Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry closed his eyes as he stepped through the door, one hand gripping frost tightly, the other gripping the pommel of 'Griffith' the sword. he blinked and looked around in astonishment at the....beuty that was all around him. "damn frost." Harry whispered, breathless with Awe as he looked around the place hesitantly setting his hand on the wall running his fingers along it, feeling the warmth seeping into his hand. "if i wasn't impressed before, i sure as hell am now." he mumbled to himself looking around the room once more. "this is incredible! there's no way a Wizard could ever do anything like this..."
"I know."Frost said arrogantly."We're not superior just in our minds Harry. The elements answer to us."

"Your arrogance knows no bounds Jackie."Voldermort said as he stepped through his own door, smirking lightly. As the winterborn princes ruled shadow's keep in ice and winter, this was their sanctuary, and the home of their fireborn queens.

"I deserve it."He said with ever ounce of the arrogance inbred into the demon prince, smirking slightly as he moved into the living room, not waiting for the other's to follow. Smiling as he sank down on to the couch, feeling the fire press against his skin, warming chilled skin.
Harry tensed when he heard the silky voice of Voldemort and reached up to rub his Scar, an old habit, as his other hand gripped Griffith even more tightly, turning his knuckles white. he paused suddenly and frowned, looking confused for a moment before dropping his hand, realizing that his scar didn't hurt, at all. "i have to agree with frost." Harry admitted watching Tom out of the corner of his eye, making sure to keep the man as far away as possible just in case and moved after frost. "anyone who can make something like this is clearly superior to wizards." half as a compliment to Frost, and half as a goad to Wizard supremacists like Voldemort, or at least who harry thought Voldemort was. he settled down in a chair far away from where he assumed Tom would sit, next to frost and licked his lips nervously.
Tom smiled easily as he sank into the chair across from frost and Harry."Maybe the females of his line are superior."Tom said snickering slightly.

Frost gave him a look."Hey. I've recreated shadow's keep to be mine. It used to be fire and ice."He protested cloisng his eyes."NOw shush, we alll know I'm better, so I'm not going to argue."

Tom smiled easily,"I'll cede to the pregnant one."He said tilting his head before growing serious, looking at Harry."Frost said you wanted to talk?"
Harry watched the two bickering and a tiny amused grin flickered across his face as he started to relax. Voldemort wasn't attacking...there was no pain...there where no attacks, Harry was safe with Frost....he hoped... he knew he shouldn't, but he trusted Frost. "yeah.." Harry admitted fidgeting in his chair. "only i...i'm not..entirely sure about what just yet." he admitted running a hand through his hair to hide his shakes. "i guess i just came to get some answers."
Frost shifted a little, snugglling into harry's side, looking like the perfect little kid, cuddling and whiney as he relaxed on the couch. A child or an indulgent overlord, a man drunk and content.

Voldermort smiled slightly at the sight of his friend's relaxing. Though he'd liked the man, had known him for years, he'd never seen the winterborn prince look anything less then formidable, much less cute and cuddley. Wondering where to begin."Your mother was one of the shadow born. Did you know?or did dumbledore not tell you?It's why frost likes you, you are part of the people he needs, but who have shunned him. You give him peace."He smiled looking at the man in question."Dumbledore...I am one of the other's born in shadows...slytherin himself was one of the shadowborn. Our line was ancient, born when the demons were a little more lienant in their.... dealings with wizards. Dumbledore was unwilling to share power..."He sighed softly. Wondering how to tell Harry that he was born the heir of gryffindor and slytherin. "All the founders, had ties to the shadow realm. It's why the school is where it is, and why it's so elegantly magical. It's a demon's creation, not wizards."
Harry was gaping, just gaping at Voldemort as he stated all this his eyes wide. "well that.... explains one or two things." harry muttered under his breath looking too shocked to freak out. Harry always preferred to hang out in shady spots and dim lighting and he HATED being near the fire or the heat. it was why he always took cold showers and slept without blankets though that had only started after his magic had started fluctuating. Dumbledore had told him it was like a Wizards 'coming to age' or puberty. that it was normal for Harry's magic and emotions to be all over the damn place...something told harry that Dumbledore was lying...again. "my mother...was...was..." he closed his eyes and sagged. the last bit of information about the Castle had been just a bit too much. Harry Potter, hopeful Savior of the Wizarding World...had passed out.
Frost sighed shifting to make harry comfortable, giving voldermort a look."You didn't have to tell him everything in one breath."

Tom snickered."Yes I did."He said slightly amused at the reaction. Because he'd known the brunette had suffered through the changes in his magic, like any demon child did. While they weren't purebloods who came into it in their late fiftes-ah, the greatness of seeing centuries- but they were still affected but the blood the carried in their veins. Even centuries after it'd been introduced, the shadown spawn were still prominate in the wizarding bloodlines. "You know his mother was the last demon born."

