Late Night Moon/Finn

Remu laughed and sunk lower int he water, using the sandy bottom to propell himself at Sirius, trying to wrap his arms around the others hips, trying to catch his lover in such a way that he could molest him in the weightless water.
Sirius looked back when he felt Remus grab him, laughing. "Now that you have caught me, what are you going to do?" Even though he already knew, he wanted to hear his lover say it.
Remus smirked a little and licked his lips. "i'm going to make you beg of course." he teased tightning his grip around his lovers hips as his tongue came out into teh wet water and stroked along the others cock, licking along the thik vein and teasing the head with the tip of his tongue, paying close attention to the little, sensitive slit.
Sirius looked down at Remus, a soft moan escaping his lips at what his lover was doing. "Do you really think you can make me beg?"
Remus smirked. "i can try." he growled sucking lightly on the head running his fingers along the others balls, a slender finger stroking his entrance as he begane to use every weapon in his arsenal, hoping to Make Sirius beg, or at least moan like a wanton whore.
Remus smirked a little slowly pulling Sirus's cock deeper into his mouth, his fingers massaging, but not entering the others tight little hole as he hummed softly. "not yet, you havn't begged yet." Remus teased, his mouth moving ever so pleasurably around the other cock, tongue stroking and touching with every word. a dirty trick! pleasurable, but dirty.
Sirius opened his eyes again, shoving away from Remus, a pained look in his eyes. "You're just like Lucius! Using tricks to get what you want!" He swam to shore, shifting into his dog form as he took off into the forest.
Remus gasped looking starled. "Sirius wait!" he yelped looking horrified. "i...i didn't mean it..." he whispered to the empty clearing, his lover already gone hanging his head in shame as he slowly moved to the shore grabbing the moonstone, intending to follow his only lover, he couldn't let Sirius think that he'd been using him, Remus had just wanted Sirius to feel good that was all! but how did he explain that to sirius?
Sirius exited the forest a few minutes later, changing back before heading back inside the castle. Wanting to be alone, he headed for the secret room that Remus had shown him the day before, curling up on a couch.
Remus slowly slid into the room ten minuts later, looking worried and upset. "Sirius? are you in ehre?...Sirius i didn't mean it, i was just trying to be playfull...i'm sorry!" he pleaded softly, from the stairwell. he wouldn't go in if Sirius said nothing, he just wanted his lover to know...but if sirius needed space Remus was all to willing to give it to him. "i'm sorry Sirius... i would never use you! do you think i would show you all of my secretes if you where just someone to screw?...i love you..."
Sirius glanced toward the doorway, listening to Remus. "He would get me to beg before he would do anything. When you said you wanted me to beg, it just reminded me of him and what he did to me."
Remus grimaced and moved intot he room. "i'm so sorry Sirius i didn't know." he admitted softly sitting on the floor next to the couch, gently taking the others hand. "i just wanted you to feel good. i thought i was being playfull, i didn't mean to hurt you." he promised softly gently kissingthe back of the others hand. "i won't do it again."
Sirius sat up, looking down at his lover, squeezing his hand. "I'm sorry for freaking out on you like that. I know you would never intentionally hurt me."
Remus smiled a little and leaned up, gently kissing the other. "after whats happened, i don't think you need to apologize." he admitted, gently strokingthe others chin. "it's alright, i'll just be more carefull next time." he promised kissing the others neck, trying to comfort him. "want to stay in here? i can run out and get us some food?"
Sirius shook his head. "No.. I can't hide from him forever. If I stay around you, he can't bother me. Let's go get something to eat."
he nodded and smiled a little taking his lovers hand and gently helped Sirius to his feet heading for the staircase. "maybe later i can let you in on the privlages of the Prefects bath?" he offered smiling a little. "i could wash your back for you."
Sirius smiled, standing up. "That sounds good." He kisses Remus before heading for the door. "We can go get some food, then go to the prefect's bathroom."
he grinned and nodded. "sounds like a plan!" he agreed looking happy that he had made his lover feel better. "after our bath i could have some hot chocolate delevered to our hidey hole." he purred smiling eagerly. "and i could read you one of the naughty scenes from my favortite book." he teased winking at Sirius.
Sirius grinned, looking back over his shoulder. "I just want to go get something from the dormitory before we head downstairs." He darted out the door, heading up to the dorms to get the map they had made, so that they could keep an eye on Lucius' location. The last thing he needed was for them to get caught in the prefect's bathroom.
there was something on Sirius's bed when he got up there, a single perfect red rose with a tiny note on it in Lucius's perfect handwriting. 'to sirius' a small golden necklace hanging off the rose, of a howling wolf encased in a silver moon. it must have cost a fortune, but it was beuitiful none theless. Lucius suspected Remus would throw it away, btu that was alright.
((why would he leave Remus gifts?))

Sirius blinked when he saw the rose and necklace. Picking up both, he stuck them in his pocket before grabbing the map from James' trunk and headed back down to the common room. "Ready to go, Moony?" There were students in the room, so he would wait till they were alone to show him what he'd found on his bed.
Remus grinned and nodded. "sure am!" he chirped taking his freinds hand before pausing for a moment, wondering if maybe Sirius wouldn't want to keep their relashionship a secrete. he wanted to ask but he didn't want to hurt the others feelings again...Remus wasn't very good at this...hed just take Sirius's lead.
Sirius smiled at Remus, giving his hand a light squeeze before climbing out the portrait hole. He didn't care who knew about their relationship, as the more people saw them together, the more likely it was to get back to Lucius. When they were away from others who might overhear them, he took the note and necklace out of his pocket. "I found these on my bed a few minutes ago. Lucius somehow got into our dorms, or he had someone deliver it."
Remus scowled a little as he picked up the rose lifting an eyebrow. "...the man is obviously insane." he decided examining the necklace. "who rapes someone and then gives them gifts?" he wondered before looking stricken at his careless words. "er...sorry... i bet he had someone deliver it, even he couldn't just stroll into the gryffindor common room without someone raising shit about it."
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