Late Night Moon/Finn

Remus took great care in pleasuring his lover his tongue stroking every inch of it before starting at the base and moving to the tip again, wondering what it would be like to give his lover a blow job while he was in dog form and remus in human. it was an interesting thought.
Sirius was having similar thoughts, though the only difference being he was imagining Remus mounting him while in werewolf form and he in human form. Theirs would most definitely be an interesting relationship, and he was already enjoying having Remus as a lover. Though he was still worried about a certain blond Slytherin who was stalking him.
alright, i gotta go bed now XP i have to get up at 6:30 XP)

Remus huffed a little as he lapped at the other intently before he turned and spit out the stone, annoyed at his inibility to properly please his lover. he went back to licking, the tongue narrowing ino a human tongue as Remus started licking and sucking along the others cock returning painlessly to his human form. the transformation into a human wasn't painfull, as it was into a werewolf. he didn't know why, he didn't care, his lips wrapped arounf the others cock and gave a thick suck his fingers massaging the sheeth, intending to pleasure his lover.
Sirius considered switching back to his human form, but something told him that he should stay as he currently was. That was made clear when Remus started sucking his cock almost immediately after spitting out the moonstone. With a playful bark at Remus, he rolled over onto his back, his tail wagging against the moss-covered floor.
Remus snickered a little as he swallowed the thickness of his canine lovers cock, sucking lightly against the flesh, massaging the sheeth with his fingers as he closed his eyes, his shaggy hair tickling gently at his freinds belly smirking a little as his free hand gently rubbed Sirius's belly, wondering if it would feel good to his newfound lover.
Sirius watched Remus, a hint of a smile on his mouth as he felt the warm mouth surround his cock. He was clearly enjoying it, though he couldn't really express it in his current form.
Sirius gave a loud howl as he came in his lover's mouth, changing back to his normal form just moments later. "Thank you Remus."
Remus grinned at the other, licking his lips. "no prob, glad you liked it." he admitted grinning, Dog cum staining his lips and chin where he hadn't been able swallow fast enough, licking his lips clean with a smirk. "that was rather kinky." he admitted with a laugh. "hve you ever had anyone suck your doggy cock before?"
Sirius sat up, smirking a bit at Remus. "No I haven't. I haven't even been fucked while in dog form before either, so that's two firsts I've experienced with you."
he laughed a little and smiled a little at the other leaning down and gently kissing him. "i'm glad." he admitted smiling a little. "did you enjoy yourself at least?" he asked smirking a little using his shoe to kick the moonstone back into the lsmall pond. he didn't want anyone to feel it's resonant magic and come through to figure out what it was.
Sirius went to get his clothes, nodding to Remus as he got dressed again. "Yes I enjoyed myself Moony. That was something I will never share with Lucius. I give you my word on that."
Remus smiled and nuzzled Sirius's neck sighing softly. "i wish you didn't have to share anything at all with that bastard." he admitted softly scowling a little. "if i could just get him alone in the woods i'd take care of that little prick."
Sirius turned to look at Remus, kissing him lightly. "I might let him use my body, Remus, but my heart will never be his. No matter how much he wishes it. Just don't do anything that could get you kicked out of school. Promise me you won't do anything to him, Moony."
Remus sighed sulking a little. "i promise i won't do anything to him." he grumbled looking highly annoyed at being made to promise that. "but i'm not going to let you go anywhere alone ever again." he growled possesivally. "i am never letting lucius get another chance at you."
Sirius smiled, knowing that Remus would do just that. "I appreciate that, Moony. Now let's get back to the common room. We've been in here long enough, though we can come back here later after everyone goes to sleep."
Remus smirked a little as he gathered his own clothes, humming lightly as he smacked Sirius's ass tossing him a wink. "i'd like that." he admitted chuckling a little. "and we could go out into the forest and explore, it might seam dark and forboding but it's actually very pretty in there, if you know where to go."
Sirius glanced back at Remus, nodding. "I suppose you know where to go then" He wasn't sure if it was really safe, but he didn't want to let Remus go in there alone.
Remus grinned a little. "well i had to find somewhere safe to explore in my were form." he admitted grinning a little. "i know all sorts of places in there, nothing bothers you when your in animal form." he admitted shaking his head. "just human form, which is a pain in the ass if you ask me."
Sirius laughed, heading for the door. "Well let's go. I want to see some of the places you found in the forest."
he laughed a little and smiled. "sure!" he chirped nudging him. "grab the moonstone will you?" he asked grimacing. "usually i bring a glove but i didn't think about it. it only affects me when i'm touching it, but walking around the school asd a werewolf...not such a good idea."
Sirius grinned at him, grabbing the moonstone from the little pond in the room. "This should be fun. I just hope no one follows us into the forest."
he chuckled a little and nodded grabbing the others hand, the one that wasn't holding the moonstone. "no one should, their all in the dorm rooms, and none of them can see the part of the forest i go into, i made certain of it." he admitted grinning. "and none of the teachers pay attention."
Sirius had little choice but to follow Remus, not that he minded. "Are you sure it's safe to be doing this?" When they reached the forest, Padfoot looked around to make sure they hadn't been followed then handed the stone to Remus so he could transform into his dog form.
Remus grinned a little and took the others hand. "it's perfectly safe." he promised smiling at the other. "and if it isn't safe, i'll let you do whatever you want to me for revenge." he promised chuckling a little. "hows that sound?" he offered ducking behind the tree's for cover before yelling in pain as he begane his transformation.
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