Late Night Moon/Finn

Sirius sat against the wall, wincing a bit as his sore ass touched the cold floor. "My ass is still a little sore.. but everything else has been healed."
he nodded and indicated a soft chair a little ways away from the door, but still far away from Lucius. "you should sit down then, your probably exhausted still." he admitted shaking his head looking down at his hands. "i'm so sorry Sirius...if i hadn't been trying to date you...they never would have attacked you." Lucius honestly felt like it was all his fault. maybe it was, he didn't even know.
Sirius moved to sit in the chair near the door. "If I am going to research the spell that was used on me, and it's counter-curse, I'll need to know both."
Lucius paused and bit his lip, frowning a little. "well...i...don't know what it is.." he admitted sounding rather lame. "and i don't think we can trust that fucker to tell us the truth...i wonder if i could get Professor Dumbledore to 'loan' me a vial of Truth serem?" he mused biting his lip, pondering that idea. "i'll have to ask him."
Sirius got up to move a little closer to Lucius. He was starting to feel a little safer with the Slytherin, and wanted to show him that. "Hasn't he been taken to Azkaban already? You can't go there."
Lucius offered him a small, but grim smile. "unfortunately, being that he's a minor and there's no way to actually prove he did what he did the most that they can do for now, is hold him in an unused, and bespelled classroom. they even have his magic sealed temporarily so that he can't escape." he admitted sighing softly. "their trying to get information out of him but he refuses to talk, and the minister, being a pussy, refuses to take drastic measures. so i'm doing it myself." he admitted sighing again. "the few chances that i get anyway. there are guards watching him at all times, so i'll have to pay them off before i can get close to him, and then i have to pay them silence money to make sure they don't talk about it..not that money is an issue, but that doesn't mean that the little bitch won't talk, or worse, give me false information."
Sirius stopped in the middle of the room, looking a little frightened. "They used Veritaserum on you, so why don't they use it on him? That's not fair, Lucius. He's the one responsible for the attack on me, not you. What if the next time they try this, they end up killing me?" He looked over at Lucius, giving him a weak smile. "Maybe I could go talk to him."
Lucius smiled a little. "i OFFERED to take the veritaserum." he explained shaking his head. "it was my decision to do, the little bitch is refusing to take it, and his lawyer isn't helping at all." he admitted sighing softly. "his father is threatening to take charges up on Dumbledore." he admitted biting his lip. "i don't want you to see him Sirius....magicless or not he might try to do something to you again..."
Sirius stared at the floor, clenching his fists. "I hate that he did this to me, Lucius. Him and the rest of the Slytherins that were with him. I hate that whenever I look at you now, I get scared. That I can't remember my friends, or my own brother."
Lucius hesitated looking upset and worried before he sighed and nodded. "alright, but you have to take someone with you, if not me than Remus or James." he ordered softly, looking up at Sirius. "please, don't go meet that bastard alone...promise me!" he demanded staring into Sirius's eyes, silver meeting black with an intense ferocity that lacked any anger, contained only worry. "promise me Sirius."
Sirius looked up at Lucius, nodding. "I was going to ask you to come with me anyways. He did this to tear us apart, and if I take anyone else in there with me, he'll think he succeeded. That's not what I want. Even though I get scared around you now, I still love you. There is nothing anyone can do that will change that."
Lucius looked startled staring at Sirius his eyes suddenly filled with emotions, offering him a smile. "oh man, if anything could make a malfoy cry i think that would have been it." he admitted softly, swallowing thickly. "we'll go whenever your ready how's that?"
he nodded and stood up. "i...if your sure.." he muttered softly biting his lip, looking very uncertain about all of this, but willing to go with, probably because he knew Sirius would go without him if he didn't agree. "he's up by the gryffindor towers."
Sirius nodded, heading for the door to head for the Gryffindor tower. He didn't have to look back to know that Lucius was following him, since he knew the blond wouldn't want him going to see his attacker alone.
Lucius was indeed following him, coming to a halt in front of the door that had two aurors standing guard. it only took ten minutes for Lucius to come to an agreement and for the aurors to part to let them inside so that Sirius could see the now temporarily a muggle assailant. he opened the door and slipped in first, wand at the ready, prepared to defend his traumatized lover, and let Sirius follow behind. "are you sure your alright to do this?" Lucius asked softly to the other, not so sure that he himself was ready for this, but he would stay and help Sirius, no matter what.
Sirius took a deep breath before stepping into the room. He was having second thoughts about doing this as well, but he had to face his attacker and try to get the truth out of him. He came to a stop a few feet away from him, his hand going to his sleeve so he could raise it if he needed to reveal the silver band that Lucius had given him. "I want you to tell me why the spell you told Lucius didn't work, why I still can't remember anyone's names except his."
the boy looked up at them, a sneer on his lips before he looked away. "i'm not telling you shit." he was pissed that Sirius was still hanging out with Lucius, his eyes matching Lucius's. "you just wait, your dear father WILL be hearing about this." "i already have a cover story planned." Lucius admitted a small smirk in place, hiding his terror glancing at Sirius, silently admitting that no...he did not have a cover story planned.
Sirius took a step closer to the boy, shaking slightly with fear. "The spell you told Lucius. Was it the real counter-curse to what you did to make me forget everyone?"
the boy smirked at him. "yes. it was. not that it will do you any good, only the person who cast the spell can eliminate the spell. and i'm not the one who cast the spell. your NEVER going to get your memories back." he hissed standing up and advancing on Sirius. "you where so sweet under me, so tight, and you screamed so nicely." he smirked darkly his eyes traveling down Sirius's body, Lucius moving before he even realized what he was doing and slamming his fist into the rapist's jaw, spilling him to the floor to groan. "don't you EVER speak to Sirius like that you filthy bastard!"
Sirius just stared at the boy, even after Lucius punched him. After a moment, he turned to Lucius with a sad look. "I'm never going to remember..." He sighed and turned to leave, heading for his secret hideaway.
Lucius took a hold of Sirius's hand looking a little upset himself. "we'll figure everything out..i promise... come on, lets get some butterbeer from the kitchen, maybe some firewhiskey? i heard a rumor that the houselves keep some stashed for the teachers."
Sirius looked over at Lucius, shaking his head. "I just want to be alone, Lucius. You can go get me some firewhiskey though and have one of the house-elves deliver it to Godric's private quarters. That's where I will be. I'll have my journal with me, so we can still talk to each other."
Lucius smiled and nodded giving the other a gentle shoulder squeeze for comfort. "alright, i'll have them deliver it to you." Lucius wasn't too worried about the others physical safety, the Snake charm wouldn't let anything happen to him he was a great deal worried about the others mental sanity though. he gave orders to the house elves to deliver the firewhiskey, and then headed to his own little hideaway so he didn't have to deal with anyone. he had to think of an excuse to tell his parents.
Sirius was grateful for the firewhiskey he found already waiting for him when he entered the room. He took the band off his arm, setting it on a table since no one but him knew about this place. At least he hoped no one else knew. Grabbing the bottle of liquor, he sank into a chair and started drinking it.
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