Late Night Moon/Finn

Lucius snorted a little. "well of course you did, it's not like anyone but you guys bradcast that your breaking the law." he pointed out, pausing a little. "no, no one told me why? did you beat someone up for it?" he teased looking amused. "it wasn't snape was it? you guys pick on him so much."
"No. We didn't beat anyone up for it, though considering Peter's form.. well I'm sure you get the idea. As for Snivellus, he should stop looking at Lily the way he does. She's James' girl." He grinned, leaning back. "How long have you been an animagus?"
Lucius chuckled a little. "since before i even came to school, my father made sure i had a severe advantage coming into school." he admitted shaking his head. "i rarely use it, but i can see the advantage now." he admitted grimacing. "even if i did almost get beaten for my form." he admitted smirking at the other as he headed to a small trapdoor hidden under a rug. "this leads into the forest."
Sirius got up, pulling the rug back. Lifting up the trapdoor, he jumped down, looking up at the blond. "I would like to see your animagus form, Lucius. If you don't mind showing me that is."
Lucius smirked a little at the other as he carefully closed the trapdoor and shifted slowly into his animagus form, pale white fur sprouting all over his body his body long, his tail even longer...he was a weasel! an ALBINO weasel no less. sure he was cute...but he was a WEASEL!!! he chattered at Sirius and stretched his long body out as long as it could get, showing off.
Sirius laughed when he saw Lucius' animagus form, reaching down to pick him up. "I'd keep you as a pet, but your parents probably wouldn't like that very much." He set the weasel down after a moment, changing into his dog form and headed down the tunnel.
the weasel chattered at him and rubbed it's hands over it's eyes, grooming itself to look even prettier and scampered down the tunnel, grabbing onto Sirius's tail when it proved incapable of keeping up with the others much larger form climbing up to rest on the others back chattering in the others ear as he clung to the others fur as they came up to a large grate that led into the middle of the forbidden forest, it was easy for Sirius to nudge it out of the way with his nose, and Lucius could just slide through the bars.
Sirius looked back to make sure Lucius was safely on him before pushing the grate out of the way. Once out of the tunnel, he turned around to head through the forest toward the castle. It wasn't hard to find as he could see the top of the astronomy tower above the trees. When they reached the edge of the trees, he laid down so Lucius could get off easier.
Lucius slid down Sirius's back on his belly, chattering at him and giving him a nudge with his head, ordering him to egt a move on, moving back a little so he wouldn't be seen changing back into a human. "go on, oh and feel free to tell your Werewolf about my animagi form if you one else though ok?" he asked nervously. "i don't want to get in trouble you know. and i know Lupin won't rat me out just to see me suffer."
Sirius changed back, nodding to Lucius. "I won't tell anyone, so don't worry about it coming out." Walking out of the forest, heading up to the castle, heading for his friends when he saw them sitting under a tree.
Lupin was reading a book yet again and Peter was whimpering and scuffling this way and that, watching everyone around them with an almost paranoid air, but then he was always paranoid and jumpy. "i don't like this, i haven't seen Sirius for hours! what if they did something to him!?" "who?" Lupin demanded. "the slytherins! their all gone you know! their all hiding!" all the slytherin's where noticeably missing from the school grounds.
Sirius walked up to them, chuckling as he watched Peter. "Who's all hiding? What have I been missing?" James looked up when Sirius came back, looking to Peter. "There you go Peter. Sirius is just fine. You can calm down now." He looked at Sirius, looking over to where he saw Lucius walking back into the castle. "Where have you been, Sirius?" Sirius just shrugged, sitting down next to Remus. "I was just exploring the forest. Nothing to worry about."
Peter squealed when Sirius 'snuck up on them' gasping for breath as Lupin snorted a little and turned a page in his book. "you really shouldn't go out there alone Sirius." he stated simply, acting the part of a concerned friend. he had already explained to James and peter that he and Sirius had decided to stay freinds glancing at Sirius. "and i told James not to call you a dick, you should thank me." he teased smirking at the other rather playfully.
Sirius just shrugged. "I wasn't alone. I was visiting a weasel that lives in there." James glanced toward the castle again. "Do you know anything about the disappearance of all the slytherins, Padfoot?" Sirius shook his head, looking at the book Remus was reading. "Not a clue. Why don't you have your girlfriend ask her pal, Snivellus?"
Remus sneared at the mention of snape and growled under his breath. with the closing in of the full moon he was getting more irritable over things he would laugh about on the new moon. "he should leave lily alone. she's with James now!" he growled, almost mirroring Sirius's words exactly as he turned another page in his book, waiting for someone to joke him about being 'that time of the month' so he could beat the crap out of them.
Sirius glanced over at Remus, hearing the tone in his voice. "The full moon is getting close, isn't it?" James looked over at his two friends, chuckling. "He'll slip up one of these days and say something that'll upset her. It's inevitable, considering who he is around most of the time."
Remus nodded in response to the full moon question, sulking because now he had no one to beat on his eyes flicking around, wondering if he couldn't find snape, or maybe Lucius to beat up on, no go. he growled again and looked back down at his book. "w...well know he and did g..grow up t..together..." Peter stammered. "i..i mean, s..should be to keep her f..freinds r..right?" he asked nervously Lupin staring over at Peter making the boy squeak a little and shrink. "Snivelus should fall off the earth and die." Lupin and Snape had been going at it like wild animals the last month or so, their hatred for each other growing to surpass even James and snapes hatred...and neither was giving even clues as to why.
James sneered at Peter's question. "He's a slytherin, Wormtail. He shouldn't be hanging around Lily." Sirius got up, glancing down at Remus. "There's something I want to talk to you about, Moony. Can we go somewhere?" James looked up at his friends for a moment, positive that they were hiding something from him. "Come on Padfoot. Whatever it is, you can say in front of us." Sirius looked over at James, shaking his head. "It's kind of personal, just between me and Remus."
wasn't lily a slytherin? XDD i can't remebure.)

