Late Night Moon/Finn

he laughed and vanished up the spiral staircase to go into the gryffindor dormitories again. Remus always gave out the best gifts, he spent a month before hand picking out just the best gift for each person, it was always straight from the heart. they would be perfect to gift to narcissa, making her think Lucius was madly in love with her. "here!" Remus chirped holding out a pearl necklace. "it was gonna go to lily but she decided she suddenly hates necklaces, Narcissa loves gaudy crap like that." he smirked a little. "i've brought you your present too, so you can have it early."
Sirius laid back while waiting for Remus to return with the gifts he had. When the werewolf returned, he sat up and held his hand out for the pearl necklace. "That's great. I'll just wrap that necklace and have it delivered to Narcissa on Christmas morning." With an eyebrow raised, he looked at the other gift the man was holding. "Put it back, Moony. I will open it with all my other gifts."
Remus snickered a little and nodded. "this is going to be so fun!" he stated snickering a little before he pouted at Sirius. "but i got you two, how about i give you this one now, and you can open the other on Christmas day?" he offered looking rather pathetic while pouting at Sirius. how could anyone say no to that face!?
Sirius put the pearl necklace in his pocket, chuckling at the look on Remus' face. "Alright... I'll open that one now." He reached for the gift, opening it up and peering inside the box.
inside was a book, the title reading 'top Pranks, spells, and potions' written by some unknown wizard. it was full of spells to turn peoples shoes into dancing shoes, potions to turn your freinds hair pink, pranks that involved a lot of string and some slime. Lupin hoped Sirius would really enjoy the book, especially if he used the pranks against a certain slytherin.
Sirius smirked when he saw the title of the book. "I think this book is really going to come in handy." He used a charm to make the wrapping paper disappear before opening the book and flipping through it.
Remus laughed a little and nodded. "i thought you might be able to have fun with it." he admitted smirking a little as he watched the other reading through it humming a little to himself as he picked up the Wolf Necklace and examined it. "i wonder how he knows." Remus muttered softly to himself scowling a little as he touched the pendant again, making it spin in the air. it bothered him that someone else knew his secrete, someone who could easily blackmail him...someone he hated.
Sirius glanced up from the book, having been wondering the same thing himself. "Someone had to have told him.. Someone who knew all our secrets. And since only the four of us are supposed to know, I can only think of one person who could have told him."
Lupin scowled a little and sent the pendant spinning again sighing softly. "Pittegrew, i can't beleive he'd tattle on us.... you don't think Sirius is blackmailing him too? i always thought he was pretty loyal, even if his animagus form is a rat." he admitted wrinkling his nose. honestly he had never liked Rats all that much.
Sirius closed the book, staring into the pond. "I don't know, but there is only one way for us to find out. Asking Lucius directly if he is blackmailing Wormtail. But to do that, I would have to be alone with him."
Sirius flinched at the angry tone to his lover's voice, knowing it was true. "I'll go talk to Peter, but if that doesn't work, that leaves only one other option. I know you don't like it, Moony, but I can always use that book to keep him off me if he tries anything."
Sirius pulled Remus close, wrapping his arms around his lover. "I appreciate that you are worried about me, Moony, but he's not going to stop unless I make him. That means facing him again."
Remus sighed and leaned into Sirius and nodded. "i know..i'm sorry." he murmured softly. "i'm just...i don't want you to have to do this, it isn't fair that he's ruining your life like this.. i wish you'd let me eat him..."
Sirius sighed, kissing the top of Remus' head. "As tempting as letting you eat him is, it wouldn't do you any good if anyone were to realize what happened."
he snorted a little and sulked a little. "not if it was during a full moon." he growled. "all i have to do is claim i don't know how he got in there and i'm in the clear, everyone knows that a werewolf can't help itself during a full moon..."
Sirius frowned at Remus. "Yes, and parents will be sending howlers to Dumbledore about a werewolf in the school, or pulling their kids out of Hogwarts because of the danger."

Remus groaned a little and sighed. "alright... your right." he grumbled shifting from side to side. "still it's nice to imagine." he admitted sighing a little shaking his head. "i really wish you didn't have to do this." he admitted softly.
Sirius held Remus a little tighter, sighing. "I wish I didn't have to do it either, but I want Lucius to stop bothering me." He moved so he could kiss his lover, smiling. "But that can wait till tomorrow. Tonight is all about us."
he smiled a little and gently rested his head on Sirius's shoulder sighing softly. "i like that." he murmured softly nuzzling his lover a little. " "so what are you up for?" he teased grinning a little. "i have my wizards chess board down here, and some exploding snap."
Remus grinned brightly and got to his feet, helping Sirius to his as he paused. "oh! before i forget, we should leave this present on Narcissa's bed later." he stated with a small snicker. "i'll have one of the house elves deliver it." he decided nodding a little. "come on, i'm gonna kick your butt at chess!" he purred looking eager to show his skills.
Sirius smirked as he got to his feet, nodding. "I wish I could be there to see the look on Malfoy's face when he sees my cousin wearing the necklace he gave to me."
Lupin snickered and nodded. "oh god that would be so GREAT! i'll have the elf deliver it to her personally before lunch! so that everyone can see!" he growled looking ever so pleased his fingers twitching with glee. "we ALL know the first thing she's gonna do is fling herself on him and kiss him all over, declaring her undying love for him." he laughed. "he'll be mocked for WEEKS!"
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