Late Night Moon/Finn

Lupin scowled a little his head tilted. "i think he's jealous." he admitted shaking his head. "he said something about you and lily. i'll talk to him later." he promised, the book amazingly hidden from view the second James had walked in. "i'm sure he's just being a little moody, you know hormones and all that." he stated shaking his head as he stood up and headed over to the stairs, heading up to Sirius a scowl on his face. something was not right here. "Sirius?" Lupin asked softly looking around the dorm for the other. "are you alright?"
Sirius didn't hear Remus come up as he was sitting on his bed, healing some of the bruises left on his skin from his encounter with Lucius. He dropped his wand when he heard the werewolf's voice behind him and turned to look at him. Grabbing his nightshirt, he threw it on before climbing under the covers. "I just want to sleep, Moony."
Remus scowled a little and moved over to the edge of the bed his head tilted. "you NEVER 'just want to sleep' Padfoot." he pointed out sounding almost amused. "come on, i know where we can get some firewhiskey." contrary to popular belief, Remus was actually a very big rule was just that he was never caught. "or you can sit here in the dark and sulk while you listen to James wank off because Lily got him all hot and bothered and then left him high and dry again."
Sirius sat up, raising a brow. "And where would you have some firewhiskey stashed?" Getting out of bed, he grabbed his pants from where he'd left them and pulled them on. "Anything is better than listening to him. Let's go."
Remus snorted a little and nodded. "of course i have firewhiskey stashed you dunce." he stated simply looking around. "come on, we'll use a secrete way out." he admitted hearing James heading up to the room tugging Sirius over to what had always just been an unused fireplace, in the summers anyway and ducked down into it, pushing the back wall open and crawled out into a small space. "this is usually how the house elves get in to clean." he admitted flashing the other a smirk. "their how i get my hands on the firewhiskey." he admitted standing up and brushing himself off heading down what looked like a hallway that spun around and around like a spiral staircase and led into a long abandoned classroom. "welcome to my Secrete hideout." he stated. everyone had always wondered where Remus would vanish to for hours on end, and now Sirius knew. Lupin hadn't even bothered hiding the firewhiskey, he just grabbed it off a table and tossed it to Sirius. "drink up. something tells me you need to be drunk."
Sirius followed him into the secret room, easily catching the bottle and opening it. "No wonder we could never find you. This room isn't on the map we made of the school." He transfigured some of the old desks into a comfortable couch and flopped down on it, taking a long drink of the firewhiskey. "Oh yes. This is just what I needed, Moony. I owe you!"
Remus chuckled a little as he settled into a cushy armchair and propped his feet up on a table, sighing softly. "no thanks necessary. i know James can be a bit of a Wanker sometimes but he means well." Remus stated calmly, his eyes flicking over to the other looking worried. "i..i'm sorry things didn't work out...between you two, i know you had a crush on him at the very least." Remus never realized that it was not James that Sirius was upset about.
Sirius took another drink from the bottle, glancing over at Remus. "I don't want to talk about James, or anything else right now. I just want to get drunk and forget what happened to me tonight." He knew his friend meant well, but he couldn't talk about what Lucius had done to him, though he knew it was very likely to happen again.
Remus nodded a little and watched him a little looking rather upset. "i'm sorry Sirius, for whatever happened." he admitted softly. "you know you can come to me for anything right? anything at all." he promised reaching over and taking a swig of the firewhiskey before handing it back. "i.i want to be here for you, no matter what you know?" it almost sounded as if Remus was trying to tell Sirius that he liked him. but Remus was never very good at talking to people he was book smart, not people smart.
Sirius took another gulp of the firewhiskey, closing his eyes. "It's not your fault that Lucius Malfoy is such an asshole. It's not as though you made him..." He trailed off, taking another drink. "I just want to forget tonight ever happened." He opened his eyes and looked over at his friend, setting the bottle down as an idea came to him. "Come here, Moony.."
Remus tensed at Lucius's name and he blinked at the other. "Sirius did he..." he shut himself up and shook his head picking up the bottle and taking another large swallow. he wasn't going to bother Sirius about it any more, he clearly didn't want to talk about it. he blinked at the others order his head tilted before he stood up and walked over to the other looking puzzled. "whats wrong?"
Sirius sat up, making room on the couch for Remus to join him. "Why did you really show me your hiding place, Moony? I would have thought you'd want it kept secret." Of course, he would never tell James about it, out of respect for Remus. "You were going to say something else to me. If you tell me what you were going to say, I'll consider telling you what happened tonight."
