Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry was sleeping peacefully for the first time in...years! his eyes fluttering open at the touch to his shoulder and groaning a little as he rolled onto his back. "'m up...'m up....what class did i miss?" he slurred with tired his eyes remaining firmly closed. "if it was potions, i don't care..."
Frost laughed softly as he moved lower kissing his way down the man's body."No classes.Just my dazzling company."He said undoing his pants slowly, before lowering his head to take harry's morning hard cock in his mouth.
Harry grumbled a little at being woken but leaned into the kisses his eyes fluttering as he tried to stay asleep, despite the most pleasurable sensations fluttering through his skin. a single touch from Frost could make him feel...well, amazing. "hh..fuck Frost." Harry moaned arching into the others mouth, his eyes snapping open as he looked down at the other, blushing a little. "feels good."
Frost snickered around the other's cock, giving a single playful look before raising his head looking up at him, nuzzling the other's cock with his nose, sighing softly. Looking content and horny."Morning."He said moving up to kiss him again."You want to feel better?"He said with a snicker.
he groaned softly tipping his head back at the snicker a shudder running through him as he licked his lips panting softly. "fuck frost, don't be a cock tease." he complained shuddering at the nose nuzzle. "f..fuck, just fuck me already!" he whined wiggling his ass a little.
Frost smiled bracing himself on his arms before doing as he was asked, sliding into the brunette with a shudder, moaning softly as he leaned down to kiss him. "Ahhh...but I am a good cocktease..."He muttered shifiting a little as he moved into the other man, wrapping his hand in a light brace of shadows, knowing that if it felt amazing to have it as armor, the man was going to lose it with demon shadows wrapped around his cock. Smirking as he slowly stroked Harry's cock, fingers tightening ever so lightly
Harry groaned as the other slid in, arching into the others cool cock panting softly. "mmm fuck yeah, feels so damn god." he groaned smiling beore gasping hard arching into the hand on his cock jerking against the other almost violently at the intense pleasure that washed through him. "ah f..f..f... nnng!" his hands spasmed against the bed as his head tipped onto the pillows, he half felt as if he'd gone insane witht eh pleasure that had suddenly coursed through his cock.
Frost snickered, moaning as harry tightened around his cock, lowering his head to bite his neck, fangs gently teasing the skin between his teeth as he stroked the man's cock. Thrusting harder against him as he bite down. Wanting to mark him as his own. Feelng possessive of the man who wanted to take care of him.
don't frget about Love and Lies!^^)

Harry moaned as he arched into the other panting hard. "f..f...f.." he moaned leaning into the others fangs licking his lips, feeling the intense...NEED for frost to something, harry didn't know what. but harry wanted to belonge to Frost, harry wanted to be with Frost, he moaned again tossing his head back as the other bit him properly, a loud moan falling from his lips. "ye...eesss..."
(holy crap how'd I miss that post...and you don't forget about dragonheartless! xp)

Frost growed as he fucked the other biting down hard until he felt blood spill across his lips, sighing softly before he did what he wanted. He needed to. Snarling as he wrapped ice,shadow and flame into the kiss. For a moment the spot burned with icy pleasure before it faded. Raising his head as he looked at the healed bite, smirking at the claiming mark written there. Claiming for all the world that this man, this half demon belonged to, jackie frost.
i knew i was missing one!!!)

