Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Harry chuckled a little and let out a small little sigh, relaxing in the bed. "mmm we should invite him over here for dinner sometime." that was the first time Harry had ever said such a thing, maybe the brunette was finally trusting Tom?
Frost looked startled before smiling slowly, laughing a little as corbin cooed, as if to agree with the sentiment."We will.I'll send him a letter."He said summoning a pen and paper to write to the other man.
Harry smiled a little shaking his head a little. "oh don't look so surprised!" Harry complained scowling a little. "if Tom was gonna kill me he'd of done so already. and your freinds with him so i might as well invite him over, being that i intend to marry you. and since i don't have any freinds anymore we have to invite SOMEONE." he chuckled a little and smiled a bit looking over at Frost. "so, Mr Demon Prince, when are we getting married?"
Frost laughed sitting up leaning over to kiss him."As soon as you would like. Though I suggest we wait until we can tell tom so that he has time to get the present you know he'll want to get us."He said smirking a little as corbin cooed at them, reaching out for harry.
Harry chuckled a little. "i think we should get married in an hour, just to fuck with the guy." he admitted snickering a little as he picked Corbin up and blew a raspberry on the little boys belly. "who's a handsome man?" he purred at the little baby a small grin in place. "but before we do anything, i have a human to hunt down." he admitted picking up his wand and muttering a soft genealogy spell, the little boys parents hanging in the air, on the left where the mother usually was was JACKI FROST (DEMON) in large glowing letters. but on the right. "oh my god..." harry whispered staring at RON WEASLEY (WIZARD). "this can't be true...." he whispered feeling horrified, terrified....sick inside. his ex, had raped his soon to be husband....Harry was going to have to kill Ron.

(i hope you don't mind me adding that, XDD i just thought it was a fricken awesome idea XDD if you don't like it i can always change it^^)
(...oh gods, I was thinking that....that's perfect. I'd just thought of that last night XP)

Frost looked pained, horrified as he drew away from the other,gently taking his son. Glad that corbin looked like him, instead of the red head. Pain in that look as he looked at harry, tears filling his eyes." don't have to..."He whispered struggling to understand how this had happened. Because he didn't want to hurt harry by making him choose between them.
XDD great minds think alike XDD)

Harry wasn't sure what to do. some part of him had still thought of Ron as a friend if nothing else but"he never cared about me...ever, not even a little." harry hissed, his magic popping around him as he broke every tie to the wizarding world, letting his Demon half take full control. "there is no way, i am ever letting that bastard live after this." he growled trembling with rage. "please excuse me a moment." he needed to go scream at himself in the mirror for a while. because some stupid little part of him was still saying that Ron loved him, that Dumbledore was right...harry needed to kill that part of him, needed to completely destroy it. and so he went into the bathroom, locked the door, and started screaming.

when he came out though, he looked calmer than he had in...years! he flopped onto the bed, looking tired, but pleased, and he emanated Demonic power, just like a real demon. harry had smashed that small part of him that still clung to Dumbledore. he had grabbed it and smashed it completely to pieces and there was no chance it was ever coming back. "i'm sending Mr. Weasely a letter." Harry admitted softly panting lightly. "and i'll murder him for what he did to you." well, so he hoped...there was no telling how he would react to seeing the other again...hopefully, Harry would be able to control himself, and remember what the red head had done.
Frost looked up at him from where he was playing with corbin on the bed, looking at his lover as he laid down next to him."What kind of letter?"He asked wondering what it would say. Moaning softly, basking in the feel of demonic power washing over his skin. It felt so amazing, so unlike harry, yet more like harry. It was perfect. And he was curious about what ron would do when he recieved the letter.
Harry smiled at him. "i am going to apologize for dumping him." he admitted chuckling a little laying on the bed and cuddling up to Frost. "i am going to apologize, and ask him to take me back and to meet me in my secrete house somewhere iin..." he paused biting his lip a little waving his hand around. "i haven't figured that part out yet." he admitted shaking his head. "and then i am going to yell at him for cheating on me, yell at him for using me, and then take off his head and mail it to Dumbledore as a declaration of war! fun right?" he asked groaning a little as he smacked his face. "the only problem is...i dunno if i'll be able to kill him... i want to, i want to rip him to shreds, slaughter him for hurting you, and me as well. but even though i smashed my wizarding half down... well i don't know what will happen when i face Ron again..." he admitted sighing a little. "which was why i was thinking of taking Tom with me... he might be able to keep me grounded and focused on avenging you."
Frost laughed softly, pressing a kiss to harry's lips."Tom was always good at the revenge thing."He said amused, before sighing, gently running his fingers through harry's hair."If...if this is going to hurt you to do. Don't do it. Not for me."He said smiling softly, shaking his head. Disliking the idea of harry hurting his heart to avenge him.
Harry shook his head. "the only heart this will hurt is my wizard one." he admitted snuggling into frost. "and i want that part of me dead so it works in my favor!" he admitted chuckling laying his head on frost's chest sighing softly. "besides, Ron needs to pay, not just for what he did to you, but what he did to me too." he admitted shaking his head. Harry half suspected that Ron or Dumbledore had placed a spell on him so that he would never betray them. it was really starting to drive him insane...literally.
Frost smiled slightly, pressing a kiss to harry's head, smiling as corbin fell back asleep, closing his eyes."Well, we'll see what he says to the letter, then go from there.And get tom here for dinner. At least take him with you, since I can't go."He said, knowing if he went it'd be worse, because ron and dumbledore would be trying to kill him also
Harry smiled and leaned into Frost sighing softly as he relaxed. "i'll take Tom with me." he promised chuckling a little. "i don't know if Dumbledore will show up but even if he does me and tom should be more than capable of killing them both. and then we can focus on those Demon's of yours." he teased winking at the other. "have we invited Tom over yet, or do you want me to do that?"
Frost smiled at him."I'll leave the inviting to you. You're after all the one writing letters, and you're the one who wants to ask him go help someone. It really should be you."He teased kissing him softly.
Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes, summoning a parchment and a quill to his hand, reading aloud as he wrote. "To Tom Marvolo Riddle, i cordially invite you to the Lions Den, my home, for a dinner and a discussion, as well as to meet your godson Corbin." Harry was even accepting Frost's request to name the Dark Lord as the Godfather. someone powerful and trustworthy had to take care of Corbin in case harry and Frost both died after all. "please arrive no later than 6:00 pm. if you are late to my dinner i will punish you severely and let Corbin laugh at your twitching remains. Sincerely, Harry Potter." he chirped smirking at the other. "hows that sound?" he teased snickering a little. "i'll write Ron's letter after Tom agrees to go with me."
Frost snickered."Perfect."

