behind Sirius the stairwell suddenly emptying compleatly as everyone fled the formidable slythering and Gryfindor enemies. no one wanted to get up in any of their fights.
Sirius turned to look at Lucius, groaning when everyone else fled the stairwell. "Remus will be here any minute, so you better just get moving." At least he hoped that James didn't keep Moony occupied for too long.

James studied him, nodding. "Want to sneak into Hogsmeade? I need to get some more supplies from Honeyduke's."
Lucius smirked a little his eyes narrowing a little. "now that's highly impolite, i was only going to ask if you got your presents." he admitted waving a hand. "i wasn't going to molest you." he admitted, watching Sirius a smirk on his lips. "unless you really want me too." he teased looking over at the other his head tilted as he advanced on Sirius carefully. wary, in case Sirius suddenly grew a backbone and struck at him.

Remus shook his head. "no thanks Prongs, i promised Sirius a nice romantic night." he admitted with a lopsided grin. "i still can't beleive he's actually agreed to go out with me, i feel kinda special." even if some nagging voice in the back of his head, told him that the only reason why Sirius was going out with him, was to avoid Lucius.
Sirius backed away from Lucius as far as he was able. There was only so much room on the stairs, and he didn't want to fall. "So you think giving me gifts is the way to gain my trust? You are sadly mistaken, Malfoy. Now please just leave me alone."
sorry, my Yahoo didn't tell me you'd posted.)

Lucius smirked a little, easily blocking Sirius's way up the stairs. "i won't." Lucius chirped simply. "leave you alone, eventually you will realize that there is no getting rid of me." he admitted smirking before he stepped out of the way as Lupin rushed up the stairs, looking about ready to slaughter Lucius but instead grabbed Sirius's hand. "back off Bastard." he hissed shielding Sirius with his own body Lucius laughing a little as he lifted his hands. "i didn't touch him." he promised smirking at the werewolf. "have a good night Sirius." the blond chirped pleasantly stalking away. "did he hurt you?" Lupin demanded, worried again.
Sirius smiled gratefully at Remus, watching Lucius. "No he didn't hurt me this time. Though I don't know what he would have done if you hadn't shown up. He claimed he just wanted to know if I got the gifts he sent." Turning his attention to Remus, he smiled, heading up the stairs when they changed positions. "Maybe going to the prefect's bathroom isn't a good idea."
Remus growled a little at Lucius as the Slytherin vanished down the stairs his eyes narrowed. "he won't bother you with me around." he promised his eyes narrowing. "but your right, the prefects bath is not a good idea." he grumbled shaking his head. "damn that man." he growled before pausing and then smirking. "we should make a trip into Hogsmead soon." he stated licking his lips. "pick of a few charms and hexes that you can use when he gets too close."
Sirius slipped his hand in his pocket, fingering the necklace that was still resting there. "We can go tomorrow, after classes are done for the day. That will also give me a chance to get rid of the necklace he gave me."
sorry about the long wait, i thought i sent it but i didn't XP)

Remus nodded, grinning a little. "we could make it our date." he chirped, feeling rather proud of himself for his idea kissing the others forehead. "come on, lets go sleep in our secrete place, no one can bother us there." he admitted dragging Sirius away and stepping through a portrait along the stairwell, appearing in the long hallway that led to the moonstone. "i love all these secrete passages." he admitted smirking a little. "it makes it so easy to sneak around." he admitted laughing a little. "oh and...before i forget James wanted to know about whats going on with you and the slytherins...i promised him i'd ask you." he tossed Sirius a conspiratorial wink. "should i tell him something or should i let him think your unwilling to talk about it?"
Sirius smiled, kissing Remus once they were in the secret room. Taking a seat near the small pond, he looked over at his lover. "Just tell James that I don't know why they have decided to leave us alone. Though I am sure he's liable to figure it out soon enough." He took the necklace out of his pocket to look at again, smirking as he got an idea. "Can you have one of the house-elves give this to Narcissa? Maybe if she thinks she's getting gifts from Lucius, she can distract him from his obsession with me."
Lupin nodded. "i'll do that." he agreed grinning as he dumped the moonstone back into the pond, humming a little as he stirred the water with his finger glancing over at Sirius before he broke into a wild grin. "oh Padfoot that's BRILLIANT!" he chirped clapping his hands together. "Narcissa's completely obsessed with him! even if he doesn't like her he'll be spending almost all of his time trying to avoid her. she can be ruthless when she wants to be."
Sirius grinned, handing the necklace to Remus. "and if he's trying to avoid her, he can't be harassing me. Now any other gifts I receive from him will go to Narcissa."
he laughed a little and smirked a little. "this is going to be fun." he growled snickering a little. "we might even pick up a few extra presents here and there just to fuck with Lucius eh?" he asked looking excited about their new 'prank.' "i have a bunch of presents that i was going to give to everyone for Christmas, we could use some of those to get everything started."
Sirius grinned, also excited about his plan. "Go get the gifts. I want to see what would be good to have Lucius 'gift' my cousin with."
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