Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry grinned a little. "alright." he agreed gently tapping Corbin's nose playfully as he handed Frost a perfectly warmed baby bottle before holding out a bite of salad to the other. "you know i was honestly a little afraid." harry admitted looking a little amused at himself. "i was scared that when you had the bay, you wouldn't want me around anymore." seeking the comfort of knowing that Frost still wanted him, still needed him. needing the reassurance that harry still belonged to frost.
Frost frowned a little at the idea, vulnerablity filling his eyes. Wondering if it was the other way around, and harry didn't want HIM around anymore."I love you.I want you herewith me and corbin."He smiled slowly as he gave corbin the bottle, watching the baby drinking it.
harry relaxed and smiled brightly at Frost. "i'm glad." he whispered smiling at the other. "i don't think i could survive without you." he admitted gently stroking Frost's cheek. "i love you so much, don't you know?" he asked smiling a little at the other. "you carry my soul." he admitted kissing the others forehead. "you hold my heart." he gently kissed the others heart. "and i will always be yours." and slowly, he slid a silver ring onto Frost's finger, long silver strands wrapped around and around a pale 'ice crystal' stone, the many cracks inside the stone made it look as if it was a piece of clear ice. Harry was proposing! in the only way he knew how. "would you still marry me Frost?" harry asked smiling at him. "become mine, as i become yours? to love and hold and cherish forever?"
Frost looked startled, before nodding a little,"Yes.I will."He said tears filling his eyes as he looked at the other, smiling as he looked down at the ring. It looked amazing. It was like a piece of ice. "i love you.You are my heart."he said smiling a little as he kissed him, laughing as corbin gurgled happily.
Harry grinned kissing him back, feeling so damn happy, he was so happy he set the bed on fire. "oh shit!!! aaah not again dammit!" harry squealed trying to pat the flames out with his hands. being a fire demon Harry had no problem handling fire, or any kind of heat. he hadn't used oven mitts since he had come to terms with being a demon...though he still had his moments of insanity where he locked himself in the bathroom and screamed at himself for a few hours....creepy.
Frost yelped, snickering as he raised hand letting the ice go and feeling the cool air and water put out the flame."You're getting better at that."he said, because he didn't know how to approach the topic of him locking himself in the bathroom.
Harry blushed hard. " not really." he admitted sheepishly. "it only happens on accident." he admitted chuckling a little as he grabbed the tray of food. "want some more?" he offered looking WAY too pleased about feeding his lover, of course, it gave Harry the opportunity to tease the other a little, and feed him with his fingers, which meant that Frost's lips would be sensually rubbing against Harry' harry was not horny!!! no harry was not desperate for sex, even though it had been months!...ok maybe he was a little.
Frost smiled."Please.It's been a very taxing day."He said taking the bite of food hary offered him, moaning softly at the carress of fire. Being a almost mortal demon made him waaaayyyy more suspectible to another's magic then he had ever before. He was such a sucker now. He couldn't help reacting to the flame in the touch.
Harry giggled a little. "was that a moan lover?" he teased wickedness dancing in his eyes as he leaned forward, replacing his fingers with his tongue, trailing his hand up and down the others back, the flames fluttering along Frost's back giving him much more pleasure. "well then, why don't we finish feeding the baby, and go have a little bonding time of our own?" he suggested grinning a little at frost, looking playful and horny and loving all at the same time.
Frost nodded as corbin gurgled, finishing his body.shifting to lay the baby in his arms."You better go put him in the crib.I don't trust my legs to hold me just yet."He said with a slow smile, laying back in the pillows. Really really wanting to rebond with harry. Having missed him.
Harry chuckled and carefully picked up the now sleeping Corbin and laid him gently into his overly padded crib, harry wanted only the best for the baby and had gotten the most comfortable crib the store had had. "there." Harry purred smiling at the sleeping baby and then heading back to frost. "now then." harry growled playfully sliding back into the bed. "where were we?"
"You're good with him."Frost growled softly, pulling him into a kiss, rubbing his back as he ran his fingers through his hair."I'm thinking we were right about here."He said possessively as he pulled the man on top of him
Harry smiled a little. "i've always wanted a little baby." he admitted smiling at Frost. "i've always wanted a family." he admitted leaning forward and capturing the others lips with his own, kissing him back furiously, eagerly, groaning and growling with glee as he pressed himself tight into Frost, grinding their groins together. "mmm yeah this feels so fucking good." he hissed panting softly. "mmm you feel so good."
