Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry stepped through the doorway and watched Frost Silently for a half a moment before crawling into the bed and cradling Frost, holding him closlely. "i'm sorry." he whispered gently stroking the others hair. "i didn't mean to hurt you, i was struggling with myself." he admitted rocking Frost back and forth, feeling his love swell inside, wanting to be with him. and even better now both halves agreed after seeing Frost crying. "i'm so sorry i didn't notice what i was doing to you, but i think i know whats wrong with me now, and i can start paying you the proper attention you deserve, ok?"
Frost sniffled as he cuddled against the other, so out of it, he didn't even realize he had company. So befret and lonely that he'd locked himself in a world of his own creating, a world where he was without harry. Itd' take patience and undersntadn and mostly, love to bring the winter prince back.Cuddling his hugely pregnant body against the other even though he didn't know he was there.
Harry swallowed thckly and Held Frost tightly, kissing his forehead and simply holding him for several hours, humming soft lulliby's because he couldn't remenure the words. standing after a while and running a nice hot bath. he would take care of Frost, even if the other was just as insane as harry was. he carefully washed frost off, and let him get warm in the bath water before drying him and gently laying him in the bed once more, heading out to make dinner, going all out to make something very special.
As he was cooking dinner frost stumbled downstairs, wearing some of harry's clothes, shuddering as he looked around."Harry?"HE muttered starting to come out of the dreamscape, but not close enough to reality to tell what was dream and what wasn't.
Harry grinned a little. "hey Frost!" he chirped grabbing the others hand and kissed his cheek. "how are you feeling? any better?" he asked hopefully looking worried about his lover, his head tilted a little. "i'm making a nice warm dinner for you, and a great big cake for dessert!" he smiled a little and kissed the others neck. "i love you, you know that right?"
Frost shuddered at the words, thinking it over before offering a hesitant nod, kissing the man's head."Yes..."he muttered wrapping his arms around him."A cake?Chocolate?"He said hopefully leaning back to look at the other.
Harry grinned and nodded. "of course chocolate!" he chirped chuckling a little gently settling Frost down. "i need to tell you something Frost." he admitted nuzzling the others neck. "i'm sorry i havn't been giving you the attention that you needed. i was..struggling with myself. going Mad i suppose most wizards would call it. Riddle told me that it was normal i guess but i was so worried that i was going mad that i just made mtyself worse, and i was so focused on myself that i didn't realize what i was doing to you." he admitted gently touching the others face. "but both sides of me agree now, that you are my one and only, you are the keeper of my heart, and my soul, and i will love you forever and always. mortal or demon, i want to be with you forever."
Frost shuddered a little, tears gathering in his eyes as he hesitantly wrapping his arms around the other. Resting his cheek on the man's shoulder before he smiled slowly."I want you forever to."He said softly, biting his lip. Still not sure about this, but willing to blindly trust the other man, even if he wasn't sure what was going on.with himself or harry.
Harry smiled a little as he gently ran his fingers through the others hair kissing his forehead with a small chuckle. "we'll get everything figured out." he promised heading over to the stove and dishing out a plateful of Spagettii. "in the meantime, i think you need a good meal in your belly. i don't want you falling aslee again like that, you had me scared."
Frost blushed, looking startled at the idea of someone caring enough to be afraid. Smiling slowly."I...uh..sorry..."He muttered hands resting in his lap as he slumped in his seat. Tired and hungry.Having really not been taking care of himself, and as the baby grew and he was almost completely mortal, his body was eating itself in the effort to keep everything balanced.
Harry plopped a big plate in front of Frost and looked stern. "now i want you to eat as much as you can! until your nearly popped, alright?" he demanded grinning a little. "and then i'll let you help me make the cake." he decided rubbing his hands together winking at Frost. "i'll even let you lick the bowl clean." teasing his lover.
Frost blushed starting to eat."...that's my favorite part."He said looking up at the man, looking adorably onfused. As if he was trying to figure out whwat was going on between the two of them.
