Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost laughed softly."He only wants to make fun of me for being pregnant."He pouted before getting up to write a letter to tom, before looking at harry,"I dont want to be pregnant."He said after a minute. Not what he'd been going to say, but alas, he was being more open but he hadn't lost enough of himself to be completely open about what he saw as a vulnerablity at needing to see harry all the time.
Harry smiled a little at the other. "well i'll punch him in the face for you then, i'd certainly enjoy it." he admitted getting up and following frost, gently taking the others hand. "besides, theres nothing wrong with being pregnant." he admitted looking almost wistfull. "i wish i could be pregnant, i always wanted to have a lot of babies." he admitted smiling at Frost. "maybe i could start with yours?" he offered. "i could adopt him, and marry you, and we could be a happy family like we both deserve."
Frost looked at him startled, fingers tightening around harry's as he studied the brunette. Wondering if the man knew what it meant to do this. Yes Frost had claimed him,but claiming's could be broken, a demon's marriage lasted until one of them was dead. Biting his lip as he studied the other man."Y-you could."He stuttered a little studying him.
Harry blinked his face falling a little. "you..don't want to?" he asked mininterpreting the stutter. "thats alright." harry promised smiling again as he gently kissed Frost's neck. "you'll fall in love with me eventually." Harry teased smirking at the other. "i always get what i want you know."
Frost smiled a little as he shuddered, resting his cheek against the man's head."I do...but are you sure you want to?"he questioned wrapping his arms around the other, pulling him close. Needing the comfort of being pressed as tightly together as they could.
Harry grinned as he wrapped his arms tightlyaround Frost humming softly as he nodded. "i really do, you make me feel compleate." Harry admitted softly, grinning a little. "your the only person i've ever known who wasnt just using me somehow." he admitted shaking his head. "your the only person i've ever really loved."
Frost looked startled, smiling slightly."Then we will have a family together."He sighed looking down at his stomach, poking the slight bluge."me you and the kid."He said, sounding slightly better then the first few days when he'd found out.
Harry grinned and gently kissed the others neck, looking rather Happy. "good." he growled possesivally nuzzling the other. "you'll have to show me how to do that marking thing." he muttered softly gently touching his own neck, "i wanna be possesive too."
Frost smiled slightly."I will.After the baby arrives.I'm mortal enough now that I don't think it's a good idea to have that much power ricocheting around my system with the baby."He said drawing back to look down at him, kissing him softly.
Harry nodded pouting a little. "alright." Harry agreed before sighing again. "so when are we meeting Riddle?" he demanded sulking a little at the rememburance of who they where going to be spending time with soon. "do you know the sex of the baby yet?"
"In a few minutes."Frost smiled biting his lip. Willing to risk everything if the man wanted it. "No, I should in a month or so."'He said rubbing his eyes before raising a hand to open the gateway to fire's den.efore looking at harry."...I can show you how to do the claimng..."
Harry smiled at the other and gently kissed the others neck. "that's alright." he murmered looking pleased despite his refusal. "i don't want to risk you or the baby, i can wait. besides, we both know that you belong to me." he purred, teasing the other a little giggling a little. "come on, i wanna torment Riddle."
Frost rolled his eyes before he created the door, dragging harry after him. Sighing relieved when he felt the warmer of fire's den wrap around him.It was so nice..."Potter,you're evil.That's mean to want to torment him."

"Who are we tormenting?"Tom said smiling a little. With each visit looking more like the teen he had been then the man hed' become. The exposure to so much demon power was binging out his own, reverting to who he had been.
Harry shrugged a little. "and he murdered everyone i ever loved." he pointed out. "fair's fair." he stated simply grinning a little as he stepped through the doorway wrinkling his nose at all the warmth, but he could deal with it. he glared at Riddle when he showed up and looked him over. "....well at least he's not ugly anymore, it's harder to hate him when he looks like that." he grumbled sulking a little as he kissed Frost's knuckles.
Frost smiled a little as he headed for the dining room,raising his head to run his fingers through Harry's hair."True."

