Winter's kiss, moon/lady

"Good."Frost said, shivering as the nibbles went straight to his cock, shifting ever so slightly. Whining because his stomach and baby made sex impossible. Whining as he shifted to look at the man,"Can we have cake in bed?"He asked hopefully. Already envisioning harry covered in icing.
Harry chuckled a little. "we have to make it first." he reminded the other smiling a little looking highly amused. "do you have another problem lover? need me to suck it off?" he teased licking his lips. he wanted to suck Frost off so bad right then, and then jack off while frost watched, and then let the other fuck him ruthlessly, if his stomach allowed, if now, well harry was just going to have to deal with it.
"Yes."Frost growled as he wrapped his fingers in harry's hair, shoving him down towards his cock, shifting enough to tug down the sweat pants he was wearing, sighing a little as he laid on his back. Smirking, feeling better then he had in weeks, as he wrwapped shadows around his fingers, letting the magic and ice trail over harry's warm skin.
Harry moaned as he felt the fingers dig into his hair, arching into the pain as he was forcefully shoved into his lovers crotch, chuckling as he obediently pulled his lover into his mouth, sucking on the head and slowly moving downwards, knowing that if He went slow enough Frost would probably get annoyed and force him all the way down. harry was definitely Frost's bitch, and he loved it too. he moaned into the fingers trailing over him, the ice and shadow making him tremble with lust and pleasure. "ah, Frost..."
Frost growled possessively at the moan, tightening his grip on the man's hair, ice coating the strands, making it look like he'd stepped outside with wet hair, forcing harry down harder on his cock, sighing softly."More."He growled squirming a little.
Harry moaned again panting at the nice, cold ice panting hard as his own mouth suddenly grew hot, hotter than anyone's mouth should be, hot enough to give Frost an almost pained feeling as he was forced lower on the others cock, sucking hard on the other as he was forced all the way down, swallowing thickly as his suddenly very warm fingers stroked the others balls. Harry's inner demon was working itself out, unleashing it's own powers in retaliation. trying to pleasure Frost in the same way Frost was pleasuring him.
Frost moaned as his ice demon side reacted to the fire demon, moaning loudly as he came, fingers tight in harry's hair as he squeezed his eyes shut. Feelin more like himelf then he had in weeks. Because by harry giving into his demon, he was giving the mortal prince part of his life back.
Harry panted softly looking astonished for a moment as he slowly pulled away looking almost scared his head tilted as he looked down at his fingers his head tilted. "...i feel....good." he admitted blinking a little wiggling his fingers licking his warm lips, wiggling his hot fingers examining himself as if he had never seen himself before, letting off a small grin. "and my head is all quiet." he admitted looking over at frost grinning a little. "you fixed me."
Frost looked startled, smiling slightly as he watched the other man pulling him up for a kiss."Good.I want you whole."He muttered wrapping his arms around the other.
harry grinned a little as he snuggled into Frost, a loud purr reverberating from harry as he held Frost, looking pleased. over the next few days Harry really embrased his new half, his features angling even more. while he had been handsome before, now he was compleatly dashing. and even better the scar that had plauged him all his life, was beginning to fade away! as he gained in strength, he begane to sneek out into the wizarding world to buy wooden cradle, a rattle, baby blankets and pillows, baby bottles, everything really! so that when Frost had the baby, the little thing would have pretty toys and a nice comfy bed, everything a baby could want.
Frost meanwhile was enjoying the attention, and feeling better as he watched the other come to terms with what had changed in him. Smiling slightly as his stomach cramped again, rubbing the swell of his stomach. Enjoying being alone for a few minute while harry was out getting things.

When harry returned dobby was frantic as he tried to look after his adopted master, the demon prince crying and whimpering as his body cramped and twisted, trying to force the baby out through a body not made for it. Which was part of dumbledore's ultimate plan, he was going to destroy the demon prince and gain a manageable demon child in one fel swoop.