Frost started.He hadn't. Looking at harry he could see the pureblood lines of shadows in his features, the delicately shaped eyes, the finely wrought features. Because Lily 'evans' had been the last mating between demon and wizard, it had never occurred to him to question why. After all, he'd been a child himself when lily's father had bred with her mother. Sighing he ran his fingers through his hair, waiting for Harry to wake up.
it didn't take long, maybe ten minutes when harry finally stirred, groaning a little as he ran his hand over his eyes trying to block the sun he expected to be there from the dormitories. he sighed and sat up blinking as he looked around, a moment of panic before he remembered what had happened before he lept to his feet and glared at tom. "your lying!" he accused, trembling violently. harry wasn't a demon he was a wizard! Harry was a wizard!!! everyone knew it! even harry! "my mother was a muggle born witch! i've seen pictures of her!" but she did look so pretty, inhumanly so...but then, lily had been smiling, and demons didn't smile...and why would his father dig a demon anyway!? "d...demons don't have magic! that proves it! lily went to hogwarts, she was a witch! and...and the founders built hogwarts everyone knows that and THEY where wizards too you can...can....can go fuck a broomstick!" Harry was clearly a little panicked and unwilling to admit he was anything but what he had been told all his life. and being told by the one man that harry hated beyond anyone else, probably wasn't helping.
"Just because we don't use magic, doesn't mean we can. We just prefer a more...literal way of doing things."Frost said calmly as Voldermort sat back watching. "I was a child when it happened. A demon mated with a witch...and begot a witchling child. Your mother. It was the talk of the world. At least our world. Demons have always been beautiful, add it to a very beautiful mortal, who was beautiful by all accounts, your mother was attractive to both species."He said calmly watching harry."The founders were wizards...and demonspawn. We built hogwarts, because we were better at building things more then wizards ever would be. You've seen what we do with our own homes."He said.
Harry was breathing heavily and he shook his head hard. "NO! it''s not..." but it was...and he knew it. Lily was gorgeous, and harry often did things that confused the other wizards at school...and harry was very good, at doing magic, that he wasn't supposed to be able to do. shadow magic for instance, and elemental magic..though he had never told Dumbledore as most of what harry had been doing was labeled dark arts. Harry collapsed, his knees hitting the icey floor and he buried his head n his hands and he sobbed...for the first time since he was five, maybe six..he sobbed, crying out years of confusion and frustration as all the little unexplained pieces came together to form the whole truth. Dumbledore had lied, and used harry...but Voldemort had killed everything harry had ever loved and known...harry was....alone, he had no freinds, no family, no life all in one fatal blow Harry was alone.
Frost whimpered softly as he sank down onto the floor next to him, cuddling up against him, wrapping his arms around the other man.holding him as he cried. Not saying the obvious thing. That even if he was alone among the wizards, he'd gained relatives...and a grandfather. Aunts...uncles...a whole fiercely loyal, devastatingly brutal family who'd go to war if asked.Maybe. Frost sighed softly "Imora thea mi savior, abadonna." He smiled whispering the language of the shadows, knowng it would sooth one of the shadowspawn, even if he couldn't understand the words. Didn't know what they meant, or what it meant to him.Save me from love, holder of my heart.
Harry slowly calmed down, leaning into Frost at the words taking a shaky inhale as he wiped his eyes, looking rather startled at himself. "i've..never done that before." he muttered softly, sounding stunned before he closed his eyes and laid his head on Frost's chest. "i',...not sure what to do now." he admitted softly, sounding...well lost, and a little depressed. "everything i've ever known is a lie....what am i supposed to do now?" he was more talking to himself then asking, his entire world had crumbled and now...he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. fight Dumbledore? the man was as good as family! join the demons? harry would be ripped apart in minutes...and there was no way Harry was ever going to do anything but hate Voldemort. harry had no idea what he was supposed to do now.
"Live harry, the life you want."Frost smiled slightly leaning back against the couch."You owe no one your alligence, not even the demons. And..."He blushed slightly."You can take care of me...if you like. It's going to be a rough few months...and after that...we'll see."He said, knowing they'd have to take care of dumbledore sometime. Dumbledore just wouldn't let Frost disappear into the background. Sighing softly as he rested his cheek against Harry's shoulder.