Remus was about a half second from leaping on both James and Peter, finding himself highy irritable before pausing as he listened to Sirius. "Sorry James." he stated closing his book sighing a little. "i know what this is about. alright alright." he grubmled getting to his feet shaking his head. "i'll meet you int he usual place then, in case anyone has an inclenation to...follow." he stated with a stern eye on peter who giggled nervously. he didn't bother warning James, james never listened anyway. in any case Lupin and Sirius where sneeky enough to get intot he secrete room undetected.
((no she was in Gryffindor))

Sirius nodded, heading back inside the castle, glancing over his shoulder every now and then to make sure James or Peter weren't following him. When he got to the secret room, he sat down by the pond and waited for Remus.
Remus joined him a little later, giving James the slip by taking a sharp corner and ducking into one of his many secrete passages hopping into the room with a small growl. "Sirius he did something didn't he!? you tell me! i'll slaughter him!" Remus wanted to kill something, and he REALLY wantde Lucius to screw up, it was a win win if the man did something wrong!
Sirius chuckled, shaking his head. "Calm down, Remus. He didn't do anything to hurt me. He's really not as bad as I originally thought. The things he did, it was because he was sure I wouldn't accept him, so he'd made the mistake of just taking what he wanted from me. He understands now that was the wrong thing to do. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. Do you remember what I said when I came out of the forest, about spending time with a weasel I found?"
Remus sighed a little and sulked a little. "well damn, i'd hoped." he admitted shaking his head before blinking at him lifting an eyebrow. "yeah what about it? i figured Weasel was just a nickname for Malfoy." he admitted "it suits him thats for damn sure."
Sirius laughed at the irony in that. "I guess it could be his nickname, considering that's his animagus form. Do you ever remember seeing a pale white weasel around us on the night of the full moon? That's how Lucius knew our secret. No one told him."
Remus blinked looking shocked, then. "oh he IS a weasel! that little SNEEK!" he growled leaping to his feat. "i'm gonna beat the SHIT out of him!" he admitted looking enraged. "that bastard BIT me!" he sighed and scowled a little flopping onto his ass and scowling crossing his arms and pouting. "are you sure he's a better guy than you thought?" he demanded sulking at Sirius, determined not to even look at Lucius the wrong way as long as the man was treating Sirius right.
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