Late Night Moon/Finn

Lupin panted his nostrils flaring wide as he tucked the moonstone into his mouth and then shook out his fur, sitting down and grinning at Sirius, or at least grinning as best as he could as he set a paw on the others head messing up the others head fur panting, his tongue lolling out of his mouth playfully, as if threaghtening to slobber all over sirius again.
Sirius barked at Remus, almost as if he were laughing before turning around and bounding further into the forest. He knew that Remus would follow him, so wasn't all that worried about being alone in the forest.
Moony huffed back, laughing as well before leaping to his feet and following after the other, head high, tail standing proud as he pranced throught eh forest, letting Sirius explore as he pleased, carefully nudging him off any paths of danger that he might have come across. passing a unicorn and a herd of centaure, that ignored them both, a manticore snapped at them but paid them no mind as it trundled alonge looking for something tastier to eat. Moony let out a huff and tugged on Sirius's ear and pointed with his nose down an almost invisable path, where the sounds of rushing water could be heard it was an enourmus waterfall, with water sprites and long leafy vines o swing and play on, filled with sunlight where there was a huge break in the tree's. this was Moony's favorite swimming hole.
Sirius looked back at Remus before heading down the path he was being directed to. When he saw the waterfall, he ran toward the edge and jumped in with a loud bark of joy. When he surfaced, it was in his normal form. Since there was no one else around, he wasn't worried about being caught and he knew if anything noticed him he had Remus there to protect him.
Remus barked back and launched himself into the air, splashing into the other as he paddled around the water licking alonge the others face huffing happily as he rolled onto his back floating in the water his tongue hanging out still. he looked so happy.
Sirius laid on his back, smiling. "I can see us spending a lot of weekends out here, Moony. No one around to bother us, and definitely no blonds to harass me."
Moony barked in agreement wagging his tail, splattering Sirius with water as he flipped onto his belly once more, spitting out the moonstone onto the ground so he could transform back into his human form resting in the shallows. "mmm me too." he admitted smiling a little. "this was my private retreat when me and James got into fights, remembure?" he asked grinning. the last three or four months James and Lupin had been at eachothers throats, though no one knew over what, they had only recently patched things over the last two or three days. "thats why no one could find me, not even you with your amazing nose."
Sirius swam over, sitting next to him in the shallow water. "What would you and James fight about, anyways?"
Remus paused for a moment and then sighed a little. "it doesn't matter." he muttered softly shaking his head, slipping out of the water and shaking himself off. in truth it had been about tghe Family Lupin, who was getting more aggresive towords their sickly son. James had found out and was ordering Lupin to tell someone, Remus refused and that was what most of the fighting was about. he was glad that James had agreed not to tell Siriu at least. Remus didn't want the shame of knowing the one person he loved know how week he really was.
Sirius stood up as well, looking at Remus with concern. "Moony, you can tell me whatever it is you and James were arguing about. If you can't trust me with whatever is going on, who can you trust?"
Remus bit his lip hard and looked away from Siriushis eyes fixed on his toes. "i... James wants me to move in with him." he finally admitted softly. "to get away with my family..." he admitted softly. "but i..i don't...i know they love me, they just...don't know how to show it...that's all." thats what he kept telling himself anyway, despite the beatings he frequently got, the many days he was locked out of the house, the many weeks of table scraps... he had nowhere else to go, he couldn't go to James house, the Potters where not prepared, nor capable of dealing with a werewolf in their house. and it was already overcrowded what with james, lily, james mother father and grandfather and sirius living there during the summers. Lupin could deal with it, he always did.
Sirius moved closer to Remus, wrapping an arm around him. "You should take him up on the offer, Remus. I can make my room a little bigger to fit another bed. We'll just not tell them that you are a werewolf."
Remus laughed a little and shook his head. "i'm still unstable during the full moon Sirius, they would know as soon as i tried to EAT THEM!" he pointed out, the same argument he'd had with James several times. "and i doubt they would be so understanding as to forgive me." he admitted scowling a little at the pond. "i'm fine, James is just over reacting."
"That's easily solved as well. We will just keep an eye on the cycle of the moon, and on the day of the full moon, you leave the area. I can just tell them you went to visit your family." He put his arm around Remus, sighing. "Or you could just eat your family and then you won't have to worry about them anymore."
Remus sulked a little and shook his head. "i's rather not start this argument with you too Sirius." he admitted sounding both grumpy and very stern. he only got like that when someone was touching a raw nerve. James had gotten several black eyes from pushing Lupin too far, sure Remus would never hit Sirius, but was there any proof of that? "i'd rather just swim thanks..."
Sirius nodded, letting go of Remus. "Then let's swim. Stop sitting on the shore and get out into the water, Moony." He gave the werewolf a grin before getting up and diving into the water again.
Remus relaxed once again and gave Sirius lopsided grin before diving into the water with a laugh, diving under the surface and coming back up with a pile of sand which he innocently slopped ontot he top of Sirius's head, whistling innocenty as he swam off, trying hard not to start laughing at the large pile of muck and sand slipping down the others hair.
Sirius laughed, ducking under the water to get the muck out of his hair. While under the water, he swam over to Remus and grabbed his leg to pull him under, surfacing a minute later, laughing.
Remus laughed and yelped as he was dragged under grabbing the other by the hair and dragging his face upwards for an underwater kiss a smirk playing his lips as he ran his fingers down his lovers back and gripped each ass cheek firmly, intending to tease his lover just a little.
Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus' neck, kissing him back. Without thinking, he reached down and starting stroking his lover's cock.
Remus arched into the others hand, kicking his feet to move them to the surface so that he could breath, breaking the water with a moan on his lips bucking into Sirius's hand. "hah, that feels good Sirius." he groaned grinning a little. "have you ever had sex in the water?"
Sirius broke the surface a moment after Remus, still stroking him. "No I haven't. but I have a feeling that I'm about to."
he laughed a little and pressed his lips intently to Sirius's again murmering a soft spell as he let them sink under the water once more, bubbles of air coating their faces, or rather their noses and mouths so they could breath. not a spell Lupin was supposed to know yet, but then again he had always been more advanced than the rest of the grade. his fingers stroked down the others back, tickling the flesh before gripping his lovers ass.
Sirius ran his hands over his lover's body as they sank below the surface. He was surprised by the spell that Remus had used, since no one else in their class had learned that one yet, not that he was complaining. With a grin, he pushed away from Moony and swam off. "Come get me if you want me, Moony!"
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