Tom sighed watching them."He's becoming mortal harry, he's goign to need someone to take care of him."He said concerned, and knowing the brunette would need something to do.
Harry turned to shoot a furious glare at Voldemort his arms wrapping possessively around Frost as if to say 'mine' sneering at the Dark Lord. "of course i'm going to take care of him!" he spat hatefully. "he's the only person i know who HASN'T Ruined my life!" he snarled, as if trying to show Tom with no words that he intended to take revenge for the people that harry had lost. it was Voldemort's fault after all, well not ALL Voldemort's fault but harry was too used to hating Voldemort, to pin any of the blame on Dumbledore just yet.
Tom nodded,getting up."good."He said waling over, bending down to kiss frost softly."Behave princeling."He said before walking out before harry could respond.

"I don't feel good."Frost whined, snuggling against the man next to him, tearing up at the sound of his anger."I'm sorry!Hes a friend, don't be angry."He sniffled. Oh the wonders of mood swings.
Harry snarled at Tom and held Frost tighter looking startled when the other began to sniffle. "it's alright Frost." Harry murmured softly smiling a little. "i'm not angry." not really anyway. he hated Tom very much, but the man had answered everything, no harry wasn't angry at anyone, not really. but he didn't want anyone to think he was going to forgive Voldemort for the things he'd done. " i'm a third demon then.." he muttered softly to himself. "can i do things? like...demon things?"
Frost sniffled a little, rubbing his eyes."..probably. I've never met a half breed though."He said bemusedly, biting his lip, shifting to look at harry."We can find out though."He said getting up. reaching down to help him. Knowing that the castle around them would answer his commnd. Since it had been his mother to pass on the demon blood, he'd probably answer better to fire, since his.."Your grandfather is still alive. He's a fire prince. A distant cousin actually."He smiled."You should be able to wrap shadows...we'll find out."He said rubbing his watery eyes.
Harry growled at the mention of family and tensed a little looking hesitant. "i think we'd better have the family reunion AFTER you have the baby." he admitted grimacing a little shaking his head a little. "i hate to admit it but...being a half breed does make a lot of sense for me... there are so many things that where never explained that i just... never thought was unusual until recently..." he admitted his eyes downcast as he pondered what would happen to him if Dumbledore found out. "i suppose that's it isn't it? Tom is a Demon.. or half demon..he was a threat to Dumbledore's reign...and...and he must know what i am too...and is using me to further his own goals...." he sighed a little and sagged against the wall, feeling very tired all of a sudden. "i'll have yo go break up with Ron...i bet...he's been a part of this lie too..."
Frost snarled softly at the idea."Probably.I'll go with you."He said giving him a look. Because he wasn't about to be told not to. He needed to make sure he was alright...because in a short amount of time, without him even realizing it, Harry'd become his abadonna, the one who held his heart. And for a wizard, that might be a easy thing to be betray, but for a demon it meant so many things. So much of their lives depended on the other, and it meant alot that Frost wasn't ready to tell him yet. He'd already had enough shocks for the day."Lets go."He growled softly wrapping his arms around the other man.
Harry growled back. "your supposed to be DEAD." he reminded the other, a flame of what looked like possession suddenly flaring in his eyes. "you will stay here or at my place." he ordered sternly. "if i have to i can play their little game until you have your baby, you won't be so defenseless then and i can be assured that they won't attack you or the baby." he admitted biting his lip. "even Dumbledore can't be so evil as to kill a baby." poor harry, still trying desperately to cling to his delusions. Harry was feeling very...overprotective of Frost, and highly possessive. seeing Voldemort act so friendly towards the demon prince had made Harry realize that Frost was the only person Harry had, it made him very...needy.
Frost growled softly, truly disliking the idea of being helpless. And not willing to disabuse the idea of dumbledore killing a baby. The man had already had enough shocks for the day."Fine. I will wait for you at your home."He said pouting, and hating that he was this defenseless as to not be able to help."You'll leave the minute it becomes dangerous?"He asked looking at harry.
Harry turned to look at Frost and a small smirk lifted his lips. "don't worry about me." he whispered softly. "i have spells up my sleeve that Dumbledore doesn't even know exists." he admitted swallowing thickly and licking his lips taking hold of Frosts hand tightly turning his eyes to the other. "i don't know what it is about you." he admitted softly. "but i will protect you, even if i have to kill Dumbledore myself to do it." he promised softly. "come on, lets go back to my place. i want to relax before i go back to hogwarts."
Frost nodded smiling as he took the step between here and there, smirking a little as they appeared in Harry's home, sighing softly. "So, do you want me to cook something?"He said rubbing his eyes. Upset that he couldn't go with harry. He hted the idea of the man being in enemy territory on his own.
Harry grinned a little at Frost. "it's alright, i can cook." Harry assured frost yawning a little. "if you want to i won't stop you." he promised flopping down into a chair watching Frost with a strange look in his eyes. an almost needy look before he looked away and settled himself on the table, sighing softly as he prepared to take a small nap.
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