Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost smiled sleepily as he nuzzled the man's neck. Giving in and fucking the man harder as he stroked the man's cock slowly, amused as harry's body tightened around him. "Good morning."He muttered biting down on the man's neck hard, smiling slightly as he looked at the man under him.
Harry groaned panting softly at the bite, arching into it as he was fucked harder panting hard before snorting, looking amused. "ahuh, way to wake up. getting molested by someone who isn't supposed to be screwing you." he teased moaning again as his prostate was struck. "but Damn your good at it." he whined arching a little more. "your gonna.. make me cum." he whined, trying to egg the other on. "nnn fuck i'm so close."
Frost snicekered as he pressed against the brunette's prostate again kissing the man hard."I should be good at it."He said moving with him closing his eyes as he trembled slghtly, coming with a low moan, resting his head against harry's shoulder.
Harry groaned into the kiss his nostrils flaring wide as he shuddered and Came his fingers digging into the bed from the pleasure as he let out a long low groan before sinking back into the bed panting hard, not even bothering to move out of his own mess. "fucking hell Frost." Harry groaned chuckling a little. "first you save me and then you fuck me... when do you get something out of all this?" harry asked grinning at the other looking sleepy, but well pleased.
Frost smiled slightly as he pulled out of the man, collapsing next to him, snuggling against the warm body, shivering, cold again." made me feel desirale."He said, a soft blush on his face. Because, somewhere along the way with being pregnant, and having been defeated in battle he'd lost the sense of how very beautiful and attractive he was.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "i 'desired' you from the very second i fucking saw you." he complained yawning a little as he pressed himself into Frost, 'desiring' more of his cool skin. "you feel good." he admitted. "your all cool, not warm like most people are... i hate it when warm people are all pressed up against me." he admitted sighing softly. "it's not fair you i have to tell Ron." harry complained sighing a little. "i suppose it would have happened eventually though...i've been thinking of breaking it off with him for almost a month now..."
"...Thanks.Though I'd like to hear that in a few months when I'm fat and can't see my own toes."He sai dnuzzling the man."I could tell him if you want. He wont hurt me."He said, before frowning. Fear showing on the prince's face. Not for himself but the baby. Because he thought maybe just maybe the man would attack him. And he trusted himself to stay alive, but he was worried about what he'd have to do.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "you could be fatter than a whale and still be desirable with the right attitude." he pointed out looking rather amused before he shook his head again. "no...i don't want anyone knowing your here." harry admitted biting his lip. "it wouldn't just be you in danger then, but me as well. and as 'gryffindor' as i am i value my skin." he admitted sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "i'll tell ron soon...maybe..."
Frost relaxed closing his eyes as he snuggled against the other man, gently running a hand down the other's side."I want pickles."He announced raising his head to look at the man, a pitiful little pout on his face, because he didn't want to get up to get his own food.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "Dobby!" he yelled down the stairs still sounding tired. "pickles!" there was a POP as dobby appeared handing Harry the pickles, who handed them to frost the house elf giggling before vanishing again, Harry groaning a little. "i need a bath." harry groaned touching his forehead and wincing as he aggravated the scratches and marks that he had given to himself. "thank you for that by the way... no ones ever been able to stop those before." Harry admitted sighing softly. "Voldemort....sometimes i think he'd rather drive me mad than kill me." he admitted closing his eyes. "sometimes i wish he would." a soft admittance, that harry would never have uttered in front of someone else, but he, with Frost, he felt like the other wouldn't judge him.
"I know the feeling."Frost smiled munching on his pickle, resting his head on the other man's shoulder, "It wasn't Voldermort. Tom helped me stop what it was."He said sighing a little."it was are welcome anyways."He said closing his eyes, truly enjoying his pickle.
Harry snarled darkly at the mention of 'not Voldemort' and shoved frost off of him and stalked out of the bed. "of course it was Voldemort!" he yelled, only a little unstable after his 'episode'. "or maybe you want to try to convince me that it was Dumbledore who killed my mother! who murdered my father!? maybe you want to try and convince me that it was Dumbledore who killed Cedric right in front of my eyes! Dumbledore who killed Sirius, Dumbledore who RUINED MY LIFE!" he paused panting hard staring at frost before he seamed to crumple in on himself and he hid his face in his hand. "i'm sorry..."