Remus hesitated and fidgeted a little. "i...was going to tell you that i..uhm, sort of like you.. a little bit...a sorta, Fancy you a little i guess." he admitted sounding more and more ashamed of himself. he knew Sirius liked James, so he really should have lied,. but he couldn't help but hope that maybe, somehow, Sirius felt the same way about him. or at least might humor Remus a little.
Sirius knew that James would never see him as anything more than a friend, but he had to get over that little crush. He had two people who seem to like him, except one shows it through violence. "Help me forget what Lucius did to me, Moony..." He said nothing more, reaching over to pull Remus closer. "Make me yours."
Remus looked a little startled and then he chuckled softly, brushing his hand against Sirius's cheek, cupping his face as he bent down with no hesitation and pressed his lips tightly to Sirius's, kissing him with a gentle passion both their lips tasting of the firewhickey as Remus's hand trailed up Sirius's leg and upwards to the crotch. "i'll make sure that Lucius can never hurt you again." Remus promised softly kissing the others neck now. "you'll be mine for as long as you wish it."
Sirius closed his eyes, leaning into the gentle touch of Remus' hand. "As good as that sounds, Moony, you shouldn't make promises you can't keep. I know Lucius will hurt me again, and there isn't a thing I can do about it. If I go to the Headmaster, he'll lie and get you and James kicked out." He opened his eyes, looking up at his friend. "I don't know what to do about it."
Remus smirked a little. "i'm a WEREWOLF for Merlin's sake Padfoot." he pointed out. "i'm not even supposed to be here." he admitted his nostrils flaring as he caught the others scent licking along Sirius's neck a small growl filling the room. "i can still smell him on you." he admitted nibbling gently on the flesh. "let me wash him from you." he murmured pressing himself tightly to sirius, intending to mask Lucius's scent with his own.
Sirius opened his eyes, looking at Remus with a panicked expression. "Remus, he knows. He knows about you being a werewolf... about me, James and Peter being Animagi.. He could use that information against us! Promise me that you won't tell anyone about what he did to me!"
Remus scowled a little looking almost...afraid for a moment. "how in the hell does he know!?" he demanded before huffing a little and shaking his head. "i suppose that doesn't really matter now does it? i won't tell anyone...not even lucius." he promised. "and never James." Remus knew that if James found out, he was going to do something more than just stupid.
Sirius smiled gratefully, pulling Remus down for another kiss. He knew that if anyone would keep a promise like that, it would be Moony. "Thank you... I was down by the Slytherin common room, waiting to play a prank on them. But Lucius caught me before I could pull it off, and he raped me. The worst part of it all is I let him. I didn't even try to fight back."
Remus kissed back and then growled softly gently nuzzling Sirius. "you did what you had to. i'd rather you have laid there and let him do it, then fought back and come back broken and bloody." he admitted softly running his hands gently down Sirius's sides. "we just have to make sure your never out on your own from now on." he muttered softly. "he can't rape you if there are witnesses." he grinned a little. "alright?"
Sirius nodded, feeling rather relaxed in Remus' embrace despite the memory of what Lucius had done playing over and over again in his mind. "James can never find out. He would want to do something about it, and I can't let either of you get kicked out." He kissed him back, lightly stroking his face. "As for how he found out about all of us, I can only think of one person who might have told him. Peter."
Remus scowled a little and carefully pulled Sirius out of the chair and into his own lap, running his fingers through the black hair as he pondered the situation. "why would Peter tell?" he mused his eyes narrowed. "unless Lucius is blackmailing him as well?" he wondered shaking his head. "in any case, were going to keep a close eye on peter AND Lucius." he muttered with a Growl. "James and Peter will never find out about any of this. James is too rash and Peter apparently can't keep his mouth shut."
Sirius leaned back against Remus, turning to look at him. "I don't know if it was Peter, but no one else outside of us four should even know all that. I wouldn't tell anyone, and I know that you and James wouldn't either. That only leaves Peter, and it would fit. I mean his Animagus form is a rat."
Remus snorted a little and shook his head. "or it could be Severus, you know he's always watching us, following us. he might have seen something and put all the pieces together...hell it could be any one of the Ravenclaws, have any of them been taking an unusual interest in us? hell it might even be James, you know how he likes to brag in front of Lily. someone might have overheard." he shrugged. "but in any case we all have to be much more careful." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "we can't let Lucius get any more dirt on us." he muttered shaking his head. "i think it's either James on accident, or Peter..." he growled a little and scowled. "even if we ask them, they'll just deny it, or Peter will lie, he's always lying. or it's Severus, you know how close that git is to Lucius, i bet their having a good laugh about this."
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