harry moaned again shuddering against the other as flame and shadow wrapped around his necck, jerking as he spilled his seed along the bed panting hard as he shoved himself backwards into the others cock wanting more, begging for more, some deep part of him felt imensly satisfied and sated, but his body wanted more of Frost, wanted everything Frost had to offer.
Frost moaned as he fucked the other man as hard as he could, trembling a little before he spilled his seed into the other man. Collapsing onto his chest with a shudder, cuddling close wrapping his arms around the other man, even as he stayed buried in him.
Harry moaned softly as he came callapsing onto the bed himself, feeling fully sated now letting out a small sigh of pleasure and contenment smiling a little as he touched his neck. "it feels really good right here." he admitted sleepily. "what did you do?" he asked curiously, not minding at all that the other was still buried inside of him.
Frost smiled slowly nuzzling the man's neck, "It's a..claiming mark."He swallowed hard, worried the man wouldn't want it."I-I'm sorry. I got carried away..I didn't mean to..."He said babbling a little bit in nervousness.
Harry paused a little his head tilted. "claiming mark?" he asked pondering that."so i belong to you now?" before, that would have bothered him. if it had been Ron, or anyone else Harry would have flipped his lid, but it felt so ight. "mm i like that." harry mumbled happily. belonging to frost pleased Harry to no end, he wasn't sure if it was just his demon side reaching out to the only demon he knew, or if it was genuine attraction, but he didn't care. either way it felt good, and harry liked that feeling.
Frost looked startled before sliding out of him, cuddling in close to him."Hmm good."He muttered nuzzling his neck, sighing as his lips ghosted over the mark."Love you."He muttered fangs biting at his skin,closing his peace for the first time he'd been attacked.
Harry blinked, looking shocked as he looked over at Frost his eyes wide. "i...i..." he smiled softly at the other. "i love you too." he murmered smiling as he leaned into the others lips, sighing softly. "feels good." he mumbled smirking a little. "but i'm tired." he admitted smiling. "i wanna go back to sleep."
The other nodded, smiling as he went to sleep."Sounds good."He muttered sleepily.

A month later Frost frowned as he laid on the couch, poking his stomach as he looked towards the kitchen where Harry was cooking."I'm getting fat!"He announced frowning at the curve his stomach was starting to show. While normal pregnancies were 9 months, demons usually only last about 6.
Harry grinned a little as he headed into the living room. "your not fat your fluffy." he teased grinning a little snuggling the others belly a little. "and soft." he purred grinning. "i love soft." he admitted kissing Frost's belly. over the last month harry had grown into a proper young man, he no longer had nightmares, no longer had attacks. his demonic magic blocking Dumbledore from his mind. Harry only seamed to be able to control the shadows however, any attemtps at fire magic ended in nothing, or in disaster. and even more harry had discovered that his feelings for frost ran much deeper than simply love, he just wasn't sure how to tell the other that.
frost frowned at him, "I don't like soft."He pouted. Over the last month he'd thawed more, became more human then demon. Having lost his own control of fire and ice, left only with shadow as he became even more mortal. The sharply angular face and body had smoothed out to devilishly handsome, sharp angles eased into softness as the pregnancy progressed.
Harry grinned a little up at the other, his own features had begun to smooth as well as his demonic blood surged into life, harry now looked gracefull and almost feminine, his hair floating around his face as he grinned at the other. "i like soft." he admitted smiling at the other. "it makes you so nice to cuddle." he admitted grinning lightly at the other. "and anyway, it won't last forever." he hoped.
"No, it wont."He muttered, praying that it was true. As far as he knew, one mortal, he'd stay that way. Sighing softly as he nuzzled the other man."Where's my food?"He pouted, running his fingers through the other's hair."And you got more letters from ron and dumbledore."
Harry sighed a little and shook his head. "i know." he still hadn't opened a single one of them. "i sometimes wonder if Ron doesn't feel guilty." he admitted. "or sad." he still felt guilty about the way he had abandoned his first boyfreind, at least thats what it felt like. "Dumbledore just wants me t be his precious little pawn again, he can burn in hell for using and lying to me."
Frost nodded sitting up slowly, rubbing his stomach."I know. And ron's the same."He sighed gently stroking the brunette's hair. Not that he'd show him, ever, but behind that icy and adorable exterior he was afraid he was going to lose the other man to ron."You should at least see what they say...and tom wanted to know if we'd have dinner with him."
Harry scowled a little. "i don't want to know wat either of them have to say." Harry growled, he was still too emotional to be able to read anything they had to say. "and tom can suck his own dick i don't want anything to do with him either." he paused and then sighed. "but since he's your freind i guess i'll be nice to him through dinner at least." that was a yes.
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