Frost cringed, tears filling his eyes, even as he mentally cursed the weakness. The mood swing putting him on the defensive."I-I know what he's done. He was driven insane for the v-very fact t-that he wouldn't o-obey anymore. D-dumbledore did this to h-him, and t-to me."He said watching him, curling up on the bed in face of Harry's anger. Stuttering ever so slightly as he trembled.Hating the baby for this vulnerablility that made him afraid.
Harry swallowed thickly and he moved over to the bed gently pulling Frost into his arms and holding him gently, running his fingers through the others hair. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to yell at you.. i just... everything i have ever known is being dashed to pieces right before my eyes." he admitted softly closing his eyes. "i'm afraid." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i'm...i'm afraid that everything iv'e been fighting a lie."
Frost sniffled a little rubbing his eyes."I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you realize what was wrong.I'm sorry."He stuttered slightly calming down as he nuzzled the man's neck, pressing close to him. Taking comfort in the closeness.
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "Frost...i...want to ask a favor of you." Harry admitted looking more than a little nervous. "i..." he wrapped his arms tighter around the other holding him close. "i...i talk to Voldemort..." he shuddered a little and buried his face into Frosts neck, hiding himself from his own stupid idea..but he needed to know the truth.
Frost looked startled before nodding."I-I can get him."He swallowed nuzzling the man's neck, nibbling on a pickle."Do...where do you want to meet with him?"He said though he trusted the other man, there was no way he was going to let harry meet with him alone.
Harry hesitated then. "not here." he murmured softly. "i still need this to be as private as possible...but somewhere where no one will catch us talking." he mumbled biting his lip. "your supposed to be dead...and i can't be seen talking to the Dark Lord..." he ran a hand through his hair, pondering the choices for a long moment before closing his eyes. "do you have any hidden houses or are we going to have to go to him?"
"I have..."Frost blushed a little."I know where we can go. It's...a place between.Not solidly in either world."He smiled slightly."It's a winterborn's retreat. And as long as they are my guests, others can come. but only if I granted them permission."He swallowed hard "I need a owl to send him a message."He added as he nibbled on a pickle. He really was addicted to the things, and he was perfectly content for the moment not to think about it.
Harry nodded and gently stood up moving into the other room and coming back, not with an owl, but with a Hawk. "it's smarter than an owl." harry admitted flashing a rather smug grin. "save mine, Hedwig, but this boy here is doubly clever as well. he runs out all my dangerous letters." he admitted gently setting the Hawk onto the bed post. "he'll get anything anywhere, even to Voldemort." he promised sitting back down on the bed, smiling at the Hawk who tucked his head under his wing and went back to sleeping.
Frost laughed delighted, reaching out and petting the wings before summoning a pen and paper, writing a quick note to Voldermort, askign to meet them at the castle before looking at harry as he tied it to the hawk's leg, before sending him on his way."Lets go.I don't trust him to not go snooping through my things if he beat us there."He said kissing the other man softly."thank you for believing me."He said, glad the other man trusted him.
Harry smiled as the bird accepted the petting and then took off through the window to locate Tom shaking his head. "i can't say that i beleive you." harry admitted softly. "or rather i really don't want to beleive you...but there are things that have been...inconsistent..and this....i hate to admit it but the things you've told" Harry admitted sounding sad again leaning gently into Frost. "how are we going to get there? not apparation?" he asked hopefully wrinkling his nose. "i hate apparating..."
Frost smirked a little."As if I'd ever lower my standards and use a wizard's way of getting around.We're going to...take a step between here and there."He said raising a hand, letting his powers form the door, the finely wrought ice doorway emerging in the middle of the room, the shadows making the entrance way."Do you want anything from here before we go?"
Harry had to gape a little as the doorway suddenly opened and he blinked a bit before closing his mouth and running into the other room to grab his wand, and the long blade of Godric Gryfindor that Dumbledore had allowed him to 'loan' while he was in the middle of a war. Harry felt much safer with it strapped to his waist. he ran back to frost and grinned a little nervously. "alright.... ready now." he admitted his fingers Tangling in Frost's his hand trembling a little. the only sign of harry's fear.
Frost smiled holding his hand tighter,"All exists between here..."He said softly stepping through the door, pulling harry with him."And there.All is mine.For everything casts a shadow."He said smiling pleased that he could still come here. He hadn't been sure if he could. Looking around the fortess entrancewy surrounding them he smiled. While shadow's keep was all ice and shadows, this sanctuary was fire inside. The trapped flame creating the wall, flickering and amazing. And while it was warm to touch, it didn't burn. It was literally a castle created from flame and shadow.
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