"Harry potter sir, lord frost is sick!Hurt!I don't know whawt to do!"Dobby cried as he attached himself around harry's knees, frantic to get help.
Harry snarled a little and patted Dobby's head and rushed into the library, grabbing a book as he rushed back into their shared room. "alright hang on lover." Harry demanded grabbing his wand his eyes scanning the pages. it was a book on cecarian sections that he had gotten from, you guessed it, a book store. "i figured since you didn't have any girl parts, we where going to have to take the baby out through the belly." he admitted taking hold of Frost's hand. "i need you to trust me, alright?" Harry had practices even! sure, only on dead chickens, but he figured it would be alright...he hoped it would be alright.
Frost looked at him, crying tears filling blue eyes as he nodded."I do harry."he said softly whimpering as his body hated him. Cringing and squeezing harry's hand hard. Wanting to just have it stop. Everything hurt so much!"Harry!Make it stop, please stop..."He cried, blinking as he started to loss concisiousness, his bodys way of taking care of itself.
harry nodded and set his wand to Frost's temple, muttered a sleeping spell, sending Frost into unconciousness as he carefully begane his work, using a cutting spell to open Adrien's belly, Dobby on standby incase anything went wrong as Harry carefully, so very carefuly removed the baby and begane to heal Frost back up while Dobby cleaned the babe and removed the embilical cord. now all Frost had to do was rest and recover. hopefully.
Frost slept for a good amount of the day stirring slightly when he heard the sound of the baby crying."....harry..."He muttered blinking slowly turning his head to look for both. He hurt. His body was hurting so much. He wanted to sleep, yet he responded to the sound of the baby crying, and his need to have harry near.
is the baby a boy or a girl?)

Harry smiled a little and headed over to Frost, picking up the others hand. "welcome back daddy." he whispered, awe and joy and amazement in his face as he held a baby wrapped up tight in a baby blanket. "you just gave birth." he whispered kissing Frost's forehead before gently laying the little baby into his lovers arms. "look baby, theirs your daddy." Harry whispered to the little babe with serious love in his voice.

Frost smiled slightly as he looked down at the baby, shock and love in that look.Having not really expected to love the baby that had cost him everything...yet with the baby in his arms, and harry sounding so soft and caring he couldn't help it. Sighing a little, happy as he looked down into those ice blue eyes with a hint of red swirling in the depths. Those were demon eyes, not a wizard's. Raising tear filled eyes to look at harry he smiled softly."Thank you."
Harry smiled as he kissed the others forehead watching the baby. "look at him Frost, he's perfect." he murmered smiling a little. "look at what you made! he's so perfect!" he grinned and brushed the little baby's forehead. "what are we going to name him?" harry had used We. he still wanted to be with Frost.
Frost smiled softly relaxing even more at the We."...corbin."he whispered looking up at the man shifting a little, leaning back into the pillows. Smiling down at the baby as he yawned."You're perfect."He whispered smiling.
Harry grinned a little his head tilted a little. "Crobin, thats a perfect name for him, little Corbin Frost." he giggled a little. "i'm glad your taste in names is better then your fathers." he teased winking at his lover, stroking the baby boy's cheek. "i made dinner for you. are you hungry?"
Frost wrinkled his nose a little."I like my name sometimes."He said tilting his head before nodding, laughing softly as the baby giggled softly."Yes please....I'll need help though."He said moving to sit up, but unable to do so since it still hurt to move.
he smiled a little. "you just lay here." he purred. "and hold your baby." he chirped smiling a little as he turned and skipped down the stairs to gether together the meal, warm soup, still simmering, a cool salad, and some frozen yogurt, alonge with a large slice of chocolate cake, covered in frosting and spreinkles. laying the tray gently on the others lap smiling a little. "look ok?"
Frost smiled slightly as he shifted the baby, nodding as he looked at the food."It looks amazing."He said smiling before looking at the baby,"D-do you want to hold him while I eat?"He asked looking at him. Feeling nervous about the new baby in their lives.
Harry smiled. "actually i was thinking, you hold him, and i'll feed you." he teased winking at him his head tilted a littel licking his lips as he tickled the baby's toes. "of course, i could always feed Corbin a bottle while you eat if you'd prefure."
Frost laughed softly as the baby giggled shaking his head."No.I'll feed him."He said, sounding protective. WAnting to keep ahold of the baby.Even if it was just handing him to harry. "I want you to feed me."He said trying to stay calm.
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