Harry blinked and then chuckled a littel as he sat down with his own plate of spaggetti shoving a forkful of food into his own mouth as well. "listen Frost." harry stated after a moment of eating. "i'm not entirly sure whats going on with me..." he admitted setting his fork down. "it's like...there are two of me inside my head, and their always fighting." he admitted tapping his skull. "but i won't let that get in the way of my taking care of you, or m caring about you anymore...alright?" well aware th sudden change was probobly confusing the hell out of his lover.
Frost nodded slowly looking hopeul but wary. Not sure if he was belieing it or not...but he wanted to. he really wanted to beleive."I'm sorry..I can't take care of you..."He said softly before looking up at him, biting his lip. eating some of his food, looking confused and out of sorts.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "you shouldn't feel the need to." he admitted smiling at the other. "i'm strong enough, i can handle this. it's no worse than dealing with those attacks i have." he admitted grimacing a little and shaking his head. "eat up." he chirped stuffing spaghetti into his mouth, feeling rather awkward himself looking almost..hurt, as the Gryffindor part of him chirped up and said that Frost was only using him, no matter what Tom said. while the Demon part of him yelled back that Frost loved them no matter what, and was just feeling weird because he was pregnant. it was the start of another migraine,
Frost smiled nodding as he ate not looking at the other. Struggling to find the balance, because it hurt to not be sane enough to help harry. And he kept hurting him. Sighing softly he looked at his plate, his stomach rolling at the reminder that he'd just eaten more in a single sitting then he had in a week. Swallowing he awkwardly scrambled for the bathroom, barely making it to the room as he threw up.Sinking to the floor as he leaned against the wall, shuddering. Hating this. And hating that he couldn't make harry better.
Harry gasped a little and rushed after the other and gently rubbed his back trying to ease the others pain. "sorry, i didn't think that the spaggetti would make you ill... that's my bad." he mutteredhanding Frost a glass of water to rinse his mouth out with. "do you need to lay down for a little while?"
Frost swallowed hard rinsing out his mouth before leaning against the other, closing hs eyes."No.I just want to be with you."He muttered nuzzling the man's neck. Sighing as he snuggled, wincing as the baby protested his father's throwing up.
he smiled a little and and carefully picked him up cradling him gently kissing his forehead and heading up to the bedroom. "i'll lay down with you." he promised smiling a little. "and when you feel better i'll make you some chocolate cake, with any kind of frosting you like, and sprinkles, with some icecream."
"i want choolate ice cream and lots of sprinkles...and vanilla icing..."he muttered cuddling the man, sighing softly as he was laid down. Feeling better already with the man pressed against him. Eyes closed as he relaxed.
he chuckled and nodded. "you got it." he promised smiling a little as he kissed the others temple. "you rest." he ordered snuggling into the other, holding him tightly rubbing Frost's belly. "i'll stay with you until you wake up."
"Good..."He mumured already half asleep.

A few hours later Frost yawned, nuzzling the man he was holding, feeling better then he had in days."you smell good..."He said nuzzling the man's skin.
Harry let off his little purr, it was getting better every time and smiled, looking down at Frost. "of course i do." he stated looking as proud as any demon. "i smell like you." he chuckled a little and pressed his lips to the others forehead. "are you feeling better now?" he asked, still looking a little worried about his lover.
Frost nodded smiling."Yes...I'm's just...I worry about you abadonna."He muttered, blushing ever so softly, not realizing harry had a translation of it, that he understood how very dependent frost had become on him. Which along with his own pregnancy, is why he'd been so dispontant. The more harry pulled away, the more frost mourned the loss.
Harry smiled and kissed the others temple. "no worries." he promised grinning a little nuzzling the others neck sighing softly as his arms wrapped tightly around frost nibbling on his ear gently. harry had completely stopped pulling away now, determined to love Frost no matter what got in his wat, his own mind included.
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