Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius yawned, laying his head back on Remus' shoulder. "I might just sleep here like this tonight. If you don't mind, of course. I just want to forget about Lucius and Snivellus, and whoever else might have found out our secret." Though he wouldn't actually go to sleep on Remus' lap, as it would be a bit uncomfortable for him. "We could always transfigure a bed and sleep on that."
Remus snorted a little and cuddled Remus gently shaking his head. "i don't mind." he promised softly laying a soft kiss on Sirius's forehead. "hey...would you want to go out on a date sometime?" he offered smiling a little. "i found this amazing restaurant down in Hogsmead that none of the other students know about. it could be fun." he admitted flicking his wand at a table and transfiguring it into a bed. he was glad that tomorrow was a Saturday, and even more glad that when they had created the marauders map Lupin had left out a great many secrete tunnels and passages that he had found. now he had secretes he could share with Sirius. "come on Padfoot, you look done in, let's sleep."
(lol that's cute.. Remus cuddling Remus...)

Sirius smiled up at his friend, getting up when he saw the bed that Moony had just transfigured from a table. "Mmm.. dinner with you sounds great. What about tomorrow night?" He moved to the bed, climbing in and moving to make room for Remus. "I'm glad you showed me this room, Moony. I can come here when I want to get away from everyone else."
oh crap XDD sorry when i'm using a lot of names my fingers get confused XP)

Remus grinned and nodded sliding into the bed and nodding. "that's why i showed you." he admitted smiling lightly at him. "i know all sorts of places that aren't on the marauders map." he admitted wrapping his arms gently around the others waist, holding him gently. "i'll show you all of them." he promised smiling a little. "then you can hide almost anywhere in the castle." he yawned a little and snuggled into the blankets and Sirius alike. "good night Padfoot, sweet dreams."
Sirius woke up before Remus the next morning, quietly slipping out of the secret room. He wanted to surprise the werewolf with breakfast in bed as a thank you for being so understanding the night before. What he didn't realize was that he was being followed as he was heading back up to Gryffindor tower with the two plates of food.
there was a low, familiar chuckle and a firm arm wrapped around Sirius's belly yanking him close to a warm body as a hand slapped across the others mouth. "well look what i've found." Lucius growled softly in Sirius's ear already dragging the other to a door where an empty classroom lay. "you didn't think it was only going to be the once did you?" he taunted smirking. "i've been looking for you all morning, i wonder where you vanished to?"
Sirius dropped the plates of food as he was grabbed, biting down on Lucius' hand. "I am not yours, Lucius, no matter how much you wish I was. I was with someone who actually cares about me, something you would never understand!"
Lucius snarled as Sirius bit him his fist coming down and punching the dog in the gut, trying to wind the other as he forced him into the abandoned, and soon sound proofed room. "i care very much about you Sirius." Lucius taunted smirking as he pushed the brunette into a table, panting softly as he gripped the back of the dogs neck and pushed him onto the stone table so he could examine his hand. "that hurt." he complained scowling at the Mutt. "i would punish you, but that would require me being mean to you. and i don't particularly want to be cruel to you right now." he admitted smirking as his hand trailed along the others balls. "besides, you can't deny that you don't enjoy it, you where begging me at the end, like a little whore, MY little whore."
Sirius turned his head to look at Lucius. "You have a funny way of showing you care. If you really did care, you wouldn't force me." He closed his eyes, biting his lip to keep from making a sound as Lucius starting playing with his balls. "I enjoy living, Lucius. That is why I gave in to you last night. But you know what? I went back to my common room and fucked someone else to forget what you did to me." It wasn't a complete lie, since he had wanted to forget the events of the night before.
Lucius snickered a little and leaned over the other, Sirius's pants vanishing with a simple twitch of the fingers as his hand strolled languidly down Sirius's inner thigh, teasing the flesh. "and your a liar." Sirius taunted smirking darkly as his fingers stroked the others cock, teasing the flesh. "you don't have a good connection with anyone but James, and he's not Gay anymore." he smirked leaning down, his fingers squeezing the others cock. "unless you where with the little werewolf?" he taunted smirking darkly. "you think i don't know you Sirius?" he demanded softly. "you think you can hide behind that bag of fleas, but you will never be safe from me."
Sirius closed his eyes, picturing Remus as the one touching him like this. But that didn't work as Lucius kept talking. "Lucius, why are you doing this to me? If you care about me as much as you say you do, you wouldn't treat me this way. Yes. I know James doesn't see me as anything more than a friend, and I have gotten past that. But if you want me to love you, making fun of my friends is not the way to go about it."
there was a pause and Lucius stopped molesting Sirius for a moment a he pondered the others words. "that's a good point." Lucius admitted smirking a little. "alright, i will cease mocking your freinds." he agreed running his fingers along the others cock and shaft again. "anything else you want to demand of me?" he teased his free hand tracing small patterns on Sirius's back.
