Late Night Moon/Finn

((I thought the wolfsbane potion wasn't discovered until some time after they were out of Hogwarts? lol))

Sirius followed after Remus, a little curious about where he was being taken. He was starting to get a little worried when he saw the little streams of water running down the walls. "Where are we, Moony?" He knew they couldn't be in the tower anymore, as the hallway they had just gone down would have ended a ways back.
lol it's not wolfsbane XDD this is different. i just thought it would be cool, and it explains why James and Sirius thought it would be safe to take Remus out at night.)

Remus smiled a little at him. "honestly? i don't know." he admitted opening the door and stepping inside. the inside was compleatly covered in springy green moss and bright water fed flowers, a small pond in the middle gathered the water that was running down the walls from a crack in the ceiling, a small shining glow coming out from the middle of the ankle deep pool of water. "see that? it's something called a moonstone, it has the same powers as the moon, only no one realises it because no one's ever explored it's uses. they just call it a moonstone because it glows."
Sirius followed him into the room, gazing upon the stone in the center of the room. "How long have you known about this room? Does anyone else besides you, and now me, know about its existence?"
he shook his head. "i don't know what would happen if i told someone...besides i'd have to own up to being a werewolf first, and THEN i'd have to show them the secrete see my reluctance?" he teased grinning a little. "your the very first person to know about this."
Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus, smiling. "I am glad you trust me enough to show me your secret places. I promise I won't give you reason to regret showing me this." Running a hand through his friend's hair, he softly kissed the werewolf. "Show me what the stone does. I want to see if what you said is true, that you can keep your head while in werewolf form."
he grinned a little and kissed back leaning into the hair stroking, pausing for a moment. "step back. it's still very painfull." he admitted. "and the shifting can make me strike out at things, i don't want to hit you on accident." he admitted moving sirius gently out of the way before wading out into the water and taking a slow breath before reaching out and grabbing the stone, letting out a loud yell of pain as his body rippled and jerked, dropping him to his knees as his body transformed, his paws slamming down into the stone floor clawing at the moss and falling still once the transformation was compleate panting hard, picking the stone up in his mouth and holding it in his cheek. it only worked for so long as he kept it in contact with his skin.
Sirius stayed back, watching with wide, worried eyes as his friend transformed. He was grateful that he never had to go through such a painful ordeal, though he was sorry that Remus did. Once the transformation was complete, Sirius took a cautious step toward his friend. "Remus? Are you ok?"
Remus growled and stood on shakey legs, shaking himself out, spreading a rainshower of water all over before he crawled out of the pool and gave a Wolfy grin at Sirus wagging his tail as he lifted a paw and gave it a wiggle, like when he wiggled his fingers at Sirius when he was about to send him a note from across the room in Binns class.
Sirius smiled, taking another step toward Remus. "I guess that's your way of saying you are just fine. That is really amazing." He reached to touch Remus' face, not at all worried that he might get attacked by the werewolf.
Remus moved in a flash leaping onto Sirius running his long flat tonhgue all over the others face covering him in werewolf slobber his tail waggigg furiously asif to say 'i've always wanted to do that.' condisering Sirius often did it to remus.
Sirius blinked as he was knocked to the floor when Remus jumped on him. "Easy now, Moony. We aren't in our dormitory and the floor here isn't as soft as your bed." He couldn't help but laugh when he saw Remus' tail wagging behind him. "Get up for a minute, would you?"
Remus made a soft huffing noise and backed off of Sirius rolling onto his side and yawning a little licking his lips. he didn't seam at all hampered by the small stone resting in his cheek. he must have had a lot of practice, he seamed so much more comfortable in his body than the last time he had transformed in front of the others. maybe it was the stone...or maybe he had been sneeking out at night to explore his new body in saftey and peace.