Then at 6:01 he smirked as tom walked into lions den, looking as arrogant as he always did.

"So. I am a minute late potter, does it mean my godson gets to laugh at me before I get to know him?"He said smiling as he looked at the small baby cuddled against harry's chest.
Harry turned to Tom and with a simple flick of his wand Tom had been slammed into the wall and pinned in place with thick green vines that wrapped tightly around the dark lord. "no, but i might test that 'Tom is Gay' Theory that everyone keeps going on about." he taunted flashing the man a viscous smirk the vines crawling along the most intimate parts of the mans body, stroking and teasing before vanishing. "next time, i'll simply gut you for being late." Harry promised as he carried the Roasted Ham over to the table, setting it in place next tot he mashed sweat potatoes and the steamed carrots. not to mention the delicious dinner rolls. doing it all one handed keeping the hot food carefully away from Corbin. "and in any case who said you get to MEET your godson?" he demanded flashing Frost a wink and a playful grin, enjoying playing with Tom's head.
"But-but he's my godson!"Tom protested, walking towards the father and son, snickering a little as the baby cooed reaching out for him."See!?Corbin wants to know me."

Frost snickered, "No, he's just curious about the new person in his life."He said looking at the other.
Tom smirked a little and rolled his eyes turning Corbin away from Tom as if he was going to put him in his crib, but grabbed a Bottle instead, filling it with Milk using magic, and then heated it using his demonic powers handing the bottle to Tom and then transferring Corbin into the others arms. "make yourself useful Mr. Late ass." harry demanded snickering a little as he grabbed plates and started setting the table for Dinner. "we'll have Dinner as soon as Corbin falls asleep."
Tom looked startled as he looked at the baby in his arms, looking out of sorts with holding the small one, before giving corbin the baby, cooing softly as corbin ate.

"Now that's a sight I never thought I'd see."Frost snickered leaning back in his seat as he watched his friend feeding his son.
Harry chuckled as he watched and nodded a bit. "i know right? Tom Marvolo Riddle, baddest bad ass in the wizarding world is feeding a baby." he taunted snickering a little. "speaking of baddest bad ass in the world, i need a Favor Mr. Riddle." Harry admitted looking at his finger nails. "you see i recently ran a genealogy test on Corbin, to find out who... you know." he admitted deciding to avoid that topic for now. "and as it turns out it was my old boyfriend, Ronald Weasley. now, since i am still shall we say, unstable? concerning the affairs of my wizarding life and my demonic...well i don't know if i can kill him on my own." Harry admitted looking up to meet Tom's eyes. "wanna go with me? i'm sure between the two of us we could kill one blood traitor yes?"
Tom straightened, and despite the baby in his arms, he was every inch of the dark lord. For once looking as evil and twisted as everyone claimed he was. Tilting his head he growled softly."He's the one...?"He trailed off, his eyes flickering to frost who was pointedly ignoring the conversation as he read his book.
Harry nodded simply watching Tom intently. "yeah, he's the one." harry admitted swallowing thickly. "and i won't be able to fight off my wizard half if i meet him alone." harry admitted sounding rather ashamed of that fact. "i need you there to ground me, to keep me focused on Frost and what Ron did." he admitted simply. "so, what say you? are you in or not?"
Tom gave him a small evil smirk."I am most definately in."He said already formulating how to pay ron back for the pain he caused. Knowing that he was going to be in extreme amount of pain before he died.
Harry grinned. "goody, now gimme back my baby you baby hog." Harry demanded, lifting the now sleeping Corbin out of Tom's arms and into the crib that harry had set up in the kitchen sighing softly as he kissed the others forehead. "i am SO glad you look like Frost," he admitted softly to Corbin, stroking the boys hair. "alright, lets eat some dinner." Harry ordered smirking at Frost. "and maybe later i can eat you."
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