Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius was a little surprised that the sticking charm holding his hands in place was starting to disappear. He felt around for his wand, though it was well out of his reach. Defenseless as he was, he knew it was futile for him to try and run. "As much fun as that must sound to you, letting your friends see me completely humiliated, can't you just warm the stones beneath me?" There was no way he was going to let his friends see him in such a compromising position. "Or maybe having an audience helps you get off?"
Lucius smirked darkly, the stones under Sirius suddenly warm to the touch as he pressed down on the Dogs prostate once more leaning down. "i was thinking maybe it would help you get off, since your the dirty little slut who's enjoying getting raped." he taunted biting at the others neck his free hand scratching lightly down Sirius's belly humming softly. "do you know how long i have wanted you?" he growled sounding both amused and annoyed. "how long i sat watching you, wishing you where mine? and now you are." he snickered a little as he suddenly flipped Sirius onto his back and pinned him down once more, his silver gray eyes bearing down into Siruis's. "and you will always be mine." he growled a promising tone to his voice, yes Sirius would belong to Lucius, whether the other wanted to or not.
Sirius was surprised when Lucius flipped him over onto his back, which gave him a chance at getting the Slytherin off him. "I don't care how long you've wanted me, Lucius. I do know that I would never enjoy being raped by anyone, nor would I allow it." Lifting his hands, he tried to shove the prefect off him. "I will never be yours, no matter how many times you do this"
Lucius just laughed and grabbed Sirius's wrists pinning them onto the floor with a low snarl pressing their lips tightly together as the sticking spell pinned the dog's wrists to the stone floor once more. Lucius kept his mouth over Sirius's, kissing him intently moving his mouth against the others in a fierce sort of passion, his lips quirked in a smirk at the others refusal to give in, running his fingers down to grip the others hips tightly, pressing their groins together and giving a little hump, Sirius's cock rubbing against fine silk robes. "whether you accept it or not Sirius." Lucius growled smirking. "your already mine."
Sirius growled, trying to get his wrists free again as he struggled beneath the blond. "No!! I will never be yours, Malfoy!" Though as much as he would try to deny it, he was starting to enjoy being dominated. Though it was something he would never admit to the boy on top of him.
Lucius just snickered and pressed his lips to the others neck, sucking now his tongue stroking along the flesh before he nibbled and bit, leaving a bright hickey as his fingers strolled along the others nipples, pinching each one only once before continuing down, stroking the belly and sides before long smooth fingers wrapped around the others cock and squeezed, stroking the length before running his finger along the slit, snickering a little. "you will never be mine, and yet you are already hard and wanting. how contradictory Sirius."
Sirius closed his eyes, wishing someone would come and stop Lucius. Though he knew that would never happen. As much as he would deny it, he was really enjoying what Lucius was doing. To further prove that, his hips started bucking into the hand around his cock. "Just hurry up so I can go, Lucius..."
Lucius snickered softly to himself kissing along Sirius's neck before pausing running his tongue along the others collar bone his free hand stroking along Sirius's ass before pressing two fingers deep inside once again, panting softly. "your so tight and warm Sirius, your going to feel so perfect around my dick." he growled snickering lightly as he ran his tongue along a nipple, stimulating it before pulling it carefully into his mouth and sucking harshly squeezing the cock again, trying to overstimulate the dog, trying to make him loose control and react the way his body wanted to react.
Sirius found it harder and harder to deny, and feeling that warm, wet mouth around his cock was what finally drove him over the edge. With a growl, he tried again to get his hands free so he could run them through the blond's hair. "Release my hands Lucius.. I am yours."
Lucius growled back, sounding very pleased as he ran his tongue over the slit sucking the head into his mouth and sucking one more time before the sticking spell was released, Lucius's fingers pressing on the mutts prostate just to keep him in line. "yes, all mine." he growled, pleased with Sirius's sudden obedience, it had taken a while, but Lucius always got what he wanted. "how shall i fuck you Sirius?" he demanded smirking. "on all fours like a bitch dog? or shall i simply take you on your back as is?" he teased slipping a third finger into the brunettes ass, fingering the prostate to distill any pain from the breach.
Sirius ran his hands through Lucius' hair, his hips moving against the fingers in his ass. "Fuck me however you want."
Lucius snickered a little as he leaned up and kissed Sirius frantically, his tongue thrusting into the others mouth intently as he slipped his fingers out and gave himself a few firm strokes to get himself as hard as he could possibly get. moaning softly as he pressed his cock head against the others ass. "tell me again." he growled softly his fingers tangling in Sirius's hair. "tell me again who you belong to."
Sirius closed his eyes, kissing Lucius back with equal passion. He moved his hips, trying to get the cock inside him. "I belong to you Lucius."
