Late Night Moon/Finn

James studied him for a moment, trying to detect any hint of deception. When he didn't find any indication that Lucius was deceiving him, he nodded. "Leave those responsible for Sirius' condition to the Aurors. He needs all his friends around him right now, even if he can't remember us. Dumbledore is going to bring someone in to try and fix his memory, but the charm your buddies used on him seems to have no countercharm."
Lucius growled a little at the order to leave Nott be but relaxed again at the mention of Sirius looking heartbroken. "he thinks i raped him. why in the hell would i go in there!?" he demanded looking at James. "i'll terrify him Potter surely even YOU realize that!?" he demanded closing his eyes to get himself under control. "the most i can do for him right now... is find the people that hurt him and FORCE the counter charm out of them. and then slaughter the whole lot of them." he stated simply turning to go back down the hall again before pausing and pulling out the book in his pocket, flipping it open, hesitating before writing in the book. 'i love you Sirius.' waiting to see if Sirius would recognize the feeling of warmth in hjis pocket, that was Sirius's book warning him of a new message.
James grabbed hold of Lucius' arm, glaring at him. "What good will that do him if you end up in Azkaban for murder, Malfoy!? Get the counter charm, but don't do anything that would get you in trouble. Remus was right. You aren't as bad as everyone thinks. Don't sink to the level of your housemates." He let go of him, turning to return to the infirmary.

Sirius was awake by then, blinking when he found something warm against his side. Reaching under the covers, he felt a book in his pocket. Pulling it out, he looked at the message before closing it and throwing it across the room.
Lucius hesitated staring at James before a thin smile spread across his lips. "no, Remus is wrong." he stated simply. "i'm much much worse than what everyone thinks i am." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i just hide it very well." trying to crack a joke as he turned and headed down the hallway, looking much calmer now as he saught out the stupid bastards who had dared get on Lucius's bad side.

Remus and Snape both stared at Sirius, looking startled. "uhm...Siri? you ok?" Remus asked softly, moving over to pick up the book, setting it on the table without looking inside settling down next to the other, but well outside of touching distance. he was well aware that Sirius wasn't going to want to be touched right then, he was still too angry. "do you want me to get you anything?"
Sirius turned to look at Remus, blinking. "Stop talking to me as though you know me! I've never met either of you before!" He turned over onto his side, facing away from them. "I just want to be left alone."
Remus sighed a little and then nodded. "sorry, i was just trying to be helpful." he admitted softly glancing at the other with a wounded expression. "and we have met just...don't remember." he admitted softly standing up and heading out the door, Snape watching the man leave the hospital wing with a strange expression on his face.
Sirius turned over again, watching Remus leave. "Wait... I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. I may not know who you are, but you seem like a nice person if you are staying with me."

Nott was sitting in the Slytherin Common room, laughing with the others about what had happened earlier.
Remus hesitated and then sighed coming back into the room and sitting down again, watching the other his head tilted. "i'm not such a nice person." he admitted smiling a little. "in fact, with all the trouble we get in together one might think i'm down right bad boy." he admitted looking up at the ceiling. "it was barley a week now that we got drunk in my little secrete room...but i suppose you don't remember that either.."
Sirius was quiet for a moment, gripping the sheets of his bed. "I remember everything that I've done... but for some reason I can't remember names or faces." He sat up, covering his face with his hands. "Why did he have to go and do this to me? Didn't he know how much I love him?"
Remus paused for a moment then. "Sirius your probably not going to beleive me, but Lucius did not do this to you." he stated firmly. "he was rescuing Snape at almost the exact moment that you know." he admitted softly. "he took Veritiserum in front of Dumbledore to prove his own innocence, and no doubt is hunting down your attackers at this very moment." he admitted softly, watching Sirius closley. 'Lucius loves you more than he loves himself, and that's saying something."
Sirius shook his head, closing his eyes. "That can't be... I saw him in that room. There were a bunch of others who I can't remember, but I do remember seeing his face.. Hearing his voice as he told me that I was a fool for thinking he loved me."
Remus nodded. "and why do you think, that out of all the people, that you can remember only HIS face, and HIS name? don't you think that if he had really raped you, that his would be the first face erased from your mind?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "you can't even remember MY face, and you know secretes about me that no one else knows, you probably can't even remember your own brothers face right? so why only Lucius's? someone wants you to hate him Sirius... their trying to pull you two apart."

Lucius stalked into the slytherin room and before anyone could even react Lucius had tangled his fingers into nott's hair and slammed him hard against the wall. "you touched, what is mine." he snarled, his eyes alive with fury and rage, several of the slytherins standing, uncertain what to do. Lucius was the strongest pureblood in the room, none of them could even try to hurt him. "i want the counter curse." he snarled, slamming nott into the wall again. "give it to me now, and i won't use the Imperio to make every single person in this room rape you." Lucius could do it, and they all knew it.
Sirius looked uncertain for a moment, then nodded as he reached for the journal so he could write a message to Lucius. 'I love you too Lucius..' He closed the book, setting it down in his lap to wait for a response. "Where is Lucius right now?"