Sirius just stared at Lucius, surprised at how easily the blond agreed to stop mocking James and Remus. "Just like that? You won't make fun of them anymore.." He was quiet as he considered what he could ask Lucius for, but was soon distracted by the boy's fingers trailing along his cock. "No... That is all I want from you, and I do mean ALL."
Lucius snickered a little trailing his fingers along Sirius's ass a finger slipping in, well lubed as he wiggled it around. "now now." Lucius taunted smirking a little. "i'm not going to stop if that's what your implying, not unless you beg." he taunted, well aware he would never get Sirius to beg, the man was too proud for such a thing. "besides you like it when i touch you, much more firm, not like Lupin." he taunted smirking victoriously as he gripped Sirius';s hair tightly. "and you do like it when i rape you, don't you? what will you tell your friend when i have claimed your ass and he has not?" another finger slid in to join the first.
Sirius didn't respond, knowing that Lucius was right. He did enjoy what was being done to him, but at the same time, he was also wrong, at least about Lupin. He had liked being comforted by the werewolf the night before, though now he was starting to feel a little guilty. Here he was, letting Lucius use him again when he was going to be having dinner with his Housemate in just a few hours.
Lucius chuckled as he pressed a finger down on the others prostate, teasing the other as he bit and nibbled along Sirius's neck sighing softly against the others flesh offering him a gently kiss to the cheek, a smirk playing his lips. "i can see the wheels in your head turning Sirius, what are you thinking about?" he teased catching the others earlobe in his teeth and giving it a gentle pinch.
Sirius looked away, closing his eyes. "Like I would tell you what I am thinking. You would just use it against me. I know how people like you work, Lucius. I grew up around people like you, remember? So just take what you want from me. It's not like I can even stop you."
Lucius snickered a little looking amused. "now you know that's not completely true." he taunted flipping Sirius onto his back once more looking up at him, his smirk decidedly wicked as he wrapped his fingers around the others base squeezing tightly to cause Sirius intense pleasure, his tongue stroking along the tip and head tasting the others arousal with the intent of making Sirius feel as good as he could possibly feel.
Sirius looked up at Lucius, moaning at the pleasure he was feeling. "What isn't true? You mean I can stop you from doing this? Tell me how then." Despite his words, he wasn't sure he even wanted it to stop. Letting his eyes drift closed, he reached up to run a hand through Lucius' hair.
Lucius snickered a little as he ran his tongue along the others cock sucking on the others tip. "you know how to stop me Sirius i know you do." the blond taunted flashing the other a smirk as he ran his tongue from balls to tip stroking the slit intently before slipping two fingers into Sirius's ass once more, pressing down on the prostate even as he slipped the head into his mouth and sucked again.
Sirius gripped the side of the table he was against, groaning in pleasure at the dual sources of pleasure. "Lucius just fuck me already and get it over with..." He knew he couldn't keep it from happening, but maybe if he hurried it along, Lucius would stop tormenting him.
Lucius snickered a little and ran his tongue along the others cock once more before pulling his fingers out. "well, if that's really what you want." he stated a smirk on his lips as he pressed the head of his cock against the others ass and groaning softly as he began to push in, tossing his head back as he felt the others tight heat encase him. "mmm you feel so good around my dick." he hissed softly, looking pleased. before he bent down and pressed his lips to Sirius's. he didn't care if the other responded or not. "your always so beautiful."
Sirius cried out as Lucius' cock enter him, closing his eyes and picturing Remus. He didn't respond to the kiss, feeling as though he was betraying Moony by letting another take him. "Please don't talk, Lucius... Just fuck me.. I want this to be over quickly."
Lucius chuckled a little but began to rock into Sirius panting softly in the others ear, his fingers trailing over the others nipples. "the sooner you admit you enjoy this." he whispered smugly in Sirius's ear. "the sooner you can truly enjoy the pleasure that i can offer." he sated softly lightly pinching the nipples before wrapping his hand around the others cock touching the head and stroking the slit. "maybe next time, i'll bring some Toys to play with, you seam to be a little bored."
Sirius opened his eyes to look at Lucius, placing his hands on the blond's chest. "Why are you doing this, Lucius? What will happen when I do as you ask? Will you just move on to your next conquest and forget about me? Isn't that what you do with all your lovers? Get them to fall for you, then ditch them for the next?"
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