When Remus moved off him, Sirius removed his clothes and set them to one side before transforming into his dog form. He could have left his clothes on, but even though he could transform at will, he still hadn't perfected it to the point that he could remain clothed and transform. Padding over, he nudged the werewolf with his nose, his tail wagging.
Remus huffed a little watching him again smirking at him doggishly his head tilted as he watched the other transform, leeping to his feet as the other finished bounding around him pushing and pressing into Sirius just like the wolf he had transformed into. Remus hadn't been kidding, he realy did run on instinct half the time, it was harder to notice when he was a human, but in his 'natural' form it was as clear as the moonstone that had made him transform.
Sirius turned his head to look at Remus, moving his tail out of the way. Even though his mind worked differently when he was in his dog form, he still knew what the werewolf wanted, and he trusted him a lot more then he did Lucius. He knew that Moony wouldn't hurt him, and he wanted to know what it was like to have loving sex with someone, rather than have it forced on him the way Lucius had done the last two times.
Moony hummed sniffing Sirius all over running his tongue along the others entrance as the tail moved out of the way,'flagging' as it was called, letting Remus know it was alright to mount. he moved on top of the other, gripping the dog in front of him with his duclaws pressing his sheeth against the others ass, pausing a moment, giving Sirius the chance to reconsider.
Sirius looked back at Moony, giving a slight nod of his head as if to say it was alright. It was his way of telling Remus that he wanted to belong to him, and not Lucius.
Remus needed no other hints and he pressed foreward, his thick cock spreading Sirius wide slipping deep inside the other pressing in and in. he paused half a moment to let his freind adjust, he wasn't sure if sexual status carried on to their animal forms or not, and he wanted to make sure if Sirius's dog form was still a virgin that he didn't hurt the other. he wasn't able to last long however before he couldn''t take it any more and begane to thrust, pounding into Sirius with wild wanton abandon.
Sirius had never been taken while in his dog form, so technically he was a virgin in that regard. When he felt Remus' thick cock pushing into his ass, he gave a loud howl that he hoped would not be heard outside this room. The last thing either of them needed was being discovered by other students, or worse, some teachers. As Moony started pounding into him, he dug his claws into the stone to keep from being pushed forward with each thrust from the werewolf.
Remus howled loudly in response, gripping the dog underneeth him tightly as he pounded into him, a thick buldge growing at the base of his cock, pressing against Sirius's ass with every thrust into the other, trying to press it inside to Tie with his first love.
Sirius could feel the bulge forming at the base of Remus' cock, pushing back to try and get it inside him. He had done research on werewolves, and knew that was their way of marking their chosen mate as theirs. He wanted to belong to someone that would take care of him, and he knew that Remus was that person, though he didn't know yet what lengths Lucius would go to in order to claim Sirius.
Remus whined loudly as the knot slipped into place and lodged, pinning and locking remus into sirius as he continued to trhust and move, pressing inside the other his cock stroking and rubbing inside of Sirius. he wasn't sure if he could make the other feel pleasure the way he could if Sirius was in human form, but he was sure as hell going to try!
Sirius gave soft whimpers of pleasure as he felt Remus continue moving in him. His own cock was hard, but as a dog there was nothing he could do about it. He hoped that Moony noticed and helped him with that little problem, or he would just have to wait till he was back in his human form to deal with it.
there was little that Remus could do, lacking any sort of hands as he pounded into his lover, tossing his head back and unleashing a howl as he begane to fill the other, slipping off of him and turning around, his cock still lodged inside the other as he panted, unleshing thick loads of his semen into his lover, the knot shrinking with every splurt of cum until he could slip free of hte other licking his lips. turning to look at the other sniffing at the air before knocking the other onto his side, running his tongue along the red cock of his doggy lover.
Sirius gave a loud howl as he felt his werewolf lover unload inside him, panting by the time Remus was able to pull out. Giving the werewolf a look as he was pushed over, there was almost a hint of a smile to Sirius' expression as Moony started licking his red, swollen cock.
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