Lucius growled eagerly against the others mouth as he slid into the others tight heat panting softly his hands gripping the others hips tightly, sinking in as deep as he could get shivering at the pleasure. "ooh fuck yesss." he hissed smirking a little at the other. he knew in the morning, when Sirius woke up, or even as soon as the man came, he was going to go back to hating Lucius. but that was alright, Lucius enjoyed raping Sirius.
Sirius moved his hands down so he was gripping Lucius' shoulders. He knew he should hate the Slytherin for what was happening, but it just felt so good. Of course, this would probably only be a momentary thing and as soon as it was over, the normal rivalry between them would fall back into place. "Fuck me harder, Lucius!"
Lucius smirked a little as he thrust harder and harder into the other, moaning in his ear as he took the Dog for all that he was worth, panting hard as he thrust and moved inside of the man gripping his hips tightly as he pushed and pulled and fucked Sirius with all of his might, moaning as he felt himself climbing closer and closer to his orgasm. "f..fuck gonna, a..aaah i'm going to cum in your ass Sirius." he hissed panting softly. "make sure that you know it's mine." he hissed smirking as his hand wrapped around the others cock and began to stroke, determined to bring Sirius to completion as well.
Sirius had thought his first time would be with someone he enjoyed spending time with, not taken by force at the hands of one of his enemies. Yet here he was, lying beneath a Slytherin, letting the boy do as he pleases, and enjoying every minute of it. Grunting with each thrust into him, he reached down to stroke himself only to find that Lucius had already started that. "Fuck Lucius..."
Lucius smirked gripping harder along Sirius's cock stroking him harder, faster. panting roughly in his ear. "i'm going to cum." he hissed softly. "cum with me Sirius." he ordered, bucking into the others prostate now, quick, harsh thrusts intended to toss them both over the edge. "nnn your so fucking tight, so hard for me. Cum Sirius, Cum for me."
Sirius could feel himself close to orgasm, though he tried his hardest to keep from cumming. Hearing Lucius' words, combined with the quick, hard thrusts hitting his prostate, was more than enough to send him over the edge. With a loud cry, that could probably be heard throughout the old castle, he came all over the hand of his tormentor.
Lucius snickered softly as he thrust once more, arching into Sirius and moaning softly as he came, flooding the other with a few good strong spurts of Cum panting softly as he held the other down for a moment, still holding Sirius by the hips, holding himself inside, reveling in the tight heat of his victim before he slowly pulled out of the other and cleaned them both up with a muttered spell, smirking a little at Sirius. "see you around." he taunted pausing. "unless you'd rather go and cuddle?" he flashed the other a smirk, waiting for the angry response he was certain was going to come.
Sirius laid there for a moment after Lucius had gotten up, trying to calm his breathing. Glaring up at Lucius, he fixed his pants as he stood up. "What did you do with my shirt? I can't exactly walk into my common room shirtless." After a quick look around, he Accio'd his wand and stuck it in his pocket. "I won't tell anyone about this little incident if you don't, Lucius. I am sure you don't want people to know you lower yourself to lay with a blood traitor, even if you had to force yourself on me."
Lucius smirked a little and handed Sirius his shirt. "oh there's no lowering here Sirius." Lucius stated calmly. "you might be a blood traitor, but your many qualities easily overcome that." he stated calmly turning on his heal and striding back towards the Slytherin entrance. had Lucius just...complimented Sirius? it almost sounded like it, he paused and flashed a smirk at Sirius. "in any case, i wont be telling." he teased flashing him a wink before vanishing into the Slytherin common room. he couldn't wait until he caught Sirius off guard once more. maybe he could get the boy the next quidditch game. he's heard rumors that Sirius would wait in the changing rooms for James.
Sirius put his shirt on, staring at the entrance to the Slytherin common rooms after he'd gone through. It seemed almost like the prefect had said something nice about him. It must have just been his imagination, he concluded as he headed back to his own common room.
the common room was mostly empty, save for Lupin who was still up, reading by the fire. for once it wasn't a school book, but rather what looked like a romance novel. Lupin's dirty little secrete, it wasn't the first time that Sirius had caught Lupin reading one of those books. "Sirius! good lord your out late." Lupin stated looking rather astonished before he grinned. "found a pretty girl didn't you?" he teased rolling his eyes. "James was getting worried. said he saw Lucius hanging about, he was afraid you'd gotten hauled up in front of Professor Flinn again."
Sirius sat down near Lupin, glancing in the fire. "I bet he was really worried.. Probably so worried he had to make out with Lily. Speaking of which, where did Prongs disappear to?" He looked up when the portrait swung open and James came through. "I'll talk to you in the morning, Moony. I'm rather tired." He nodded to James and headed up to their dormitory to change for bed.

James tossed his invisibility cloak onto a chair, which he'd found lying on the floor in the Slytherin dungeons. "What's gotten into him? First he takes my cloak and leaves it where anyone can find it, and now he's avoiding me?"
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