Tom smiled a little as he followed the other two smirking slightly as he sat down at the table."Frost, have you decided what your going to do?"

frost gave him a look."No."
Harry scowled a little at Tom as they sat down. "do?" he demanded scooting closer to Frost as if intending to protect him. "i thought this was supposed to be a Lunch, not a 'interegate the pregnant, and very moody, aka easily pissed off that Harry will later have to console man."
Tom snickered a little sighing a little."I'm sorry.He's been going on and on about what his family's doing, I assumed he'd come to a conclusion."

Frost scowled a little, "I am not easily pissed off.And not moody."He pointed out starting to eat the food the servants had put out for them
Harry lifted an eyebrow and glanced at Frost. "well..." he paused and then looked confused. "come to think of it....what DO demons do?" he asked frost blinking owlishly at him. "are they like warriors where they train all day? somehow i can't see abny of those demons i saw in your palace kicking back and reading a book, or going swimming onj a hot day." he paused and then grinned. "they sorta make me think of Malfoy, they all got ice cubes stuck up their ass." he paused and grinned sheepishly at Frost. "well, most of them anyway." he decided not to comment on the moody part.
Frost scowled, shoving his food around the plate."They train.They work at killing each other. They play chess..."HE shrugged a little rubbing his arms."Most recently they're fighting amongest themselves for my throne."

Tom sighed a little."his cousin's taken it, even though by all rights it shoud be frost's...mortal or not.He can still claim it."

"No."Frost stood walking out.Opening and door between there and home stepping through to his bedroom he shared with harry.Sniffling a little. Unlike tom who understood some, and knew what would happen if he chose sides, Frost understood that he was nothing anymore.
Harry blinked a little and then scowled slamming his hands on the table as he snarled at Riddle looking about ready to lunge across the table and throttle him for upsetting Frost before diving through the portal and Gathering Frost into his arms. "ignore that rat ass-ed bastard!" he ordered gently kissing Frost's neck. "your family has no rights to you anymore.. your mine and i will do anything for you! i'll even kill your cousin and take the throne FOR you if that's what you want." he promised smiling at Frost his head tilted a little. "i don't know if i can actually do that, but i'd be willing to try....just to see you smile. you have a very pretty smile."
Frost sniffled a little, leaning against him. Closing his eyes.You can't. I can't...not anymore."He muttered rubbing hsi eyes "I'm mortal now.A mortal has no business picking fights with demons.."He said sadly. For the first time realizing just how very much he loved the other man, and how very wrong he was for his mated. Nuzzling the man's neck he sighed, closing his eyes."I am neither nor....not demon but not mortal..."
Harry smiled softly at him gently running his fingers through the others hair. "so your just like me then." Harry whispered softly. "i'm too demon to be a wizard, but i'm too wizard to be a demon...we're perfect for each other, don't you think?" he asked smiling softly at the other kissing Frost's forehead. "besides you won't be mortal forever, i'm sure of it." he admitted softly, grinning lightly at the other. "otherwise, how would you protect your young? i'm sure you'll regain your powers when you have the baby, and if you don't...well, then you can live with me and i'll protect all three of us..."
Frost smiled slightly, leaning into the head into the pets, closing his eyes."I want to live with you."He said blushing ever so slightly as he nuzzled the other's neck, running his hands over harry's body."You make me feel like myself."He muttered.
Harry grinned as he ran his hand along the others head again, carefully playing with the others hair. "i like being with you too. you make me happy." harry admitted leaning his head out of the way so he could get more nuzzles. "what do you say?" he purred smirking. "shall i let you 'fertilize' me again?" he teased grinning winking at frost. "or should i give baby a bath?"
Frost laughed his anger and depression forgotten as he kissed the man."hmm I think I'm going to fertilize you again."He said tugging off his shirt, dipping his head to suck on a nipple
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