Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry laughed a little at Frost's sudden eagerness and helped with the removal of his shirt, gasping and moaning as cool lips settled onto his sensitive nipples. "mmm fuck frost." harry groaned tipping his head back. "mmm don't tease me too much." he ordered, hoping that it would make frost all the more inclined to tease the hell out of harry.
Frost snickered a little sliding his hands laong his sides, wrapping his hands in shadow and ice. Always amused on how much it affected the other man. Shifting he nudged him towards the bed."Lay down."He said looking like the arrogant prince he'd been before, not about to take orders from anyone, even harry.
Harry gasped loudly arching into the hands as they wrapped him in the most pleasurable of Demonic energies, moaning softly as he shivered, moving over to the bed obediently panting softly. he didn't dare refuse Frost just yet, uncertain of how the other would react. he'd try it later, when he and Frost weren't so horny. "mmm Frost, please." harry moaned, letting the other decide what it was that harry was begging for.
Frost snickered a little watching him."Undress abadonna."He muttered, for the first time slipping up and calling him beloved. The demon words wrapped in his husky voice sounded pleasurable, the soft accent sounding growled with possessiveness. "And whatever do you want from me?"He teased running shadow laced fingers through brunette hair, tugging at the strands.
Harry groaned softly as he slipped out of his clothes panting softly looking a little confused at the word, not knowing what it meant but willing to ignore it in favor of his lovers tone, he enjoyed feeling like the other owned him, he enjoyed feeling protected and with the way Frost sounded harry felt both. Harry groaned again as the shadow wrapped fingers brushed his skull and then tugged on his hair, harry loved it when people pulled his hair, it just felt GOOD. "please, Frost, lover, Master anything, give me something, i need so badly."
Frost growled softly wrapping his fingers tightly in the brunette's hair tugging on it as he leaned down to kiss him, pressing him down into the matress as frost laid him out on the bed. Sighing as he eased away, slowly kissing his way down the other's body.
Harry moaned again at the hair pull panting softly as he pressed his lips intently to the other, gripping the others shoulders, trying to hold him in place for the kiss and groaning when he failed, leaning into the kisses. "fuck Frost." harry hissed smirking a little. "for pregnant man you really know how to fuck a guy." he admitted voice tinged with lust, wanting more, wanting everything Frost had to offer.
Frost growled softly biting down on the nipple he was playing with, rolling his eyes up to look at him."Not a good time to remind me I'm pregnant."He growled sighing softly working his way lower slowly.
Harry moaned softly, arching into the bite with a small smirk panting softly. "a..aah but. mm feels good, you always do the most amazing things to me when your pissed off." he teased grinning lightly at the other. "come on baby, fuck me like you mean it." he ordered arching into every stroke, every kiss, every movement the other made.
Frost growled at him as he slid into the other man, sighing softly as he fucked his mate."And I don't do amazing things otherwise?I think I'm insulted."He said leaning down to kiss him slowly.
Harry moaned smirking a little. "your always amazing." he purred leaning into the thrusts moaning softly with each thrust of the others hips. "mmm fuck ye.eesss." he murdered tipping his head back. "i love it when you take me and make me yours." he moaned smiling. because for harry that's what sex was, a time to bond and get closer to Frost, a chance to make frost and himself feel good. harry loved 'bonding' with Frost, he was so damn good at it!
Frost purred low in his chest, the sound revebrating in his hest like a kitten's purr. Lowering his head he nuzzled harry's neck, nibbling lightly."Hmmm you're not so bad yourself abadonna."He teased the accent curling around the demon word, smoky and shadowy with a hint of fridged ice, so much like the man.
Harry moaned again at the sound of the purr, a broken purr coming up from his own chest, struggling to mimic the sound but not very sure how to yet, still harry was getting better at letting his demonic impulses take over, and the purring was getting a little better. "a..aaah yes, frost mm." he moaned leaning his head to the side, letting him have unlimited access to his neck. "aaah fuck i love it when you talk like that." harry hissed flushed with arousal. "i have no clue what it means but it sounds so good."
Frost laughed darkly, fucking him harder, giving free rein to his demonic side, letting the power crash over them as he was stripped of his control, trembling with the effort to not to come, the words tumbling out. "Imora savore dia, abadonna. Greki dos dia."Smirking as he spoke the jagged claiming words, swallowing hard as he felt the words tattoo themselves to his wrist, claimed for harry just as much as he claimed the other.
Harry moaned as he felt the other get harder, faster, better. "a..aaah yes, YES ooh fuck YES." he whined panting hard clawing at the bed as he felt the other fucking him like a good proper demon. "a..aah Frost nnn more, yesss." he whined the words making him shudder with lust as he heard them, it was so hot, so warm, he was so tight. "gonna cum, aaah Frost your gonna make me cum."
"Abadonna, come."He growled lowering his head to kiss the other biting down on his lip with fanged teeth, smirking as he tasted blood, sighing softly as he came. Shuddering as he pounded into the other. Loving the man under him. He just...he just couldn't admit it in english yet.
Harry moaned loudly tossing his head back as he came on command panting hard as he spilled his seed all over Frost's belly moaning softly as he fell limp panting hard. "a..aah fuck Frost, your so good at this." he groaned smirking a little. "mmm i always feel so satisfied after you fuck me." he admitted looking up at the other wriggling a little to show he was up for another round if Frost was.
Frost groaned softly as he shifted his hips."insantiable devil."he growled thrusting into him.Actually feeling tired and wanting a good snuggle but he didn't want to disappoint his lover. or himself by being weak and pathetic. It was bad enough he felt weak to himself, he didn't want harry to see him that way.
Harry giggled a little panting softly. "only if you are." he growled, almost sounding a little tired himself. and harry was tired, he just didn't want to disappoint Frost. if Frost wasn't ready to stop then harry wasn't either!...ok maybe he was. "mmm so tired." harry groaned looking rather satisfied as he glanced at Frost. "your the only person i know who has ever been able to sate me with just one round of sex...damn your good."
Frost looked relieved before pulling out of him, cuddling his pregnant body in against the other man."I am."He said the arrogance plain in his voice."I've had a century to work at it."He muttered yawning as he closed his eyes.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded, kissing the back of the others neck. "mmm i love you." harry murmured softly, sounding so very certain of himself as he wrapped his arms around the other. "how do demons get married?" he asked softly, curious about his own unknown culture.
"we approach the prince, speak our intentions and say that we are claimed by the other."He said yawning as he cuddled close, staring to fall asleep."In this case, since it's me getting married, I'd get to lay the binding spells on us both.Maybe."He frowned sleepily, wondering if he could still do it.
Harry giggled softly and nodded nuzzling the other. "mm sounds good." he murmured softly a smile on his lips. "mmm whenever your ready to get married, i am too." he promised softly looking ever too pleased to be bonded to Frost, Harry wanted it like nothing else. harry wanted to be with Frost forever, to be able to be with frost forever, he wanted to simply love Frost forever.
Frost swallowed hard, nuzzling harry's neck."After baby."He muttered, though he wanted to bond with the man, he was worried that having a baby, having him fat and grouchy would change something between them. So he was going to wait.Yawning he smiled as he fell asleep.
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