Nott glared up at Lucius, but didn't dare fight back. He gulped at the threat, looking around at everyone. He knew that Lucius was strong up to back up his threat and he didn't want to end up like Sirius. "Fine... I'll tell you the counter-curse, not that it will do you any good. Black will always hate you now." He grabbed a notebook and wrote down the counter-curse for him.
Remus looked puzzled about the book but shook his head. "i don't know, probably still in the Headmasters office, recovering from the veritiserum." he admitted rubbing the back of his head. "James said he was going to go look for him but i don't know anything else about it. i opted to stay here with you."

Lucius smirked leaning forward so that his lips where inches away from Nott's. "and now, i think there is an Auror upstairs who is very eager to meet you." he practically purred before he stunned the other with his own wand smirking as he looked around at the other slytherins, a sick grin in place. "no one, EER, Fucks with what belongs to a malfoy." he snarled before he proceeded to drag Nott up to Dumbledore and the Auror that was waiting.
James came into the infirmary then, moving to whisper something in Remus' ear before glancing over at Sirius. He just hoped that Lucius listened to him and didn't kill Nott like he'd wanted to do.

Sirius kept looking at the journal, wondering why Lucius hadn't answered yet. He wanted to tell Malfoy that he knew it wasn't him, but he couldn't do that if he wasn't sure if his lover wanted anything to do with him.
Remus nodded and whispered something back before leaning over to Sirius. "Lucius is in the middle of hunting for one of your attackers, so that he can get the counter curse to...whatever they did to your head." he explained smiling at him softly hesitantly patting the others hand. "i'm sure he'll come to see you as soon as he finishes that." he glanced at James again and leaned back. "are you mad!? letting him go after the people that attacked Sirius!? he'll slaughter them!"
James gave Remus a look, nodding his head toward Sirius. "I had a little talk with Malfoy before letting him go. He won't risk himself being thrown in Azkaban prison, not when there is someone here who needs him. He is going to get the counter-curse, then deliver the attackers to the Aurors."
Lupin scowled a little, looking worried still. "are you sure?" he muttered glancing at Sirius before shaking his head and then pausing. "so..why is Lucius doing all this anyway?" suddenly realizing that James shouldn't know about Sirius and Lucius's odd little relationship. "you don't think he's trying to pin the blame on someone else?..." Snape snorted a little and cracked open an eye. "wow Remus, nice save." he drawled lazily making Lupin blush hard. "shut up Severus.." when had they started using each others first names!?
James raised a brow as he looked at Remus. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice the necklace Sirius is wearing? A necklace that his cousin Narcissa had worn for less than a day before it was supposedly lost in the forest after she was supposedly attacked by a werewolf?" James looked over at Severus, then at Remus, blinking. "Don't tell me you are falling for a Slytherin too, Moony. Do you want to end up like Sirius?"
Remus went beat red and Snape snorted. "i'd die rather than date one of YOU." he spat hatefully rolling over onto his side Remus rolling his eyes. "my heart, unfortunately belongs to someone a little less greasy James." Remus stated simply shaking his head, Snape not responding to the goad as Sirius's book suddenly grew warm. 'it's good to see your awake. i'll bring you a huge pile of flowers just for you! and i'll install a hot tub in our secrete room, and i'll.. i'll... i don't know yet but i will lavish you with the attention and gifts that you deserve!...oh, sorry but i maaay have told James...about me loving you...sorry... but he seamed to take it well...sorta...' Lucius was rambling, he was probobly worried sick about Sirius and uncertain how to help him.
James snorted, a little relieved at the answer both had given him. Though he was a little curious as to who Remus was talking about. "We should go and let Padfoot rest, Remus. We can come back in the morning, and hope that he's gotten his memory back by then."

Sirius opened his book when he felt it get warm and reached for the quill beside his bed. 'I hope you understand if I don't want to see you for a while. It's still hard for me to believe you weren't involved when all I remember is seeing your face and hearing your voice throughout the entire incident.'
Remus sighed a little and nodded. "rest well Sirius." he stated softly. "get well alright? and don't let Snivelus push you around." he ordered glaring at the sleeping slytherin, determined to keep hating him no matter what!

the book grew warm a while later. 'no of course not! i totally understand, i'll send you love poems by House Elf then!' Lucius wrote, you could almost hear his joking tone, trying to make Sirius feel less bad about everything. 'i know you need the break, and i know seeing me is the worst thing i could ever put you through. that's why i haven't come to visit you, i didn't want to scare you. i'll have Dumbledore get you the counter curse, i can only hope that it works. and i hope that you can forgive me for not being able to protect you.'
Sirius smiled a little, writing in the book one last time before going to sleep. 'Good night, Weasel...' He wasn't sure why he'd written that, but for some reason it just felt right to him. Closing the journal, he set it on the nightstand and laid back down to sleep.
when he woke up next Dumbledore was gently shaking Sirius awake a grim smile on his lips. "Mr. Black." he murmured softly. "do you recall anything?" he asked softly, having performed the counter curse that Lucius had, kindly gotten for them. the only thing they could do now was wait, and see if it had worked, hopefully Nott hadn't been so stupid as to LIE to Lucius, there would be no stopping the blond crusader then. nothing.
Sirius wasn't happy about being woken up. Sitting up, he looked up at Dumbledore and nodded. "Hello Professor. When can I leave the infirmary?" Reaching for his journal, he opened it and started writing. 'Weasel.. Are you awake?'
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