Winter's kiss, moon/lady

Frost whimpered softly, shifting as he shifted into the hold, the words wrapping around him, swallowing hard as he came. Groaning hard as he closed his eyes, the soft words sending him over the edge as he kissed the man hard. It'd been so long since he'd had this kind of satisfaction.
Harry moaned softly as he thrust into the other, panting hard as he came as well, groaning softly before falling still, a small smile on his face. "mmm good." he groaned lightly licking his lips as he relaxed into the bed next to frost and started to cuddle, not bothering to pull out just yet. he was soft, but it felt nice in frost anyway. "mmm tired." harry murmured smiling a little. "i love you, my Belladonna."
Frost smiled wrapping his arms around the other, already falling asleep."Mine.."He muttered as he passed out.

in a few hours he groaned a little, nudgging harry."'s crying..."He said nudging the other, trying to get him to get up.
Harry groaned but obediently got up and headed over to the little one and gently picked him up, humming a small lullaby and rocking him as he headed over to the changing table to change the baby's diaper, no sweat, he didn't know how fathers could complain about that? he'd done worse in herbology. then he gathered a bottle, heated it with his magic and crawled back into bed, baby in his arms to feed him. he was good with kids.
Frost smiled slightly laying on his side as he watched the other with the baby, leaning over to brush corbin's baby soft curls."You're good with him."He said slightly amazed, glad that one of them was good with babies. It made him feel better.
Harry smiled a little at Frost. "you think so? i'm glad." he admitted gently kissing his lovers forehead. "i used to babysit for extra cash." he admitted. "i mean, my family always took it away from me, but it got me out of the house." he admitted tickling Corbin's toes chuckling a little. "he looks so much like you." Harry admitted sounding rather awe struck.
"Good."Frost said shuddering at the idea of his son looking like his father. Because it would have been a more constant reminder then he already would have been."I does look like a demon."He said touching silver strands of hair, smiling.
Harry chuckled and nodded leaning gently into Frost laying his head on the others shoulder. "he does." Harry agreed licking his lips a little as he watched the baby eating. "i've always wanted a family." Harry admitted softly. "do you think i can still adopt him?" he asked looking worried. "there aren't laws or anything against someone like me adopting your son is there?"
Frost frowned at him, trying to figure out what he meant.For demons, harry'd already pretty much claimed the child in claiming the prince. Frowning as he thought it over."Someone like you?"He said studying the other, not understanding. Wondering if this was some weird wizarding thing that he didn't understand and probably didnt want to.
Harry paused and then nodded." know.... half blooded." he admitted biting his lip looking down at the baby tickling it's toes again. he didn't say what he had been thinking...someone unworthy, unworthy to be with Frost, the king of the demons, the ice lord, the almighty!!! and harry was just some backwater wizard who had only just discovered he was a demon, and still had his moments of insanity, and didn't even understand the Demon world. Harry was terrified that something would happen, and he and frost would somehow not be allowed, or be able to be together.
Frost frowned at him."I'm a prince. I make the rules. Anyone wants to tell me who I can't let father my half breed son, I'll serve their hearts to them."He growled softly at the idea of not being able to be at harry, to raise the small boy harry was holding together. His heart hurting at the idea of not being able to.
Harry blinked a little and then grinned. "oh yeah." he stated laying his head on Frost's shoulder as he stared down at the little baby he held in his arms. "i forgot." he admitted kissing Frost's neck. "well good, Corbin is half mine then." he chirped grinning looking rather pleased with himself. "you know, in the wizarding world adopting anyone is a real pain in the ass. it can take months." he admitted nuzzling the other. "and sometimes laws get in the way and you end up not being able to adopt at all... i'm glad Demons are a lot more sensible."
Frost snickered a little."Really they're not, but like most things, rules don't apply to me. I'm a winterborn prince, stripped of my title or no, there's reasons ice rules the others. Because my line, as a whole, tends to be vicious and cold in getting what we want, and ice rules everything."he smiled kissing the brunette's head."And he is half yours."He said shuddering at the memory of the other wizard who'd touched him, trembling as he thought of it. Having locked the memory away, it surfaced at the oddest moments.
Harry smiled a little looking amused. "so if i'm mated to the ice prince, does that mean i can make the rules too?" he asked looking rather amused as he looked up at Frost, pausing a little. "Frost? love are you ok?" he asked softly tilting his head to the side gently touching the others face, worried about his lover.
Frost flinched under the touch, struggling to focus on what the other was saying and not on the memory. Trembling a little as he cuddled against him more."..fine...I'm... fine."He said slowly, swallowing hard as he closed his eyes, leaning into the touch.
Harry frowned a little and shook his head. "no your not." he breathed softy, gently running his thumb against the others cheek. "Frost...Jacki talk to me." it was serious then, Harry only used the Ice Princes first name when he was very upset, or very worried. it showed just how concerned Harry was. "Jacki please, you saved me right? let me help you like you helped me, tell me whats wrong."
Frost swallowed hard as he cuddled into him, closing his eyes as he struggled to be calm."...It hurt you know?It wan' wasn't like being with you..."He muttered, for the first tie really talking about what had happened."I was within shouting distance of shadows keep...but no one one heard me and my fiancee fighting, no one heard her one....stopped to come help me."
Harry scowled a little and slowly gathered Frost into his arms, closing his eyes. "i am so sorry Frost." he whispered softly. "i am so, so sorry." he murmured rocking the other back and forth kissing his forehead. "would you feel better if i hunted the man down and killed him?" he offered his head tilted. "i can get the name of the guy using a genealogy spell using Corbin. it wouldn't hurt him at all." he promised his head tilted. "and then you wouldn't have to ever worry about the bastard human again..."
Frost shuddered a little, nodding."Please."He muttered. Hell he was a demon. He understood the need for and desire to take vengence. And he wasn't about to deny harry the right of avenging him, because it meant harry loved him enough to protect both him and corbin.
Harry sighed softly smiling in relief, glad that he was going to be allowed to murder the man who had raped his lover, kissing Frost on the neck. "do you feel better?" he asked softly, still a little worried about Jacki. "if you want i can go to the Demon realms and kick some ass there too?"
Frost laughed softly, snugglig closer.While he wasn't fine, he was better then he had been. Harry helped him so much."Yea, I do.Don't worry about the demons I don't care about it anymore.They did what most demons would have actually caring about others, is a anominaly not the normal."
Harry scowled darkly as he wrapped his arms around the other. "that needs to change." he snarled softly. "my son will not be raised in a world where it is ok to ignore someone when they need help!" His son, Harry had fully claimed both Corbin and Frost, harry had just made himself Frost's...harry WAS Frost's, and Frost was Harry's. "there's got to be some way we can change the way the Demon world is run...i mean, your in charge aren't you?"
Frost nodded laughing softly at the idea that this...child was going to change things. Not that he'd ever tell harry thats what he sometimes thought when he saw him. But....frost was the youngest full demon, at a century. REally, he'd be amazed if any of the older ones listened. But he was willing to help harry try."We'll try...after we take care of dumbledore first.You know he's still looking for me."
Harry growled a little. "he can't look for you if i kill him." he pointed out simply kissing the others neck. "we'll get Riddle to help." Harry hadn't heard from the guy in months, Tom was probably going insane with worry. "we should call him tomorrow or something. let him know we're alive and all that."
Frost smiled slightly."We'll call him and let him know we've added to the demon ranks, and that corbin's fine."He said, pressing a kiss to harry's head. Knowing tom was probably worried about them, but probably giving them the space to settle down together.
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