"Oh yeam it feels good."He muttered squirming as he tangled his hands in harry's hair as he held the man against him, letting shadow and ice wrap around them, wanting to make love to the other demon to demon, to reclaim the other in every way possible. It felt amazing to be himself again instead of hugely fat and pregnant.
Harry moaned, letting fire meet Frost's ice and shadow, their magics mixing and merging as harry thrust his hips into Frost's panting softly as he bent down and kissed and sucked and licked and purred, his fingers carefully fondling the others nipples before he paused and started to strip himself naked, smirking a little. "mmm who tops?" he asked smirking a little, willing to let Frost decide, he was, after all, the one who was recovering.
Frost smiled, blushing ever so softly as he looked at the other stripping, taking off his own clothes."You."He said running his fingers through white blond hair content to let someone else be in charge for a change. Purring ever so softly as he closed his eyes as he waited for the man to be ready.Basking in the warmth of fire.
Harry chuckled and immediately went back to work, taking his time in exploring every bit of frosts body, mouth, tongue, and fingers stroking every single inch of skin, lingering over any sensitive spots that he found, back and front, top to bottom, simply feeling and relaxing the other panting softly as he magically transfigured something into a muggle condom. he wasn't sure that Frost wanted to be pregnant again, and harry didn't want to risk his endurance running out too soon.
Frost whined pathetically as he squirmed as the man kissed him, whimpering as he ran his fingers through harry's harry."Harrryyy!"he whined tugging him up for a kiss. Glad that the other had thought to make a condom, he really,really didn't want to be pregnant again. Once being mortal was enough, even just hours after losing the mortal child from his body, he was feeling more himself, more demonic then he had in months. Though he wasn't 100 percent. It was just depressing to be stuck as a immortal in a mortal's body.and he really didn't want to do the pregnant thing more then he had to
ry snickered a little and grinned as he dove his tongue, without warning into the others ass, stroking and teasing the flesh as he suckled and nibbled, just all around teasing his lover, because Harry was an ass that way. as soon as he'd finished with that he slipped in a finger, muttering a lubing spell to make Frost nice and slick, wiggling the finger around. "yes Frost?" harry asked, sounding all too innocent as he gave himself a few good strokes so he could slip the condom on. "is something the matter?"
Frost gave him a look, watching the man stroke himself and slip the condom on, sighing a little as he ran his fingers through his hair."Come here."He growled pulling him up for a kiss, taking his time kissing him hard as he wrapped his arms around the man. Squirming a little as he settled back on the bed, wrapping his arms around harry's waist.
Harry chuckled as he kissed back, resting himself on the other, stroking their cocks together before leaning down and pressing himself against the others ass, panting softly. "mm your so tight." he groaned softly, pressing himself inside the other, carefully, oh so carefully panting at the tightness. "mmm fuck i love you."
Frost moaned softly, squirming as he kissed him, sighing as he held the man close against him."You're only saying that cause my ass is tight."He teased, needing to hear it was more then that. Insecure enough to need it, not that he'd ever admit to the need.
Harry laughed a little and bent down, kissing the other intently his tongue stroking the others. "that's not the only reason." he purred smiling a little. "i also love you because your the best kisser, and because you helped me when i needed it most, i love you because you understand me, because you know how to make me laugh, and feel better, and even more, you saved me, you helped me find who, and what i made me whole, you are the piece of me i have been missing my entire life." he purred softly and grinned. "and i also love you, because you fuck the best."
Frost moaned softly, kssing him as he ran his hands over the brunette's body, trembling ever so slightly at the words, tears filling his eyes as he kissed his lover."I love you abadonna."He muttered shivering. The words that harry had spoken meant so much to him that his heart hurt at the idea of losing him. He couldn't do that. He'd have to protect the other no matter what.
Harry smiled a little kissing the other back. "you only love me." he whispered softly. "because i love you." he teased chuckling a little as he began to move inside his lover, moving in and out, slowly at first and then building speed panting softly. "i love you too, Abadonna." he murmured softly. "holder of my heart and soul." he purred stroking his lovers nipples before gripping his cock and stroking in time with his thrusts.
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